
您所在的位置:网站首页 新能源汽车的利弊英语作文 电动汽车英语四级作文


2024-06-30 21:49:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


with the rapid development of people's living standard, an increasing number of private cars have come into chinese families. whether owning a private car will do more good or harm to human beings has been a hot controversial issue for long. from my perspective, however, just as a famous proverb goes, every sword has two edges, private cars have both advantages and disadvantages. as for the benefits brought by private cars, it is apparent that they facilitate people's daily life to a large extent. the owners are capable of going to anywhere at any time according to their own convenience. moreover, to stay in a private car is much more comfortable and enjoyable compared with in other public transpotation means. when it comes to the troubles caused by private cars, two major problems are traffic congestion and environment contamination. as the totle number of vehicles running in the streets is creasing at an amazing rate, the traffic condition becomes more and more dissatisfactory. having been blocked in a traffic jam is rather time-wasting and people can to nothing about it. the poinsonous waste gas emitted by cars badly pollutes the atmosphere and does harm to human's health. to sum up, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion that private cars can both benefit and harm human beings.

2、跪求一篇英语作文——有关电动车的利与弊 要快,事后定当重谢

Nowadays, the electric bicycle is developing fast, many kinds of which can be seen on the road. It is popular with more and more people. Why? The reasons are simple. First of all, it is cheaper and more convenient than the motorbike or the car. What's more important is that it saves strength and goes fast, so the rider feels less tired. Also, it is easy for anybody to drive, no matter you are old or young. Finally, it is not just energy-saving but environmentally friendly as well. However, the electric bike also has its disadvantages. On the one hand, the rider may lose the alternative to do sport, which is not beneficial to health. On the other hand, it may also lead to more traffic accidents in that it goes extremely fast and its emergency brakes dont't woke well. Personally, I am of the opinion that the electric bicycle has more advantages than disadvantages. As the saying goes, every coin has two sides. As long as the rider drivers carefully, the number of accidents it causes can be reced to the minimum. In conclusion, the electric bicycle is a promising means of transportation.


Nowadays,the electric bicycle is developing fast,many kinds of which can be seen on the road.It is popular with more and more people.Why?The reasons are simple.First of all,it is cheaper and more convenient than the motorbike or the car.What's more important is that it saves strength and goes fast,so the rider feels less tired.Also,it is easy for anybody to drive,no matter you are old or young.Finally,it is not just energy-saving but environmentally friendly as well.However,the electric bike also has its disadvantages.On the one hand,the rider may lose the alternative to do sport,which is not beneficial to health.On the other hand,it may also lead to more traffic accidents in that it goes extremely fast and its emergency brakes dont't woke well.Personally,I am of the opinion that the electric bicycle has more advantages than disadvantages.As the saying goes,every coin has two sides.As long as the rider drivers carefully,the number of accidents it causes can be reced to the minimum.In conclusion,the electric bicycle is a promising means of transportation.

4、跪求一篇写新能源汽车的英语作文! 本人高中。。



There is now more of said electric car refers to a pure electric car, which is a single energy storage batteries as a power source for vehicles. It uses batteries as energy storage power source to provide power through the battery to the motor, drive motor running to drive the car forward. From the appearance point of view, the electric car and the daily car and did not see any difference, the main difference between the power source and the drive system. That pure electric vehicle motor of a traditional car engine, battery equivalent to the original tank. Electric car from the chassis, body, battery, motor, controller and battery auxiliary facilities of six parts. Since the motor has good traction characteristics, and therefore does not require a battery vehicle driveline clutch and transmission. Speed is controlled by the controller changes the speed of the motor speed control system can be achieved by conventional cars because of the relatively small impact on the environment, the outlook is widely optimistic, butThe current technology is not yet mature.目前人们所说的电动汽车多是指纯电动汽车,即是一种采用单一蓄电池作为储能动力源的汽车。它利用蓄电池作为储能动力源,通过电池向电机提供电能,驱动电动机运转,从而推动汽车前进。从外形上看,电动汽车与日常见到的汽车并没有什么区别,区别主要在于动力源及其驱动系统。即纯电动汽车的电动机相当于传统汽车的发动机,蓄电池相当于原来的油箱。 电动汽车由底盘、车身、蓄电池组、电动机、控制器和辅助设施蓄电池六部分组成。由于电动机具有良好的牵引特性,因此蓄电池汽车的传动系统不需要离合器和变速器。车速控制由控制器通过调速系统改变电动机的转速即可实现由于对环境影响相对传统汽车较小,其前景被广泛看好,但当前技术尚不成熟。






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