Opencv 实战之阴影去除

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Opencv 实战之阴影去除

2024-07-13 14:55:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) 是一个广泛使用的开源计算机视觉库,提供了许多图像处理和计算机视觉算法。阴影去除是图像处理中的一个重要任务,它旨在消除图像中由光照不均匀或遮挡造成的阴影,以便更好地识别和分析图像内容。






import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from skimage import measure from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from typing import Tuple, List # Applies median filtering over given point def median_filter(img: np.ndarray, point: np.ndarray, filter_size: int) -> List: indices = [[x, y] for x in range(point[1] - filter_size // 2, point[1] + filter_size // 2 + 1) for y in range(point[0] - filter_size // 2, point[0] + filter_size // 2 + 1)] indices = list(filter(lambda x: not (x[0] = img.shape[1]), indices)) pixel_values = [0, 0, 0] # Find the median of pixel values for channel in range(3): pixel_values[channel] = list(img[index[0], index[1], channel] for index in indices) pixel_values = list(np.median(pixel_values, axis=1)) return pixel_values # Applies median filtering on given contour pixels, the filter size is adjustable def edge_median_filter(img: np.ndarray, contours_list: tuple, filter_size: int = 7) -> np.ndarray: temp_img = np.copy(img) for partition in contours_list: for point in partition: temp_img[point[0][1]][point[0][0]] = median_filter(img, point[0], filter_size) return cv.cvtColor(temp_img, cv.COLOR_HSV2BGR) def display_region(org_image: np.ndarray, shadow_clear_image: np.ndarray, label: int, label_region: np.ndarray, contours: tuple) -> None: # For debugging, cut the current shadow region from the image reverse_mask = cv.cvtColor(cv.bitwise_not(label_region), cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) img_w_hole = org_image & reverse_mask temp_filter = cv.cvtColor(label_region, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) cv.drawContours(temp_filter, contours, -1, (255, 0, 0), 3) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2) ax = axes.ravel() plt.title(f"Shadow Region {label}") ax[0].imshow(cv.cvtColor(org_image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax[0].set_title("Original Image") ax[1].imshow(cv.cvtColor(temp_filter, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax[1].set_title("Shadow Region") ax[2].imshow(cv.cvtColor(img_w_hole, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax[2].set_title("Shadow Region Cut") ax[3].imshow(cv.cvtColor(shadow_clear_image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax[3].set_title("Corrected Image") plt.tight_layout() def correct_region_lab(org_img: np.ndarray, shadow_clear_img: np.ndarray, shadow_indices: np.ndarray, non_shadow_indices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # Q: Rather than asking for RGB constants individually, why not adjust L only? # A: L component isn't enough to REVIVE the colors that were under the shadow. # Calculate average LAB values in current shadow region and non-shadow areas shadow_average_lab = np.mean(org_img[shadow_indices[0], shadow_indices[1], :], axis=0) # Get the average LAB from border areas border_average_lab = np.mean(org_img[non_shadow_indices[0], non_shadow_indices[1], :], axis=0) # Calculate ratios that are going to be used on clearing the current shadow region # This is different for each region, therefore calculated each time lab_ratio = border_average_lab / shadow_average_lab shadow_clear_img = cv.cvtColor(shadow_clear_img, cv.COLOR_BGR2LAB) shadow_clear_img[shadow_indices[0], shadow_indices[1]] = np.uint8( shadow_clear_img[shadow_indices[0], shadow_indices[1]] * lab_ratio) shadow_clear_img = cv.cvtColor(shadow_clear_img, cv.COLOR_LAB2BGR) return shadow_clear_img def correct_region_bgr(org_img: np.ndarray, shadow_clear_img: np.ndarray, shadow_indices: np.ndarray, non_shadow_indices: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: # Calculate average BGR values in current shadow region and non-shadow areas shadow_average_bgr = np.mean(org_img[shadow_indices[0], shadow_indices[1], :], axis=0) # Get the average BGR from border areas border_average_bgr = np.mean(org_img[non_shadow_indices[0], non_shadow_indices[1], :], axis=0) bgr_ratio = border_average_bgr / shadow_average_bgr # Adjust BGR shadow_clear_img[shadow_indices[0], shadow_indices[1]] = np.uint8( shadow_clear_img[shadow_indices[0], shadow_indices[1]] * bgr_ratio) return shadow_clear_img def process_regions(org_image: np.ndarray, mask: np.ndarray, lab_adjustment: bool, shadow_dilation_kernel_size: int, shadow_dilation_iteration: int, shadow_size_threshold: int, verbose: bool) -> np.ndarray: lab_img = cv.cvtColor(org_image, cv.COLOR_BGR2LAB) shadow_clear_img = np.copy(org_image) # Used for constructing corrected image # We need connected components # Initialize the labels of the blobs in our binary image labels = measure.label(mask) non_shadow_kernel_size = (shadow_dilation_kernel_size, shadow_dilation_kernel_size) non_shadow_kernel = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_ELLIPSE, non_shadow_kernel_size) CHANNEL_MAX = 255 # Now, we will iterate over each label's pixels for label in np.unique(labels): if not label == 0: temp_filter = np.zeros(mask.shape, dtype="uint8") temp_filter[labels == label] = CHANNEL_MAX # Only consider blobs with size above threshold if cv.countNonZero(temp_filter) >= shadow_size_threshold: shadow_indices = np.where(temp_filter == CHANNEL_MAX) non_shadow_temp_filter = cv.dilate(temp_filter, non_shadow_kernel, iterations=shadow_dilation_iteration) # Get the new set of indices and remove shadow indices from them non_shadow_temp_filter = cv.bitwise_xor(non_shadow_temp_filter, temp_filter) non_shadow_indices = np.where(non_shadow_temp_filter == CHANNEL_MAX) # Contours are used for extracting the edges of the current shadow region contours, hierarchy = cv.findContours(temp_filter, cv.RETR_TREE, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) if lab_adjustment: shadow_clear_img = correct_region_lab(lab_img, shadow_clear_img, shadow_indices, non_shadow_indices) else: shadow_clear_img = correct_region_bgr(org_image, shadow_clear_img, shadow_indices, non_shadow_indices) # Then apply median filtering over edges to smooth them # At least on the images I tried, this doesn't work as intended. # It is possible that this is the result of using a high frequency image only # Image is converted to HSV before filtering, as BGR components of the image # is more interconnected, therefore filtering each channel independently wouldn't be correct shadow_clear_img = edge_median_filter(cv.cvtColor(shadow_clear_img, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV), contours) if verbose: display_region(org_image, shadow_clear_img, label, temp_filter, contours) return shadow_clear_img def calculate_mask(org_image: np.ndarray, region_adjustment_kernel_size: int) -> np.ndarray: lab_img = cv.cvtColor(org_image, cv.COLOR_BGR2LAB) # Calculate the mean values of A and B across all pixels means = [np.mean(lab_img[:, :, i]) for i in range(3)] thresholds = [means[i] - (np.std(lab_img[:, :, i]) / 3) for i in range(3)] # If mean is below 256 (which is I think the max value for a channel) channel_max = 256 # Apply threshold using only L if sum(means[1:]) Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: mask = calculate_mask(org_image, region_adjustment_kernel_size) shadow_clear_img = process_regions(org_image, mask, lab_adjustment, shadow_dilation_kernel_size, shadow_dilation_iteration, shadow_size_threshold, verbose) mask = cv.cvtColor(mask, cv.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) return shadow_clear_img, mask def process_image_file(img_name, save=False, lab_adjustment=False, region_adjustment_kernel_size=10, shadow_dilation_kernel_size=5, shadow_dilation_iteration=3, shadow_size_threshold=2500, verbose=False) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: org_image = cv.imread(img_name) print("Read the image {}".format(img_name)) shadow_clear, mask = remove_shadows(org_image, lab_adjustment, region_adjustment_kernel_size, shadow_dilation_iteration, shadow_dilation_kernel_size, shadow_size_threshold, verbose=verbose) _, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3) ax = axes.ravel() plt.title("Final Results") ax[0].imshow(cv.cvtColor(org_image, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax[0].set_title("Original Image") ax[1].imshow(cv.cvtColor(mask, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax[1].set_title("Shadow Regions") ax[2].imshow(cv.cvtColor(shadow_clear, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) ax[2].set_title("Corrected Image") plt.tight_layout() if save: f_name = img_name[:img_name.index(".")] + "_shadowClear" + img_name[img_name.index("."):] cv.imwrite(f_name, shadow_clear) print("Saved result as " + f_name) return org_image, mask, shadow_clear image_path = "001.jpg" org_image, mask, image_clear = process_image_file(image_path, save = True, verbose = True)

在这里插入图片描述 在这里插入图片描述 1.导入必要的库:代码导入了OpenCV(cv2)、NumPy(np)、scikit-image(skimage.measure)和Matplotlib(plt),用于图像处理、数组操作、连通分量标记和可视化。

2.median_filter 函数:此函数在图像的给定点上应用中值滤波器。它计算给定点周围指定滤波器大小内的中值像素值。

3.edge_median_filter 函数:此函数将中值滤波器应用于阴影区域的边缘。它接受图像、表示阴影区域的轮廓列表和一个可选的滤波器大小作为输入。它对分区中的每个点进行迭代,并使用 median_filter 函数来平滑边缘。

4.display_region 函数:此函数用于调试和可视化。它显示原始图像、阴影区域、带有孔的阴影区域和经过校正的图像,使用Matplotlib的子图显示。

5.correct_region_lab 和 correct_region_bgr 函数:这些函数用于校正阴影区域的颜色信息。它们计算阴影和非阴影区域的平均LAB或BGR值,然后相应地调整阴影区域的颜色值。

6.process_regions 函数:此函数处理图像的每个连通分量(blob),即表示阴影的二进制掩膜。它使用 correct_region_lab 或 correct_region_bgr 函数应用区域调整和颜色校正。还对阴影区域的边缘执行中值滤波。

7.calculate_mask 函数:此函数计算图像的二进制掩膜,根据LAB颜色空间中的颜色阈值识别可能是阴影的区域。

8.remove_shadows 函数:此函数协调整个去除阴影的过程。它接受原始图像和各种参数作为输入,并返回校正后的图像和二进制掩膜。

9.process_image_file 函数:此函数从文件中读取图像,调用 remove_shadows 函数去除阴影,并显示原始图像、阴影区域和校正后的图像。






01、赛默飞世尔科技(热电)Thermo Fisher Scientif



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