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III. Shouldering Heavy Tasks and Responsibilities



The new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a grand stage on which young people can enjoy bright prospects and accomplish great things. In the new era, China's youth are striving to support high-quality economic growth, participate in the development of socialist democratic politics, create a flourishing socialist culture, promote socialist moral and ethical progress, and build a beautiful China. They are working hard and forging ahead boldly on this new quest to realize the second centenary goal of building a modern socialist country.





(1) Dedicated in Grassroots Work Posts

In the new era, respecting the PRC's great tradition of "perpetual struggle", treating their grassroots work posts as a stage to realize the value of their life, and applying their diligence, young Chinese are working for social progress and striving for happiness, national rejuvenation, and a bright future for the country.

Young people work in various fields - conventional fields such as industry, agriculture, commerce and the military, as well as in science, education, culture, health, and sports, and now in internet-based new business models, areas and occupations. Through their hard work in their grassroots work posts, they have turned the ordinary into the extraordinary, and make the impossible achievable.

In factory workshops, young workers hone their skills and strive for excellence. They tighten every screw and weld every joint to perfection. They vie to be "young people who excel at their jobs" and they help "made-in-China" gain a competitive edge in the global market. In rural areas, young farmers cultivate the fields meticulously, increase grain yield and field fertility with technology, and work hard to ensure food security. On construction sites, young migrant workers painstakingly work all hours of the day and night to build skyscrapers, making the city more beautiful. At training venues, young athletes train hard and persevere in spite of all difficulties. With sporting prowess and indomitable spirit, they strive for Olympic games medals and see China's national flag being raised at the awards ceremony. In city streets, couriers and takeaway delivery riders brave wind and rain to pass on happiness and warmth. Their sweat and toil demonstrate that Chinese youth have not forgotten the hard times, even though they now live in better days and no longer need to worry about food and clothing. They work hard and shine in their grassroots posts.





(2) Leading the Charge in Difficult Situations and Emergencies

In the new era China's youth have shown no fear of difficulties and hardships in times of crisis, displaying their grit at critical moments. They rise to the occasion whenever the country and the people need them; they shoulder their responsibilities, make selfless contributions, and press ahead with the intrepidity typical of their generation.

Young people stand at the forefront in major projects emblematic of China's composite national strength and national pride, in catastrophic natural disasters, and in other emergencies.

Youth teams have played a prominent role in the strategic projects that transport natural gas and electricity from western to eastern regions, divert water from the south to the north, and channel computing resources from the east to the west, as well as the construction of many milestone facilities, including the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Beijing Daxing International Airport, and Hualong One nuclear generator.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, young people have been risking their lives to combat this deadly disease. More than 5.5 million of them in 320,000 task groups have worked on the front lines of this combat, providing medical care, transporting supplies, and building facilities. They have made a tremendous contribution to the all-out people's war on the virus. Of the 28,600 nurses from the medical teams sent to Hubei, 90 percent were born between 1980 and 1999. During the construction of the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan hospitals in Wuhan, young workers, who accounted for 60 percent of the workforce, established 13 task groups to spearhead the project. With an iron will and boundless courage, they created an engineering miracle. This was a shining example of how young Chinese can hold their own in the face of difficulties, face down threats, and rise to the challenge at critical moments.





(3) Tempering Themselves Through Community Service

The local community is the best place to temper young people in the new era, where they can learn through practice. By aligning their personal ambitions with the grand goals of the state and the Party, young people turn their pursuit of the Chinese Dream into pragmatic work, and hone their skills and increase their abilities through trial and experimentation.

Helping villagers solve problems in rural areas, providing services to residents in cities, and patrolling and guarding the frontiers ... More and more young people are now working in communities and in the places where they are most needed, fighting hardship to drive China's modernization and realize their dreams.

Of the 1,981 individuals and 1,501 groups commended by the central authorities in 2021 who had stood out in China's poverty alleviation campaign, many were young people. More than 1,800 people have died in the battle against poverty, and many of them were young people.

As the country implements the rural revitalization strategy, young people have led the efforts to establish specialized cooperatives, apply modern agricultural technologies, and develop new industries and new forms of business in rural areas. They have taken the lead in abandoning outdated social mores, nurturing civil social norms of conduct, and improving rural living environments, and helped villagers increase their incomes. All of these have contributed to giving rural areas a bright new image.

By 2021, 470,000 college graduates had worked in rural areas on posts related to teaching, agriculture, medical service and poverty alleviation, and during their vacations, millions of college students had conducted surveys or taken part in cultural activities and other activities to spread understanding of science and technology and information on health in the countryside. Through these efforts, young people have offered their support to China's poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.





(4) Taking the Lead in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

In the new era, China's youth have shown rich imagination and creativity, open-mindedness, and a pioneering spirit. They have the spirit to engage in the field of international competition as it grows ever fiercer, and have become a strong force driving innovation and entrepreneurship.

Backed by policy incentives of the Party and the state, young people take the lead in innovation, starting businesses, and striving for excellence, serving the country and the people with their ingenuity and expertise in economic, social, technological and cultural fields. Under the innovation-driven development strategy and open competition mechanisms, a large number of world-class young scientists have come to the fore in major sci-tech programs, including China's space station Tiangong, deep-sea manned submersible Jiaolong, the five-hundred-meter aperture spherical telescope (FAST) Tianyan, the dark matter probe satellite Wukong, the quantum science satellite Mozi, the Mars probe Tianwen-1, and the lunar mission Chang'e. The average age of the core members of the research groups on the Beidou Navigation Satellite System is 36; the corresponding figures are 35 for Mozi and 30 for Tianyan. Every year more than 3 million science and technology and engineering students graduate from Chinese universities, which continuously replenish the country's ranks of engineers. Well-educated and highly-skilled, they give China an "engineering bonus", adding impetus to the country's development and improving its standing in international competition.

China has introduced a raft of policies supporting business startups, and young people are responding warmly. They are active in entrepreneurship programs like the China College Students' Entrepreneurship Competition, China International "Internet+" College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, carving out careers with their knowledge and ingenuity. Among the founders of market entities registered since 2014, more than 5 million are college students and new graduates. In creative industries such as IT services, culture, sports, entertainment and sci-tech, young people account for half or more of the workforce, and are at the helm of many unicorn and gazelle companies. Aligning individual inclination with national development, young people are putting their talents to use in innovation and starting businesses, and serving society in the process.






(5) Spearheading Cultural and Ethical Progress

In the new era China's youth advance with the times, adapt to the need to modernize China's system and capacity for governance, and set the pace in making cultural and ethical progress. They advocate and follow new, positive trends.

In both urban and rural areas, in the workplace or on campus, young people embrace good moral values and ethical conduct. They champion pursuit of excellence and the greater good, and set healthy trends.

A growing number of young people are engaged in community governance and services in both urban and rural areas. By participating in programs like Youth Action in Communities launched by the CYLC Central Committee, they gain practical experience, and improve their ability to serve society. In all sectors of the economy, young people work in a spirit of dedication, collaboration, excellence and contribution, and have created many model worker teams. They represent the work ethic and professionalism of the new era. Young athletes, demonstrating good sportsmanship, score excellent results at games.

Since the China Young Volunteers initiative was launched in 1993, volunteering has become an important avenue for young Chinese to participate in social governance, fulfill social responsibilities, and temper themselves in the course of serving the people and society.

As of the end of 2021, more than 90 million people aged between 14 and 35 had registered at the volunteering platform Chinavolunteer.mac.gov.cn. They are active in community affairs, large sport events, environmental protection, development-driven poverty alleviation, healthcare, emergency response and cultural preservation. By spreading the spirit of volunteerism - contribution, friendship, mutual aid and progress - they promote unity, equality, amity, mutual aid, and common progress across the society.

Over the past 18 years, China's "Go West" Program has dispatched 410,000 postgraduates and college graduates to 2,100 counties in central and western regions to support poverty reduction endeavors there through teaching and healthcare service. Young people have always been the mainstay of volunteers providing services in large-scale events. They have made a deep impression on the world.



IV. Having a Global Vision and a Strong Sense of Responsibility



The younger generation is the future of a country and the hope of the world. China's youth in the new era care about their family and country, and share that concern for the rest of humanity. They uphold the beliefs advocated by Chinese culture that all peoples are one family and the world is a commonwealth. They actively draw inspiration from the experience and achievements of other countries and civilizations. They work along with their peers from around the world to build a global community of shared future, and advocate peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom, which are the common values of humanity, for the purpose of creating a better future for all.






(1) Embracing the World with Greater Openness and Confidence

As China opens its doors wider to the outside world, the country's young people today are building a greater understanding of international exchanges and cooperation. They are embracing the world, pursuing broader and deeper integration with others, and showing greater rationality, inclusiveness, self-confidence and self-reliance, by studying, working, traveling, and participating in visiting programs abroad.

Studying abroad is the most important way for Chinese youngsters to learn about the world. In 1978, China sent just over 800 students abroad. In 2019, more than 700,000 Chinese students went abroad to undertake education courses. Over the past four decades, the total number of Chinese people studying abroad has exceeded 6.5 million. The number of Chinese overseas returnees grew from 248 in 1978 to more than 580,000 in 2019. The total number of overseas returnees has exceeded 4.2 million in the past more than four decades. In addition, a large number of Chinese young people go abroad for travel, visiting programs, business tours, and labor cooperation, which enable them to better understand the world. In 2019 alone, Chinese citizens made 170 million overseas trips. The channels for Chinese youth to know about the world continue to expand, and their global vision is steadily broadening.

The "circle of friends" with whom China can communicate and cooperate continues to grow. China's youth seize every opportunity to tell China's stories and participate in global governance of youth affairs in various international arenas, and promote win-win cooperation through active exchanges and interactions under bilateral and multilateral frameworks. As young Chinese people take a more active part in bilateral exchange mechanisms, they become closer to their peers in other countries and build deeper bilateral ties. Under the framework of the Chinese Youth Global Partnership, China has established exchange and cooperation relationships with more than 100 international organizations, government youth agencies, political parties, and non-governmental youth organizations. Chinese youth are engaged in frequent international exchanges in fields like education, science, culture, arts, sports, and the media under the cultural and people-to-people exchange mechanisms between China and other countries and regions such as Russia, the United States, Europe, India and Japan. China's youth and their partners in neighboring countries and developing countries carry out cultural and people-to-people exchanges that bring fruitful results; they also achieve mutual benefit through incubating startups, promoting economic and trade cooperation, advancing technological exchange, and other efforts. China's young people have become more active in joining international organizations, attending international conferences, and participating in global governance. As a result, they have succeeded in enhancing the international image of China's youth.

Hundreds of young people from China work hard for the UN and other international organizations and contribute to world peace and development. China's young people are growing in confidence as they spread China's voice and express China's ideas at the UN Youth Forum, the UNESCO Youth Forum, and other multilateral mechanisms and in international youth organizations such as the Asian Youth Council. This allows them to serve as young ambassadors of Sino-foreign friendship.






(2) Meeting the Responsibility to Build a Global Community of Shared Future

Young Chinese of the new era are fully aware that the future of each and every nation and country is interlocked. We should stand together and help each other in the face of adversity, and endeavor to build this planet of ours into a single family of shared future.

Building consensus among youth through heart-to-heart communication and dialogue. Young Chinese actively advocate and practice the idea of building a global community of shared future. They are committed to telling the stories of global youth, spreading the voice of global youth, and building consensus among global youth on issues such as poverty alleviation, climate change, and anti-Covid cooperation. In 2020, at an online seminar on Covid-19 organized by the World Health Organization and other UN agencies, a young representative of China shared her moving story as a volunteer, recounted some experiences, and explained China's science-based response to the epidemic. Young Chinese also contribute their wisdom and ideas for safeguarding global youth rights to subsistence, development, protection and participation in the process of formulating documents on youth cooperation under international mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, and G20. During the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, the youth volunteers of China and young athletes from many countries overcame language barriers and cultural differences as they expressed goodwill with smiles, build friendships through personal contact, and pooled their strengths through heart-to-heart communication. Those young people worked together to build bridges towards a shared future, and spread the vision of building a global community of shared future around the world in their own way.

Hand in hand on the journey towards a brighter future. China's youth firmly bear in mind the concept of building a global community of shared future, and actively implement it in practice. They devote themselves to the construction of the Belt and Road while following the principles of "extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits". Hundreds of thousands of young employees in Chinese companies operating overseas work hard in foreign lands far from home, contributing to local economic and social development. They also take an active part in volunteer services, charitable donations, and cultural exchanges, building friendships and cooperation with young people in the host countries. At present, many volunteer Chinese teachers, most of whom are young people, are working in more than 100 countries to help youth in other countries to study Chinese culture. The China Youth Volunteer Overseas Service Program has sent more than 700 young volunteers to over 20 countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to provide services in areas like medical care, agricultural technology, civil engineering, industrial technology, economic management, and social development. Demonstrating a great love for humanity and upholding a spirit of humanism, young Chinese soldiers actively participate in UN peacekeeping missions; they have made their contributions to defending world peace. By 2020, China had dispatched more than 40,000 peacekeepers, and 16 of them, under the age of 30 on average, had sacrificed their lives. The actions of Chinese youth have demonstrated that as long as people around the world unite with one heart and one mind and move forward hand in hand, we will build a global community with a brighter future.









(3) Global Action Initiative of China's Youth

Humanity has entered a new era of interconnection, with countries sharing common interests and their futures closely linked. Across the globe greater deficits of governance, trust, peace and development are emerging, and we are seeing escalating chaos, discord and injustice. Profound changes of a scale unseen in a century, together with the Covid-19 pandemic, are presenting grave challenges to the global economy and people's prospects of a better life. Humanity has found itself at a crossroads: peace or war, light or darkness, progress or regression - there are significant choices that we need to make. The era calls on global youth to unite with one heart, strengthen mutual understanding, learn from each other, view the world from the angle of mutual appreciation, mutual learning, and mutual benefit, so as to jointly build a global community of shared future. China's youth therefore call on young people around the world:

- To uphold the values of beauty, uprightness, and goodness. Young people should set themselves lofty ideals and conduct themselves with moral integrity. They should follow the right path, value kindness, goodness, and beauty, have an ardent love for life, and contribute to society. They should make every possible effort to promote truth and spread positive energy.

- To maintain a spirit of youth and vigor. Young people should be self-confident, self-reliant, and high in spirits. They should seek to improve and extend themselves, fulfill their dreams, and show their worth, and strive to present themselves in the best possible light. They should advocate healthy lifestyles, pursue physical and mental health, foster a sound outlook, and maintain vigor.

- To shoulder the responsibility for national development. Young people, as masters of their respective countries, should study hard to improve their skills and abilities, leverage their wisdom, and be bold in innovation. Ready to struggle and willing to work hard, they should be at the forefront of the times and shoulder the historic mission to realize the development and progress of their countries.

- To contribute wisdom and strength to world peace and development. With the world and the future in mind, young people should uphold the common values of humanity, set the trends of history and lead the tides of the times, and stand on the side of fairness, justice, and human progress. They should safeguard world peace, promote common development, defend democracy and freedom, and make a greater contribution to building a prosperous, beautiful world.

China's youth look forward to a world of peace, stability, development and prosperity. They expect every country and region to provide favorable conditions for youth development, and hope all young people across the globe will shoulder their responsibilities and contribute their wisdom and strength to building an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity.












A country will be full of hope and can look forward to a bright prospect when its young generation has ideals, abilities, and a strong sense of responsibility. The future of China and the future of the wider world both belong to the young.

In the future, the young Chinese generation will "with their youthfulness, create a vibrant family, country, nation, human community, Earth and the universe." They will make their youthful dreams come true.

In the future, with successive efforts from one generation of young people to the next, China will scale new heights in every dimension, achieving economic, political, cultural, ethical, social, and eco-environmental progress. The Chinese people will enjoy a happier and healthier life and the Chinese nation will become a proud and active member of the community of nations. The great Chinese Dream will eventually become a reality.

The future of the world is related to the destiny of every young person, and it also depends on the efforts that every young person makes. If young people from all countries unite for the common goal, uphold justice, work in harmony, help each other, conduct consultation as equals, and commit to openness and innovation, we will be able to steer clear of strife and war, build a "global village" that pursues peaceful development and harmony, jointly create a future of prosperity, health, safety, mutual respect, mutual learning, and shared benefits, and ultimately realize the common dream of all of humanity.

China's youth stand ready to work with their counterparts from all over the world and contribute their wisdom and strength to building a global community of shared future and a better world.








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