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2024-07-11 12:43:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”探险经历“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Advente expeence。以下是关于探险经历高一英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advente expeence

Last summer, I, Du Bobo, Du Bobo sister, were playing in Beijing. When I arved at the hotel, Du Bobo said, "tomorw it will go to Beijing's virgin forest. In summer, I, Du Bobo, and sister Du Bobo led an advente to the hotel in Beijing.

Du Bobo said," tomorw, Beijing jungle animals. "I am one of them. I'm very glad to hear that in the morning, and then after than an ho's visit After the to, we finally arved at the gate of the destination, and a betiful picte was displayed in fnt of us: trees, grass, flowers were in full bloom, and a few butterflies flew back and forth fm time to time.

We missed the intduction of some to guides. Therefore, we should not act alone. Fm time to time, we walked into the woods, flocks of birds, people felt that the gloomy pmitive forest fna was also in fnt of us.

I heard a "cuckoo" ”I think the dark heart, Dubo, a walking animal, a toist gup, walked up fm the back of the team. I saw a snake not far in fnt of me, so I asked it to stop. In order to discuss how to appach this point, I said anxiously: "snakes are non-toxic "Is it OK?" I picked up a dry stick and grasped the snake.

At the same time, I listened to the sounds of wild animals. Wild animals that could resist jumping would ht people. I didn't know that I could not n walk and run on the steps.

I was afraid of wild animals and sweating. Although the weather was very hot, my whole body was shaking, and ry cell in my body was boiling At the same time, the voice became louder and louder, silent and n creepy. I stopped to have a rest for a while.

When I heard the scream of the to gup, they cght up with it. They followed the coach back to a to gup. I was relid.

I was really scared when I was walking. Howr, it csed me to be a child The accessoes gwing up in advente, which can strenen their will, I will nr forget.




As far as I'm concerned, different people have different views on ck climbing, bungee jumping and other advente activities. These advente activities have a great positive impact on o physical and mental health. This is for a reason.

First of all, in modern society, this is a good way to keep healthy. Most people are busier than r before, and the time for exercise is less and less. So exercise bngs us The positive influence is unprecedented.

Occasionally taking part in advente activities can us keep healthy and keep the balance beeen work and relaxation. Taking part in advente activities also has a great impact on o mental health. Most people in modern society are under greater presse than r before and need to release presse effectively.

Taking part in sk-taking activities requires attention and attention, which can us to release stress thugh distraction. It is undeniable that timely release of stress is conducive to o mental health. In short, taking part in advente activities has a great positive effect on o health.

Howr, one thing to be reminded is that advente activities are not suitable for ryone, and special attention should be paid when participating.




^^^I'd like to intduce what I wanted to do in mostei. I don't know when I be to dream of being an explorer, explong the most dangeus and secret places in the world and expeencing the wonderful feeling of advente. My father was a wter.

He told me that while I could wte, I be to stve for that goal fm now on. In my past, I have traveled a lot I think of this as the accumulation of my expeence. I hope I can travel all over China like Yu cs.

He is a great explorer. Although he has died in Lop N, what I like most is to css the Hoh Xil and challenge the ancient Chama ad. I want to use my life to realize my exploration dream, that is, my life, my faith and my integty.



标签: 英文  英语  经历  高一 






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