
您所在的位置:网站首页 怎么讲方位介词有趣 神奇的方位介词:in,on,at等!


2024-07-09 19:48:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Pretty Amazing Prepositions of Place: In, On, At, and More! The cat is in the tree. 猫在树上。 Do you have problems working out your in from your on; your at from your from; or your up from your down? If so, this fun exercise can help you to figure out which is the correct preposition to use and how to remember them. 不知道你们在学习in和on,at和from,up和down的时候有没有什么问题?如果有的话,这个有趣的练习可以帮助你理解哪个是正确的介词,以及如何记住这些规律。 First things first: what exactly is a preposition of place? Simply put, a preposition of place is a preposition which tells us where something or someone is located. There are actually only three prepositions of place -- at, on and in -- but they can be used to describe almost any number of places. These are: 首先第一件事情:究竟什么是方位介词?简单地说,方位介词就是一个能告诉我们某物或者某人位置的介词。实际上只有3方位介词—at, on 和 in —但是它们可以被用来描述几乎所有的地方。如下: • At --is used to describe a certain point or place • In--helps us to describe an enclosed space • On--means we are talking about a surface • At——用于描述某个确定的时点或地点 • In——帮助我们描述一个封闭的空间 • On——意味着我们正在谈论一个物体的表面 Let’s look at a few examples of how we use prepositions of place. 让我们来看看以下几个例子,我们是如何使用方位介词的。 • Janice is waiting for you at the bus stop. • The no-smoking sign is on the wall. • I live in New York City. •Janice在公交车站等你。 •禁止吸烟的标志在墙壁上。 •我住在纽约市。 However, in conjunction with these three prepositions, we can also use prepositions of direction which help clarify exactly where something is located. There are many more of these which are used to confirm when, where and under what conditions something is located. For example, let’s take a further look at our first preposition of place: at. 然而,在这三个介词使用的同时,我们也可以加上方向介词来帮助阐明物体究竟坐落于何处。还有更多的此类介词可以用来确认何时、何地以及处于何种条件下物体的方位。比如,让我们来更进一步了解一下我们的第一个方位介词:at。 Janice is waiting for you at the bus stop, by the library. Janice在图书馆边上的公共汽车站等你。 In this example, we already knew that Janice was waiting for us at the bus stop. But, by using the preposition of direction by, it tells us exactly which bus stop Janice is waiting at. So, by using the two prepositions (place and direction) we are given clearer instructions and information. Let’s move on to our next example. 在这个例子中,我们已经知道,Janice在公交车站等我们。但是,通过使用方向介词by,它告诉我们Janice到底是在哪个公共汽车站等待。这样,通过使用两个介词(位置和方向),我们得到了更清晰的指示和信息。让我们继续下一个例子。 The no-smoking sign is on the wall between the entrance and the foyer. 禁止吸烟的标志是在入口处和休息室之间的墙上。 Here we are told exactly where the no-smoking sign is located, so we can expect to see it as we walk into the building. 在这里,我们被确切地告知,禁止吸烟标志的位置,所以当我们走进大楼时就能如期看到它。 I live in New York City, close to Times Square. 我住在纽约市,靠近时代广场那边。 New York is a large city, but the additional information gives us a more precise location. Before we get to the fun exercise, here is a list of just some of the prepositions of direction which we can use in conjunction with prepositions of place: 纽约是个很的大城市,但额外的信息给了我们一个更精确的位置。在我们进行有趣的练习之前,这里有一个清单举例了一些可以与方位介词同时使用的方向介词: • Above -- The picture hangs above the fireplace. • Against -- The fly flew against the window. • Among -- I sat among a group of people. • Behind -- The ball is behind the garage. • Between -- The playing field is between the two buildings. • By -- I stopped by the light house. • Close to -- I wanted a table that was close to the window. • In front of -- There was a man in front of me in the queue. • Inside -- Let’s get inside before it starts to rain again. • Near -- I live near the tube station. • Next to -- The pharmacy is next to the doctors office. • Onto -- The pigeon flew onto the roof of my car. • Opposite -- The restaurant is opposite the car park. • Towards -- The crowd is heading towards the concert stage. • Under -- The bag is under the table. •Above –照片挂在壁炉的上面。 •Against --苍蝇朝着窗口飞去。 •Among --我坐在一群人中间。 •Behind --球在车库后面。 •Between –运动场位于两栋楼之间。 •By --我停在了灯塔边上。 •Close to –我想要一个靠窗的位子。 •In front of –队伍里有个男的排在我前面。 •Inside –在再次下雨之前我们还是进屋吧。 •Near --我住在地铁站附近。 •Next to -- 药房就在医生办公室隔壁。 •Onto --鸽子飞到我的车顶上。 •Opposite --餐厅在停车场的对面。 •Towards --人群朝音乐会舞台涌去。 •Under –这个包在桌子底下。 Now, let’s get physical! 现在,让我们来动动手! To help my students learn and remember these prepositions, I actually ask them to physically place objects in the places which use the prepositions they are trying to remember. So, get yourself something memorable that you can place somewhere in your house or garden: 为了帮助我的学生们学习并记住这些介词,事实上我会叫他们亲自将东西摆放在他们试图记住的介词的方位,所以,为了帮助你的记忆,你可以放在你房间或花园的某一个地方: • Put a teddy bear on your bed. • Plant a pumpkin in your garden by the wall. • Put your mobile phone in your purse near the door. • Move your neighbour’s pet tortoise into your bathtub. •把一个玩具熊放在你的床上。 •在你花园的墙边上种一颗南瓜。 •把你的手机放在靠进门边的那个钱包里。 •将你邻居的宠物龟挪到你的浴缸里。 This physical representation will be much more memorable than any flashcard or list of words. It will stay clearly in your mind when you put your Grandmother's teapot among the flowers in the garden, or put the cat under the piano stool next to the bookshelf, or even when the pink cushion lands behind the dog on the sofa. 这样的物理表示比任何的抽认卡或单词列表都让人难忘。当你把你奶奶的茶壶放在花园里的花中间,或者把猫放在书架旁的琴凳下面,甚至把粉红色靠垫放在沙发上的狗后面,这些动作都会清楚地停留在你的脑中。 So, practice, choose your object, choose your preposition of place, make it funny if possible, and then you'll remember it. 因此,练习一下,选择你的对象,选择你的方位介词,尽可能的有趣一点,然后你就会记住它。 Participation and creativity is the key, even if you use really ridiculous places such as in my ear or on my head and so on. You could even do this with a friend. Take some silly photos and post themon Facebook! Why not? 参与性和创造力是关键点,即使你使用的是非常可笑的地方,比如放在我耳朵里或放在我头上等等。甚至你可以和朋友一起做这个练习。拍一些搞笑的照片再上传到facebook上!为什么不呢? I can guarantee you won't forget your prepositions of place after that! For more information on prepositions, visit me on Facebook where you will find daily bites of fun English. You can also find me on italki most days either teaching or gladly helping out with any English language queries you may have. 我可以向你保证在做过那样的练习之后你将不会忘记方位介词!欲了解更多关于介词的信息,请访问我的Facebook,在那里你会发现每天都有一些关于英语的有趣内容。大部分日子你还可以在italki上找到我,无论是教学还是任何关于英语的疑问我都很乐意帮忙。 http://www.douban.com/group/523669/?qq-pf-to=pcqq.c2c






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