
您所在的位置:网站首页 实时监控网速的软件 Python实现实时网速监控


2024-07-11 02:14:17| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

说明: 所有源代码并非原创,转自: from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt from PyQt5 import QtCore from PyQt5 import QtWidgets import psutil import sys import time class WorkThread(QThread): # 实例化一个信号对象,类变量,需要定义在函数体外 trigger = pyqtSignal() def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.receive_pre = -1 self.sent_pre = -1 self.upload_bytes = 0 self.upload_string = '↑' + '0B/S' self.download_bytes = 0 self.download_string = '↓' + '0B/S' self.one_line = ''.join(['*' for i in range(40)]) self.cpu_percent = 0 self.cpu_percent_string = '0%' self.mem_percent = 0 self.mem_percent_string = '0%' self.cpu_lines = '' self.mem_lines = '' @staticmethod def standard_net_speed(net_bytes: int): # xx.xB/S or xxxB/S if net_bytes < 1000: if net_bytes < 100: return " %sB/S" % str(net_bytes) else: return "%sB/S" % str(net_bytes) elif net_bytes >> 10 < 1000: if net_bytes // 1024 < 100: return "%.1fKB/S" % (net_bytes / 1024) else: return "%sKB/S" % (net_bytes // 1024) elif net_bytes >> 20 < 1000: if net_bytes // 1024**2 < 100: return "%.1fMB/S" % (net_bytes / 1024**2) else: return "%sMB/S" % (net_bytes // 1024**2) elif net_bytes >> 30 < 1024: if net_bytes // 1024 ** 3 < 100: return "%.1fGB/S" % (net_bytes / 1024 ** 3) else: return "%sGB/S" % (net_bytes // 1024 ** 3) else: return "xx.xB/S" def get_computer_info(self): self.get_net_speed() self.get_cpu_mem() def get_net_speed(self): # 获取网速,当sent_pre或receive_pre为-1时,初始化窗口 if self.sent_pre == -1 or self.receive_pre == -1: self.upload_bytes = 0 self.download_bytes = 0 try: self.sent_pre = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_sent self.receive_pre = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_recv except RuntimeError: # 如果获取失败,重新获取 self.sent_pre = -1 self.receive_pre = -1 else: try: # 长时间休眠后,会出现RuntimeError self.upload_bytes = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_sent - self.sent_pre self.download_bytes = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_recv - self.receive_pre except RuntimeError: self.sent_pre = -1 self.receive_pre = -1 self.upload_string = '↑' + '0B/S' self.download_string = '↓' + '0B/S' else: self.sent_pre += self.upload_bytes self.receive_pre += self.download_bytes self.upload_string = '↑' + WorkThread.standard_net_speed(self.upload_bytes) self.download_string = '↓' + WorkThread.standard_net_speed(self.download_bytes) def get_cpu_mem(self): self.cpu_percent = (psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.0, percpu=False)) self.mem_percent = psutil.virtual_memory().percent if self.cpu_percent >= 100: self.cpu_percent = 99 if self.mem_percent >= 100: self.mem_percent = 99 self.cpu_lines = ''.join([self.one_line + '\n' for i in range(int(self.cpu_percent) // 10)]) self.mem_lines = ''.join([self.one_line + '\n' for i in range(int(self.mem_percent) // 10)]) self.cpu_percent_string = "%d" % self.cpu_percent + '%' self.mem_percent_string = "%d" % self.mem_percent + '%' def run(self): # 重写QThread 的run 函数 while True: self.get_computer_info() # 信号发出通知面板更新 self.trigger.emit() time.sleep(1) class Monitor(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._startPos = None self._wmGap = None self.hidden = False dsk = QApplication.primaryScreen() self.screen_width = dsk.geometry().width() self.screen_height = dsk.geometry().height() self.window_width = 140 self.window_height = 50 self.label_size = 'font: 13px' self.cpu_gui_x = 75 # Inform threading.Timer self.ui_alive = True # 设置窗口无边框; 设置窗口置顶; self.setWindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint | Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint | Qt.Tool) # 设置窗口背景透明 # self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) # 设置透明度(0~1) self.setWindowOpacity(0.9) # 设置鼠标为手状 self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor) # 实例化,将信号连接 self.work_threading = WorkThread() self.work_threading.trigger.connect(self.update_ui_label) def enterEvent(self, event): self.hide_or_show('show', event) def leaveEvent(self, event): self.hide_or_show('hide', event) def hide_or_show(self, mode, event): # 获取窗口左上角x,y pos = self.frameGeometry().topLeft() if mode == 'show' and self.hidden: # 窗口左上角x + 窗口宽度 大于屏幕宽度,从右侧滑出 if pos.x() + self.window_width >= self.screen_width: # 需要留10在里边,否则边界跳动 self.startAnimation(self.screen_width - self.window_width, pos.y()) event.accept() self.hidden = False # 窗口左上角x 小于0, 从左侧滑出 elif pos.x() = self.screen_width: # 需要留10在里边,否则边界跳动 self.startAnimation(self.screen_width - self.window_width, pos.y()) event.accept() self.hidden = False # 窗口左上角x 小于0, 从左侧滑出 elif pos.x() > 10 < 1000: if net_bytes // 1024 < 100: return "%.1fKB/S" % (net_bytes / 1024) else: return "%sKB/S" % (net_bytes // 1024) elif net_bytes >> 20 < 1000: if net_bytes // 1024 ** 2 < 100: return "%.1fMB/S" % (net_bytes / 1024 ** 2) else: return "%sMB/S" % (net_bytes // 1024 ** 2) elif net_bytes >> 30 < 1024: if net_bytes // 1024 ** 3 < 100: return "%.1fGB/S" % (net_bytes / 1024 ** 3) else: return "%sGB/S" % (net_bytes // 1024 ** 3) else: return "xx.xB/S" def get_computer_info(self): self.get_net_speed() self.get_cpu_mem() # 通知面板更新 self.trigger.emit() if self.ui_alive: # 重新设置定时器 self.timer = threading.Timer(1, self.get_computer_info) self.timer.start() def get_net_speed(self): # 获取网速,当sent_pre或receive_pre为-1时,初始化窗口 if self.sent_pre == -1 or self.receive_pre == -1: self.upload_bytes = 0 self.download_bytes = 0 try: self.sent_pre = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_sent self.receive_pre = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_recv except RuntimeError: # 如果获取失败,重新获取 self.sent_pre = -1 self.receive_pre = -1 else: try: self.upload_bytes = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_sent - self.sent_pre self.download_bytes = psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_recv - self.receive_pre except RuntimeError: self.sent_pre = -1 self.receive_pre = -1 self.upload_string = '↑' + '0B/S' self.download_string = '↓' + '0B/S' else: self.sent_pre += self.upload_bytes self.receive_pre += self.download_bytes self.upload_string = '↑' + Monitor.standard_net_speed(self.upload_bytes) self.download_string = '↓' + Monitor.standard_net_speed(self.download_bytes) def get_cpu_mem(self): self.cpu_percent = (psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.0, percpu=False)) self.mem_percent = psutil.virtual_memory().percent if self.cpu_percent >= 100: self.cpu_percent = 99 if self.mem_percent >= 100: self.mem_percent = 99 self.cpu_lines = ''.join([self.one_line + '\n' for i in range(int(self.cpu_percent) // 10)]) self.mem_lines = ''.join([self.one_line + '\n' for i in range(int(self.mem_percent) // 10)]) self.cpu_percent_string = "%d" % self.cpu_percent + '%' self.mem_percent_string = "%d" % self.mem_percent + '%' def update_ui_label(self): self.upspeed.setText(self.upload_string) self.downspeed.setText(self.download_string) self.cpu_num.setText("%d" % self.cpu_percent + '%') self.mem_num.setText("%d" % self.mem_percent + '%') self.cpu_gui.setText(self.cpu_lines) self.mem_gui.setText(self.mem_lines) if __name__ == '__main__': # 设置屏幕自适应 QtCore.QCoreApplication.setAttribute(Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling) app = QApplication([]) # 获取主显示器分辨率 screen_width = app.primaryScreen().geometry().width() screen_height = app.primaryScreen().geometry().height() stats = Monitor() stats.setupUi() stats.retranslateUi() # 设置最初出现的位置 window_width = stats.geometry().width() window_height = stats.geometry().height() stats.setGeometry(screen_width - window_width - 10, screen_height//2 - 150, window_width, window_height) sys.exit(app.exec_()) # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ################################################################################ ## Form generated from reading UI file 'monitor.ui' ## ## Created by: Qt User Interface Compiler version 5.15.2 ## ## WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost when recompiling UI file! ################################################################################ from PySide2.QtCore import QPropertyAnimation, QRect, Qt, QCoreApplication, QMetaObject from PySide2.QtGui import QMouseEvent, QFont from PySide2.QtWidgets import QWidget, QApplication, QMenu, QLabel from PySide2 import QtWidgets class Ui_Form(QWidget, object): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._startPos = None self._wmGap = None self.hidden = False dsk = QApplication.primaryScreen() self.screen_width = dsk.geometry().width() self.screen_height = dsk.geometry().height() self.window_width = 140 self.window_height = 50 self.label_size = 'font: 13px' self.cpu_gui_x = 75 # Inform threading.Timer self.ui_alive = True def enterEvent(self, event): self.hide_or_show('show', event) def leaveEvent(self, event): self.hide_or_show('hide', event) def hide_or_show(self, mode, event): # 获取窗口左上角x,y pos = self.frameGeometry().topLeft() if mode == 'show' and self.hidden: # 窗口左上角x + 窗口宽度 大于屏幕宽度,从右侧滑出 if pos.x() + self.window_width >= self.screen_width: # 需要留10在里边,否则边界跳动 self.startAnimation(self.screen_width - self.window_width, pos.y()) event.accept() self.hidden = False # 窗口左上角x 小于0, 从左侧滑出 elif pos.x() = 100: cpu_percent = 99 if mem_percent >= 100: mem_percent = 99 cpu_lines = ''.join([self.one_line + '\n' for i in range(int(cpu_percent)//10 + 1)]) mem_lines = ''.join([self.one_line + '\n' for i in range(int(mem_percent) // 10 + 1)]) self.cpu_num.setText("%d" % cpu_percent + '%') self.mem_num.setText("%d" % mem_percent + '%') self.cpu_gui.setText(cpu_lines) self.mem_gui.setText(mem_lines) @staticmethod def standard_net_speed(net_bytes: int): # xx.xB/S or xxxB/S if net_bytes < 1000: if net_bytes < 100: return " %sB/S" % str(net_bytes) else: return "%sB/S" % str(net_bytes) elif net_bytes >> 10 < 1000: if net_bytes // 1024 < 100: return "%.1fKB/S" % (net_bytes / 1024) else: return "%sKB/S" % (net_bytes // 1024) elif net_bytes >> 20 < 1000: if net_bytes // 1024**2 < 100: return "%.1fMB/S" % (net_bytes / 1024**2) else: return "%sMB/S" % (net_bytes // 1024**2) elif net_bytes >> 30 < 1024: if net_bytes // 1024 ** 3 < 100: return "%.1fGB/S" % (net_bytes / 1024 ** 3) else: return "%sGB/S" % (net_bytes // 1024 ** 3) else: return "xx.xB/S" if __name__ == '__main__': # 设置屏幕自适应 QtCore.QCoreApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling) app = QApplication([]) # 获取主显示器分辨率 screen_width = app.primaryScreen().geometry().width() screen_height = app.primaryScreen().geometry().height() stats = Stats() # 设置最初出现的位置 window_width = stats.geometry().width() window_height = stats.geometry().height() stats.setGeometry(screen_width - window_width - 10, screen_height//2 - 150, window_width, window_height) sys.exit(app.exec_()) monitor.ui Form 0 0 214 141 background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); 80 39 22 31 Agency FB 1 75 true false Qt::LeftToRight color: rgb(85, 170, 255); border: 1px solid; border-color: rgb(85, 170, 255); ************************************* ******************************************* ************************************* *********************************** ************************* *********************************** *************************************** ******************************************* ******************************** ********************************* Qt::AutoText false Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignHCenter false 0 -3 80 21 16 16 color: rgb(85, 170, 255); 0% Qt::AlignCenter 120 40 22 31 Agency FB 1 75 true false Qt::LeftToRight color: rgb(170, 255, 255); border: 1px solid; border-color: rgb(170, 255, 255); ************************************* ******************************************* ************************************* *********************************** ************************* *********************************** *************************************** ******************************************* ******************************** ********************************* Qt::AutoText false Qt::AlignBottom|Qt::AlignHCenter false 0 -3 120 22 18 16 color: rgb(170, 255, 255); 99% Qt::AlignCenter 10 60 68 12 color: rgb(85, 255, 0); 100.5KB/S 10 30 54 16 color: rgb(255, 170, 0); 100.5KB/S layoutWidget cpu_num cpu_gui mem_num mem_gui downspeed pyinstaller_build.bat REM Use pyinstaller.exe under python3.9 pyinstaller -F -w -i monitor.ico ui2py.bat pyside2-uic.exe monitor.ui >






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