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Unit 16A - Twelve Angry Men

Twelve Angry Men

Reginald Rose

Part One



Foreman (Juror No. 1)

Jurors (No. 2—No. 12)

Narrator: The scene is a jury room in a criminal court. Twelve men walk into the room. They are the jury for the trial of a boy charged with murdering his father.

Foreman: OK, gentlemen. Now, you fellows can handle this any way you want. We can discuss it first and then vote on it. That's one way. And we can vote on it right now...

No. 4: Oh, I think it's customary to take a preliminary vote.

No. 7: Yes, let's vote. Maybe we can all get out of here.

Foreman: OK... Of course we know that we have a first-degree murder charge here. And if we vote the accused guilty, we've got to send him to the chair. Anyone doesn't want to vote? OK, those voting guilty, please raise your hands... Nine... ten... eleven. OK. Not guilty? (No. 8 raises his hand.) One. OK, eleven guilty, and one not guilty. Now we know where we are.

No. 3: (To No. 8) You really think he's innocent?

No. 8: I don't know.

No. 3: Well, you sat in the court with the rest of us. You heard what we did. This kid is a dangerous killer.

No. 8: He's 18 years old.

No. 3: That's old enough. He stabbed his own father. Four inches into the chest. They proved it in a dozen different ways in court. Would you like me to list them for you?

No. 8: No.

No. 10: Then what DO you want?

No. 8: I just want to talk.

No. 10: May I ask you something? Do you believe his story?

No. 8: I don't know. Maybe I don't.

No. 7: Then how come you vote not guilty?

No. 8: There were eleven votes for guilty. It's not easy to send the boy off to die without talking about it first.

No. 7: Who says it's easy? What? Just because I voted fast? I honestly think the guy's guilty. Couldn't change my mind if you talked for a hundred years.

No. 8: I don't want to change your mind. I just want to talk for a while. Look, this kid's been kicked around all his life. You know, born in a slum, his mother dead since he was 9, lived a year and a half in an orphanage when his father was serving a jail term for forgery. He is a wild, angry kid. You know why? Because he's been hit on the head by somebody once a day, every day. I just think we owe him a few words. That's all.

No. 10: We don't owe him a thing. He got a fair trial, didn't he? What do you think that trial cost? He's lucky he got it. Listen, we are all grown-ups here. You're not going to tell me that we're supposed to believe this kid, knowing what he is! Listen, I've lived among them all my life. You can't believe a word they say.

No. 9: What a terrible thing for a man to believe. Since when is dishonesty a group characteristic?

No. 10: Now look here...

Foreman: Listen, we have a job to do. Let's do it. Now perhaps the gentleman down there who's disagreeing with us could let us know what he's thinking, and we might be able to show him where he's mixed up.

No. 12: Well, it seems to me that it's up to the group of us to convince this gentleman that he is wrong and we are right. Maybe, if we each of us talk for a couple of minutes just to... well, just a quick idea...

Foreman: No, no. That's a good one. Suppose we go once around the table. (Turns to No. 2) I guess you are the first.

No. 2: Well, eh... It's hard to put into words. I just think he's guilty. I mean nobody proved otherwise.

No. 8: Nobody has to prove otherwise. Innocent until proven guilty. The burden of proof is on the prosecution. The defendant doesn't have to open his mouth.

No. 2: Oh, sure, I know that. What I meant was... I just think he's guilty. I mean somebody saw him do it.

No. 3: OK, here's what I think. And I have no personal feelings about this. I just want to talk about facts. Number One: The old man who lives downstairs under the room where the killing took place. At ten minutes after twelve, he heard a loud noise. He said it sounded like a fight. Then he heard the kid yell out, "I'm going to kill you!" A second later, he heard the body hit the floor.

He ran to the door, opened it up, and saw the kid running down the stairs and out of the house. He called the police. They came and found the old man dead with a knife in his chest. The coroner fixed the time of death at around midnight. Now these are facts. You can't refute facts. The kid's guilty. I'm just as sentimental as the next fellow. I know he's only eighteen. But he's still got to pay for what he did.

No. 4: It's obvious to me, anyway, that the boy's story was flimsy. He claimed that he was at the movies during the time of the killing. But only one hour later, he couldn't remember the names of the films he saw or who played in them.

No. 10: And listen, what about the woman across the street? If her testimony don't prove he's guilty, then nothing does.

No. 11: That's right. She was the one who actually saw the killing take place.

No. 10: Wait a minute. Here's the woman, who's lying in bed. She can't sleep. She looks out of the window. And right across the street, she sees the kid stick his knife into his father's chest. Look, she's known the kid all his life. And she swore she saw him do it.

No. 8: Through the windows of a passing El train.

No. 10: They proved in court that at night if you look through the windows of an El train when the lights are out, you can see what's happening on the other side.

No. 8: I'd like to ask you something. You don't believe the boy's story. How come you believe the woman's? She's one of THEM, too, isn't she?

No. 10: (Walking towards No. 8 threateningly) You're a pretty smart fellow, aren't you? (Voices of people trying to stop them from fighting.)

Foreman: Now, take it easy, gentlemen. We're not getting anywhere fighting. Whose turn is it?

No. 6: (To No. 5) It's your turn.

No. 5: Can I pass it?

Foreman: That's your privilege. How about the next gentleman?

No. 6: Oh, well, I don't know. I started to be convinced early on in the case... You see, I was looking for a motive. If you don't have a motive, you don't have a case, right? Anyway, that testimony from those people across the hall was very powerful. They said something about a fight and an argument between the old man and the son at around 7 o'clock that night.

No. 9: I think it was 8 o'clock.

No 8: That's right. They heard an argument. Then they heard the father hit the boy twice. Then they saw the boy run out of the house. What did that prove?

No. 6: Well, it doesn't exactly prove anything. It's just part of the picture.

No. 8: You said you are looking for a motive. I don't think it was a very strong motive. This boy has been hit so many times that violence is practically a normal state of affairs with him. I just can't see two slaps in the face would have provoked him into committing murder.

No. 4: It may have been two too many. Everyone has a breaking point.

Foreman: (To No. 7) OK. How about you?

No. 7: I think we're wasting our time. Now look at the kid's record? At 10, he was in children's court. At 15, he was in reform school. He's been arrested for mugging, picked up for knife-fighting. This is a real fine boy.

No. 8: Ever since he was 5 years old, his father beat him up regularly with his fist.

No. 7: So would I. A kid like that!

No. 4: I think we're missing the point here. This boy—let's say he's the product of a broken home and a filthy neighborhood. We can't help that. We're here to decide if he's innocent or guilty, and not the reason why he grew up the way he did. He was born in the slums. And all slums are breeding-grounds of criminals. I know that. And so do you. It is no secret children from slum backgrounds are potential menaces to society.

No. 10: Now you can say that again. Kids brought up in these backgrounds are real trash. I don't want any part of them.

No. 5: Now listen. I've lived in a slum all my life. I played in a backyard that was filled with garbage. Maybe you can still smell it on me...

No. 10: Now listen, sonny...

No. 12: Come on, he didn't mean you. Let's stop being so sensitive.

Foreman: OK. Let's stop arguing. (He turns to No. 8.) It's your turn.

No. 8: It's all right. I don't have anything brilliant. I only know as much as you do. According to the testimony, the boy looks guilty. Maybe he is. I sat in court for six days, listening while the evidence spilled out. I began to get a feeling that the defense counselor wasn't conducting a thorough enough cross-examination. He let too many things go by, little things.

No. 10: What little things? Listen, when these fellows don't ask those questions, it's because they know the answers already.

No. 8: Maybe. But it's also possible for a lawyer to be just plain stupid, isn't it? I kept putting myself in the kid's place. I'd ask for another lawyer, I think. If I was on trial for my life, I'd want my lawyer to tear the prosecutor's evidence to shreds. Look, there was one alleged eyewitness to this killing. And someone else claimed that he heard the killer run out of the room afterwards. Supposing they were wrong?

No. 12: What do you mean? "Supposing they were wrong." You can suppose there were no witnesses at all.

No. 8: Could they be wrong? They are only people. People make mistakes.

No. 12: Come on. This is not an exact science.

No. 8: That's right. It isn't.

No. 3: OK, let's get to the point. What about that switch blade they found in the old guy's chest, the knife this fine boy admitted buying on the night of the killing. Let's talk about it.

No. 8: All right, let's talk about it. Let's get it in here. I'd like to see it again. Mr. Foreman? (The Foreman tells the guard to bring in the knife.)

No. 4: The knife was pretty strong evidence, don't you think?

No. 8: I do.

No. 4: Good! Now suppose we take these facts one at a time. One, the boy admitted going out of the house at 8 o'clock at the night of the murder, after being hit several times by his father. Two, he went directly to a neighborhood junk shop and bought one of those switch knives. Three, he met some friends of his in front of the tavern at around 8:45. Am I right so far?

No. 8: Yes, you are.

No. 4: He talked to his friends for about an hour, leaving at 9:45. During this time, they saw the switch knife. Four, they identified the death weapon in court as that very knife. Five, he arrived home at about 10 o'clock. Now this is where the stories offered by the state and the boy begin to diverge slightly. He claimed that he went to a movie at about 11:30, returning home at 3:10 to find his father dead and himself arrested. Now what happened to the switch knife? He claimed that it fell through a hole in his pocket on his way to the movie theater sometime between 11:30 and 3:30. Now these are the details, gentlemen.

I think it's clear that the boy never went to the movies that night. No one in the house saw him leave after 11:30. No one at the theater identified him. He couldn't even remember the names of the movies he saw. What actually happened is this: the boy stayed home, had another fight with his father, stabbed him to death, and left the house at 10 minutes after 12. Now, are you going to tell me that this knife fell through a hole in the boy's pocket, someone picked it up off the street, went to the boy's home, stabbed his father with it?

No. 8: I'm just saying that it's possible that the boy lost the knife, and somebody else killed his father with a similar knife.

No. 4: Take a look at that knife. It's a very unusual knife. I've never seen one like it. Aren't you asking us to accept a pretty incredible coincidence?

(No. 8 calmly pulls out a switch knife out of his pocket, flicks it open, and jams it into the table right next to the first one. Everyone is amazed because the two knives look exactly the same.)

No. 4: Where did you get it?

No. 8: I bought that in a little pawnshop just two blocks from the boy's house.

No. 3: You pulled a real bright trick. Now suppose you tell me what it proves. Maybe there are 10 knives like that. So what? The discovery of the age or something?

Foreman: OK, fellows, let's take our seats. There's no point standing.

No. 3: There are still 11 of us here who think he's guilty.

No. 10: Right. What do you think you're going to accomplish? You're not going to change anybody's mind. So if you want to hang this jury, go ahead. The kid will be tried again and still be found guilty, sure as he was born.

No. 8: You are probably right.

No. 7: So what are you going to do? You know we could be here all night.

No. 9: It's only one night. A boy may die.

No. 3: (To No. 8) What about it? You are the only one.

No. 8: I've got a proposition to make to all of you. I want to call for a vote. I want you 11 people to vote by secret written ballot. I'll abstain. If there are still 11 votes for guilty, I won't stand alone. We'll take the guilty verdict to the judge right now. But if anyone votes not guilty, we'll stay here and talk it out.

(All the other jurors agree. The Foreman passes ballots to them. They write on them and pass them back to the Foreman.)

Foreman: (He begins to read.) Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. (He pauses.) Not guilty. Guilty. Guilty.

No. 10: Boy, how do you like that? All right, who was it? I want to know.

No. 11: Excuse me, it was supposed to be a secret ballot.

No. 3: Secret! What do you mean? There are no secrets in a jury room. I know who it was. (To No. 5) Brother, you are really something. You sat here and voted guilty like the rest of us. And then some golden-voiced preacher started to tear your poor heart out about a poor kid, and so you changed your vote. This is the most sickening... Why don't you drop a quarter in the collection-box?!

No. 5: Now listen! You can't talk to me like that. Who do you think you are?

No. 4: Now calm down. It doesn't matter. He's very excitable. Sit down.

No. 3: Excitable! You bet I'm excitable. We're trying to put a guilty man in the chair where he belongs!

No. 4: (To No. 5) What made you change your vote?

No. 9: He didn't change his vote. I did. This gentleman chose to stand alone against us. It takes a lot of courage to stand alone. He gambled for support. And I gave it to him. I respect his motives. Now the boy probably is guilty. But I want to hear more.

No. 3: OK. (To No. 8) You down there. The old man who lived downstairs said he heard the kid yell out, "I'm going to kill you." A second later, he heard the body hit the floor. He ran to the door and saw the kid running down the stairs. What does that mean to you?

No. 8: I was wondering how clearly he could have heard the boy's voice through the ceiling.

No. 10: He didn't hear it through the ceiling. The window was open, remember?

No. 4: The woman across the street looked right through the open window into the apartment and saw the boy stab his father. Isn't that enough for you?

No. 8: No, it isn't.

No. 7: Oh boy. How do you like this guy? It's like talking to a dead phone.

No. 4: She said she saw the killing through the windows of the moving El train. After 6 cars of the train she saw the killing in the last two cars. She remembered the most insignificant details. I don't see how you can argue with that!

No. 8: Has anybody any idea how long it takes an elevated train going at normal speed to pass a given point?

No. 5: Maybe 10 or 12 seconds?

No. 4: All right, 10 seconds. What are you getting at?

No. 8: This. It takes a 6-car El train 10 seconds to pass a given point. Now let's say the given point is the open window of the room where the killing took place. Now, has anyone here ever lived near an El track? I have. When the window was open and the train went by, the noise was almost unbearable. You couldn't hear yourself think.

No. 3: So you couldn't hear yourself think. Why don't you get to the point!

No. 8: An EL takes ten seconds to pass a given point, or two seconds per car. That EL had been going by the old man's window for at least six seconds before the body fell according to the woman. The old man would have had to hear the boy say, "I'm going to kill you," while the train was roaring by the old man's window. No, it was not possible that he could have heard it.

No. 3: Don't talk about matters of seconds! Nobody can be that accurate.

No. 8: And I think a testimony that can put a boy in the chair should be that accurate!

No. 5: (Whispers to No. 6) I don't think he could have heard it.

No. 3: Why should he lie? What has he got to gain?

No. 9: Attention, maybe. I looked at him for a very long time. It seemed that his jacket was split. I didn't notice that... I mean, to come into the court like that. He was a very old man with a torn jacket. He walked very slowly to the stand. He was dragging his left leg, and tried to hide it, because he was ashamed. This is a quiet, frightened, insignificant, old man who's been nothing all his life, who's never had any recognition, whose name never has appeared in the newspapers. Nobody knows him 75 years. Gentlemen, that's a very sad thing to be nothing. A Man like that needs to be recognized, to be listened to, to be quoted just once. Very important to him...

No. 7: Are you trying to tell us that he lied just so he could be important once?

No. 9: No, he wouldn't really lie. But perhaps he made himself believe he heard those words and recognized the boy's voice.

No. 10: That's the most fantastic story I've ever heard. How can you make up a thing like that? What do you know about it?

No. 9: (Low but firm) I speak from experience.

No. 7: What!

No. 9: I've done it myself.

Part Two

Foreman: Is there anything else?

No. 8: Yes. I think we proved that the old man couldn't have heard the boy yell, "I'm going to kill you." But supposing he really did hear this phrase, how many times have all of you used it? Probably thousands. We say it every day. This doesn't mean we're going to kill somebody.

No. 3: What are you trying to give us here? The kid yelled it out at the top of his lungs. Anybody says a thing like that, the way he did, he means it!

No. 8: Do you really think the boy would shout out a thing like this so the whole neighborhood could hear it? He's much too bright for that.

No. 10: Bright! He's a common ignorant slob. He don't even speak good English.

No. 11: (Correcting him) He DOESN'T speak good English.

No. 5: Mr. Foreman, I'd like to change my vote to not guilty.

Foreman: The vote is now nine to three in favor of guilty.

No. 11: I would like to say something. It seems to me that this man has some very good points to make. And from what was presented at the trial, the boy looks guilty on the surface. But if we look deeper... There is a question I would like to ask. Let us assume that the boy really did commit the murder. This happened at 10 after twelve. Now, how was he caught by the police? He came back home at 3 o'clock or so, and he was captured by two detectives in the hallway of his house.

Now, my question is: If he really had killed his father, why did he come back home three hours later? Wouldn't he be afraid of being caught?

No. 12: To get his knife. It wasn't very nice to have it sticking out of some people's chests.

No. 7: Especially relatives'.

No. 4: I don't see anything funny about it. The boy knew that the knife could be identified as the one he had just bought. He wanted to get it before the police did.

No. 11: If he knew the knife could be identified, why did he leave it there in the first place?

No. 4: We can assume that the boy ran out in a state of panic, having just killed his father. After he calmed down, he found he had left his knife there.

No. 11: Ah, this then would depend on your definition of panic. He would have to be calm enough to see to it that there were no fingerprints left on the knife. Now, where did the panic start and where did it end?

No. 12: Well, if I were the boy and had stabbed my father, I would take a chance and go back for the knife. I think he figured that no one had seen him running out, and the body wouldn't be discovered till the next day.

No. 8: Maybe the boy did kill his father, did run out in a panic, did calm down three hours after the killing to come back to get the knife, risking being caught. Maybe all those things happened. But maybe they didn't.

I think there's enough doubt that we can wonder if he was there at all during the time the killing took place.

No. 6: I'd like to change my vote to not guilty.

Foreman: The vote is eight to four.

No. 3: Come on, we are all going crazy!

No. 7: (To No. 8) Look, what about the old man? Are we supposed to believe that he didn't get up and run to the door and see the kid beat it downstairs 15 seconds after the killing? He's just saying so to be important, right?

No. 5: Did the old man say he RAN to the door?

No. 7: Ran, walked. What's the difference? Anyway he got there!

No. 6: Now wait a minute. He said "ran."

No. 5: I don't remember what he said, but I don't see how he could have run to the door.

No. 8: Mr. Foreman, I'd like to see the diagram of the apartment. I'd like to find out if an old man who drags one foot when he walks could get from his bedroom to the front door in 15 seconds.

No. 3: He said 20 seconds.

No. 8: He said 15.

No. 3: How does he know how long 15 seconds is!

No. 9: He said 15. He was very positive about that.

No. 3: He was an old man. Half the time, he was confused. How could he be positive about anything? (He tries to cover his blunder. But it is too late.)

No. 4: I don't see what you are going to prove here. The man said that he saw the boy running out. (The guard brings the diagram to the Foreman, who passes it to No. 8.)

No. 8: Well, let's see if the details bear him out. All right, here's the apartment where the killing took place. Here's the El tracks, the bedroom, living room. Here's the hall. Here's the stairs. The old man was in the room right here. He said he crossed to the door, walked down the hall, opened the door, just in time to see the boy running down the stairs. The hall is 43 feet. He would have to walk 12 feet, open the bedroom door, walk 43 feet down and open the front door all in 15 seconds. Do you think he could have done it?

No. 7: Sure he could have done it!

No. 11: He can only walk very slowly. They had to help him into the witness chair.

(No. 8 begins to move chairs.)

No. 10: What are you doing?

No. 8: (To No. 6) Pass that chair, will you? Let's say the chair is the old man's bed. I'm going to pace off 12 feet.

No. 7: That's crazy. You can't recreate a scene like that.

No. 8: (To another juror) Would you stand there to mark the front door? It was chain-locked according to the testimony, remember? Has anybody got a watch with a second hand?

No. 2: I have.

No. 8: When you want me to start, stamp your foot. That will be the body falling. You can time me from there. (He begins to walk.)... lock, door, stop! What's the time?

No. 2: Exactly 41 seconds.

No. 8: I think the old man was trying to get to the door. He heard someone running down the stairs and assumed it was the boy.

No. 3: Assumed! Brother, I've seen all kinds of dishonesty in my day, but this little display takes the cake. (He turns to all the rest.) What's the matter with you guys? You all know he's guilty. He's got to burn and you let him slip through your fingers!

No. 8: "Slip through our fingers." Are you the executioner?

No. 3: I'm one of them!

No. 8: Maybe you'd like to pull the switch.

No. 3: For this kid? You bet I would.

No. 8: I feel sorry for you. What it must feel like to want to pull the switch. You are a sadist!

No. 3: (Lunges at No. 8, but is stopped by the others.) Phew, I'll kill him! I'll kill him!

No. 8: (calmly) You don't really mean you'd kill me, do you?

(The commotion finally quiets down.)

No. 6: Maybe we should take another vote.

Foreman: That's OK with me. I'll call out the juror numbers. (He calls out the numbers one by one.) The vote is now six to six.

No. 10: Six to six! Some of you here must be out of your mind. A kid like that...

No. 9: I don't think the kind of boy he is has anything to do with it. The facts of the case are supposed to determine the case.

No. 10: Don't give me that! I'm sick and tired of facts. You can think any way you like.

No. 9: That's exactly the point this gentleman here is making.

No. 3: I'm ready to declare a hung jury. There's no point in going on anymore.

No. 7: I go for that too. Let the kid take his chances with twelve other guys.

No. 11: You still don't think there's room for reasonable doubt?

No. 7: No, I don't.

No. 11: Maybe you don't understand the term "reasonable doubt"?

No. 7: What do you mean I don't understand? (To the others) How do you like this guy? He comes here running for his life. And now, before he can take a deep breath, he's telling us how to run the show. The arrogance of this guy.

Foreman: All right, let's stop arguing. Now who's got something constructive to say?

No. 8: I'd like to say something if you gentlemen don't mind. An important point with the prosecution was the fact that after the boy claimed he had been at the movies during the hours in which the killing took place, he couldn't remember the names of the movies and the stars. The gentleman here brought it up several times.

No. 4: That's correct. It was the only alibi the boy offered.

No. 8: According to the testimony, the boy was questioned by two detectives in the kitchen of his apartment when the body of his father was lying on the floor of his bedroom. Put yourself in the boy's place. Do you think he could have remembered the details under those circumstances?

No. 4: I do.

No. 8: Under great emotional stress?

No. 4: Under great emotional stress.

No. 8: I'd like to ask you a personal question. Where were you last night?

No. 4: I was home.

No. 8: How about the night before that?

No. 4: I left the office at 8:30, went straight home and went to bed.

No. 8: The night before that?

No. 4: Tuesday night? The night... of our bridge club. I played bridge.

No. 8: Monday night?

No. 4: Monday night? ... Monday night... my wife and I went to the movies.

No. 8: What did you see?

No. 4: The... I'll tell you in a minute... The Remarkable Mrs. Benwidge.

No. 2: I saw that. It was called The Amazing Mrs. Benwidge.

No. 4: Ah yes, The Amazing Mrs. Benwidge.

No. 8: Who was in The Amazing Mrs. Benwidge?

No. 4: Barbara—Long, I think... dark, pretty girl... It was a very inexpensive feature...

No. 8: And you weren't under great emotional stress, were you?

No. 4: No. (He wipes off the sweat on his face.)

No. 9: I think the point is made.

No. 10: Big point!

Foreman: Who's got something to say?

No. 2: Something's been bothering me a little. This whole business about the stab wound and how it was made. The downward angle of it, you know.

No. 3: Don't tell me we're going to start with that again. They went over and over that in court.

No. 2: I know that. But I don't go along with it.

Now the boy was 5 feet 7 inches tall. His father was six two. That's a difference of 7 inches. It's very hard to stab down into the chest of someone who's half a foot taller than you are.

No. 3: (Pointing to the knife) Give me that. I'm going to give you a demonstration. Somebody get up.

(He sees No. 8 standing there. So he goes to him. He holds the knife up and then stabs downward towards No. 8's chest. He stops just before the blade reaches his chest. Many jurors find this gesture disgusting.)

No. 3: Nobody's hurt, right?

No. 8: Right, nobody's hurt.

No. 3: Ah! This is the way I stabbed a man who was taller than I was. Now tell me I'm wrong.

No. 5: Give me that knife. Has anybody here seen knife fights? No? I have. Switch blades came with the neighborhood where I lived. Funny I didn't think of it before. You never use it like this. (He demonstrates.) It takes too much time to switch your hand. Here's how. Underhand. Anyone who's used a switch knife wouldn't handle it any other way.

No. 8: You sure?

No. 5: Yes, I'm sure.

No. 7: I'm getting sick and tired of this yakking, yakking. So I guess I'll have to break the tie. I'm gonna change my vote to not guilty.

No. 3: You what?

No. 7: You heard me. I've had enough.

No. 3: What do you mean you had enough? That's no answer.

No. 11: He's right. That's no answer. What kind of a man are you? Who tells you that you have the right to play like this with a man's life?

No. 7: Wait a minute. You can't talk like that to me.

No. 11: I CAN talk like that to you! If you want to vote not guilty, then do it because you're convinced the man's not guilty, and not because you've had enough. Well...

No. 7: Now listen.

No. 11: Guilty or not guilty?

No. 7: I told you, not guilty.

No. 11: Why?

No. 7: I... I... just don't think he's guilty.

No. 8: I want another vote.

Foreman: OK. Another vote's called for. The quickest way is by a show of hands. Anyone object? OK, all those voting not guilty raise your hands. (He counts. All raise their hands except Numbers 3,4 and 10.) Now the vote is 9 to 3 in favor of acquittal.

No. 10: I don't understand you people. I mean, all these petty little things you keep bringing up. They don't mean nothing. You know how these people lie. It's born in them. I don't have to tell you. They don't know what the truth is. And let me tell you. They don't need any real big reason to kill someone, either. No sir! That's the way they are. By nature. Violent!

(Most jurors find his views so disgusting that they begin to leave the table in protest.) Where are you going? What's going on here? You people are making a big mistake. The kid's a liar. I know it. I know all about them. Listen to me...

No. 4: We have. Now sit down and don't open your mouth again.

(No. 10 sits down, completely crushed.)

No. 8: (Facing all the jurors) It's always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. Whenever you run into it, it always obscures the truth. Now nine of us feel that the defendant is innocent. We are just gambling on probabilities. But we have a reasonable doubt. That's something very valuable in our system. No jury can declare a man guilty unless it's sure. We nine can't understand why you three are still so sure. (To No. 4) Maybe you can tell us.

No. 4: I'll try: You made some excellent points. But I still believe the boy's guilty of murder. And I have two reasons. One, the evidence given by the woman across the street who actually saw the murder committed. And two, the fact that she described the stabbing by saying that she saw the boy raise his hand and stab down into his father's chest. She saw him do it, the wrong way.

No. 3: You are absolutely right.

No. 4: Let's talk about this woman for a moment. She said she went to bed at about 11 o'clock that night. She tossed and turned for over an hour, unable to sleep. Finally she turned towards the windows of the passing El train. She said the lights went out after the killing. But she got a good look at the boy in the act of stabbing his father. As far as I'm concerned that is unshakable testimony. (Rubbing his nose)

No. 9: Don't you feel well?

No. 4: I feel perfectly well, thank you. I was saying...

No. 9: The reason I asked about that was because you rubbed your nose like that. I'm sorry for interrupting. But you made a gesture that reminded me of something.

No. 4: I'm trying to settle something. Do you mind?

No. 9: But I think it is important. Thank you. Now then, I'm sure you'll pardon me for this, but I was wondering why you rubbed your nose like this?

No. 4: If it's any of your business, I was rubbing it because it bothered me a little.

No. 9: I'm sorry. Is it because of your eyeglasses?

No. 4: It is. Now, can we get on to something else?

No. 9: Your eyeglasses made two deep impressions beside your nose. I haven't noticed it before. It must be very annoying.

No. 4: Very annoying.

No. 9: I wouldn't know about that. I've never worn glasses. Twenty-twenty.

No. 7: Will you come to the point?

No. 9: The woman who testified that she saw the killing had those same marks on the sides of her nose.

No. 5: Yes, right!

No. 9: Please let me finish. She kept rubbing them in court. This woman was about 45 years old. But she was making a tremendous effort to look 35 for her public appearance. Heavy makeup. Dyed hair. Brand-new clothes that should be worn by a younger woman.

No. 5: That's right. She did do that a lot. She had those marks. I saw them.

Foreman: Hey listen. He's right. I saw them too.

No. 3: What point are you making here?

No. 9: Could these marks be made by anything other than eyeglasses?

No. 4: No, they couldn't.

No. 3: I didn't see any marks.

No. 4: I did. Strange I didn't think about it before.

No. 3: OK, she had marks on her nose, from glasses, right? She didn't want to wear them out of the house so people would think that she was gorgeous. But when she saw the kid kill his father, she was in the house, alone!

No. 8: (To No. 4) Do you wear eyeglasses to bed?

No. 4: No, I don't. No one wears eyeglasses to bed.

No. 8: So, it's logical to assume that she wasn't wearing them when she was in bed, tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep.

No. 3: How do you know?

No. 8: I don't know. I'm guessing. I'm also guessing that maybe she honestly thought she saw the boy kill his father. I say she only saw a blur.

No. 3: How do you know what she saw? (To others) How do you know what kind of glasses she wore? Maybe they were sunglasses. Maybe she was far-sighted. What do you know about it?

No. 8: I only know the woman's eyesight is in question now.

No. 11: She had to be able to identify a person 60 feet away at night without eyeglasses.

No. 2: You can't send someone off to die on evidence like that!

No. 8: (To No. 3) Don't you think the woman might have made a mistake?

No. 3: No, I don't.

No. 8: (To No. 4) Do you still think he's guilty?

No. 4: No, I'm convinced. Not guilty.

No. 8: (To No. 10) Do you?

(No. 10 slowly shakes his head.)

No. 2: Eleven to one.

No. 8: (To No. 3) You are alone.

No. 3: I don't care whether I'm alone or not. It's my right.

No. 8: It's your right.

No. 3: What do you want? I say he's guilty.

No. 8: We want to hear your arguments.

No. 3: I gave you my arguments.

No. 8: We're not convinced. We want to hear them again.

No. 3: Everything. Every single thing that took place in the courtroom says he's guilty. What do you think? I'm an idiot or something? Why don't you talk about the old man? The old man heard everything. What about the switch knife? And what about the business of the El train? And the movies. I'm telling you. Everything has been twisted and turned. This business about her glasses. How do you know she didn't have them on? I say, that's the whole case... (No one speaks. They just keep staring at him.) Well'say something! You lousy bunch of bleeding hearts. You're not going to intimidate me. I'm entitled to my opinion... (He breaks down.) No, no, no, no, no... not guilty... not guilty.

(The jurors leave the jury room one by one. No. 8 goes to No. 3 and helps him get into his coat.)




















































































































































































































































































































Key Words:

customary     ['kʌstəməri]   

adj. 习惯的,惯例的

scene      [si:n]

n. 场,景,情景

jury ['dʒuəri] 

n. 陪审团,评委会

adj. 临时用的

voting     ['vəutiŋ] 

n. 投票 动词vote的现在分词形式

innocent ['inəsnt]  

adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

guilty      ['gilti]     

adj. 有罪的,内疚的

trial  ['traiəl]   

adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的

n. 尝试,努力

narrator  [næ'reitə]      

n. 叙述者,讲解员

criminal  ['kriminl]

adj. 犯罪的,刑事的,违法的

n. 罪犯

handle    ['hændl] 

n. 柄,把手

guilty      ['gilti]     

adj. 有罪的,内疚的

jail   [dʒeil]    

n. 监牢,监狱,拘留所

vt. 监禁,下狱

trial  ['traiəl]   

adj. 尝试性的; 审讯的

n. 尝试,努力

forgery   ['fɔ:dʒəri]

n. 伪造,伪造罪,伪造物

guilty      ['gilti]     

adj. 有罪的,内疚的

prosecution   [.prɔsi'kju:ʃən]

n. 实行,经营,起诉

yell  [jel] 

v. 大叫

n. 大喊

defendant      [di'fendənt]   

n. 被告

dishonesty     [dis'ɔnisti]      

n. 不诚实;不正直;欺诈

convince [kən'vins]

vt. 使确信,使信服,说服

innocent ['inəsnt]  

adj. 清白的,无辜的,无害的,天真纯洁的,无知的

characteristic  [.kæriktə'ristik]      

adj. 特有的,典型的

n. 特性,特征,特

minutes  ['minits] 

n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

obvious  ['ɔbviəs] 

adj. 明显的,显然的

stick [stik]      

n. 枝,杆,手杖

vt. 插于,刺入,竖起






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