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2024-07-10 08:21:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文由 众维知行设计工作室 授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。 Thanks Poly Design Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Poly Design Studio.



东北林业大学坐落在“冰城”哈尔滨,是一所以林科优势闻名的高等学校。Poly Design Studio本次为这里设计了一块崭新功能的校园景观——锦侨园。场地面积为1785㎡,西邻校园东路、体育场,东临交通学院、锦侨宿舍,南邻家属楼,是重要的通行空间及集散场地。

Poly Design Studio: “We” and “Jin Qiao Yuan”

Northeast Forestry University located in Harbin, the “Ice city”, is a university famous for its advantages in forestry research and science. Poly Design Studio has designed a new functional campus landscape – Jin Qiao Yuan. The site area is 1785 square meters, the west adjacent to Campus East Road and the stadium, the east adjacent to the Collage of Transportation and Jin Qiao dormitory, the south is the campus residential area, the site is an important traffic space and gathering square.


▽“松香廊道”在东林,The Rosin Corridor in Northeast Forestry University


01.前行,松香廊道 Forward,Rosin corridor

路过校园东路一角 Passing the corner of Campus East Road

从校园东路经过,无声的通行,简易的地砖,杂乱无章的绿化,折损的枯枝败叶,是锦侨园的过往片段。 如何便捷有效通行的同时使愉悦的游览过程体现校园文化是本次改造设计的诉求。

Walking through the Campus East Road, the original fragment of the Jinqiao Yuan was broken floor tiles , disorderly greening and damaged branches. How to improve the pedestrian experience and also reflect the campus culture is the demand of this renovation design.


▽区位分析,Location analysis

▽形象不显 功能不足 交通不畅 不能完全反映校园的形象,The lack of functionality does not reflect the campus image


“松香廊道”在东林 The “Rosin Corridor” in Northeast Forestry University


The renovated Jin Qiao Yuan has paving area of 432.5 square meters and vegetation area of 1352.8 square meters. The linear and extended layout of the plane is adopted, and the Siberian red pine is planted in a row with landscape stones to effectively strengthen the linearity of the space. The paving material is granite with length and width 4 to 1, and the edge without curbs enhanced the linear of vision. The design fully respects pedestrian inertia, also maintains the continuity and the penetration of the sight through the east-west side landscape of campus. The new design takes “Siberian Red pine”, which has been introduced and cultivated by the university for years, as the core tree species of the site. The strong linear pine array highlights the theme of the rosin corridor of the campus, and deftly displays the scientific research and application attributes of the campus landscape through the design.


▽流线分析,Streamline analysis

▽景观设计,Landscape design

▽生态设计,Ecological design

▽设计鸟瞰图,Aerial view

▽空间线性的直观感受,The intuitive feeling of spatial linearity

▽铺装材料选取长宽4:1的花岗岩,The paving material is granite with length and width 4 to 1

▽黄昏下的锦桥园,Jin Qiao Yuan at dusk

▽西伯利亚红松,Siberian Korean pine


02. 逐渐拥有温度 Gradually acquire temperature

“燃”起来的NEFU “Burning up” NEFU

东北林业大学(Northeast Forestry University),简称东北林大(NEFU)。我们希望用一种直接而热烈的方式展现它的历史悠久和高度的未来。所以将极具标识性的“NEFU”字母雕塑立在道路交叉口的绿地,现代质感的渐变镂空冲孔板在阳光下繁星点点,象征着无数莘莘学子组成了NEFU。来到校园的一角,花境热烈的簇拥着“NEFU”雕塑,象征着汗水浇灌出希望的花朵,成为校园打卡留念的热门场地。

Northeast Forestry University ,NEFU for short. We want to present its rich history and hopeful future in a direct and passionate way. Therefore, the highly symbolic “NEFU” letter sculpture stands in vegetation space of the road intersection, and the gradual carved plate of modern texture is dotted with lights in the sun, symbolizing countless students gathering in NEFU. Coming to the intersection of the campus, the flower border warmly surrounding the “NEFU” sculpture, which symbolizes the flowers of hope nourished by sweat, and has become a popular Instagram-worthy location on.campus.


▽再次路过校园东路,Passing through Campus East Road again

▽“燃”起来的NEFU,Burning up NEFU


谁说哈尔滨做不了花境? Who said the flower border was inappropriate in Harbin?


The cold climate and environment in Northeast China are unfavorable to the overwintering of plants. Harbin, as the representative city of Hardness zoneⅢto zone Ⅳ, is mainly vegetated by temperate coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests. In order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Northeast Forestry University and create a vivid campus landscape in the cold region, the design selects a variety of annual ornamentals to create a celebration atmosphere, and modulated with perennial flowers, next year would gradually increases the proportion of perennial and bulbous flowers that would create long-lasting cold region flower borders. Wild and scientific research plants with unique ornamental value were added for domestication and popularization, which becomes an excellent environment for teaching and experimental observation.


▽花境设计,Floral design


▽谁说哈尔滨做不了花境?Who said the flower border was inappropriate in Harbin

▽五彩缤纷的寒地校园景观,Colorful Cold Campus Landscape


东北的四季之趣 The four seasons of the northeastern


We hope to make use of native varieties to create a four-season plant landscape, the spatial layout emphasizes skyline and depth, and the preservation of old trees with a variety of new planting to create vegetation space. In spring, apricot, pear, plum, forsythia, Rhododendron xingan and other early spring flowering plants show their first beauty; In summer, colorful flower border in the background of dark green and light green, become the best summer vegetation landscape; In autumn, purple satin is in gorgeous gold, Mongolian oak red is like a torch, and willow and maple plants have shown autumn colors. In winter, white snow on the Siberian red pine still radiates green, guarding the next year’s flowers for teachers and students. After the completion of the Jin Qiao Yuan, seasonal vegetation landscape, attracting bustling teachers and students, brought more stays and lively atmosphere.


▽“突然”冒出的花,The sudden appearance of flowers

▽直接而热烈的方式,In a direct and passionate way

▽在阳光下,In the sun

▽地被植物,ground cover plant

▽一年生观赏植物,annual ornamental plants


03. 渐行,渐远 Gradually moving, gradually moving away

“回访”与“回忆””Revisit” and “Memory”


Every year, many alumni either to recall their youth or to be invited back to visit. With its unique campus logo and beautiful landscape, the Jin Qiao Yuan has become an Instagram-worthy for alumni to take photos, and a continuation memory of alumni in Alma mater.


▽空间布局强调变化与进深感,Spatial layout emphasizes change and depth of progress

▽空间布局强调变化与进深感,Spatial layout emphasizes change and depth of progress

▽把目光投向东方,Focus on the East

▽把目光投向西方,Turn your gaze to the West

▽探索美的不同的视角,Explore different perspectives on beauty


产、学、研的当下美The present beauty of production, study and research


At the beginning of the flower border design, the participation of scientific research was considered, except shrubs and perennial flowers accounted for 40%, the rest flowers were planted by the landscape architecture professors and students in planting practice. It has become a test field for the school to display plant varieties for scientific research. The passing figure of the Campus East Road increases the vitality of the practice of teachers and students. The construction of Jin Qiao Yuan effectively promotes the level of scientific research and application of Northeast Forest University, and enhances the campus impression.


▽产、学、研的当下美,The present beauty of production, study and research

▽总平面图,General plan




项目名称:东北林业大学校园景观——“锦侨园” 项目地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区和兴路26号东北林业大学 项目类型:校园景观改造 项目面积:1785平方米 项目建成时间:2022年 设计单位:哈尔滨众维知行设计工作室 景观设计团队:孔祥龙,于黎明,王嘉琳,王聪,李周瞳,章仕杰 施工单位:哈尔滨市景观园林有限责任公司 联络邮箱:[email protected] 公司地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区增福街45号 摄影版权:哈尔滨众维知行设计工作室

Project Name:Campus landscape of Northeast Forestry University—JinQiaoYuan Project address:Northeast Forestry University, 26 Hexing Road, Xiangfang District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province Project type: Campus landscape Project area: 1785 square meters Project completion Year: 2022 Design Unit: Poly Design Studio Landscape Design Team: Quentin Kong, Liming Yu , Jolene Wang, Claire Wang,Zhoutong Li,Shijie Zhang Construction unit: Harbin J.G Landscape Gardening Group Contact e-mail:[email protected] Firm Location:No.45 Zengfu Street, Xiangfang District, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province,China Photography Copyright: Poly Design Studio


“ 通过设计巧妙展示校园景观的科研与应用属性,打造一块崭新功能的校园景观。”


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