寻访明代地下古城:徐州城墙博物馆 / 延续建筑工作室 – 有方

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寻访明代地下古城:徐州城墙博物馆 / 延续建筑工作室 – 有方

2024-07-17 09:59:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

寻访明代地下古城:徐州城墙博物馆 / 延续建筑工作室 寻访明代地下古城:徐州城墙博物馆 / 延续建筑工作室 作者:吕彬、王祺雯;编辑:易智丽(实习生);校对:杨春(实习生) | 2018.05.28 21:25



02立面比例 秦伟摄影徐州城墙博物馆立面  摄影:秦伟


Buildings which have lives can make the soul of time and place into links. They are bo in the place and reinterpret the place.


遗落的文脉The Lost Context


Ancient Xuzhou, back to the dynasty of YU, has over 2600 years of city-construction history. The city is warrior fortress with thousands of years of prosperity. In the year of TianQi in Ming Dynasty, the Yellow River was rerouted, floods frequently occurred, and the ancient city was repeatedly submerged. The new city was rebuilt on the site above the old city, which made relics of ancient Xuzhou as “City under City, Building under Building, Street under Street, and Well and Well.”


The City Wall Museum is designed and built on the remains of the ancient city wall which locates on the east side of ancient city’s south gate (QuiGuang Gate). The ancient city wall was the remnant of Ming Dynasty and was buried for more than 600 years. It has become a history narrator and guardian of the urban context. The City Wall Museum takes the ancient city wall as a catalyst to explore the lost context in time, and relive the ancient city''s profound and deep scroll.


隐匿的秩序The Hidden Order


The City Wall Museum is designed in mode context. It uses the lost context as the clue and mode spatial construction as the logic to explore the context expression in architectural space.


00回笼窝历史街区中的城墙博物馆 秦伟摄影回笼窝历史街区中的城墙博物馆  摄影:秦伟


1. 形制因应 Shape System Response


The Huilongwo Historic District, where the City Wall Museum is located, is the reconstruction of Xuzhou’s traditional residential buildings, streets and lanes.Based on the continuation of the context, the museum should be concise, unobtrusive, and mode, and should not be arrogant.


01 城墙博物馆正鸟瞰 秦伟摄影城墙博物馆正鸟瞰  摄影:秦伟


The museum is launched on the ground level and the underground level at two elevations. The ground floor is the entrance hall and the preface hall, while the underground floor is the exhibition space of city wall context.


剖面1 section1

剖面2 section2剖面——博物馆在地面层和地下层两重标高展开  ©延续建筑工作室


The museum''s main entrance faces north. A bridge is designed above the basement courtyard, leading to the Huilongwo Historic District, in order to metaphorical time links. There are three ‘Space’ of the building on the ground floor from south to north, with one in the middle of double-pitch roof, one in the south and the north of flat roof. The forms, masses and proportions of the building follow the shape of the ancient city dwellings, in response to traditional architecture. The space is infiltrated between north and south of the building, and takes the traditional residence outside as the scene, in order to fitting time staggered.


16北向入口 秦伟摄影北向入口,架桥于地下层庭院之上  摄影:秦伟10南北对景-秦伟摄影南北对景  摄影:秦伟11历史回望-秦伟摄影历史回望  摄影:秦伟


2. 空间叙事Spatial Narration


The museum is descended from the middle of ground floor to the underground floor. Following the “City under City” track back to where the ancient city wall is, immersive experience of history review is obtained. The exhibition hall is a long rectangular space in the east-west direction. Partition walls are arranged in a staggered manner to construct a flow space while guiding the flow lines.


一层平面 ground floor一层平面图  ©延续建筑工作室地下一层平面 underground floor地下一层平面图  ©延续建筑工作室


Following the spatial streamlines, through the narrow dark historical exhibition space, wall-pier space suddenly occurs. Light from the hanging glass vertebral body sprinkled to the exhibition hall, in order to tell the story of wall-pier and create an atmosphere of brilliance.


09展厅空间秦伟摄影光自倒悬的玻璃椎体洒向展厅  摄影:秦伟


Bypassing the wall-pier, the ancient city wall can be seen. As exhibits and space construction at the same time, the city wall redefines the temperament of the exhibition hall as simplicity, vicissitudes, and truth.


08古城墙展厅与庭院秦伟摄影古城墙展厅与庭院  摄影:秦伟


The exhibition hall is finally ended in an outdoor garden. On the north side of the garden, the ancient city wall acts as a wall. On the east and south sides, fair-faced concrete is used. The west space of the garden penetrates with interior. A bridge is cantilevered on the east side over the garden and leads a landscape view to the west.


07城墙博物馆桥与地下层庭院  摄影:秦伟03东西景观轴西侧视角 秦伟摄影东西景观轴(西侧视角)  摄影:秦伟


On the ground of the garden, dropped stone steps in multiple folding lines is used to bridge the course of Yellow River, connecting to the waterfalls on the east side of the bridge, which flows along the outer side of the ancient city wall, in order to metaphor the moat flows. Between the inches, it has become a majestic trend. The space in the museum is narrow-long, or bright, or continuous, or pauses, and the state of rhythm is clearly displayed due to the sliced scene of historical time.


06古城墙与清水混凝土庭园地面以多重折线跌落的石阶弥合黄河古道  摄影:秦伟


3. 时间隐喻Time Metaphor


Expressing traditional architecture in mode context with mode materials and constructions, to metaphor time staggering and linking, is the original intention of the design.


05新旧关系 秦伟摄影清水混凝土与传统民居的清水砖照应  摄影:秦伟


The museum is constructed with fair-faced concrete and U-shaped glass. The double-slope roof is covered with metal tiles, and U-type glass is used for flat roofs. The design intents to fit traditional residential imaging: The fair-faced concrete corresponds to the clean water bricks of traditional houses. Facade U-shaped glass splicing corresponds to the traditional wooden splicing of residential houses. U-shaped glass in the roof is in line with the arrangement of roof tiles in traditional houses.


15建筑与庭院 秦伟摄影博物馆以清水混凝土及U型玻璃构筑,双坡屋面则以金属瓦为覆  摄影:秦伟13材料中的时间层次 秦伟摄影材料中的时间层次——清水混凝土引桥、古城墙与传统民居  摄影:秦伟


The wall of the exhibition hall is completely constructed with fair-faced concrete. Its unique luster and texture renders the deep architectural qualities of the entire building. U-shaped glass reconstructs the light environment of the building space due to its multiple diffuse reflections and moist jade like character.


12U型玻璃与清水混凝土 秦伟摄影U型玻璃与清水混凝土  摄影:秦伟17清水混凝土与天窗 秦伟摄影清水混凝土与天窗  摄影:秦伟


In the garden, on the approach bridge, the fair-faced concrete is contrasted with the ancient city wall and the traditional residential clear-water brick wall. With three items in one picture, the balance of time and the tension they present are far-reaching.


04庭院 秦伟摄影庭园之中,引桥之上  摄影:秦伟


重释与延续Reinterpretation and Continuation


The splendor of the city finally lost in time. The re-interpretation and continuation of the context is not an oveight task. The City Wall Museum is based on the lost context and considers the relevance and order of space and time. The space experience is bent over, sliced, condensed, and expanded by the time-bound narrative. Non-continuous times are linked among successive spatial experiences. Through the non-continual time tracking of the urban context, the studio re-interprets the ancient city, the ancient city wall and the traditional architectural form, and reconstruct people''s memory network of cities, buildings and history. The continuation of urban context is a re-expression of the region’s time, and it is also a reinterpretation of time in the place. The City Wall Museum rethinks the continuation of urban contexts with tiny space and tiny building as catalysts, to guard historical contexts, and to protect the city and architecture.


14材料中的时间层次 秦伟摄影材料中的时间层次  摄影:秦伟总平面图 master plan总平面图  ©延续建筑工作室














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