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2024-07-16 13:27:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

win [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈwɪn/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/wɪn/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(win) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'win' (v): (⇒ conjugate)winsv 3rd person singular winningv pres p winnedv past (For the drying sense only)wonv past (All other usages)winnedv past p (For the sense of drying hay, seed etc. only)wonv past p (All other usages)

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 win [sth]⇒ vtr (come first in, be victorious in)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得 yíng dé TCTraditional Chinese 贏得   SCSimplified Chinese 在...中获胜   SCSimplified Chinese 取得...的胜利  Our team won the game 3-2.  我们队 3 比 2 赢得了比赛。 win⇒ vi (come first, be victorious)SCSimplified Chinese 赢 yíng TCTraditional Chinese 贏   SCSimplified Chinese 获胜 yíng,huò shèng TCTraditional Chinese 獲勝  Our team won.  我们队赢了。 win [sth]⇒ vtr (gain as a prize) (奖品)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得, 夺得  We won a camera as a prize in the raffle.  我们在抽奖销售中赢得的奖品是一台照相机。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 win n (victory)SCSimplified Chinese 胜利 shèng lì TCTraditional Chinese 勝利   SCSimplified Chinese 获胜 shèng lì,huò shèng TCTraditional Chinese 獲勝   SCSimplified Chinese 成功 shèng lì,chéng gōng TCTraditional Chinese 成功  The win in the preliminary round allowed them to advance to the semi-finals.  初赛的胜利让他们晋级到半决赛。 win [sth] vtr (earn)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得 yíng dé TCTraditional Chinese 贏得   SCSimplified Chinese 博得 yíng dé,bó dé TCTraditional Chinese 博得  He won a spot on the Olympic team. win [sth] vtr (reach)SCSimplified Chinese 成功到达 chéng gōng dào dá TCTraditional Chinese 成功抵達   SCSimplified Chinese 成功抵达 chéng gōng dào dá,chéng gōng dǐ dá  The climber won the summit of the mountain on Monday morning. win [sth] vtr (achieve)SCSimplified Chinese 获得 huò dé TCTraditional Chinese 獲得   SCSimplified Chinese 取得 huò dé ,qǔ dé TCTraditional Chinese 取得   SCSimplified Chinese 赢得 huò dé ,yíng dé TCTraditional Chinese 贏得   SCSimplified Chinese 成就 huò dé ,chéng jiù TCTraditional Chinese 成就  Through your hard work you have won a place on the board of the company. win [sth] vtr (gain the support of)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得…的支持 yíng dé … de zhī chí  The candidate won many voters with his good ideas. win [sth] vtr UK, regional (dry hay, seed, etc.) (种)SCSimplified Chinese 播 bō TCTraditional Chinese 播   (干草)SCSimplified Chinese 制 TCTraditional Chinese 制 / 製   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 win back [sth/sb], win [sth/sb] back vtr phrasal sep (retrieve, recover)SCSimplified Chinese 重新获得 chóng xīn huò dé TCTraditional Chinese 重新獲得   SCSimplified Chinese 赢回 chóng xīn huò dé,yíng huí  After a long legal battle, the singer finally won back total control over his recorded output. If you want to win back your girlfriend you have to show her you're sorry. win [sb] over vtr phrasal sep informal, often passive (charm, persuade)SCSimplified Chinese 说服 shuō fú TCTraditional Chinese 說服   SCSimplified Chinese 把…争取过来 shuō fú ,bǎ … zhēng qǔ guò lái   SCSimplified Chinese 赢得…的支持 shuō fú ,yíng dé … de zhī chí  I was wary until I met him in person, but then he won me over completely.  直到碰到他本人前我一直很谨慎,不过之后他还是彻底说服了我。 win [sb] round vtr phrasal sep (persuade, coax)SCSimplified Chinese 争取 zhēng qǔ TCTraditional Chinese 爭取   SCSimplified Chinese 说服 zhēng qǔ,shuō fú TCTraditional Chinese 說服  She wanted nothing to do with it at first, but his smooth talking finally won her round.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 carry the day v expr (win, triumph)SCSimplified Chinese 取胜 TCTraditional Chinese 取勝  We hope that our team will carry the day. may the best man win interj (before competition)SCSimplified Chinese 愿最佳者胜出   SCSimplified Chinese 望胜者实至名归  Good luck to all and may the best man win! no-win adj (situation: no one benefits)SCSimplified Chinese 无人受益的 no-win situation n (choice between negative outcomes)SCSimplified Chinese 左右为难的情况 win by a neck n (horse-racing: win narrowly) (赛马)SCSimplified Chinese 险胜 xiǎn shèng   SCSimplified Chinese 以微弱优势胜利  The horse he backed won by a neck. What an exciting race! win by a nose v expr (horseracing: win very narrowly)SCSimplified Chinese 险胜 xiǎn shèng  It was a very close race. Our horse won by a nose. win friends vtr + npl (make yourself popular)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得朋友 yíng dé péng yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 贏得朋友  Criticising people is not a good way to win friends. win hands down v expr figurative, informal (be outright winner)SCSimplified Chinese 轻松赢得 qīng sōng yíng dé TCTraditional Chinese 輕鬆贏得  We knew that our team would win the game hands down. win out vi (succeed despite obstacles)SCSimplified Chinese 排除万难取胜 pái chú wàn nán qǔ shèng  In action movies the good guys usually win out in the end. win [sb] over to [sth] v expr informal (persuade of [sth]'s merits)SCSimplified Chinese 战胜 zhàn shèng TCTraditional Chinese 戰勝   SCSimplified Chinese 把…争取过来 zhàn shèng ,bǎ … zhēng qǔ guò lái   SCSimplified Chinese 赢得…的支持 zhàn shèng ,yíng dé … de zhī chí  Little by little we'll win you over to our political cause.  逐步的,我们总会赢得你对我们政治动因的支持。 win [sb]'s heart v expr figurative (endear yourself)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得某人的心 yíng dé mǒu rén de xīn  Our new neighbor's son won my heart when he raked up the leaves for us. win the affection of [sb], win [sb]'s affection v expr (seduce, make [sb] love you)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得...的喜爱 win the day v expr figurative (triumph)SCSimplified Chinese 战胜 zhàn shèng TCTraditional Chinese 戰勝   SCSimplified Chinese 打胜 zhàn shèng ,dǎ shèng  Honesty wins the day in business dealings. It was Nelson who won the day at the Battle of Trafalgar. win the election v expr (be voted into power)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得选举 yíng dé xuǎn jǔ TCTraditional Chinese 贏得選舉  The Labour party is expected to win the election. win the prize v expr (sport: take first place)SCSimplified Chinese 赢得大奖 yíng dé dà jiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 贏得大獎  She may not be the smartest, but she certainly wins the prize for most dedicated. win through vi (succeed despite obstacles)SCSimplified Chinese 排除万难取胜 pái chú wàn nán qǔ shèng win-win adj informal (beneficial to both parties) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 双赢的 shuāng yíng de TCTraditional Chinese 雙贏的  It's a win-win situation.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: win [wɪn] (pt, pp won)I n [c] 胜(勝)利 shènglì [个 gè] II vt 1 [+ game, fight, argument, election] 在…中获(獲)胜(勝) zài…zhōng huòshèng 2 [+ prize, medal] 赢(贏)得 yíngdé [+ support, popularity, order] 获(獲)得 huòdé III vi 获(獲)胜(勝) huòshèng win over vt [+ person] 争(爭)取过(過)来(來) zhēngqǔ guòlái win round (Brit) vt = win over 在这些条目还发现'win': 在英文解释里: also-ran - blowout - break - break back - break the bank - carry the day - catch 22 - cheat - clean out - clean up - come from behind - come out on top - competitive - competitively - damned if you do - defeat - disarm - draw first blood - emphatic - fair and square - front runner - gammon - get - have the last word - hit in - hit the jackpot - knockout - KO - land - landslide victory - letter - lose - loss - make a fortune - nomination - odds-on - outsider - overcome - prevail - reconquer - red-hot - revenge - romp - romp to victory - save - scoop - score - sellable - set point - shoo-in 中文: 取胜 - 获胜 - 赢 - 获 - 出奇制胜 - 博 - 必胜 - 拉拢 - 胜 - 赢得 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Irregular verbs, Athletics, 更多……同义词: victory, triumph, blowout, landslide, shutout, 更多……习惯性搭配: win a [prize, reward, free gift, place], [three] wins [in a row, consecutively], a no-win [situation, decision], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'win' 的论坛讨论:

To win without risk is to triumph without glory Win the confidence of win-win situation 'as' the Ukrainians cruised to a 16-0 win - English Only forum “to fail to win something.” [quotation marks for definition?] - English Only forum (Both) players have won this competition before, so (either) of them could win today. - English Only forum (the) Win Strategy Course/ the course "Win Strategy" - English Only forum [to win] or [who will win] - English Only forum [Used to win/won] - English Only forum [would have won] vs. [would win] - English Only forum a certainty to win - English Only forum A non win situation - English Only forum a small chance to win - English Only forum "A two-win streak escaped me." - English Only forum a win and loss, not a 'draw' [sports] - English Only forum a win in a tied case - English Only forum a/the win on Saturday will assure - English Only forum aced out Rebecca 'to' win [adj. or adv.] - English Only forum achieve vs win the Nobel prize - English Only forum Adam did not win/has not won - English Only forum affirmation to win - English Only forum All / Everything I do is winning vs win - English Only forum an away win - English Only forum applied demography to help win our case - English Only forum Are you going ? - English Only forum As always, he could not win - English Only forum as it would have to pay to win. - English Only forum be favored / fancied / expected to win - English Only forum Beat comparison vs Win comparison - English Only forum beat vs. win against - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'win'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "win" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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