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邓宁 博士,教授,北京第二外国语学院旅游科学学院副院长,数字文旅研究中心(文化和旅游部研究基地)主任,文化和旅游部信息科技领域专家,中国旅游景区协会信息化领域专家,国家自然科学基金管理学部通讯评审专家。博士毕业于北京理工大学计算机专业,曾任职于联想研究院和华为北研所。目前主要研究方向:数字文旅、目的地数字营销、旅游大数据、UGC可视化素材挖掘。近年来在TM、JTR、JDMM、CIIT、《旅游学刊》等国内外顶级旅游管理SSCI和CSSCI期刊上发表学术论文;主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、省部级项目、中国首个旅游APEC国际项目;建设国内首门“旅游大数据”本科课程,获教育部一流本科课程(在线);承担文化和旅游部及各省市数字文旅相关课题30余项;开发运营具有自主知识产权的“众誉旅游大数据网络口碑分析平台”,拥有相关专利6项。










1.  “投”其所好:目的地形象一致性驱动的旅游短视频高效投射机制研究(7217020849),自然科学基金面上项目(G0215),2022.1-2025.12,48万,主持(在研)

2.  “新媒体语境下旅游形象量化投射模型构建与评估研究”, 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2016.1-2018.12, 17.5万元,主持(结项,评价“优秀”)

3.  “研究阐释党的十九届四中全会精神国家社科基金重大项目”——完善文化和旅游融合发展机制体制研究(20ZDA067),本人为数字文旅子课题负责人,项目负责人:厉新建教授(在研)

4.  “基于UGC大数据的北京冬奥会海外形象精准投射研究”,北京市哲社科基地项目,2017.9-2019.9,8万元,主持,结项

5.  “基于图片的北京旅游形象海外精准营销平台建设”,北京市教委科技项目,2017.3-2019.3,15万元,主持,结项

6.  “朝阳区旅游大数据协同创新中心建设(一期)”,朝阳区科委协同创新项目,2018.12-2019.12,50万元,主持,结项

7.  “朝阳区旅游大数据协同创新中心建设(二期)”,朝阳区科委协同创新项目,2020.6-2021.6,60万元,主持,结项

8.  “基于图片深度学习的北京目的地品牌感知以Instagram 数据为例”,北京第二外国语学院校级科研项目,2018.3-2020.3,3万元,主持,已结项


1. “一带一路”倡议下的新时期海外旅游市场营销研究,2021年文化和旅游优秀研究成果一等奖(研究报告类);

2. “Where did you take those photos? Tourists’ preference clustering based on facial and background recognition”. Journal of destination marketing and management (JDMM) 2021年最佳论文奖 (runner-up best paper awards).


1.邓宁,牛宇,段锐 《旅游大数据》,旅游教育出版社,2022年8月,第二版,旅游大数据课程首选教材;






[1]Deng N, Li XR. Feeling a destination through the “right” photos: A machine learning model for DMOs’ photo selection. Tourism Management, 2018, 65: 267-278.(JCR Q1,SSCI, IF=7.43)

[2]Deng N, Liu JY. Where did you take those photos? Tourists’ preference clustering based on facial and background recognition. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 2021.6,(JCR Q1,IF = 6.952 )

[3]Deng N, Liu JY, Dai Y, Li H. Different cultures, different photos: A comparison of Shanghai's pictorial destination image between East and West, Tourism Management Perspectives, 2019,30:182-192.(JCR Q1,SSCI, IF=6.586)

[4]He Z, Deng N*, Li XR. How to “Read” a Destination from Images? Machine Learning and Network Methods for DMOs’ Image Projection and Photo Evaluation, 2021,Journal of Travel Research(SSCI,JCR Q1,IF=10.982)

[5]邓宁, 钟栎娜, 李宏. 基于UGC图片元数据的目的地形象感知——以北京为例. 旅游学刊 2018, 33(1): 53-62.

[6]邓宁, 刘耀芳, 牛宇, 计卫星. 不同来源地旅游者对北京目的地形象感知差异——基于深度学习的Flickr图片分析. 资源科学 2019, 41(3):416-429.

[7]邓宁,曲玉洁.中国旅游大数据的产业实践:现状、问题及未来. 旅游导刊 2021,5(4):1-15.

[8]邓宁. PMMS—一种面向旅游研究的海量图片元数据分析系统——以罗马为例. 旅游导刊 2017, 1(6): 34-47.

[9]Deng Ning, Li XR. Destination advertising in a smarter way: A machine learning model for DMOs’ photo selection. TTRA, 2017.

[10]Deng Ning, Qu Yujie, Cheng XiaoBin, Qin Jing. Seeing is visiting: discerning tourists’ behavior from landmarks in ordinary photos. Current Issues in Tourism, 2022.1-19.

[11]邓宁,蘧浪浪. 基于视频机器分析的目的地形象差异对比——以北京YouTube视频为例[J]. 旅游学刊, 2022, 37(8): 70-85.

2. 资政成果:



[1]邓宁,牛宇. 《旅游大数据:理论与应用》,旅游教育出版社,2019年10月

[2]邓宁,牛宇,厉新建. 《2017年中国5A景区网络口碑指数报告》,旅游教育出版社, 2018年6月




[2]邓宁,计卫星,王宇杨《基于互联网游客点评数据的线上满意度评价方法》, CN110059922A,实审阶段 [3]邓宁,一种基于UGC图片数据的目的地形象感知方法,110083726A,实审阶段 





[1]邓宁,计卫星,李嘉欣. 《旅游景区在线口碑大数据分析系统》,软著登字第1916927号,2017年3月

[2]邓宁,计卫星,王宇杨. 《旅游景区、目的地在线口碑大数据分析系统 V2.0》,软著登字第2019SR0216030号,2019年2月









(1)     千岛湖景区旅游大数据分析报告

(2)     基于互联网大数据的苏州旅游网络活跃度调研专题

(3)     基于大数据的北京森林公园市场研究

(4)     北京国家级森林公园市场研究报告

(5)     2014、2015年度中国旅游城市舆情指数

(6)     2018年山东省旅游委大数据分析报告

(7)     2018软通宁海项目大数据分析报告

(8)     2017华清宫网络口碑及网民满意度分析报告

(9)     中国旅游景区协会《数字化景区等级划分与评定》

(10)   2018年中国旅游景区优质服务报告

(11)   2018中国旅游景区发展报告(中国旅游研究院主编)

(12)   天姥山市场大数据分析与营销咨询(中国城市规划设计院牵头)

(13)   2017、2018《北京旅游基地发展报告》(北二外旅游研究基地)

(14)   河北省文旅厅“5G大数据联合实验室”项目.2020.5

(15)   苏州市文旅总入口建设模式与提升研究,2020.11

(16)   合作新华社新华指数:黑龙江冰雪旅游指数、洛阳文旅融合指数、甘肃乡村旅游指数、瑞金红色旅游指数、呼和浩特文旅融合指数等、山西大同旅游大数据报告等

(17)   河北省文化和旅游信息化发展研究报告,河北省文旅厅,2021.12

(18)   中国风景名胜区协会大数据报告,2021.12

(19)   中国旅游景区智慧化建设与发展报告,文化和旅游部资源司、中国旅游景区协会,2022.8

(20)   全国旅游目的地在线信息服务平台调研报告,文化和旅游部资源开发司,2023.1

(21)   全国智慧旅游三年行动计划,文化和旅游部资源开发司,2023.3


Deng Ning (邓宁), Ph.D., is an professor at the Beijing International Studies University, School of Tourism Sciences (STS). He is also vice dean of STS and the executive director of a research center for digital culture and tourism research in BISU. Before joining BISU, he earned the Ph.D. of computer science from Beijing Institute of Technology, and then joined Lenovo as a staff researcher for two years and Huawei as a system architect. He has very strong skills on programming and machine-based data mining. His research interests include destination marketing, with special focus on visual User-Generated Content (UGC) mining and information technology applications in tourism. In recent years, he has published academic papers in TM, JTR, JDMM, CIIT and other top tier SSCI and CSSCI journals. He has presided over the National Natural Science Foundation projects, provincial and ministerial projects, and the first APEC international project of China; also, he constructed the first course of Tourism Big Data in China (including the first textbook, first MOOC and experiment platform); undertaken more than 30 digital cultural tourism related projects of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other provinces and cities; developed and operated the "Zhongyu Tourism Big Data Network word-of-mouth Analysis Platform" with independent intellectual property rights, and owned 6 related patents. 


1. Bachelor: Tourism Bigdata, Internet product design. 

2. Master: Digital marketing and data mining for tourism research.

Also, Ning is the author of the first textbook in China: “Tourism bigdata: theory and practice”, published by the press of tourism education, 2019.10.

I am the leading teacher of the first tourism big data online MOOC: https://www.xuetangx.com/course/bisu12091002373/10382674?channel=i.area.recent_search

(It was recognized as the First-class undergraduate courses of Ministry of Education of the P.R.C in 2023)

Research Projects:科研项目

1. Research on efficient short-video projection mechanism of tourism destination based on image congruity. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (7217020849), 2022-2025. RMB 12,480,000, Poster, In process.

2. The construction and estimation of a quantitative projection model. for travel image in new media context. Youth Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (71502005), 2016-2018. RMB 175,000, Poster (evaluated as "excellent").

3.  "To study and Interpret the Spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, the Major Project of National Social Science Fund"-Improving the Integrated development mechanism and System of Culture and Tourism (20ZDA067). Participant in the sub-project of digital culture and tourism, project leader: Professor Li Xinjian, In process.

4. Oversea's image prevision projection of Beijing Winter Olympics based on UGC bigdata. Funded by Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Beijing. (17JDGLB006), 2017-2018.

5.  Beijing oversea’s image projection model based on UGC photos. Funded by Beijing Municipal Education Commission (to DENG Ning) (SQKM201710031001), 2017-2018.

6.  Zhongyu-an attraction tourists’ experience evaluation platform based on OTA online reviews.

7.  "Construction of Chaoyang District Tourism Big Data Collaborative Innovation Center (Phase I)", Chaoyang District Science and Technology Commission Collaborative Innovation Project, 2018.12-2019.12, RMB 500,000 , Poster, Done.

8.  "Construction of Chaoyang District Tourism Big Data Collaborative Innovation Center (Phase II)", Chaoyang District Science and Technology Commission Collaborative Innovation Project, 2020.6-2021.6, RMB 600,000, Poster, Done.

9. "Beijing Destination Brand Perception Based on Image Deep Learning: Taking Instagram Data as an example", university level scientific research Project of Beijing International Studies University, 2018.3-2020.3, RMB 30,000, Poster, Done.


Achievements of management and administration:资政成果

1. “The Theory, Logic and Realization Path of Digital Cultural Tourism”, China Tourism News, 2020.4 (Approved by Luo Shugang, the Minister of Culture and Tourism of P.R.C at that time)



1.  Deng N, Li XR. Feeling a destination through the “right” photos: A machine learning model for DMOs’ photo selection. Tourism Management, 2018, 65: 267-278.(JCR Q1, SSCI, IF=7.43)

2. Deng N, Liu JY. Where did you take those photos? Tourists’ preference clustering based on facial and background recognition. Journal of Destination Marketing& Management, 2021.6,(JCR Q1,IF = 6.952)

3.  Deng N, Liu JY, Dai Y, Li H. Different cultures, different photos: A comparison of Shanghai's pictorial destination image between East and West, Tourism Management Perspectives, 2019,30:182-192. (JCR Q1, SSCI, IF=6.586)

4. He Z, Deng N*, Li XR. How to “Read” a Destination from Images? Machine Learning and Network Methods for DMOs’ Image Projection and Photo Evaluation, 2021, Journal of Travel Research (SSCI,JCR Q1,IF=10.982)

5. Ning Deng, Lina Zhong, Hong Li. Perception of Travel Destination Image based on User-generated Photograph Metadata: the Case of Beijing. Tourism Tribune

6.  Ning Deng, Yaofang Liu. Different perceptions of Beijing's destination images from tourists: An analysis of Flickr photos based on deep learning method. Resources Science, 2019, 41(3): 416- 429.] DOI: 10.18402/resci.2019.03.01

7. Ning Deng, Yujie Qu. Application of Big Data in China’s Tourism Industry: Current Situation, Problems, and Future. Tourism and Hospitality Perspectives, 2021, 5(4): 1-15.     

8. Ning Deng. PMMS-a mass image metadata analysis system for tourism research: the case of Rome. Tourism Guide 2017, 1(6): 34-47.

9. Ning Deng, Xiang (Robert) Li. Destination advertising in a smarter way A machine learning model. TTRA 2017, Quebec, Canada. (Presentation and Poster)

10. Deng Ning, Qu Yujie, Cheng XiaoBin, Qin Jing. Seeing is visiting: discerning tourists’ behavior from landmarks in ordinary photos. Current Issues in Tourism, 2022.1-19.

11. Qu Langlang, Deng Ning. Comparison of destination image Differences Based on Video Machine Analysis: A Case study of Beijing YouTube videos [J]. Tourism Tribune, 2022, 37(8): 70-85.

Academic monograph:学术专著

1. Deng Ning, Niu Yu, Duan Rui. Tourism Big Data, Tourism Education Press, August 2022

2. Deng Ning, Niu Yu. Tourism Big Data: Theory and Application, Tourism Education Press, October 2019

3. Deng Ning, Niu Yu, Li Xinjian. Report on Network Word-of Mouth Index of China 5A Scenic Spots in 2017, Tourism Education Press, June 2018

4.  Deng Ning, National Destination Online Public Opinion Monitoring Report, Intellectual Property Publishing House, December 2016

Invention patent:发明专利

1. Deng Ning, A Tourist Destination Image Recommendation Method, CN109213852A, Actual Review stage

2. Deng Ning, Ji Weixing, Wang Yuyang, Online Satisfaction Evaluation Method Based on Internet Tourist Review Data, CN110059922A, in actual Review stage

3. Deng Ning, A Method of Destination Image Perception Based on UGC Image Data, 110083726A, in actual review stage

4. Deng Ning, Lin Songtao, File Processing Method and Device Based on File Transfer Process, CN104424225A, published

5. Deng Ning, Lin Songtao, Data Synchronization Method and Data synchronization Device, CN103929450B, published

6.  Deng Ning, A File Synchronization Method and Electronic Equipment, CN104008116B, published

Software copyright:软件著作权

1.  Deng Ning, Ji Weixing, Li Jiaxin. Big Data Analysis System of Online Word-of Mouth in Tourist Attractions, No.1916927, March 2017

2.  Deng Ning, Ji Weixing, Wang Yuyang. Online Word-of Mouth Big Data Analysis System V2.0 for Tourist Attractions and Destinations, Soft Zhudong No. 2019SR0216030, February 2019

Project commissioned by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism:

1.  Construction of index system and index model of “Monitoring the Operation of Culture and Tourism Market Economy” (Department of Market Administration, Ministry of Culture and Tourism), Jul. 2019 - Jul. 2020.

2. Research on Inbound Tourism Marketing of “The Belt and Road” (Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Culture and Tourism), Aug. 2019 - Sep. 2020.

3. Drafting of the important document of “Opinions on Deepening” Internet Plus Tourism “and Promoting High-quality Development of Tourism” (Department of Resources, Ministry of Culture and Tourism).

4.  APEC International Project: Recovery of Tourism in the APEC Region after the Epidemic: Current Situation and Trend (Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, together with China Tourism Academy, was approved for the first time in the field of domestic tourism), June 2021.

5. Research on resource Reservation Construction and operation Mode of Integrated Government Affairs Platform (Information Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism),  July 2021-April 2022.

6. “Compilation of Excellent Cases and Market Analysis Data of Cultural and Tourism Agencies Abroad”, July 2022-Nov. 2022.

Other related Social service Projects:

1. Tourism Big Data analysis report of Qiandao Lake Scenic Spot

2.  Research topic of Suzhou Tourism network Activity based on Internet big data

3. Research on Beijing Forest Park market based on big data

4. Beijing National Forest Park market research report

5. Public opinion index of China’s tourism cities in 2014 and 2015

6. Big Data Analysis Report of Tourism Commission of Shandong Province in 2018

7. 2018 Isoftstone Ninghai Project Big Data Analysis Report

8. 2017 Analysis Report of Huaqing Palace’s online reputation and Netizens’ satisfaction

9. Classification and Evaluation of Digital Scenic Spots, China Association of Tourist Attractions

10. Quality Service Report of China’s Tourist Attractions in 2018

11. 2018 China Tourism Scenic Area Development Report (edited by China Tourism Academy)

12. Big Data analysis and marketing consulting of Tianmu Mountain Market (led by China Urban Planning and Design Institute)

13. 2017, 2018 “Beijing Tourism Base Development Report” (Beijing International Studies University Tourism Research Base)

14. “5G Big Data Joint Laboratory” Project of Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism.2020.5

15. Research on the construction mode and Improvement of Suzhou Cultural and Tourism Main Entrance, 2020.11

16. Xinhua News Xinhua Index: Heilongjiang Ice and Snow Tourism Index, Luoyang Cultural and Tourism Integration Index, Gansu Rural Tourism Index, Ruijin Red Tourism Index, Hohhot Cultural and Tourism Integration Index, etc. (Xinhua Index)

17. Research Report on the Development of Culture and Tourism Informatization in Hebei Province, Hebei Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, 2021.12

18. Big Data Report of China Scenic Area Association, 2021.12

19. Report on Intelligent Construction and Development of China's Tourist Attractions, Department of Resources, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, China Tourist Attractions Association, 2022.8


1. Research on overseas tourism marketing in the new era under the Belt and Road Initiative, The first Prize of 2021 Outstanding Research Achievements in Culture and Tourism (Research Report)

2. Deng N, Liu JY. Where did you take those photos? Tourists’ preference clustering based on facial and background recognition. Journal of Destination Marketing& Management, 2021.6, (JCR Q1,IF = 6.952, 2021 runner-up best paper awards)

Social Positions:

1. Experts of China Tourist Attractions Association.

2. Experts of China Association of Travel Services.

3. Expert in information technology of Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

4. Expert in Communication Evaluation of National Natural Science Foundation of China.







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