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Men would rather have their fill of sleep, love, singing and dancing than of war. 人们应该充分拥有安睡、爱情、唱歌和跳舞,而不是战争。

——Homer ——荷马

The laws are silent in the midst or arms. 在战鼓声中法律便沉默了。

——Cicero ——西塞罗

Wars are the dread of mothers. 战争是母亲们所害怕之物。

——Horace ——贺拉斯

The war is just which is necessary. 正义的战争是必要的。

——Nicoolo Machiavclli ——尼柯罗·马基维利

In peace, there’s nothing so becomes a man As modest stillncss and humility; But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Than imitat the action of the tiger. 在太平年头,做一个大丈夫, 首先就得讲斯文、讲谦逊; 可是一旦咱们的耳边响起了战号的召唤, 咱们效法的是饥虎怒豹。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

It is war’s prize to take all vantages, And ten to one is no impeach of valor. 在战争中,能占便宜便占便宜, 十个对一个也不算没有勇气。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

Your breath first kindled the dead coal of wars… And now ’tis far too huge to be blown out With that same weak wind which enkindled it. 您最初鼓唇弄舌,煽旺了这场已冷的战灰…… 现在火势已盛,再想凭着您嘴里这一口微弱的气息把它吹灭, 是怎么也办不到的了。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

Follow the drum, With man’s blood paint the ground, gules, gules. Religions canons, civil laws are cruel; Then what should war be? 跟着你的鼓声去吧; 用人类的血染红大地; 宗教的戒条、民事的法律,哪一条不是冷酷无情的! 那么谁能责怪战争的残酷呢?

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

Now for the bare—pick’d bone of majesty Doth dogged war bristle his angry crest, And snarleth in the gentle eyes of peace. 为了王权这一根啃剩的骨头, 横蛮的战争已经耸起它愤怒的羽毛, 当着和平的温柔的眼睛大肆咆哮。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

Our battle is more full of names than yours, Our men more perfect in the use of arms, Our armour all in strong,our cause the best; The reason will our hearts should be as good. 我们的队伍里拥有比你们更多的知名人物, 我们的士兵受过比你们更完善的训练, 我们的甲胄和你们同样坚固,我们的名义是堂堂正正的, 那么为什么我们的勇气会不及你们呢?

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

He which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart;his passport shall be made. 如果谁没有勇气打这一仗, 就随他掉队,我们发给他通行证。

——Shakespeare ——莎士比亚

I have come to hate war not only because it kills off the flower of every nation, but because it destroys spiritual as well as material value. 我痛恨战争不仅因为它消灭了一个国家的精华,而是因为它消灭了一切精神和物质的价值。

——Ehrenburg ——爱伦堡

There never was a good war or a bad peace. 从来没有好的战争,坏的和平。

——Benjamin Franklin ——本杰明·富兰克林

War is the science of destruction. 战争是破坏的科学。

——Stevens ——斯提芬兹

It seems perfectly clear to me that we can never make any real progress toward permanent peace so long as we recognize the institution of war as legitimate and clothe it with glory. 我十分清楚地认识到,如果我们承认战争的合法性并加以粉饰时,我们对于持久的和平便不能取得真正的进展。

——Unknown ——佚名

The bomb has been made more effective…Unless another war is prevented it is likely to bring destruction on a scale never before held possible and even now hardly conceived, and…little civilization would survive it. 炸弹的作用更加有效,如果不制止另一个战争的爆发时,它会带来前所未有、目前也难估料的大规模的破坏……文明很难得到幸存。

——Einstein ——爱因斯坦

Only two great groups of animals, men and ants, indulge in highly organized mass warfare. 只有人和蚂蚁这两大群动物才从事高度组织性的集体战争。

——Charles Haskins ——查理·赫斯肯

Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. Ask the infantry and ask the dead. 不管战争多么必要和正义,决不要认为它不是一种罪恶。问问那些孤儿寡妇,问问死者。

——Hemingway ——海明威

There is no such thing as an inevitable war, if war comes it will be from failure of human wisdom. 没有不可避免的战争,如果战争发生,那是人类智慧的破产。

——Andrew Law ——安德鲁·劳

To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual ways of preserving peace. 战备便是维护和平的最有效方式。

——Washington ——华盛顿

What difference does it make to the dead, the orphants and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy. 对于死者,对于孤儿寡妇,对于无家可归者来说,疯狂的破坏,不管它是在极权主义的旗帜下或者自由民主的神圣旗帜下进行,又有何区别?

——Gandhi ——甘地

War can only be abolished through war, in order to get ride of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun. 只有通过战争才能消灭战争,要想消灭枪杆子只有握住枪杆子。

——Mao Zedong ——毛泽东

The motto of war is: “Let the strong survive; let the weak die.” The motto of peace is:“Let the strong help the weak to survive.” 战争的口号是“强者存而弱者亡”,和平的口号是“强者帮助弱者生存”。

——Franklin Roosevelt ——富兰克林·罗斯福

To call war the soil of courage and virtue is like calling debauchery the soil of love. 称战争是勇敢和德行的滋生地,无异说通奸是爱情的滋生地。

——George Santayana ——乔治·桑塔亚那

It is not by speeches and resolutions that the great questions of the time are decided…but by iron and blood. 决定这个时代的巨大问题,不在于空谈和决议,而在于铁与血。

——Bismarck ——俾斯麦

Most people believe the achievements of war more important than those of peace, but this is a mistake. 许多人相信战争的成就比和平的成就更重要,但这是错误的。

——Cicero ——西塞罗

Let us concentrate on the one great job of civilization——the complete elimination of war. 让我们专注于文化的这一伟大任务——全部消灭战争。

——Unknown ——佚名

So far as war has any biological effect, it is rather to kill off the fittest than to preserve them. 说到战争给予生物学上的效果,那就是消灭健康者而不是保全它,

——Unknown ——佚名

War does not spare the brave, but the coward. 战争救存下来的不是勇敢者而是懦夫。

——Greek Proverb ——希腊谚语

A wise man should try everything before resorting to war. 聪明人在诉诸战争之前应该作一切的尝试。

——Latin Proverb ——拉丁谚语






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