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to do something standing on one's head -> do something very easily and without effort做某事轻而易举

He's able to count backward standing on his head.倒着数数对他而言轻而易举。

Don't worry about that. I can do it standing on my head.别担心。这对我来说是小菜一碟。

your head against a brick wall -> do something without any chance of it succeeding做不可能成功的事情

I've been banging my head against a brick wall when it comes to finding a job.我根本就找不到工作。

Trying to convince Kevin is like banging your head against a brick wall.想要说服凯文是不可能的事。

something into someone's head-> teach someone something by repeating it over and over again通过不断的重复来教给某人某事

Sometimes you just need to beat grammar into your head.有时候,你只需要通过不断地重复来学习。

My father beat the importance of kindness into my head.爸爸一直在我面前说着友善的重要性。

someone's head off -> criticize someone strongly严厉批评某人

Tim bit my head off last night at the party.蒂姆在昨晚的派对上严厉地批评了我。

Don't bit my head off just because I made a mistake.不要只是因为我犯了错误就对我大加指责。

something to a head -> cause a crisis to happen使产生转折点

We need to bring the situation to a head to get a resolution.我们需要使情况出现转机,从而找到解决的办法。

The immigration situation brought the political crisis to a head.移民情况使得政治危机出现转折。

one's head in the sand -> ignore something completely完全忽略某事

You're going to have to face the situation and not bury your head in the sand.你要面对事实,不要畏畏缩缩。

He chose to bury his head in the sand and not confront her.他选择逃避,不去面对她。

#39;t make heads or tails out of something -> not be able to understand something无法理解某事物

I hate to admit that I can't make heads or tails out of this math problem.我不想承认,我完全无法理解这道数学题。

The politicians can't make heads or tails out of the current employment crisis. 这些政治家们完全不理解当前的就业危机。

something into someone's head -> repeat over and over until someone learns something一遍遍地重复,直到某人学会某事

I had to drum German grammar into my head for two years before I could speak the language.在我学会德语之前,只能将语法一遍又一遍地学习了两年。

I suggest you drum this into your head for the test next week.为了准备下周的测试,我建议你多重复几次。

head over heels in love -> fall deeply in love深深爱上

She fell head over heals in love with Tom.她深深地爱上了汤姆。

Have you ever fallen head over heels in love?你有没有深深地爱过一个人?

head to toe -> dressed or covered in something completely全身都穿着或覆盖着某物

He's dressed in blue from head to toe.他从头到脚都是蓝色的衣服。

She's wearing lace from head to toe. 她全身都穿着蕾丝。

a head start on something -> begin doing something early早早地开始干某事

Let's get a head start on the report tomorrow.每天我们早点开始报道吧。

She got a head start on her homework immediately after school.一放学,她早早地就开始写起作业。

your head above water-> keep going in life despite many difficulties困难重重,却仍然坚持

If I can find a job I'll be able to get my head above water.如果我能找到工作,就能维持生活了。

Study these pages and you'll get your head above water.学习这几页的内容,你就能明白了。

someone or something out of one's head -> remove someone or something from your thoughts (often used in the negative)将某人或某事从你的脑子里脱离出去

I'm really upset that I can't get her out of my head.我忘不了她,这使我很难受。

She spent three years getting those experiences out of her head.她花了三年的时间将这些经历从脑海中忘记。

someone a head's start -> let someone else begin before you in  a competition of some kind在比赛中让某人先开始

I'll give you twenty minutes head's start.我先让你来20分钟。

Can you give me a head's start?你能让我先开始吗?

over someone's head -> not be able to understand something无法理解某事

I'm afraid the joke went over her head.恐怕她听不懂这个笑话。

I'm afraid the situation goes over my head. 我恐怕还无法理解情况。

to someone's head -> make someone feel better than others使某人觉得自己比他人优秀

His good grades went to his head.他的好成绩使他觉得自己比别人更优秀。

Don't let your success go to your head. Stay humble.不要被胜利冲昏了头。谦虚一点。

a good head on your shoulders -> be intelligent聪明的

She's got a good head on her shoulders.她非常聪明。

You can trust him because he's got a good head on his shoulders.你可以相信他,因为他十分聪明。

someone or something off -> arrive before someone or something else比别人先到达

Let's head them off at the pass.先发制人。

We need to head the problem off.我们需要比别人先解决这个问题。

the nail on the head -> be exactly right about something一针见血

I think you hit the nail on the head.我觉得你真是一针见血。

His answer hit the nail on the head.他的答案说到点子上了。

over one's head -> do something that is too difficult for a person某事对某人而言太难了

I'm afraid Peter is in over his head with Mary.恐怕玛丽无法对付皮特。

Do you ever feel that your in over your head?你有没有感觉到自己做的事难于登天?

your head -> become nervous or angry变得紧张或愤怒

Don't lose your head over the situation.面对这种情形不要紧张。

She lost her head when he told her he wanted a divorce.当他告诉她想离婚时,她愤怒了。







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