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1995年1月-1999年3月 中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所,见习研究员。

1998年6月-1999年3月 中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所。

1999年3月-2000年1月 中国科学院兰州沙漠研究所,研究员。

2000年1月以来 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,研究员。

2008年以来 陕西师范大学,教授


















美国水土保持学会Journal of Soil and Water Conservation期刊(SCI源刊)副主编。

荷兰Elsevier出版集团Aeolian Research期刊(SCI源刊)副主编。



Bentham Science出版集团The Open Geography Journal编委。

Journal of Arid Land期刊编委。

Science in Cold and Arid Regions期刊编委。











1. 国家计委、农业农村部“七·五”重点项目“我国北方近十年沙漠化监测与发展趋势预测”(主要参加人,1988-1990)。

2. 国家“八·五”重点科技攻关项目“塔里木沙漠石油公路防沙治沙综合研究”(主要参加人,1991-1995, 批准号:85-101-07-02)。

3. 中国科学院项目“风沙活动过程中近地表风沙互馈机制”(负责人,1999-2002)。

4. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“近地表风沙流与风速廓线的互馈机制”(负责人,2000-2003,批准号:40001005)。

5. 中国科学院知识创新工程方向性项目“风沙流动力过程及其控制原理”(负责人之一,2000-2003,批准号:KZCX2-304)。

6. 国家973项目课题“中国北方土壤风蚀的定量评价”(第二负责人,2000-2005,批准号:2000048702)。

7. 中国科学院知识创新工程方向性项目“干旱区雨养生物防风固沙体系的水环境研究” (主要参加人,2002.10-2005.10,批准号:KZCX3-SW-324)。

8. 国家自然科学基金国家杰出青年科学基金项目“风沙边界层动力学”(负责人,2003-2006,批准号:40225003)。

9. 中国科学院知识创新工程方向性项目“西北干旱区沙尘释放及其与环境的关系研究”(首席科学家,2004-2007,批准号:KZCX3-SW-341)。

10. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“江河源区土地沙漠化过程及其与冰冻圈的互馈关系”(负责人,2007.01-2010.12,批准号:40638038)。

11. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“青藏高原及其邻近地区沙漠中的类火星风沙地貌研究”(负责人,2012.01-2016.12,批准号:40638038)。

12. 国家自然科学基金项目:“察尔汗盐湖边缘沙漠线形沙丘的形成过程及其影响因素”(负责人,2012.01-2015.12,批准号:41171010)。

13. 国家重大科学研究计划“青藏高原沙漠化对气候变化的响应”(项目首席科学家,第三课题“青藏高原沙漠化的驱动机制与沙漠化气候脆弱性”负责人,2013.01-2017.07,项目号2013CB956001)。


   从事风沙动力学研究,国家重大科学研究计划项目“青藏高原沙漠化对全球变化的响应”(2013-2017)首席科学家。中国风沙物理学的学术带头人,领导的团队是被国家自然科学基金委员会认为是国内最具竞争力的风沙物理与风沙地貌研究团队,是国际风沙物理和风沙地貌研究的重要力量。曾参与和主持40多项研究项目,发表论文300余篇,其中SCI和EI收录论文120余篇,其中在重要地学期刊Earth Science Reviews, Journal of Geophysical Research和Geophysical Research Letters以第一作者发表论文15篇。出版专著4部、参与6部专著编写。在风沙研究专用仪器研制方面获国家专利25项,其中发明专利6项。论文被SCI他引1200余次。


1.  2002年 被授予甘肃省“青年岗位能手”。

2. 2002年,获国家杰出青年基金资助。

3. 2003年,获中国治沙暨沙业学会“全国治沙暨沙产业先进科技工作者”。

4. 2004年,入选国家人事部等七部委首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选。

5. 2005年,获国务院政府特殊津贴。

6. 2008年,入选教育部特聘教授。

7. 2009年,入选甘肃省领军人才第一层次人选。


1. 王涛、董治宝、屈建军、拓万全、薛娴、王训明、孙宏义、张伟民、韩致文、赵爱国、姚正毅、李芳、李宏,2005. 风沙运动机理及防沙治沙工程原理研究. 甘肃省科技进步二等奖,项目编号:2005-2-038.

2. 王涛、郑晓静、赵哈林、董治宝、王乃昂、赵学勇、周又和、靳鹤龄、王式功、吴薇、张铜会、薛娴、拓万全,2006.中国北方沙漠化过程及其防治研究. 甘肃省科技进步一等奖,项目编号:2006-J1-004.

3. 王涛、郑晓静、赵哈林、董治宝、王乃昂、赵学勇、周又和、吴薇、张铜会、薛娴,2007.中国北方沙漠化过程及其防治. 国家科技进步二等奖,项目编号:2007-231-2-04.

4. 王训明、董治宝、屈建军、陈广庭、张家武,2008.中国干旱、半干旱区风沙地貌过程与沙漠化和沙尘暴的关系. 甘肃省自然科学二等奖,项目编号:2008-Z2-004.

5. 吴波、董治宝、鹿化煜、褚建民、杨文斌、王学全、李迪强、王继和、张怀清、王式功,2010. 库姆塔格沙漠综合科学考察. 中国林业科学研究院二等奖,项目编号:J-2010-2-02.

6. 卢琦、董治宝、吴波、鹿化煜、王继和、肖洪浪、李迪强、严平、杨文斌、王式功,2011. 库姆塔格沙漠综合科学考察及其主要科学发现.“中林集团杯”第四届梁希林业科学技术奖二等奖,项目编号:2011-KJ-2-01.

7. 董治宝、冯起、曹世雄、文军、杨保,2012.中国干旱区关键地表过程及其调控研究. 甘肃省自然科学一等奖,项目编号:2012-Z1-002.


1. 论文目录


韩致文、陈渭南、陈广庭、刘贤万、董治宝,1993. 塔里木沙漠公路试验段防沙工程效益分析. 中国沙漠,13(4):44-51.


陈渭南、董光荣、董治宝,1994.中国北方土壤风蚀问题研究的进展与趋势. 地球科学进展,9(5):6-11.


董治宝、陈渭南、董光荣、杨佐涛、李振山,1995. 关于人为地表结构破损与土壤风蚀关系的定量研究. 科学通报,40(1): 54-57(SCI).

董治宝、董光荣、陈广庭,1995. 风沙物理学研究进展与展望. 大自然探索,14(3):30-38.

董治宝,1995. 中国土地沙质荒漠化简评. 地理科学,15(3):295-296.

董治宝、李振山、严平,1995. 国外土壤风蚀研究的历史与特点.  中国沙漠,15(1):100-103.

陈渭南、董治宝、杨佐涛、韩致文、张甲坤、张民力,1995. 塔克拉玛干沙漠的起沙风速. 地理学报,50(4):360-367.

韩致文、周玉麟、李晓云、董治宝,1995. 豫北延津的风沙问题. 中国沙漠,15(4):378-384.

杨佐涛、陈渭南、陈广庭、董治宝、王宏,1995. 塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的气候表现. 中国沙漠,15(3):293-298.

DONG Zhibao, CHEN Weinan, DONG Guangrong, LI Zhenshan, YANG Zuotao, 1995. Quantitative relationship between soi1 erosion by wind and surface structure destruction. Chinese Science Bul1etin,40(6): 492-496(SCI).

Chen Weinan,Yang Zuotao,Dong Zhibao,1995. Vertical distribution of grain-size parameters of drifting particles of sand storms in Taklimakan Desert,Central Asia.  Physical Geography, 16: 503-523(SCI).


董治宝、陈广庭,1996. 生物防沙物理学研究进展. 中国沙漠,16(增刊3):44-48.

董治宝、陈渭南、李振山、杨佐涛,1996. 植被对土壤风蚀影响作用的实验研究. 土壤侵蚀与水土保持学报,2(2):1-8.

董治宝、董光荣、陈广庭,1996. 以北方旱作农田为重点开展我国的土壤风蚀研究. 干旱区资源与环境,10(2):31-37.

董治宝、陈渭南、董光荣、陈广庭、李振山、杨佐涛,1996. 植被对风沙土风蚀作用的影响. 环境科学学报,16(4):437-443.

董治宝、李振山,1996. 六道沟流域土壤水分抗风蚀性分析. 中国沙漠,16(3):275-280.

董治宝、陈渭南、李振山、杨佐涛,1996. 风沙土水分抗风蚀性研究. 水土保持通报,16(2):17-23.

陈广庭、董治宝、严平,1996. 荒漠化:国际研究热点与我国的研究战略. 大自然探索,15(3):1-5.

张春来、董光荣、董治宝、李长治,1996. 用风洞实验方法计算土壤风蚀量的时距问题.中国沙漠,16(2): 200-203.

Chen Weinan, Dong Zhibao,Li Zhenshan, Yang Zuotao, 1996. Wind tunne1 test of the influence of moisture on the erodibility of 1oessial sandy loam soil by wind. Journal of Arid Environments, 34(4): 391-402(SCI, EI).


董治宝、陈渭南、李振山、杨佐涛,1997. 风沙土开垦中的风蚀研究. 土壤学报,34(1):74-80.

董治宝、陈广庭、韩致文、颜长珍、李振山,1997. 塔里木沙漠石油公路风沙危害.环境科学,18(1):4-9.

董治宝、陈广庭,1997. 内蒙古后山地区土壤风蚀问题初论. 土壤侵蚀与水土保持学报,3(2):84-90.

李振山、董治宝、陈广庭,1997. 风沙运动数值模拟研究的进展. 干旱区研究,14(1):63-68.

王训明、陈广庭、董治宝,1997. 塔里木沙漠公路沿线起沙风与输沙强度. 中国沙漠,17(2):168-172.


董治宝、陈广庭、韩致文、颜长珍、王训明,1998. 塔里木沙漠石油公路沿线沙丘移动规律. 中国沙漠,18(4):328-333.

董治宝,1998. 建立小流域风蚀量统计模型初探. 水土保持通报,18(5): 55-62.

董治宝、李振山,1998. 风成沙粒度特征对其风蚀可蚀性的影响.土壤侵蚀与水土保持学报, 4(4):1-5.

李振山、陈广庭、冯起、董治宝,1998. 塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地纵向沙垄地表沙物质粒度特征. 干旱区资源与环境,12(1):21-27.


董治宝,1999. 系统的研究、实践的总结. 中国沙漠,19(1):94-96.

董治宝,1999. 土壤风蚀预报简述. 中国水土保持,(6):17-19.

董治宝、高尚玉、董光荣,1999. 土壤风蚀预报述评. 中国沙漠,19(4):312-317.

王训明、陈广庭、韩致文、董治宝, 1999. 塔里木沙漠公路机械防沙体系效益分析.中国沙漠, 19(2):120-127.

Zhibao Dong, Donald W. Fryrear, and Shangyu Gao, 1999. Modeling the roughness properties of artificial soil clods. Soil Science, 164(12): 930-935(SCI).


董治宝,2000. 风沙物理学:研究沙尘释放与控制的基础. 科学对社会的影响,(4):42-44.

董治宝、王训明、刘连友, 2000. 中国干旱半干旱地区的风蚀. 中国沙漠, 20(2):134-139.

董治宝、高尚玉、Fryrear, D. W.,2000. 直立植物-砾石覆盖组合措施的防风蚀作用. 水土保持学报,14(1):7-11.

董治宝、Fryrear, D. W.、高尚玉,2000. 直立植物防沙措施粗糙特征的实验研究. 中国沙漠,20(1):260-263.

王训明、董治宝,2000. 起沙风统计与输沙量计算中的若干问题. 干旱区资源与环境,14(3):41-45.

严平、董光荣、董治宝、张信宝,2000. 青海共和盆地达连海沉积物示踪的初步研究. 地球化学,29(5):469-474.

Dong Zhibao, Wang Xunming, Liu Lianyou, 2000. Wind erosion in arid and semiarid China: An overview. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 55(4): 439-444(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Xunmin Wang, Guangting Chen, 2000. Monitoring sand dune advance in the Taklimakan Desert. Geomorphology, 35(3-4): 219-231(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Guangting Chen, 2000. On efficiency of sand-controlling system along the Tarim Desert Highway in Taklamakan Desert. The Journal of Chinese Geography, 10(2): 141-150.

Weimin Zhang, Jianjun Qu, Zhibao Dong, Xiaoze Li, Wanfu Wang, 2000. The airflow field and dynamic processes of pyramid dunes. Journal of Arid Environments, 45(4): 357-368(SCI).


董治宝、屈建军、刘小平、张伟民、王训明,2001. 戈壁表面阻力系数的实验研究. 中国科学(D), 31(11):953-958(SCI).

王训明、董治宝、陈广庭,2001. 塔克拉玛干沙漠中部部分地区风沙环境特征. 中国沙漠,21(1):56-61.

王训明、董治宝、武生智、陈广庭,2001. 土壤风蚀的一类随机模型. 水土保持通报,21(1):19-22.

Zhibao Dong, Shangyu Gao, Donald W. Fryrear, 2001. Drag coefficients and roughness length as disturbed by standing vegetation. Journal of Arid Environments, 49(3): 485-505(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Xunming Wang, Lianyou Liu, Aiguo Zhao, 2001. Aerodynamic roughness of fixed sandy beds. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 106(6): 11,001-11,011(SCI).

Duan Zhenghu, Xiao Honglong, Dong Zhibao, He Xindong, Wang Gang, 2001. Estimate of the CO2 output from desertified sandy land in China, Atmospheric Environment, 35(34): 5915-5921(SCI, EI).

Yan Ping, Dong Zhibao, Dong Guangrong, Zhang Xinbao, 2001. Preliminary results of using Cs137 to study wind erosion in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Arid Environments, 47(4): 443-452(SCI).

Yan Ping, Dong Guangrong, Dong Zhibao, 2001. 137Cs tracing of lacustine sediments in the Dalian Lake, Qinghai Province, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 46(Supp.): 83-87(SCI).


董治宝,2002. 拜格诺的风沙物理学研究思想. 中国沙漠, 22(2): 101-105.

董治宝、王涛、屈建军,2002. 风沙物理学学科建设的若干问题.中国沙漠,22(3):205-209.

董治宝、刘小平、王洪涛,2002. 风沙流中沙粒冲击速度的分布函数. 科学技术与工程,2(5):53-55.

何兴东、赵爱国、段争虎、董治宝、李志刚、陈珩,2002. 塔里木沙漠公路灌木固沙带的防护效应. 生态学杂志,21(4):26-30.

刘小平、董治宝,2002. 零平面位移高度Marquart的算法. 中国沙漠,22(3):233-236.

刘小平、董治宝,2002. 直立植被粗糙度和阻力分解的风洞实验研究. 中国沙漠,22(1):82-87.

刘小平、董治宝,2002. 湿沙的风蚀起动风速实验研究. 水土保持通报,22(2): 1-4.

王训明、董治宝、屈建军,2002. 塔克拉玛干沙漠简单横向沙丘的形态学矢量特征. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版),38(6):110-116.

Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, 2002. Aerodynamic roughness of gravel beds. Geomorphology, 43(1-2): 17-31(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Xiaoping Liu, Aiguo Zhao, 2002.Velocity profile of a sand cloud blowing over a gravel surface. Geomorphology, 45 (3-4): 277-289(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, 2002. Wind initiation threshold of the moistened sand. Geophysical Research Letters, 29(12): 1585, DOI: 10.1029/2001GL013128(SCI, EI).

Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Fang Li, Hongtao Wang, Aiguo Zhao, 2002. Impact/entrainment relationship in a saltating cloud. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27(6): 641-658(SCI, EI).

DONG Zhibao, QU Jianjun, LIU Xiaoping, ZHANG Weiming, WANG Xunming, 2002. Experimental investigation of the drag coefficients of gobi surfaces. Science in China (Series D), 45(7): 609-615(SCI, EI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Guangting Chen, 2002. Geomorphology of sand dunes in the Northeast Taklimakan Desert.  Geomorphology, 42(3-4): 183-195(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang,Aiguo Zhao, 2002. Relations between particle size, sand flux, air flow on the transverse dunes in Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27(5): 515-526(SCI, EI).


董治宝、王涛、屈建军, 2003. 100a来沙漠科学的发展. 中国沙漠, 23: 1-5.

董治宝、孙宏义、赵爱国,2003. WITSEG集沙仪:风洞用多路集沙仪. 中国沙漠, 23: 714-720.

韩致文、董治宝、王涛、陈广庭、颜长珍、姚正毅,2003. 塔克拉玛干沙漠风沙运动若干特征观测研究. 中国科学(D),33(3):255-263(SCI).

韩致文、王涛、孙庆伟、董治宝、王训明,2003. 塔克拉玛干沙漠公路风沙危害与防治. 地理学报,58(2):201-208.

刘小平、董治宝,2003. 固定沙质床面空气动力学粗糙度研究.中国沙漠,23: 111-117.

刘小平、董治宝,2003. 砾质床面的空气动力学粗糙度. 中国沙漠,23: 38-45.

刘小平、董治宝,2003. 空气动力学粗糙度的物理与实践意义. 中国沙漠,23: 337-346.

王洪涛、董治宝、钱广强、赵爱国,2003. 关于风沙流中风速廓线的进一步实验研究. 中国沙漠, 23: 721-724.

王训明、董治宝、屈建军,2003. 塔克拉玛干沙漠简单线形沙丘形态-动力学过程研究. 中国沙漠, 23: 257-262.

Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Hongtao Wang, Aiguo Zhao, Xunming Wang, 2003. The flux profile of a blowing sand cloud: a wind tunnel investigation. Geomorphology, 49(3-4): 219-230(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Hongtao Wang, 2003. The aerodynamic roughness with a blowing sand boundary layer (BSBL): A redefinition of the Owen effect. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(2): 1047, DOI: 10. 1029 / 2002GL016318(SCI, EI).

Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Hongtao Wang, Xunming Wang, 2003. Aeolian sand transport: a wind tunnel model. Sedimentary Geology, 161(1-2): 71-83(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Xiaohang Zhang, Michael Ayrault, 2003. Height profile of particle concentration in an aeolian saltating cloud: A wind tunnel investigation by PIV MSD. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(19): 2004, DOI: 10.1029/2003GL017915(SCI, EI).

Duan Zhenghu, Wang Gang, Xiao Honglang, Dong Zhibao, 2003. Abiotic soil crust formation on dunes in an extremely arid environment: a 43-year sequential study. Arid Land Research and Management, 17(1): 43-54(SCI).

HAN Zhiwen, WANG Tao, SUN Qingwei, DONG Zhibao, WANG Xunming, 2003. Sand harm in Taklimakan Desert highway and sand control. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 13(1): 45-53.

Liu L-Y, Shi P-J, Li X-Y, Dong Z-B, Wang J-H, 2003. Wind tunnel measurements of adobe abrasion by blown sand: profile characteristics in relation to wind velocity and sand flux. Journal of Arid Environments, 53(3-4): 351-363(SCI).

Liu L.Y., Shi P.J., Zou X.Y., Gao S.Y., Erdon H., Yan P., Li X.Y., Dong Z.B., & Wang J.H., 2003. Short-term dynamics of wind erosion of three newly-cultivated grassland soils in Northern China. Geoderma, 115(1-2): 55-64(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Jianjun Qu and Aiguo Zhao, 2003. Grain size characteristics of dune sands in the central Taklimakan Sand Sea. Sedimentary Geology, 161(1-2): 1-14(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, jianjun Qu, Jiawu Zhang, Aiguo Zhao, 2003. Dynamic processes of a simple linear dune — a study in the Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Geomorphology, 52(3-4): 233-241(SCI).

Chunlai Zhang, Jirui Gong, Xueyong Zou, Guangrong Dong, Xinrong Li, Zhibao Dong and Zhi Qing, 2003. Estimates of soil movement in a study area in Gonghe Basin, north-east of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Arid Environments, 53(3): 285-295(SCI).


韩致文、王涛、董治宝、张伟民、王雪芹,2004. 风沙危害防治的主要工程措施及其机理. 地理科学进展,23(1):13-21.

吕萍、董治宝,2004. 风沙边界层动力学研究现状及面临的问题.干旱区研究,21(2):22-124.

吕萍、董治宝,2004. 戈壁风蚀面与植被覆盖面地表性质粗糙度长度的确定, 中国沙漠, 24: 279-285.

钱广强、董治宝,2004. 大气降尘收集方法及相关问题研究. 中国沙漠, 24 (6): 779-782.

屈建军、王 涛、董治宝、张伟民、刘玉璋,2004. 沙尘暴风洞模拟实验的综述. 干旱区资源与环境, 18(1):109-115.

孙宏义、徐增友、董治宝、李芳,2004. 黄土高原北部风沙区喷播植物护坡研究. 西安科技学院学报,24(1):86-89.

王洪涛、董治宝、张晓航,2004. 风沙流中沙粒浓度分布的实验研究. 地球科学进展,19(5):37-40.

王训明、董治宝、赵爱国, 2004. 简单横向沙丘表面物质组成、气流分布及其在动力学过程中的意义. 干旱区资源与环境, 18(4):29-33.

严平、董治宝,2004. 从2002 年第五届风沙国际会议( ICAR - 5) 看沙漠科学研究的发展趋势.干旱区地理, 27(3):451-454.

Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, Fang Li, Aiguo Zhao, 2004. Experimental investigation of the velocity of a sand cloud blowing over a sandy surface. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(3):  343-358(SCI, EI).

Zhibao Dong, Guangting Chen,Xingdong He,Zhiwen Han, Xunming Wang, 2004. Controlling the blown sand along the highway crossing the Taklimakan Desert. Journal of Arid Environments, 57(3): 329-344(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, 2004. The blown sand flux over a sandy surface: a wind tunnel investigation on the fetch effect. Geomorphology, 57(1-2): 117-127(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Hongyi Sun, Aiguo Zhao, 2004. WITSEG sampler: a segmented sand sampler for wind tunnel test. Geomorpholoy, 59(1-4): 119-129(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Tao Wang, Xunming Wang, 2004. Geomorphology of the megadunes in the Badain Jaran Desert. Geomorphology, 60:191-203(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Xiaoping Liu, Xunming Wang, 2004. A wind tunnel investigation of the influence of fetch length on the flux profile of a sand cloud blowing over a gravel surface. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(13): 1613-1626(SCI, EI).

Zhenghu Duan, Honglang Xiao, Zhibao Dong, 2004. Combined effect of Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium fertilizers and water on spring wheat yield in an arid desert region. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 35(1-2): 161-175(SCI).

Zhenghu Duan, Honglang Xiao, Xinrong Li, Zhibao Dong, Gang Wang, 2004.  Evolution of soil properties on stabilized sands in the Tengger Desert, China. Geomorphology, 59(1-4): 237-246(SCI).

HAN Zhiwen, DONG Zhibao, WANG Tao, CHEN Guangting, YAN Changzhen, YAO Zhengyi, 2004. Observations of several characteristics of aeolian sand movement in the Taklimakan Desert. Science in China (Series D-Earth Sciences), 47(1): 86-96(SCI, EI).

Xiaoping Liu, Zhibao Dong, 2004. Experimental investigation of the concentration profile of a blowing sand cloud. Geomorphology, 60(3-4): 371-381(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Lichao Liu, 2004. Modern dust storms in China: An overview. Journal of Arid Environments, 58(4): 559-574(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Lichao Liu, Jianjun Qu, 2004. Sand sea activity and interactions with climatic patterens in the Taklimakan Sand Sea, China. Journal of Arid Environments, 57(2): 225-238(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Jiawu Zhang, Jianjun Qu, 2004. Formation of the complex linear dunes in the central Taklimakan sand Sea. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 29(6): 677-686(SCI, EI).

Zhang XH, Vinkovic I, Dong ZB, Wang HT, Ayrault M, 2004. Experimental and numerical determination of solid saltating particle dispersion in a turbulent boundary layer. Recent Advances in Fluid Mechanics: 475-478.


董治宝,2005. 风沙起动形式与起动假说. 干旱气象,23(2): 64-69.

董治宝,2005. 中国风沙物理研究50年(I). 中国沙漠,25(3):293-305.

董治宝、郑晓静,2005. 中国风沙物理研究50年(II). 中国沙漠,25(6):795-815.

韩致文、王涛、董治宝、姚正毅,2005. 塔克拉玛干沙漠公路沿线风沙活动的时空分布. 地理科学,25(4):455-460.

金昌宁、董治宝、李吉均、陈广庭,2005. 高立式沙障处的风沙沉积及其表征的风沙运动规律. 中国沙漠,25(5):652-657.

金昌宁、董治宝、李吉均、陈广庭,2005. 公路防沙设计中夸大沙害严重性原因分析. 中国沙漠,25(6):928-932.

罗万银、董治宝,2005. 风蚀对土壤养分及碳循环影响的研究进展与展望. 地理科学进展,24(4):75-83.

屈建军、黄宁、拓万全、雷加强、董治宝、刘贤万、薛娴、俎瑞平、张克存,2005. 戈壁风沙流结构特性及其意义. 地球科学进展,20(1):19-23.

孙宏义、李芳、杨新民、董治宝,2005. 保水剂处理土壤的抗风蚀性能研究. 中国沙漠,25(4):618-624.

王涛、吴薇、赵哈林、董治宝、薛娴, 2005. 沙漠化过程中生物量损失的初步评估:以内蒙古科尔沁地区为例. 中国沙漠,25(4):453-456.

王涛、陈广庭、董治宝、崔义、傅革志、幸广昌,2005. 内蒙古巴林右旗沙漠化治理模式与效益分析. 中国沙漠,25(5):750-756.

Zhibao Dong, Ning Huang, Xiaoping Liu, 2005. Simulation of the probability of mid-air inter-particle collisions in an aeolian saltating cloud. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110(D24): D24113, DOI: 10. 1029/2005 JD006070 (SCI).

Tao Wang, Weimin Zhang, Zhibao Dong, Jianjun Qu, Zhefan Jing, Wanfu wang, 2005. The dynamic characteristics and migration of a pyramid dune. Sedimentology, 52: 429-440(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Ping Yan, Zuotao Yang, Zhixin Hu, 2005. Surface sample collection and dust source analysis in northern China. Catena, 59(1): 35-53(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Ping Yan, Jiawu Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, 2005. Wind energy environments and dunefield activity in the Chinese deserts. Geomorphology ,65(1-2): 33-48(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Zhibao Dong, Dunsheng Xia, 2005. Evolution of the southern Mu Us Desert in North China over the past 50 years: An analysis using proxies of huaman activity and climatic parameters. Land Degradation and Development, 16: 351-366(SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zijiang Zhou, Zhibao Dong, Fahu Chen, 2005. Do humans create mineral dust in northwest China? Environmental Geology, 48: 609-614.(SCI).


董治宝,2006. 风沙起动的随机性及其判别. 干旱气象,24(3):1-4.

吕萍、董治宝、李芳,2006. 三种不同床面近地层湍流输送特征. 干旱区研究,23(1):98-103.

吕萍、董治宝,2006. 风沙流中沙粒跃移运动的数值模拟.高原气象, 25:136-140.

钱广强、董治宝、王洪涛、罗万银, 2006. 粒子图像测速(PIV)技术在风沙环境风洞中的应用. 中国沙漠, 26(6): 890-893.

金昌宁、董治宝、刘健、张天华、阿米娜, 2006. 阻沙或积沙法测定风沙流活动强度. 公路, 8: 8-11.

张克存、屈建军、董治宝、俎瑞平、方海燕,2006. 格状沙障内风速波动特征初步研究. 干旱区研究,23(1):93-97.

张克存、屈建军、董治宝、俎瑞平、方海燕,2006. 风沙流中风速脉动对输沙量的影响. 中国沙漠,26(3):336-340.

张正偲、赵爱国、董治宝、2006. 生态系统地表通量测量—多通道波文比观测仪介绍. 中国沙漠, 26(3): 473-477.

王涛、陈广庭、赵哈林、董治宝、张小曳、郑晓静、王乃昂, 2006. 中国北方沙漠化过程及其防治研究的新进展. 中国沙漠, 26(4): 507-516.

Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2006. Analysis of the mass flux profiles of an aeolian saltating cloud. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 111, D16111. DOI: 10.1029/2005 JD006630(SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Zhengcai Zhang, 2006. Wind shear with a blowing-sand boundary layer. Geophysical Research Letters,33, L22804. DOI: 10. 1029/2006 GL026739 (SCI).

Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2006. Threshold velocity for wind erosion: the effects of porous fences. Environmental Geology, 51: 471-475. DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0343-9 (SCI).

Changning Jin, Zhibao Dong, Zhinong, Li., 2006. Construction techniques for the Taklamakan Desert Highway: research on construction materials and results of field tests. Environmental Geology, 49: 915-922.  DOI: 10.1007/s00254-005-0123-y (SCI).

Zhongqin LI, Ross EDWARDS, E. MOSLEY-THOMPSON, Feiteng WANG, Zhibao DONG, Xiaoni YOU, Huilin LI, Chuanjin LI, Yuman ZHU, 2006. Seasonal variability of ionic concentrations in surface snow and elution processes in snow–firn packs at the PGPI site on Urumqi glacier No. 1, eastern Tien Shan, China. Annals of Glaciology, 43: 250-256.

Xiaoping Liu, Zhibao Dong, Xuming Wang, 2006. Wind tunnel modeling and measurements of the flux of wind-blown sand. Journal of Arid Environments, 66: 657-672.

Ping Lü, Zhibao Dong, 2006. Wind tunnel experiments on the turbulent transmission over the near surface layer of different surfaces. Environmental Geology, 50(7): 983-988. DOI: 10. 1007/ s00254-006- 0267-4. (SCI).

Wanquan Ta, Zhibao Dong, Caidan Sanzhi, 2006. Effect of the 1950s large-scale migration for land reclamation on spring dust storms in Northwest China. Atmospheric Environment, 40(30): 5815-5823 (SCI).

H. T. Wang, Z. B. Dong, X. H. Zhang, M. Ayrault, 2006. Dispersion of solid saltating particles in a turbulent boundary layer. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 52, Advances in Fluid Mechanics VI: 571-579.

Hongtao Wang, Xiaohang Zhang, Zhibao Dong, Michael Ayrault, 2006. Experimental determination of saltating glass particle dispersion in a turbulent boundary layer. Earth Surface processes and Landforms, 31: 1746-1762 (SCI).

Wanfu Wang, Zhibao Dong, Tao Wang, 2006.The equilibrium gravel coverage of the deflated gobi on top of the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, China. Environmental Geology, 50(7):1077-1083 (SCI).

Xunming Wang, Fahu Chen, Zhibao Dong, 2006. The relative role of climatic and human factors in desertification in semi-arid China. Global Environmental Change, 16(1): 48-57 (SCI).

Xunming Wang, Tao Wang, Zhibao Dong, Xiaoping Liu, Guangqiang Qian, 2006. Nebkha development and its significance to wind erosion and land degradation in semi-arid northern China, Journal of Arid Environments, 65(1): 129-141 (SCI).

Xunming Wang, Zijiang Zhou, Zhibao Dong, 2006. Control of dust emissions by geomorphic conditions, wind environments and land use in northern China: An examination based on dust storm frequency from 1960 to 2003. Geomorphology, 81(3-4): 292-318 (SCI).

Li Xie, Zhibao Dong, Xiaojing Zhen, 2006. Experimental analysis of sand particles' lift-off and incident velocities in wind-blown sand flux. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 21: 564-573.

Xiaohang Zhang, Hongtao Wang, Zhibao Dong, Michel Ayrault, 2006. Experimental determination of the concentration probability density function for a saltating particle layer. Comptes Rendus Mecanique, 334:13-18 (SCI).


董治宝, 罗万银, 2007. 风沙床面颗粒起动临界受力平衡模型的对比分析. 中国沙漠, 27: 356-361.

董治宝,钱广强,2007. 关于土壤水分对风蚀起动风速影响研究的现状与问题. 土壤学报,44(5):934-942.

何兴东, 丛培芳, 董治宝, 高玉葆, 周启星, 2007. 20世纪末30a里全球生态退化状况. 中国沙漠, 27(2): 283-289.

胡旭, 王海涛, 卢建国, 丛培芳, 何兴东, 高玉葆, 董治宝, 2007. 干旱和半干旱区油蒿对土壤空间异质性的响应. 中国沙漠, 27(4): 588-592.

金昌宁, 李志农, 董治宝, 刘健, 张天华, 2007. 塔克拉玛干沙漠公路固沙措施存在问题研究. 公路交通科技, 24(5): 1-5.

李毅,徐鹏,屈建军,董治宝,安黎哲,2007. 超干保存对霸王种子活力和生理特性的影响. 兰州大学学报,43(5):29-32.

罗万银, 董治宝, 钱广强, 2007. PIV技术及其在风沙边界层研究中的应用. 中国沙漠, 27(5): 733-737.

罗万银, 董治宝, 钱广强, 王洪涛, 2007. 栅栏对颗粒起动风速影响的实验研究. 中国沙漠, 27(2): 201-205.

钱广强, 董治宝, 罗万银, 王洪涛, 2007. 横向沙丘背风侧沙粒风蚀起动的风洞模拟. 干旱区地理, 30(1): 66-70.

屈建军, 廖空太, 俎瑞平, 夏训诚, 井哲帆, 董治宝, 张克存, 杨根生, 王训明, 董光荣, 2007.库姆塔格沙漠羽毛状沙垄形成机理研究. 中国沙漠, 27(3): 349-355.

张正偲, 董治宝, 赵爱国, 韩兰英, 钱广强, 罗万银, 2007. 沙漠地区风沙活动特征—以中国科学院风沙观测场为例. 干旱区研究, 24(4): 550-555.

张正偲, 赵爱国, 董治宝, 李宏, 2007. 藻类结皮自然恢复后抗风蚀特性研究. 中国沙漠, 27(4): 558-562.

赵存玉, 王涛, 董治宝, 赵学勇, 薛娴, 2007. 科尔沁沙地草场物种多样性特征及其与生境的关系. 草业科学, 24(10): 11-18.

Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, 2007. Characterizing the height profile of the flux of wind-eroded sediment. Environmental Geology, 51(5): 835-845.

Zhibao Dong, Qingsong Mu, Xiaoping, Liu, 2007. Defining the threshold wind velocity for moistened sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 112, B08202. DOI:10.1029/2006JB004476.

Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2007. A wind tunnel simulation of the effects of stoss slope on the lee airflow pattern over a two-dimensional transverse dune. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 112, F03019. DOI:10.1029/2006JF000686.

Zhibao Dong, Qingsong, Mu, Hongtao Wang, 2007. Wind velocity profiles with a blowing-sand boundary layer: Theoretical simulation and experimental validation. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 112, D19106. DOI:10.1029/2006JD007447.

Zhibao Dong, Wanyin Luo, Guangqiang Qian, Hongtao Wang, 2007. A wind tunnel simulation of the mean velocity fields behind upright porous fences. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 146: 82-93.  DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2007.05.009.

Duan Zhenghu, Xiao Honglang, Dong Zhibao, Wang Gang, S. Drake, 2007. Morphological, physical and chemical properties of aeolian sandy soils in northern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 68:66-76.

Z. Han, T. Wang, Z. Dong, Y. Hu, Z. Yao, 2007. Chemical stabilization of mobile dunefields along a highway in the Taklimakan Desert of China. Journal of Arid Environments, 68 (2): 260-270.

Wanquan Ta, Zhibao Dong, 2007. Simulation on sand grain/bed collision mechanism: (1) Cascade collision and ejection. Geomorphology , 89: 348-357.

Bao Yang, Achim Bräuning, Ziyin Zhang, Zhibao Dong, Jan Esper, 2007. Dust storm frequency and its relation to climate changes in Northern China during the past 1000 years. Atmospheric Environment, 41 (40): 9288-9299.

Ping Yang, Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2007. Height profile of the mean velocity of an aeolian saltating cloud: wind tunnel measurements by Particle Image Velocimetry. Geomorphology, 89: 320-334.


董治宝,慕青松,王洪涛,2008. 风沙流中风速廓线的数值模拟与实验验证. 气象学报, 66 (2), 158-166.

董治宝,屈建军,卢琦,钱广强,2008. 关于库姆塔格沙漠 “羽毛状” 风沙地貌的讨论. 中国沙漠,28(6):1005-1010.

胡光印,董治宝,魏振海,满多清,王文丽,2008. 江河源区沙漠化研究进展与展望. 干旱区资源与环境,27(7):41-45.

李晋昌,董治宝,王训明,魏振海,2008. 民勤50年来水热风组合变化及其与风沙活动的关系. 干旱区资源与环境,22(11):38-44.

李晋昌,董治宝,王训明, 2008. 中国北方东部地区春季降尘量及其环境意义. 中国沙漠,28(2):195-201.

李晋昌,董治宝,王训明,何树生,2008. 塔里木盆地沙尘天气的季节变化及成因分析. 中国沙漠,28(1):142-148.

李毅,屈建军,董治宝,安黎哲,2008. 黄花补血草种子超干保存的研究. 种子,28(7):8-14.

李毅,屈建军,董治宝,安黎哲,2008.中国荒漠区的生物多样性. 水土保持研究,15(4):79-81.

满多清,董治宝, 纪永福,2008. 腾格里沙漠西南缘植被季节变化及风沙活动. 中国沙漠,28(6):1029-1032.

钱广强, 董治宝, 罗万银, 王洪涛,2008. 横向沙丘背风侧气流重附风洞模拟. 中国沙漠,28(1):16-20.

王文丽,董治宝,胡光印,魏振海,2008. 若尔盖高原近 30 年沙地变化趋势分析. 中国沙漠,28(4):617-621.

张正偲,董治宝,赵爱国,2008. 2006年春季天气背景下腾格里沙漠近地面气象要素与输沙通量的变化. 科学通报, 53 (16), 1953-1960.

Zhibao Dong, Qingsong Mu, Wanyin Luo, Quangqiang, Qian, Hongtao Wang, 2008. An analysis of drag force and moment for upright porous wind fences. Journal Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 113, D04103. DOI:10.1029/2007JD009138.

Zhibao Dong, Wanyin Luo, Guangqiang Qian, Ping Lu, 2008.  Wind-tunnel simulation of the three-dimensional airflow patterns around shrubs. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 113, F02016.  DOI:10.1029/2007JF000880.

Zhibao Dong, Lailai Wang, Shuixia Zhao, 2008. A potential compound for sand fixation synthesized from the effluent of pulp and paper mills. Journal of Arid Environments, 72, 1388-1393.

Zhibao Dong, Jianjun Qu, Xunming Wang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Zhenhai Wei, 2008.  Pseudo-feathery dunes in the Kumtagh Desert. Geomorphology, 100: 328-334.

Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2008. A wind tunnel investigation of the shear stress with a blowing sand cloud. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, Initial Issue: 42-58.

LI Jinchang,DONG Zhibao,WANG Xunming,QIAN Guangqiang,LUO Wanyin,2008. Seasonal Variations in Dustfall and Its Iron Content over North China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 25(3): 467-473.

Yi Li, JianJun Qu, ZhiBao Dong, Tao Wang and LiZhe An, 2008. Storage behavior of Zygophyllum xanthoxylon (Bge.) Maxim seeds at low moisture contents. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 30 (5): 651-656.

Ping Lü, Zhibao Dong, 2008. The dependency of sand transport rate by wind on the atmospheric stability: A numerical simulation. Geomorphology, 99: 296-301.

Ping Lü, Zhibao Dong, 2008. Numerical simulation of a wind-sand flow under different conditions of atmospheric stability. Sedimentology,  55(3): 721-743.

Wanquan Ta, Honglang Xiao, Zhibao Dong, 2008. Long-term morphodynamic changes of a desert reach of the Yellow River following upstream large reservoirs' operation. Geomorphology, 97(3-4): 249-259.

H. T. Wang, Y. H. Zhou, Z. B. Dong, Ayrault M, 2008. Vertical dispersion of dust particles in a turbulent boundary layer. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 33, 1210-1221.

Bao Yang, Achim Bräuning, Zhibao Dong, Ziyin Zhang, Jiao Keqing, 2008. Late Holocene monsoonal temperate glacier fluctuations on the Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 60 (1-2): 126-140.

Zhengcai Zhang, Zhibao Dong, Aiguo Zhao, 2008. The effect of restored microbiotic crusts on erosion of soil from a desert area in China. Journal of Arid Environments, 72(5): 710-721. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv. 2007. 09.001.

ZhengCai Zhang, ZhiBao Dong, LanYing Han and AiGuo Zhao, 2008. The trend of sand flux and the meteorology elements changes in the near-surface layer of Tengger desert in the spring of 2006. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53: 3346-3353.


董治宝,2009. 羽毛状沙丘辨析. 科技导报,27(20): 69-75.

胡光印,董治宝,魏振海,逯军峰,颜长珍,2009. 近30a来若尔盖盆地沙漠化时空演变过程及成因分析. 地球科学进展,24:908-916.

胡光印,董治宝,王文丽,魏振海,2009. 近30a玛曲县土地利用/覆盖变化监测. 中国沙漠,29:457-462.

逯军峰,董治宝,胡光印,颜长珍,宋翔,魏振海,2009. 长江源区土地利用/覆盖现状及成因分析. 中国沙漠,29:1043-1047.

罗万银,董治宝,钱广强,王洪涛,袁文丽,2009. 直立阻沙栅栏流场特征的风洞模拟实验. 中国沙漠,29:200-205.

罗万银,董治宝,钱广强,2009. 栅栏最佳疏透度的空气动力学评价. 中国沙漠,29:583-588.

吕萍,董治宝,张正偲,赵爱国,2009. 腾格里沙漠近地面层风、气温、湿度特征. 中国沙漠,29:977-981.

钱广强,董治宝,罗万银,王洪涛,2009. 横向沙丘气流平均速度变化规律的风洞模拟. 中国沙漠,29:10-17.

魏振海,董治宝,胡光印,逯军峰,2009. 若尔盖盆地沙丘形成分布影响因素探讨. 中国沙漠,29:1035-1042.

赵景波,张允,陈宝群,董治宝,2009. 陕西洛川中更新统下部黄土入渗规律研究. 土壤学报,46:865-972.

Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Ping Lu, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2009. Turbulence fields in the lee of transverse dunes simulated in a wind tunnel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 34: 204-216.

Zhibao Dong,Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Zhengcai Zhang, Shengchun Xiao, Aiguo Zhao, 2009. Geomorphological hierarchies for complex mega-dunes and their implications for mega-dune evolution in the Badain Jaran Desert. Geomorphology,106:180-185.

Zhibao Dong, Wanyin Luo, Guangqiang Qian, Hongtao Wang, 2009. Momentum profile of aeolian saltation cloud. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 1(1): 25-29.

Xunming Wang, Zhibao Dong, Caixia Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2009. Characterization of the composition of dust fallout and identification of dust sources in arid and semiarid North China. Geomorphology, 112: 144-157.

Ping Lü, Zhibao Dong, 2009. A transport-rate model of wind-blown sand. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 1(2):165-169.

Jinchang Li, Zhibao Dong, Shusheng He, 2009. Seasonal variation in dust events and causes of the variation in Tarim Basin, China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 1(2): 143-150.

Guangqian Qian, Zhibao Dong, Wanyin Luo, Hongtao Wang, 2009. Variations of horizontal and vertical velocities over two-dimensional transverse dunes: A wind tunnel simulation of the effect of windward slope. Journal of Arid Environments, 73: 1109-1116.

Bao Yang, Jinsong Wang, Achim Bräuning, Zhibao Dong, Jan Esper, 2009. Late Holocene climatic and environmental changes in arid central Asia. Quaternary International, 194 (1-2): 68-78.

Xunming Wang, Yi Yang, Zhibao Dong, Caixia Zhang, 2009. Responses of dune activity and desertification in China to global warming in the twenty-first century. Global and Planetary Change, 67: 167-185.


董治宝,屈建军,陆锦华,钱广强,王秀梅,罗万银,2010. 1∶35万《库姆塔格沙漠地貌图》的编制. 中国沙漠,30(3): 483-491.

董治宝, 钱广强, 罗万银, 王洪涛, 2010. 几种常用风沙颗粒测速方法对比. 中国沙漠,30(4): 749-757.

胡光印,董治宝,逯军峰,宋翔,魏振海,2010. 长江源区沙漠化土地遥感调查及分析. 中国沙漠,30(3):505-509.

李根明, 董治宝, 孙虎, 逯军峰, 2010. 基于“3S”的豫北平原近25年来土地利用变化研究—以内黄县为例. 国土与自然资源研究, 2: 37-38.

李根明, 董治宝, 孙虎, 钱广强, 罗万银, 王洪涛, 逯军峰, 2010. 基于3S的豫北内黄县近30年来植被覆被变化研究. 地域研究与开发, 29(4): 127-130.

李根明,董治宝,孙虎,钱广强,罗万银,王洪涛,逯军峰,2010.豫北平原近25 年来生态服务价值研究. 环境科学研究, 23(9): 1136-1141.

李晋昌,董治宝,钱广强,罗万银,2010. 中国北方不同区域典型站点降尘特性的对比. 中国沙漠, 30(6): 1269-1277.

李晋昌,董治宝,2010. 大气降尘研究进展及展望. 干旱区资源与环境. 24(2):102-109.

李万源, 吕世华, 余晔, 董治宝, 沈志宝, 陈玉春, 2010. 各气象要素影响沙尘暴的方式和强度研究. 高原气象, 29(4): 1058-1066.

李万源, 吕世华, 董治宝, 王式功, 田文寿, 余晔, 沈志宝, 陈玉春,  郭勇涛, 2010. 中国北方春季沙尘暴频次的多要素线性拟合. 高原气象, 29(5): 1302-1213.

逯军峰, 董治宝, 胡光印, 宋翔; 魏振海, 2010. 长江源区荒漠动态遥感监测及驱动力分析. 中国沙漠, 30 (3): 510-515.

罗万银,董治宝,钱广强,袁文丽,2010. 栅栏绕流减速效应风洞实验模拟. 中国沙漠,30(1):1-6.

吕萍, 董治宝, 张正偲, 赵爱国, 2010. 腾格里沙漠沙尘暴天气动力要素特征研究. 水土保持通报,30(3):104-106.

吕萍,黄建平,董治宝,2010. 风沙流中静电力对剪切力的影响. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版),46(5):67-70.

邵天杰, 赵景波, 李恩菊, 董治宝, 2010. 巴丹吉林典型高大沙山粒度分布规律研究. 地理科学, 30(5): 790-795.

邵天杰,赵景波,郁科科,董治宝,2010. 腾格里沙漠民勤沙丘CO2浓度与昼夜变化规律研究. 环境科学,31(12):3004-3010.

魏振海,董治宝,胡光印,逯军峰,2010. 近40a来若尔盖盆地沙丘时空变化. 中国沙漠,30(1):26-32.

肖洪浪, 肖生春, 董治宝, 邹松兵, 宋耀选, 2010. 库姆塔格沙漠地区土壤及分布特征. 中国沙漠,30(4): 837-843.

张正偲,董治宝,赵爱国,钱广强,2010. 库姆塔格沙漠昼夜风向变化特征. 干旱区资源与环境,24(8):126-130.

张正偲,董治宝,赵爱国,2010. 输沙势计算中的“时距”问题. 干旱区地理,33(2):177-182.

张正偲,董治宝,赵爱国,2010. 腾格里沙漠东南部近地层沙尘水平通量和降尘量随高度的变化特征. 环境科学研究,23(2):165-169.

张正偲,董治宝,赵爱国,钱广强,2010. 库姆塔格沙漠风沙活动特征. 干旱区地理,33(6):939-946.

赵景波,马延东,邢闪,郁科科,董治宝,2010. 腾格里沙漠宁夏中卫沙层含水量研究. 山地学报,28(6):653-659.

赵景波, 邵天杰, 吕晓虎, 侯雨乐, 董治宝, 2010. 巴丹吉林最高沙山区CO2浓度与昼夜变化规律. 地理研究, 29(11): 1993-2003.

赵景波,邵天杰,郁科科,李恩菊,成爱芳,孟静静,董治宝,2010. 腾格里沙漠民勤实验点夏季沙丘CO2浓度变化. 地理科学进展,29(11):1368-1374.

Zhibao Dong, Changzhen Yan, Wenli Wang, Junfeng Lu, Guangyin Hu , 2010. Aeolian desertification and its causes in the Zoige Plateau of China's Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Earth Science, 59: 1731-1740.

Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Ping Yan, Zhizhu Su, 2010. Gravel bodies in the Kumtagh Desert and their geomorphological implications. Environmental Earth Science, 59: 1771-1779.

Zhibao Dong, Wanyin Luo, Guangqiang Qian, Ping Lu, and Hongtao Wang, 2010. A wind tunnel simulation of the turbulence fields behind upright porous wind fences. Journal of Arid Environments, 74: 193-207.

Zhibao Dong, Duoqing Man, Wanyin Luo, Guangqiang Qian, Jihe Wang, Ming Zhao, Shizeng Liu, Guoqinq Zhu, Shujuan Zhu, 2010. Horizontal aeolian sediment flux in the Minqin area, a major source of Chinese dust storms. Geomorphology, 116: 58-66.

Zhibao Dong, Zhenhai Wei, Guangqiang Qian, Zhengcai Zhang, Wanyin Luo, Guangyin Hu, 2010. “Raked” linear dunes in the Kumtagh Desert, China. Geomorphology, 123:122-128.

Zhibao Dong, Hongtao Wang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2010. Threshold wind velocity in the lee of two-dimensional transverse dunes. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2(1): 1-6.

Zhibao Dong, Qingsong Mu, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2010. The wind-saltation interaction in a saltation boundary layer with a downwind pressure gradient. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2(5): 384-395.

Adrian Chappell, Scott Van Pelt, Ted Zobeck, Zhibao Dong, 2010. Estimating aerodynamic resistance of rough surfaces using angular reflectance. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114: 1462-1470.

Jinchang Li, Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2010. Aeolian dust transportation and deposition by near-surface winds in arid and semiarid China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2(2): 137-142.

Jinchang Li, Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2010. Effects of geomorphic conditions, wind speed, and precipitation on dustfall over northern China. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2(4): 354-363.

Jinchang Li, Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2010. Spatial trends of dustfall over northern China in the spring and their influencing factors. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2(6): 529-537.

Ping Lü, Zhibao Dong, 2010. The effects of atmospheric stability intensity on the movement of windblown sand. Environmental Earth Sciences, 61(4): 699-702, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-009-0384-y.

Xunming Wang, Ning Huang, Zhibao Dong, Caixia Zhang, 2010. Mineral and trace element analysis in dustfall collected in the Hexi Corridor and its significance as an indicator of environmental changes. Environmental Earth Sciences, 60(1): 1-10, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-009- 0164-8.


董治宝,屈建军,钱广强,张正偲,2011. 库姆塔格沙漠风沙地貌区划. 中国沙漠,31(4):805-814.

曹晓仪,林天应,董治宝,刘新颜,2011. 重庆市城市化水平与生态压力关系研究. 重庆师范大学学报 (自然科学版),28(2):35-39.

胡光印,董治宝,逯军峰,颜长珍,2011. 黄河源区沙漠化及其景观格局的变化. 生态学报,31(14):3872-3881.

胡光印,董治宝,逯军峰,颜长珍,魏振海, 2011. 近30a来长江源区沙漠化时空演变过程及成因分析. 干旱区地理,34(2):300-308.

胡光印,董治宝,逯军峰,颜长珍, 2011.黄河源区1975-2005年沙漠化时空演变及成因分析. 中国沙漠,31(5):1079-1086.

李春筱,董治宝,常佩静,徐永旺,2011. 阿拉善高原近45a来气温变化特征分析. 中国沙漠,31(3):788-792.

李春筱,董治宝,徐永旺,常佩静,2011. 内蒙古额济纳旗一次局地大到暴雨的成因分析. 中国沙漠,31(3):774-779.

李恩菊,董治宝,赵景波,2011. 巴丹吉林沙漠典型高大沙山迎风坡粒度特征. 干旱区地理,34(3):471-478.

李继彦, 董治宝, 2011. 柴达木盆地东南部雅丹地貌形态参数研究. 水土保持通报, 31(4): 122-125.

吕萍, 董治宝, 张克存,2011. 黑碳和有机碳气溶胶对大气温度影响的数值模拟.中国沙漠,31(2):500-504.

吕萍,董治宝,赵爱国,张克存,2011. 灌丛密度对沙粒粒度和起动风速影响研究. 泥沙研究,3:63-66.

钱广强,董治宝,罗万银,张正偲,肖生春,赵爱国, 2011. 巴丹吉林沙漠地表沉积物粒度特征及区域差异. 中国沙漠,31(6):1357-1364.

邵天杰,赵景波,董治宝,2011. 巴丹吉林沙漠湖泊及地下水化学特征. 地理学报,66(5):662-672.

邵天杰,赵景波,董治宝,2011. 流动沙丘不同深度CO2浓度差异研究. 土壤通报,42(2):461-466.

杨宁宁,董治宝,李恩菊,李继彦,2011. 民勤县固定与半固定沙丘粒度特征分析. 水土保持通报,31(6):11-14, 20.

张正偲,董治宝,赵爱国,钱广强,2011. 输沙量与输沙势的关系. 中国沙漠,31(4):824-827.

张正偲, 董治宝, 赵爱国, 2011. 人工模拟戈壁风沙流与风程效应观测. 中国科学:地球科学,41(10): 1505-1510.

张正偲,董治宝, 2011. 腾格里沙漠东南缘春季降尘量和粒度的变化特征.中国环境科学,31(11): 1789-1794.

赵景波,张冲,董治宝,邵天杰,李恩菊,2011.巴丹吉林沙漠高大沙山粒度成分与沙山形成. 地质学报,85(8):1-10.

赵景波,马延东,邢闪,董治宝,2011. 腾格里沙漠宁夏回族自治区中卫市沙层水分入渗研究. 水土保持通报,31(3):12-16.

赵景波,邵天杰,侯雨乐,吕晓虎,董治宝,2011. 巴丹吉林沙漠高大沙山区沙层含水量与水分来源探讨. 自然资源学报,26(4):694-702.

赵景波,郁科科,邵天杰,张冲,罗万银,张正偲,董治宝,2011. 腾格里沙漠沙层水分状况初步研究. 资源科学,33(2):259-264.

赵景波, 邵天杰, 周旗, 马延东, 邢闪, 郁科科, 董治宝, 2011. 阿拉善流动沙漠区沙层CO2浓度与昼夜变化规律研究. 土壤学报, 48(6): 1159-1165.

Zhibao Dong, Junfeng Lu, Duoqing Man, Ping Lv, Guanqiang Qian, Zhengcai Zhang, Wanyin Luo, 2011. Equations for the near-surface mass-flux density profile of wind-blown sediments. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36: 1292-1299.

Zhibao Dong, Zhengcai Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, 2011. An aeolian transport model for flat shifting sand fields under dynamic-limiting conditions. Journal of Arid Environments, 75: 865-869.

Zhibao Dong, Wanyin Luo, Guangqiang Qian, Hongtao Wang, 2011. Evaluating the optimal porosity of fences for reducing wind erosion. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 3(1): 1-12.

Guangyin Hu, Zhibao Dong, Junfeng Lu, Changzhen Yan, 2011. Land use and land cover change monitoring in the Source Region of Yellow River by remote sensing technology. 2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, RSETE 2011-Proceedings:  3251-3254 (EI).

Junfeng Lu, Zhibao Dong, Guangyin Hu, Changzhen Yan, Zhenghai Wei, Xiang Song, 2011. Land use and land cover change and its driving forces in the source region of the Yangtze River During 1990-2005. ISWREP, 4:2571-2574 (EI).

Ping Lü, Zhibao Dong, 2011. Horizontal momentum and kinetic energy loss of airflow near the surface of sandy beds. Sedimentary Geology, 234 (1-4): 116-119.

Guangqiang Qian, Zhibao Dong, Wanyin Luo, Junfeng Lu, 2011. Mean airflow patterns upwind of topographic obstacles and their implications for the formation of echo dunes: a wind tunnel simulation of the effects of windward slope. Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 116, F04026. DOI: 10.1029/2011JF002020.

Zhen-Ting Wang, Hong-Tao Wang, Qing-He Niu, Zhi-Bao Dong, Tao Wang, 2011. Abrasion of yardangs. Physical Review E, 84(3): 031304. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.00.001300.

Zhengcai Zhang, Zhibao Dong, Aiguo Zhao, 2011. The characteristics of aeolian sediment flux profiles in the southeastern Tengger Desert. Sedimentology, 58(7): 1884–1894. DOI: 10.1111/ j.1365-3091.2011.01243.x (SCI).


曹晓仪, 林天应, 张艳芳, 董治宝, 2012. 1999—2010年重庆市人口与经济重心迁移研究. 重庆师范大学学报(自然科学版), 29(1): 43-48. DOI: CNKI: 50-1165 /N. 20120115. 1809. 008.

方相林,李根明,董治宝,党淑英, 2012. 风沙化土地典型区滑县土地利用时空变化研究. 地域研究与开发, 31(5): 107-109.

韩庆杰, 屈建军, 廖空太, 朱淑娟, 董治宝, 张克存, 俎瑞平, 2012. 海岸湿沙表面风沙传输特征的风洞实验研究. 中国沙漠, 32(6): 1512-1521.

胡光印,董治宝,逯军峰,颜长珍,魏振海,2012. 长江源区沙漠化及其景观格局变化研究. 中国沙漠, 32(2): 314-322.

李继彦, 董治宝, 李恩菊, 鲍峰, 杨宁宁, 2012. 察尔汗盐湖雅丹地貌沉积物粒度特征研究. 中国沙漠, 32(5): 1187-1192.

李静, 董治宝, 曹晓仪, 董瑞杰, 2012. 榆林市区域产业结构和竞争力评价分析. 陕西农业科学, 2: 184-187.

刘英姿, 董治宝, 2012. 陕西省人口重心与经济重心的空间演变及对比分析. 陕西农业科学, 2: 179-183.

逯军峰, 董治宝, 胡光印, 宋翔, 魏振海, 2012. 甘肃省玛曲县土地沙漠化发展及其成因分析. 32(3): 604-609.

罗万银, 董治宝, 钱广强, 马立鹏, 2012. 栅栏防护体系空气动力学效应研究进展. 32(4): 885-895.

吕萍, 董治宝, 2012. 库姆塔格沙漠春季近地面风场、温度场特征. 中国沙漠, 32(2): 442-226.

钱广强, 董治宝, 罗万银, 张正偲, 赵爱国, 2012. 不同坡度障碍物前气流场特征及其对回涡沙丘形成的影响. 中国科学: 地球科学, 42(1): 34-41.

钱广强,董治宝,罗万银,张正偲, 2012. 回涡沙丘的形态特征与表面物质组成. 中国沙漠, 32(3): 587-592.

任小玢, 董治宝, 周正朝, 2012. 近50年来四川盆地降水日数的时空变化特征. 水土保持通报, 32(4): 65-70.

张正偲,董治宝, 2012. 土壤风蚀对表层土壤粒度特征的影响.干旱区资源与环境, 26(12): 86-89.

王莉萍, 董治宝, 2012. 兰州市文化产业空间分布特征. 陕西农业科学, 3: 174-179.

张正偲,董治宝,钱广强,罗万银, 2012. 腾格里沙漠西部和西南部风能环境与风沙地貌. 中国沙漠, 32(6): 1528-1533.

赵景波, 邢闪, 邵天杰, 董治宝, 郁科科, 岳应利, 陈宝群, 2012. 腾格里沙漠南缘沙层含水量与水分平衡研究. 自然资源学报, 27(3): 480-488.

Zhibao Dong, Ping Lv, Junfeng Lu, Guangqiang Qian, Zhengcai Zhang, Wanyin Luo, 2012. Geomorphology and origin of Yardangs in the Kumtagh Desert, Northwest China. Geomorphology, 139-140: 145-154. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.10.012.

Zhibao Dong, Zhengcai Zhang, Ping Lv, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2012. Analysis of the wind regime in context of dune geomorphology for the Kumtagh Desert, Northwest China. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 56(4): 459-475. DOI: 10.1127/0372-8854/2012/0085.

Zhibao Dong, Ping Lv, Guangqiang Qian, Xuncheng Xia, Guijin Mu, Yuanje Zhao, 2012. Research progress in China’s Lop Nur. Earth Science Reviews, 111: 142-153. DOI:10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.11.003.

Zhibao Dong, Ping Lv, Zhengcai Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, 2012. Aeolian transport in the field: a comparison of different surface treatments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117, D09210. DOI: 10.1029/2012JD017538.

Guangyin Hu, Zhibao Dong, Junfeng Lu, Changzhen Yan, 2012. Driving forces responsible for aeolian desertification in the source region of the Yangtze River from 1975 to 2005. Environmental Earth Science, 66: 257-263. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1235-1.

Guangyin Hu, Zhibao Dong, Junfeng Lu, Changzhen Yan, 2012. Driving forces of land use and land cover change (LUCC) in the Zoige Wetland, Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions, 2012, 4(5): 0422–0430.

Wanyin Luo, Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, junfenglu, 2012. Wind tunnel simulation of the three-dimensional airflow patterns behind cuboid obstacles at different angles of wind incidence, and their significance for the formation of sand shadows. Geomorphology, 139–140: 258–270. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2011.10.027.

Ping Lv, Zhibao Dong, 2012. Study of the windbreak effect of shrubs as a function of shrub cover and height. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66:1791–1795. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-011-1402-4.

Ping Lv, Zhibao Dong, 2012. Aerodynamic roughness length of sandy beds and gravel beds. Environmental Earth Sciences, 67:1663–1668. DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-1607-1.

Guangqiang Qian, Zhibao Dong, Wanyiln Luo, Zhengcai Zhang, Aiguo Zhao, 2012. Airflow patterns upwind of obstacles and their significance for echo dune formation: A field measurement of the effects of the windward slope angle. Science China Earth Sciences, 55(4): 545-553, DOI: 10.1007/s11430-011- 4248-4.

Guangqiang Qian, Zhibao Dong, Zhengcai Zhang, Wanyin Luo, Junfeng Lu, 2012. Granule ripples in China's Kumtagh Desert: morphology, grain size, and influencing factors. Sedimentology, 59: 1888–1901. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2012.01330.x.

Tianjie Shao, Jingbo Zhao, Qi Zhou, Zhibao Dong, 2012. Recharge sources and chemical composition types of groundwater and lake in the Badain Jaran Desert, northwestern China. Journal of Geographical Science, 22(3): 479-496, DOI: 10.1007/s11442-012-0941-2.

S.C. Xiao, H.L. Xiao, Z.B. Dong, X.M. Peng, 2012. Dry/wet variation recorded by shrub tree-rings in the central Badain Jaran Desert of northwestern China. Journal of Arid Environments, 87: 85-94, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaridenv.2012.06.013.

ZhengCai Zhang, ZhiBao Dong, AiGuo Zhao, 2012. Observations of Gobi aeolian transport and wind fetch effect. Science China Earth Sciences, 55(8): 1323–1328. DOI: 10.1007/s11430-011-4326-7.

Liangju Zhao, Honglang Xiao, Zhibao Dong, Shengchun Xiao, Maoxian Zhou, Guodong Cheng, Li Yin and Zhenliang Yin, 2012. Origins of Groundwater Inferred from Isotopic Patterns of the Badain Jaran Desert, Northwestern China. Ground Water, 50(5): 715-725, DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00895.x.


董治宝,吕萍,胡光印,2013. 沙漠流动性的气候评价. 第四纪研究,33(2): 276-282, DOI: 10. 3969/j. issn. 1001-7410. 2013. 02. 09.

曹晓仪,董治宝,李静,方兰,李培雄,2013. 基于GIS的榆林市土壤风蚀危险度评价. 水土保持通报,33(2): 206-210.

崔徐甲,延军平,董治宝,庞龙,2013. 菲律宾MS≥7级地震活动规律及未来趋势. 华南地震,33(2): 47-54.

董瑞杰,董治宝,曹晓仪,李静,2013. 中国沙漠生态旅游资源赋存及开发策略. 水土保持通报,33(1):152-156.

董瑞杰,董治宝,曹晓仪,李静,2013. 中国沙漠生态旅游资源及其竞争力分析研究,中国沙漠,33(3): 911-917, DOI: 10. 7522/j. issn. 1000-694X. 2013. 00128.

董瑞杰,董治宝,2013. 敦煌雅丹国家地质公园景观美学研究. 中国沙漠,33(2): 403-411, DOI: 10. 7522/j. issn. 1000-694X. 2013. 00056.

董瑞杰,董治宝,吴晋峰,郭峰,崔徐甲,2013. 罗布泊雅丹地貌旅游资源评价与开发研究. 中国沙漠,33(4): 1235-1243, DOI: 10. 7522/j. issn. 1000-694X. 2013. 00174.

胡光印,董治宝,逯军峰,尚燚,颜长珍,2013. 若尔盖盆地沙漠化及其景观格局变化研究. 中国沙漠,33(1):16-23, DOI: 10. 7522/j. issn. 1000-694X. 2013. 00003.

蒋缠文,董治宝,文青,2013. 基于MATLAB平台的遥感影像沙丘脊线提取与地貌格局表征参数计算,中国沙漠,33(6): 1636-1642, DOI: 10. 7522/j. issn. 1000-694X. 2013. 00251.

李根明,方相林,秦明周,董治宝,逯军锋,胡光印,2013. 黄淮海平原风沙化土地利用时空变化研究. 人民黄河,35(1): 75-77, 80, DOI: 10.3969 /j. issn. 1000-1379. 2013. 01. 024.

李根明,方相林,秦明周,董治宝,逯军锋,胡光印,2013. 风沙化土地典型区延津县土地利用时空变化. 江苏农业科学,41(1): 345-348.

李继彦,董治宝,李恩菊,杨宁宁,2013. 察尔汗盐湖雅丹地貌区风况分析. 中国沙漠,33(5): 1293-1298, Doi: 10. 7522/j. issn. 1000-694X. 2013. 00191.

李猛,董治宝,张正偲,2013. 风成沙波纹数学模型综述. 中国沙漠,33(5): 1285-1292, DOI: 10. 7522/j. issn. 1000-694X. 2013. 00190.

刘新颜,曹晓仪,董治宝,2013. 基于T-S模糊神经网络模型的榆林市土壤风蚀危险度评价. 地理科学,33(6): 741-747.

邵天杰,赵景波,董治宝,2013. 巴丹吉林沙漠沙山粒度组成与沙山地貌分带. 山地学报,31(4): 434-441.

张玉,董治宝,李静,崔徐甲,2013. 基于SSM的西安市区域产业结构和竞争力评价分析. 安徽农业科学,41(14): 6512-1515.

张正偲,董治宝,2013. 降尘收集方法对降尘效率的影响. 环境科学,34(2): 499-498.

张正偲,董治宝,2013. 腾格里沙漠东南部野外风沙流观测. 中国沙漠,33(4): 973-980, DOI: 10. 7522/j. issn. 1000-694X. 2013. 00089.

Zhibao Dong, Zhengcai Zhang, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Ping Lv, 2013. Geomorphology of star dunes in the southern Kumtagh Desert, China: Control factors and formation. Environmental Earth Science, 69: 267-277, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-1954-y.

Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Wanyin Luo, Zhengcai Zhang, 2013. Dune types and their distribution in the Kumtagh Sand Sea, northwestern China. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 57: 207-224, DOI: 10. 1127/0372-8854/2012/0096.

Zhibao Dong, Guangqiang Qian, Ping Lv, Guangyin Hu, 2013. Investigation of the sand sea with the tallest dunes on Earth: China’s Badain Jaran Sand Sea. Earth Science Reviews, 120: 20-39.

Guangyin Hu, Huijun Jin, Zhibao Dong, Junfeng Lu, Changzhen Yan, 2013. Driving forces of aeolian desertification in the source region of the Yellow River. Environmental Earth Sciences, 70: 3245-3254, DOI: 10. 1007/s12665-013-2389-9.

Ping Lv, Zhibao Dong, Wanyin Luo, Guangqiang Qian, 2013. The pressure-field characteristics around porous wind fences: results of a wind tunnel study. Environmental Earth Sciences, 68: 947–953, DOI:  10.1007/s12665-012-1797-6.

Zhengcai Zhang, Zhibao Dong, Shengyun Chen, 2013. Wind erodibility in eastern Ningxia Province, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 68: 2263–2270, DOI:  10.1007/s12665-012-1908-4.


Ping Lv, Zhibao Dong, 2014. An analysis of drag force on wind of shrubs simulated in a wind tunnel. Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2417-9.

Ping Lv, Zhibao Dong, 2014. The status of research on the development and characteristics of mass-flux-density profiles above wind-eroded sediments: a literature review, Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-013-2921-y.

Ping Lü, Clément Narteau, Zhibao Dong, Zhengcai Zhang, Sylvain Courrech du Pont, 2014. Emergence of oblique dunes in a landscape-scale experiment. Nature: Geoscience, DOI: 10.1038/ NGEO2047.

Zhibao Dong, Zhengcai Zhang, Junfang Lu, 2014. Aeolian transport over a developing transverse dune. Journal of Arid Land, 6(3): 243–254, DOI: 10.1007/s40333-013-0243-2.

Zhibao Dong, Ping Lv, 2014. Recent advances in research on the aeolian geomorphology of China’s Kumtagh Sand Sea. Advances in Geoscience (in press), DOI:10.5194/adgeo-1-1-2013.

Zhi Zhang, Zhibao Dong, Changzhen Yan, Guangyin Hu, 2014. A discussion on the recharge source of lakes in the southeastern part of China's Badain Jaran Sand Sea implied by lake area change. Journal of Arid Land (in press).

2. 专著目录

董治宝、陈广庭,1996. 沙漠公路防沙工程. 见:中国石油天然气总公司塔里木石油勘探开发指挥部主编,《塔里木沙漠石油公路》(全书共890页,约179万字)之第6篇(共7章,约25.7万字),pp. 503-624. 北京:石油工业出版社.

董治宝,王训明,2003. 风沙物理与风沙地貌形成机制. 见:王涛主编,《中国沙漠与沙漠化》(全书共955页,约135万字)之第7章(约4.4万字),,pp. 345-376. 石家庄:河北科学技术出版社.

董治宝,吴正,2003. 风蚀及其地貌. 见吴正等著,《风沙地貌与治沙工程学》(全书共448页,约72万字)之第5章(约3.4万字),pp. 97-118. 北京:科学出版社.

董治宝,屈建军,陆锦华,钱广强,罗万银,周全斌,王秀梅,2009. 库姆塔格沙漠地貌图(附说明书). 北京:科学出版社.

董治宝,2011. 风沙防治的风沙物理学基础. 见王涛主编,《中国风沙防治工程》(全书共651页,约125字)之第3章,pp. 62-113. 北京:科学出版社.

董治宝,王涛,2011. 沙产业与沙区资源. 见王涛主编,《中国风沙防治工程》之第8章(全书共651页,约125万字),pp. 231-272. 北京:科学出版社.

董治宝,苏志珠,钱广强,罗万银,张正偲,吴晋峰,2011. 《库姆塔格沙漠风沙地貌》(专著,全书共484页,71.6万字). 北京:科学出版社.

Zhibao Dong, 2011. Blown sand physics and formation of aeolian landforms. In: Tao Wang (Ed.), Deserts and Aeolian Desertification in China (Full page: 819), pp. 278-314. Beijing: Science Press.

董治宝,胡光印,颜长珍,逯军峰,魏振海,2012. 《江河源区沙漠化》(专著,全书共343页,43.4万字). 北京:科学出版社.

卢琦,吴波,董治宝,鹿化煜,肖洪浪,王继和(主编),2012. 《库姆塔格沙漠研究》(专著,全书共459页,75.8万字). 北京:科学出版社.

F. Métivier and Z. Dong (Editors), 2013. Sediment Transport and Landscape Dynamics (SALADYN) Workshop 2012. Advances in Geosciences, 37.

董治宝,陆锦华主编,2014. 腾格里沙漠地貌图. 西安:西安地图出版社.

3. 专利目录

董治宝,赵爱国,孙宏义,2000,防沙风速廓线毕托管,实用新型,申请日期:1999-11-26,申请号:CN99254581.1,专利号:ZL 99 2 54581.1,证书号: 第401549号.

董治宝,拓万全,赵爱国,2001,沙粒跃移捕获仪,实用新型,申请日期:2001-01-02,申请号:CN01202733.2,专利号:ZL 01 2 02733.2,证书号: 第465719号.

董治宝,赵爱国,孙宏义,2001,多路方口集沙仪,实用新型,申请日期:2000-12-05,申请号:CN00264454.1,专利号:ZL 00 2 64454.1,证书号: 第454101号.

董治宝,赵爱国,2002,风洞室开启盖板装置,实用新型,申请日期:2001-03-29,申请号:CN01220414.5,专利号: ZL 01 2 20414.5,证书号: 第475602号.

赵爱国,董治宝,屈建军, 2002,集沙仪,实用新型,申请日期:2001-04-27,申请号:CN01222214.3,专利号:ZL 01 2 22214.3,证书号: 第480064号.

赵爱国,董治宝,王涛,屈建军,李宏,拓万全,2003,风洞沙尘土壤风蚀测量仪,实用新型,申请日期:2002-06-27,申请号:CN02261920.8,专利号:ZL 02 2 61920.8,证书号: 第553692号.

赵爱国,董治宝,2003,野外便携式防沙风速廓线测量仪,实用新型,申请日期:2002-06-28,申请号:CN02261931.3,专利号:ZL 02 2 61931.3,证书号: 第553816号.

赵爱国,屈建军,董治宝,王涛,2003,倒置式防沙风速传感器,实用新型,申请日期:2002-07-09,申请号:CN02261977.1,专利号:ZL 02 2 61977.1,证书号: 第578186号.

董治宝,赵爱国,王涛,邓简,2004,大气微尘收集器,实用新型,申请日期:2003-07-25,申请号:CN03262576.6,专利号:ZL 03 2 62576.6,证书号: 第635154号.

赵爱国,何宝山,董治宝,王涛,董智,2004,集雪量器,实用新型,申请日期:2003-02-25,申请号:CN03218567.7,专利号:ZL 03 2 18567.7,证书号: 第600500号.

董治宝,赵爱国,邓俭,2005,沙尘水平通量测量器,发明,申请日期:2003-08-14,申请号:CN03134534.4,专利号:ZL 03 1 34534.4,证书号: 第405383号.

董治宝,赵爱国,王涛,屈建军,2006,多路方口立式集沙仪,实用新型,申请日期:2005-03-10,申请号:CN200520078481.4,专利号:ZL200520078481.4,证书号: 第809114号.



赵爱国,王涛,董治宝,张正偲,2007,风沙流动态监测仪,发明,申请日期:2006-07-08,申请号:CN200610043166.7,专利号:ZL200610043166.7,证书号: 第461136号.


赵爱国,卢奇,董治宝,杨文斌,张正偲,李宏,赵晶,2009,风速风向数据自动采集仪,申请日期:2008-04-24,申请号:CN200820029021.6,实用新型,专利号:ZL200820029021.6证书号: 第1214003号.





董治宝,赵爱国,张智,2012,沙粒冲击器,实用新型,申请日期:2011-08-05,申请号:CN201120285242.1,专利号:ZL201120285242.1,证书号: 第2250952号.

董治宝,孙宏义,孙砺博,董海涛,2013. 一种固沙种草机,实用新型,申请日期:2013-06-06,申请号:专利号:ZL201320326354.6,证书号:第3261608号.






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