
您所在的位置:网站首页 今天太阳对76人录像回放 大多数奇幻故事都以中世纪的欧洲为背景。还有哪些时期/时代可以作为奇幻故事的绝佳背景?


2024-07-08 23:40:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Eduardo Sánchez I mean, you could use China. The Middle East was also pretty awesome before it radicalised thanks to reasons that escape my comprehension. You could use Siberia. There are plenty of options, actually. Use any of them. 在我看来,你可以用中国。 由于我无法理解的原因,中东在变得激进之前也是相当令人不可思议的。 你可以用西伯利亚。 澳大利亚 被殖民前的美洲 埃及 事实上,有很多选择。其中任何一个都可以。 Nathaniel Rice Pre-colonialization Americas were awesome. Heck, if the author wants to go even further back in time, maybe a frontier-esque setting where the O.G. Americans are still settling in and have to contend with mastodons, dire wolves, saber-toothed cats, etc…? 殖民前的美洲非常棒。见鬼,如果作者想要回到更久远的时代,也许可以设置一个遥远地带的背景,美国人仍安顿下来了,并不得不与乳齿象、可怕的狼、剑齿虎等抗衡? Jimmie Hicks Before the Europeans arrived and genocided most of them, they were constantly at war with one another. Entire empires rose and fell before Europe discovered the America's. So I imagine that it depends on whos perspective you are viewing the pre-colonized America's from. It certainly wasn't awesome for the slaves and the people who were unwillingly being used as sacrifices to their gods or the lower classes that were ruled with an iron fist by the upper classes. I remember reading somewhere that recent discoveries have shown that ritualistic sacrifice and cannibalism were done en masse to bring rain and good harvests. So I imagine that like every civilization ever, the pre- colonized America's were a mixture of horror and awesomeness. Not just one or the other. 在欧洲人到来并对他们进行种族灭绝之前,他们彼此之间一直处于战争状态。在欧洲人发现美洲之前,整个帝国兴衰起伏。所以我想这取决于你从谁的角度看待前殖民时期的美国。 对于奴隶和那些不愿被用作祭祀神灵的人,或者那些被上层阶级铁腕统治的下层阶级来说,这当然不好玩了。 我记得在什么地方读到过,最近的发现表明,为了带来雨水和丰收,人们会集体祭祀和同类相食。所以我想,就像所有的文明一样,被殖民前的美洲是恐怖和令人敬畏的混合体。不只是两者之一。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dongxu Li That’s why in Chinese cultures under Ruism ppl believe in “existence does give meanings to everything”. If you left these “barbarians” alone, they would eventually build their own civilizations. From the perspective of Chinese cultures, colonizations are very barbaric invasions and a process to destroy the development of other different civilizations. Ancient Chinese would show enough respects to these different civilizations even though they look down upon them. Leave them as they were because they were part of “nature” through Taoism. 这就是为什么中国文化下的毁灭主义者相信 “存在就是意义”。 如果你不去管这些“野蛮人”,他们最终会建立自己的文明。 从中国文化的角度来看,殖民是一种非常野蛮的侵略,是一种破坏其他不同文明发展的过程。 古代中国人会对这些不同的文明表现出足够的尊重,即使他们看不起他们。让他们保持原样,因为他们是道教中“自然”的一部分。 Jamer Hukwan Actually, the Pre-Columbian Americas was not brutal, at least by Eurasian perspectives. Sacrifices weren’t a big thing as most people think. Societies usually just benefited themselves and lived normally, just like much of the Andes. 事实上,前哥伦布美洲并不残酷,至少从欧亚大陆的角度来看是这样。牺牲并不像大多数人想的那样是件大事。社会通常以自身为重,但过的生活是正常的,就像安第斯山脉的大部分地区一样。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jimmie Hicks I’m pretty sure sacrifices were a big deal to the slaves and children that were being sacrificed. 我敢肯定,对于那些被牺牲的奴隶和孩子们来说,牺牲是一件大事。 Jamer Hukwan Not really. Especially in Mesoamerica. All cultures in the region at the time of the Aztecs had the same beliefs as the Aztecs, so it wouldn’t make sense to call the Aztecs “barbaric” (along with other native Americans) if everyone did the same thing as they did, and it’s more ridiculous considering how, non brutal sacrifices were in the region, since it happened not even around 500 times, in comparison to mass genocides committed in the Old World. 不是真的。尤其是在中美洲。在阿兹特克人时代,该地区的所有文化都与阿兹特克人有着相同的信仰,因此,如果每个人都像阿兹特克人一样做同样的事情,那么说阿兹特克人(以及其他印第安人)“野蛮”就没有意义了。 更荒谬的是,考虑到该地区的非残忍的牺牲,与旧世界的大规模种族灭绝相比,它甚至发生了不到500次。 Zach Lim Racist eurocentric garbage. You’re using the Aztecs as a template for ALL American indigenous people; that is such a massive, ignorant, uncritical, unsourced and frankly bigoted statement it’s impossible to ignore. Not every North American society pre-colonialism practiced the same sacrifices practices of the Aztecs, most didn’t have anything resembling the industrialized bloodshed and genocide repeated for millenia in Europe. Look at the crusades (especially the Baltic ones), the inquisitions, the thirty years war and more. Europe was by far worse in quality of life and instability, let alone mentioning how Western Europe is entirely responsible for both starting the Atlantic slave trade and keeping economic pressure on Africa through the triangle trade and its plantations need for cheap labour. 易队种族主义的、以欧洲为中心的垃圾内容。你把阿兹特克人作为所有美洲原住民的模板。这是一个庞大的、无知的、不加批判的、没有来源的、固执的声明,让人无法忽视。 在殖民主义之前,并不是每个北美社会都实行与阿兹特克人相同的祭祀做法,大多数北美社会都没有任何类似于欧洲数千年来不断重复的工业化流血和种族灭绝的做法。 看看十字军东征(尤其是波罗的海的那些),宗教裁判所,三十年的战争等等。欧洲的生活质量和不稳定性都要差得多,更不用说西欧是如何对大西洋奴隶贸易和通过三角贸易和非洲种植园对廉价劳动力的需求而对非洲施加经济压力负全部责任的。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Esila Rali You get a lot of really great ancient Chinese fantasy settings in the xianxia/wuxia genre. 在仙侠和武侠体裁中,你有很多很棒的古代中国背景可以选择。 Eduardo Sánchez All right, I feel like a complete arse for not knowing what that is. Sounds like the name of a dynasty (¿?). 好吧,我感觉自己像个混蛋,不知道那是什么。 听起来像是一个王朝的名字? Esila Rali It’s the martial arts genre, complete with chi attacks and even about Sects and Clans who teach secret techniques and take disciples. If you’re interested, I can recommend some for you to watch and see if you like it: The Five Venoms (very oldie but goodie); Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Condor Heroes (the wuxia/xianxia that codified a lot of tropes); the Untamed (this is a beautiful rabbit hole); Word of Honor; Handsome Siblings; Legend of the White Snake… 这是一种武术体裁,包括气功攻击,甚至是关于传授秘密技术和收徒弟的宗派和氏族。 如果你有兴趣,我可以推荐一些你可以看一看,看看你是否喜欢:《五毒》(非常古老但很不错);《卧虎藏龙》;《射雕英雄传》(包含了许多比喻的武侠/仙侠);《陈情令》;《山河令》;《绝代双骄》;《白蛇传》…… Steve Anderson Wuxia basically means martial heroes, and it’s basically a genre about wandering martial artists who fight evil and bring justice to the land. It’s somewhat equivalent to chivalric romances (wuxia protagonists are similar to paladins), but there are key differences. 武侠基本上是指武侠英雄,它基本上是关于流浪的武术家对抗邪恶,伸张正义的题材。它在某种程度上等同于骑士爱情(武侠的主角与骑士相似),但也有关键的区别。 Adam Rahali Have you tried Jade Empire? It’s an awesome action rpg video game set in a fantasy version of Ancient China 你看过翡翠帝国吗?这是一款很棒的动作RPG电子游戏,背景设定在古代中国的奇幻版本。 Esila Rali No, I haven’t but it sounds cool! Is it mac compatible? Team-ups? Conquering? Story-based? 没有,但是听起来很酷!它与mac兼容吗? 团队式的吗?征服式的?什么故事背景?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kennedy Kight Although my personal fantasy world seems to be a medi Europe one if one looks at the words used and the like it becomes more clear that Europe, Egypt/north Africa, middle east, and parts of Asia are all used for different areas. While other regions are planned but not implemented. 尽管我个人的幻想世界似乎是一个中世纪的欧洲,如果你看一下使用的词会,就会发现欧洲、埃及/北非、中东和亚洲的部分地区在不同领域都有用到过。 而其他地区已规划但尚未实施。 Jacob Baumgardner Not to mention the dozens of African cultures. 更不用说数十种非洲文化。 Jessica Love A sci-fi fantasy for Australia sounds pretty cool! That’s the beauty of fantasy stories that it’s completely made up with new races and wild animals. GRRM world was simple but at the same time unique. A lot of fantasy stories was not only base on history but old fable stories like fairies, for example. 澳大利亚的科幻幻想听起来很酷!这就是奇幻故事的美妙之处,它完全由新的种族和野生动物组成。 GRRM世界很简单,但同时也很独特。许多奇幻故事不仅基于历史,而且还基于古老的神话故事,例如精灵。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Joel Penner Yes, but Media Europe and China are just the coolest. 是的,但中世纪欧洲和中国是最酷的。 Michael Miller Assassins Creed used Egypt and Greece while mixing fantasy in them quite well. 《刺客信条》使用了埃及和希腊为背景,并将幻想融入其中。 Sai Vamshi Many fantasy series ARE based on India, China, Korea etc. And many shows come out every year based on these settings. Infact, in India the re-airing of 'Ramayana’ broke many records during the pandemic. 许多奇幻剧都是基于印度,中国,韩国等。每年都有很多电视剧是以这些场景为基础的。事实上,在印度,《罗摩衍那》的重播在疫情期间打破了许多记录。 Eduardo Sánchez Well, I’m Venezuelan and given that my country was a spanish colony in the past, even three hundred years later, things are still fairly euro-centric around here. So I’m aggrieved to say we know little to nothing about what happens in India, Indonesia, Brunei, China, etc. 我是委内瑞拉人,考虑到我的国家在过去曾是西班牙的殖民地,即使是三百年后,这里仍然以欧洲为中心。 因此,我很委屈地说,我们对印度、印度尼西亚、文莱、中国等地发生的事情知之甚少。 Hu Shi Xiong China has tons of these shows or games based on period dramas or fantasy . Just that their magic don't involve concepts like mana Normal people capable of learning how to jump like they're flying is common enough A lot of them have this duty to family. Duty to society . Duty to country … not particularly sellable concept 中国有很多基于古装剧或幻想的电视剧或游戏。只是他们的神力不涉及魔法之类的概念。 普通人能够像飞行一样学习跳跃是很常见的。 他们中的很多人都有家庭责任,对社会的责任,对国家的责任……不是特别畅销的概念。 Oleg Volkov Indeed, many countries have fantasy settings based on their past. Because we shouldn’t wait for foreigners to write about our fantasy past. 事实上,许多国家都有基于过去的奇幻背景。因为我们不应该等外国人来写我们奇幻的过去。 Conor O'Malley The new elder scrolls game should have an Egyptian/middle eastern vibe to it i reckon. In terms of fantasy Conan the Barbarian uses these settings pretty well also. 我认为新的《上古卷轴》应该带有埃及/中东的氛围。在奇幻方面,野蛮人科南也很好地利用了这些背景。 Björn David Paulsen Or, better still, use several. This is the more difficult, but also more rewarding route. Difficult because you truly have to have an indepth understanding of the culture, but rewarding because what you create will be visibly different. An RPG I know of does this quite well. They have one country that is superficially Arabic, with tulwars, mounted archers, veils, Moorish architecture, the sound of the language, the focus on geometric architecture, astronomy, the flowing scxt, etc, as recognizable features. Fusing cultures is a very good technique for creating something that looks interesting and substantial yet different. But just lazily throwing cultural and historical traits into the mix is not the way to go. You need a very good grasp of how these elements interact and why things are the way they are. Otherwise, it simply won’t cohere. 或者,更好的是,使用数个背景。 这更困难,但也是更有回报的路线。困难是因为你必须对当地文化有深刻的理解,但回报是因为你创造的内容会明显不同。 据我所知,RPG在这方面做得很好。他们有一个表面上是阿拉伯语的国家,有tulwars, mounted archers,面纱,摩尔式建筑,语言,对几何建筑的关注,天文学,流动的文字,等等,作为可识别的特征。 多种文化的融合是一种非常好的技术,可以创造出看起来有趣、实质性但又与众不同的东西。但如果只是懒惰地把文化和历史特征混在一起,并不是正确的做法。你需要很好地理解这些元素是如何相互作用的,以及为什么事情是这样的。否则,它就不会连贯。 Sarim Faruque My favorite fantasy settings are the ones based on Europe and MENA, any era appreciated. I especially love the medi/Islamic Golden Age settings as well. 我最喜欢的奇幻场景是基于欧洲和中东地区的场景,任何时代都可以。我也特别喜欢中世纪/伊斯兰黄金时代的场景。 Jesus Lopez I would die for a fantasy series in Pre Colonization Latin America, so much potential. 我非常想看一部关于前殖民时期拉丁美洲的奇幻剧,太有潜力了。 Abdullah Nasir What about Mughal Indian subcontinent? It can also be used as a good fantasy location. Pls add South Asia too 印度次大陆的莫卧儿呢?它也可以作为一个很好的奇幻之地。 请加上南亚。 Ismail Musnah What do you mean by “Middle East before it radicalised thanks to reasons that escape my comprehension”? 楼主说的“中东因我无法理解的原因而变得激进之前”是什么意思?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Boris Gouskov He is referring to middle easts golden age before it was killed by the mongolian invasions. An era of science and prosperity 他指的是中东在被蒙古人入侵前的黄金时代。 一个科学和繁荣的时代。 Ben Skirvin Ancient Afghanistan. The crossroads of mythology. The land where so many different gods, demons, saints and sinners meet between empires constantly at war. This is possibly the greatest, most underutilized fantasy setting imaginable. 古老的阿富汗,神话的十字路口。在这片土地上,许多不同的神,魔鬼,圣人和罪人在战争不断的帝国之间相遇。 这可能是我们所能想到的最伟大且最未被充分利用的奇幻场景。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alex Eustis I think I’d give Ancient China an honorable mention too. There was just so much going on culturally, politically, economically, historically — it's hard to even narrow it down. 我想我也会光荣地提及古代中国。文化、政治、经济、历史上发生了太多的变化,甚至很难缩小范围。 Guillermo López López Hasn't Hong-Kong film industry made a bunch of movies set in a fantastical ancient China? 香港电影业不是拍过一堆以奇幻的古代中国为背景的电影吗? Andrew Alexander I always wanted to set a fantasy story in an ancient eastern Persia analog. Fire temples, meeting place of civilizations, underpinning of a supremely ancient world underneath the current ruling system. There’s just a lot there. I’m not a writer so I doubt I’ll ever get to it, but I think the setting is super cool, and a fantasy version of it would be super unique. 我一直想把奇幻故事的背景设定在古代东方波斯。火神庙,是文明的聚集地,是当今统治体系下的古老世界的支柱。不一而足。 我不是一名作家,所以我怀疑自己是否能完成它,但我认为它的背景非常酷,而且它的奇幻版本将非常独特。 Udayana Vatsaraaja A part of Ancient India. A good choice. 以古印度的一部分为背景是一个不错的选择。 Ben Skirvin A constantly changing part of many empires might be more accurate. 许多帝国不断变化的部分可能更准确。 Marc Dacey And would make a nice change from the present reality. 拍摄阿富汗为背景的奇幻故事对现实会有积极的影响吗? Ben Skirvin I suppose that it might be nice for Afghani people to have a game which represents their rich, vibrant history. 我想,如果阿富汗人能有一个能代表他们丰富、充满活力的历史的游戏,那就太好了。 Claire Jordan Warren C Norwood’s novel True Jaguar is set when written, in the 1980s, but centres around Mayan mythology and cosmology, and is set partly in an upxed version of the Mayan underworld. There are a lot of non-European settings which would make a great background for fantasy - the Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime and Hindu theology are *already* fantasy stories, albeit metaphorical ones with a theological purpose. A lot of play could be made with the period in human history when Homo sapiens was meeting and mingling with Neanderthals and Denisovans. There were several other “ghost” human groups in Africa, Asia and Europe who interbred with the rest of us but are known only from intrusions of foreign DNA into ours - we don’t know what they looked like or what their cultures were like, so you could do almost anything with them. Again, at the end of the last Ice Age, around 10–11,000 years ago, the sea levels rose and drowned the land all around the edges of the continents. We know for example that in Malta there are prehistoric roads and modified caves which extend out under the sea, and probably cities drowned off the coast of India. Look for anywhere with a wide shallow continental shelf, near enough to the equator not to have been covered with ice, and there could have been and probably were ancient societies there which later drowned. 沃伦·C·诺伍德(Warren C Norwood)的小说《真实的美洲虎》(True Jaguar)的背景设定在20世纪80年代,但主要围绕玛雅神话和宇宙论展开,故事部分发生在一个更新版的玛雅地下世界。 有很多非欧洲的背景可以为奇幻故事提供很好的背景——澳大利亚原住民的奇幻时光和印度教神学本身已经是奇幻故事了,尽管是带有神学目的的隐喻性故事。 在人类历史上,智人与尼安德特人和丹尼索瓦人相遇并混在一起,这一时期可以进行很多研究。在非洲、亚洲和欧洲,还有其他几个“幽灵”人类群体,他们与我们其余的人杂交,但只知道有外来DNA侵入我们的体内。我们不知道他们长什么样,也不知道他们的文化是什么样的,所以你几乎可以用他们做任何事情。 同样,在上一个冰河时代末期,大约10 - 11000年前,海平面上升,淹没了大陆边缘的所有陆地。例如,我们知道在马耳他,有史前的道路和经过改造的洞穴延伸到海底,可能还有印度沿海被淹没的城市。如果你在赤道附近找到一个又宽又浅的大陆架,而且没有被冰覆盖的地方,那里可能曾经存在过,也很可能存在过后来被淹死的古代社会。 Nigel Hyde The Conan series by Robert E. Howard are set in the Hyborian age which is said to to be during the last period of Glacial Maximum. Scottish author Michael Scott Rohan wrote the Winter of the World fantasy series set in the Iceage. 罗伯特·e·霍华德的《柯南》(The Conan)系列以海波里安时代为背景,据说是冰河期的最后一个时期。苏格兰作家迈克尔·斯科特·罗汉写了以冰河世纪为背景的奇幻系列《世界的冬天》(the Winter of the World)。 Mercedes R. Lackey Virtually any setting can be a fantasy setting. All you have to do is add magic. 几乎任何背景都可以是奇幻背景。你只需要加点魔法。 Alexander L Would zombie apocalypse setting with magic work? 僵尸末世体裁可以加点魔法吗? Mercedes R. Lackey Certainly. In fact the rising of the zombies could have been caused by magic in the first place. 当然可以。事实上,僵尸的崛起可能是由魔法引起的。 Amyas Cavit There is a terrific series called Tales of the Otori that takes place in a medi Japanese fantasy setting. The first book is Across the Nightingale Floor. 有一个很棒的系列叫做《凤凰传说》(Tales of the Otori)故事集,故事发生在一个中世纪的日本奇幻故事中。 第一本书是《穿越夜莺地》。 Camden Weck I’ve always been a fan of Fantasy Wild West myself. I enjoyed that book by the author you recommended. 我一直都是《狂野西部》的粉丝。我喜欢你推荐的作者写的那本书。 Oleg Volkov Most fantasy series are set in a medi Europe setting. What are other time periods/eras that would make a great setting for a fantasy series? What is important for fantasy, is individuals. Any setting where a single person or a group of friends can accomplish much with the might of their weapons, makes a good fantasy setting. Any setting where the world is shaped by megacorporations, giant armies and so on - doesn’t make a good fantasy setting, and is better used as whatever-punk setting. Thus, any period of feudal fracturing is good. Doesn’t matter if it’s European Dark Ages, Russian Kievan Rus or Japanese Sengoku Jidai. Times where people lived in small tribes can be good too, but it’s hard to relate to their way of life. I remember Elfquest fantasy comics were set in such a world. That reminds me, these people tended to get the whole tribe involved, so your cast might be bigger than you are comfortable with. Of the newer time periods, you can look at any opening of new frontiers. Age of sail (with pirates) and Wild West (with cowboys) are well-known enough to get started without too much explanations. For extra fantasy flair, Age of Sail would be even cooler with flying ships and floating islands. While Wild West tends to be about magic-wielding natives versus technology-wielding colonizers. Of course, if you aren’t set on epic achievements, you can make a more down-to-Earth story about people earning money by slaying monsters and finding precious materials while working for Adventurers’ Guild. A lot of Japanese fantasy web novels are like that, and the time period seems to be more like Renaissance than Middle Ages. I challenge you to apply this mentality to any other period of history, like Soviet Russia, where adventurers have to fulfill government-issued plans on slaying and looting. 对于奇幻来说,重要的是个体。任何能够让一个人或一群朋友凭借他们的武器获得巨大成就的场景,都是一个很好的奇幻背景。任何由大型企业、庞大军队等塑造的世界背景都不能成为一个优秀的奇幻背景,而更适合作为朋克背景。 因此,封建破裂的任何时期都是好的。不管是欧洲的黑暗时代,俄罗斯的基辅罗斯,还是日本的战国时代。 人们生活在小部落的时代也很好,但很难与他们的生活方式联系起来。我记得奇幻漫画《精灵之旅》就是以这样一个世界为背景的。这提醒了我,这些人倾向于让整个部落都参与进来,所以你的演员阵容可能比你想象的要大。 在较近的时期,你可以看看任何新领域的开放。《航海时代》(有海盗)和《狂野西部》(有牛仔)已经足够出名了,无需太多解释就可以开始了。如果想要更多的奇幻元素,《航海时代》中会有更酷的飞船和漂浮的岛屿。而《狂野西部》则是关于使用魔法的土著和使用技术的殖民者的故事。 当然,如果你的目标不是史诗级的成就,你也可以创造一个更现实的故事,即玩家在为“冒险家公会”工作时通过杀死怪物和寻找珍贵的材料来赚钱。许多日本奇幻网络小说都是这样的,这个时期似乎更像是文艺复兴时期,而不是中世纪。 我希望你能把这种心态运用到任何其他历史时期,比如苏联时期,冒险家必须完成政府发布的杀戮和抢劫计划。






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