云南艺术学院2024年学历类、非学历类留学生 招生简章(中英文版)Yunnan Arts University 2024 and non

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云南艺术学院2024年学历类、非学历类留学生 招生简章(中英文版)Yunnan Arts University 2024 and non

2024-07-16 13:23:09| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


招生简章(中英文版)Yunnan Arts University 2024 and non-academic students,recuitment brochure (Chinese and English version)

一、学校简介I. About YNAU

云南艺术学院办学历史悠久,始建于1959年,其前身可追溯到1938年西南联大的文化生活部和师范学院,是我国西南地区一所特色鲜明、艺术门类齐全的综合性高等艺术院校,是全国8所综合性普通本科高等艺术院校之一。2003年获批硕士学位授予权,2009年获批艺术硕士(MFA)专业学位培养单位,2009年获批博士学位授予权云南省培育建设单位,2019年获批艺术学理论省级博士后科研工作站。Established in 1959, the Yunnan Arts University (YNAU) boasts a long history, with its predecessor traced back to the Cultural Life Department and the Teachers College of the National Southwest Associated University in 1938. YNAU is a comprehensive higher art institution with distinctive features and a wide range of artistic disciplines in the southwestern region of China. It is also one of the country's eight comprehensive general undergraduate higher colleges of art. In 2003, YNAU was granted the authority to confer master's degrees. In 2009, it was approved as a unit for training Professional Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree candidates and became a designated cultivation and development unit to confer doctoral degrees in Yunnan Province. In 2019, it was further approved as a provincial-level postdoctoral research station in art theories.

学校有学术型硕士和专业型硕士两个授权类别,覆盖原艺术学门类所属的5个一级学科(艺术学理论、音乐与舞蹈学、戏剧与影视学、美术学、设计学)和6个专业领域(音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、电影、美术、艺术设计),2022年教育部发布新版学科专业目录,学校调整为2个一级学科(艺术学、设计学)和5个专业领域(音乐、舞蹈、戏剧与影视、美术与书法、设计)。现有2个省级特色优势学科(艺术学理论、音乐与舞蹈学),3个省级A类高原学科(音乐与舞蹈学、戏剧与影视学、设计学),2个省级一流特色建设学科(美术与书法,设计学),其中1个省级一流重点支持建设学科;学校26个本科招生专业中有14个专业被认定为国家级一流本科专业建设点,10个专业被认定为省级一流本科专业建设点。获2022年云南省高等教育教学成果奖7项,其中,特等奖1项,一等奖3项,二等奖3项。有云南省协同创新中心、重点实验室、工程研究中心、合作共建基地等省部级科研平台6个,省级教学科研团队15个。YNAU offers two authorization categories for master's degrees: academic master's and professional master's. They originally covered five primary disciplines in the field of arts (Art Theory, Music and Dance Studies, Drama and Film Studies, Fine Arts, and Design Studies) and six specialized areas (Music, Dance, Drama, Film, Fine Arts, and Art Design). In 2022, as the Ministry of Education released a new version of the disciplinary catalog, YNAU made adjustments to include two primary disciplines (Fine Arts and Design) and five specialized areas (Music, Dance, Drama and Film Studies, Fine Arts and Calligraphy, and Design). There are currently two provincial-level disciplines with distinct advantages (Art Theory and Music and Dance Studies), three provincial-level A-class top disciplines (Music and Dance Studies, Drama and Film Studies, and Design Studies), and two provincial-level first-class distinctive disciplines (Fine Arts and Calligraphy, and Design). Among them, one discipline is supported as a key provincial-level first-class construction discipline. Within its 26 undergraduate majors, 14 have been recognized as national-level first-class undergraduate major construction sites, and 10 have been recognized as provincial-level first-class undergraduate major construction sites. It has won seven awards in the 2022 Yunnan Provincial Higher Education Teaching Achievement Awards, including one special award, three first awards, and three second awards. Besides, it has six provincial-level research platforms, such as Yunnan provincial collaborative innovation centers, key laboratories, engineering research centers, and cooperative co-construction bases, as well as 15 provincial-level teaching and research teams.

云南艺术学院始终遵循“继承传统、学习民间、兼容中外、服务社会”的办学理念,秉承“海涵地负、继往开来”的学校精神,“务实、求新、尚美”的校训,立足于云南得天独厚的地理区位优势和文化资源优势,主动服务和融入国家和云南发展战略,致力于把学校办成具有国际影响和特色鲜明的国内一流高等艺术院校。YNAU has always adhered to the educational philosophy of "inheriting tradition, learning from the folk, embracing both Chinese and Western cultures, and serving society". It upholds the spirit of "championing inclusiveness to forge ahead", and follows the motto of "practicality, creativity and nobility". Building upon Yunnan's unique geographical and cultural advantages, YNAU has actively served and integrated into the development strategies of China and Yunnan Province to endeavor to build itself into a nationally renowned high-level art university with international influence and distinctive characteristics.

学校有呈贡、麻园2个校区,占地面积共930余亩。有音乐学院、美术学院、设计学院、戏剧学院、舞蹈学院、电影电视学院、艺术管理学院、高等职业教育学院与继续教育学院、民族艺术研究院、马克思主义学院、公共教学部、体育教学部12个教学单位,1个附属艺术学校。现有全日制在校生10990人。教职工1088人(含编外派遣制人员)。YNAU encompasses two campuses: Chenggong Campus and Mayuan Campus, covering a total area of over 930 mu (about 62 hectares). It has twelve academic units—namely the Music School, Fine Arts School, Design School, Drama School, Dancing School, Film and Television School, Arts Management School, School of Higher Vocational Education and Continuing Education, Ethnic Art Research Institute, Marxism School, General Education Department, and Physical Education Department—and one affiliated art school. Currently, YNAU has a total of 10,990 full-time enrolled students and 1,088 faculty and staff members, including contingent employees.

二、留学生工作介绍II. Introduction to Work for International Students

云南艺术学院自1996年获得招收留学生资质,并于1998年正式开始招收外国留学生以来,以精准的培养定位,鲜明的课程设置,高效的招生管理团队,培养出了一批又一批高质量的外籍艺术类专业人才,同时为我省留学生教育和国际化办学工作作出了贡献。Since obtaining the qualification to admit international students in 1996 and officially enrolling them in 1998, YNAU has successfully nurtured a multitude of high-quality international talents in the field of arts. This achievement can be attributed to our precise cultivation orientation, distinctive curriculum design, and efficient enrollment management team. Our contributions extend to the education of international students and the advancement of internationalized education practices in our province.

我校先后被云南省政府批准为云南省民族艺术国际人才培养基地、云南省招收周边国家政府奖学金院校,拥有授予外国留学生艺术专业的学士学位、硕士学位,以及对留学生进行长短期汉语培训、艺术培训的资质。YNAU has received successive authorization from the People's Government of Yunnan Province as a base for cultivating international talents in ethnic arts, as well as being recognized as a university eligible to enroll international students from neighboring countries under government scholarships. We have the authority to confer Bachelor's and Master's degrees to international students in diverse art majors. Additionally, we are qualified to provide long-term and short-term Chinese language and artistic training for international students.

我校常年为外国留学生提供丰富多彩、独具特色的艺术教育课程。近年来已吸引近1000名来自21个国家和地区的留学生到校学习。留学生们扎实的专业素养、多元化的艺术视野,带来良好的就业前景。我校充分发挥地域优势,积极融入国家发展部署,呈现出稳步提升的态势,培养层次逐步健全。我校留学生越来越多地参与到国际比赛和活动中。YNAU offers a wide array of distinctive art education courses for international students throughout the year. In recent years, it has attracted nearly 1,000 on-campus students from 21 countries and regions. The international students' solid professional qualities and diverse artistic perspectives contribute to excellent job prospects. By fully leveraging its geographical advantages, YNAU actively integrates into the national development deployment, demonstrating a steady upward momentum and gradual improvement of educational levels. An increasing number of international students from YNAU have been actively engaging in international competitions and activities.

三、本科专业设置及学制Setting and System of Undergraduate Majors



学制Length of Schooling

音乐学院Music School

音乐表演(演唱)Musical Performance (Singing)


音乐表演(民族声乐)Musical Performance (Ethnic Vocal Music)


音乐表演(流行演唱)Musical Performance (Popular Vocal Music)


音乐表演(流行演奏)Musical Performance (Popular Musical Instrument Playing)


音乐表演(中国乐器演奏)Musical Performance (Chinese Musical Instrument Playing)


音乐表演(键盘演奏)Musical Performance (Keyboard Instrument Performance)


音乐表演(管弦打击乐奏演)Musical Performance (Orchestral and Percussion Music Performance)


音乐表演(合唱)Musical Performance (Chorus)


作曲与作曲技术理论Music Composition and Theory of Composition Techniques


音乐学(民族音乐理论)本科Musicology (Theories of Ethnic Music, Undergraduate Major)


舞蹈学院Dancing School

舞蹈学(教育)Dancology (Education)


舞蹈学(民族舞蹈传承)Dancology (Ethnic Dance Inheritance)




舞蹈表演Dance Performance


戏剧学院Drama School

表演(戏剧影视表演)Performance (Drama, Film, and Television Performance)




戏剧影视文学Drama, Film and TV Literature


播音与主持艺术Broadcasting and Hosting Arts


戏剧影视导演Drama, Film and Television Directing


戏剧影视美术设计Drama Film and Television Art Design




学院Film and Television  School

广播电视编导Broadcast and TV Editing and Directing


影视摄影与制作Film and Television Photography and Production


录音艺术Recording Arts



学院Fine Arts School

美术学(史论)Fine Arts (History)




中国画Chinese Painting







设计学院Art and Design School

视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design


环境设计Environmental Design


产品设计Product Designs


服装与服饰设计Clothing and Apparel Design


数字媒体艺术Digital Media Art


四、硕士专业设置及学制(2024年)Setting and System of Graduate Majors (2024)



研究方向Research Field

学制Length of Schooling


研究院Ethnic Arts Research Institute

艺术学Art Theory

艺术史History of Art


艺术理论Art Theory


民族艺术与非物质Ethnic Arts

文化遗产and Intangible Cultural Heritage


音乐学院Music School

艺术学Art Theory

音乐学理论Musicological Theories


作曲技术理论Technical Theories of Composition







演奏Instrument Playing


音乐教育Music Education


舞蹈学院Dancing School

艺术学Art Theory

民族舞蹈研究Study of Ethnic Dances



中国民族民Chinese Ethnic and Folk Dances





戏剧学院Drama School

艺术学Art Theory

中外艺术史论Chinese and Foreign Art Histories


戏剧与影视Drama and Film

戏剧影视编剧Drama, Film, and Television Script Writing


戏剧影视表演Drama, Film, and Television Performance


戏剧影视导演Drama, Film and Television Directing


戏剧教育Drama Education


播音与主持Broadcasting and Hosting


电影电视学院Film and Television School

艺术学Art Theory

民族影视语Study of Ethnic Film Languages

言与文化研究and Cultures


戏剧与影视Drama and Film

纪录片创作Documentary Creation


影视声音创作Film and Television Sound Creation


美术学院Fine Arts School

艺术学Art Theory

美术史论History of Art


美术与书法Fine Arts and Calligraphy

中国画Chinese Painting


油画Oil Painting






影像艺术Video Art




设计学院Design School

艺术学Art Theory

民族艺术与Ethnic Arts and

设计研究Design Study



民族艺术与产品设计(含玉雕、陶艺、木雕、金属工艺等)Ethnic Arts and Product Design (including jade carving, pottery, wood carving, metal craft, etc.)


环境艺术设计(含建筑设计、景观设计、室内设计)Environmental Art Design (including architectural design, landscape design, and interior design)


视觉传达设计Visual Communication Design


数字媒体艺术(含动画、数字媒体)Digital Media Art (including animation and digital media)


服装艺术设计(含服装设计、服饰设计)Clothing Art Design (including clothing design and costume design)


艺术管理学院Arts Management School

艺术学Art Theory

艺术管理Arts Management


五、报名及考试时间Application and Examination Time

(一)攻读学历学位(艺术类学士、硕士)的外国留学生,我校将为其组织单独考试,考试科目与各专业要求相同。可在每年3月--6月和9月--12月期间报名。(I) For international students pursuing degree (Bachelor's or Master's) studies in arts-related majors, YNAU will arrange separate examinations for them, and the exam subjects will be aligned with the requirements of the respective majors. Application is open during the periods of March to June and September to December each year.

(二)攻读非学历学位(艺术类长短期进修、汉语类长短期进修)的外国留学生,我校将为其组织单独考试,考试科目与各专业要求大致相同。全年可以报名。(II) For international students pursuing non-degree studies (long-term or short-term art studies or Chinese language studies), YNAU will arrange separate examinations for them, and the exam subjects will be similar to the requirements of the respective majors. Application is open throughout the year.

六、报名条件Application Requirements

品行端正、身体健康、成绩优秀,能够自觉遵守中华人民共和国法律法规和云南艺术学院相关校纪校规,尊重中国风俗习惯。Applicants should possess a good moral character and good physical health, and demonstrate outstanding academic performance. They should actively observe the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, as well as the relevant rules and regulations of YNAU while showing respect for Chinese manners and customs.

(一)攻读学历学位(艺术类学士、硕士)的外国留学生(I) For international students pursuing degree (Bachelor's or Master's in arts-related majors) studies

1. 年龄在50岁以下,持非中国籍的外国公民有效护照或身份证件(将与公安局出入境管理局进行核查)。1. Applicants should be under the age of 50 and hold a valid passport or identity document from a foreign country (which will be verified by the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau of the Public Security Bureau).

2. 报名时需交的材料Materials to Submit

(1)已公证过的高中毕业证一份(攻读艺术类学士)或已公证过的大学本科毕业证、学位证各一份(攻读艺术类硕士);(1) Notarized high school graduation certificate (for pursuing a Bachelor's degree in arts-related majors) or notarized  undergraduate graduation certificate and degree certificate (for pursuing a Master's degree in arts-related majors);

(2)已公证过的高中阶段成绩单一份(攻读艺术类学士)或已公证过的大学本科阶段成绩单一份(攻读艺术类硕士);(2) Notarized high school transcript (for pursuing a Bachelor's degree in art-related majors) or notarized undergraduate transcript (for pursuing a Master's degree in art-related majors);

(3)报考专业的专家推荐信一份;(3) One recommendation letter from an expert in the field of the applied major;

(4)相关专业作品一套(如:绘画作品的照片6张;音乐作品的CD或VCD,10-15分钟。);(4) A set of major-related works (e.g. six photos of painting works; a CD or VCD of music works lasting 10–15 mins);

(5)若参加过汉语水平考试,请提供考试成绩复印件一份;(5) If the applicant has participated in the Chinese Proficiency Test (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì, HSK), please provide a copy of the test score;

(6)学习计划一份;(6) One study plan;

(7)有效护照及有效签证复印件一份;(7) One copy of the valid passport and valid visa;

(8)家庭经济保证证明(自费项目申请者);(8) Family financial guarantee certificate (for self-funded project applicants);

(9)无犯罪记录证明;(9) Certificate of No Criminal Record;

(10)白底彩色证件照4张。(10) Four color identification photos with white background;

(11)体检合格证明。(11) Certificate of medical fitness.

(二)攻读非学历学位(艺术类长短期进修、汉语类长短期进修)的外国留学生(II) For international students pursuing non-degree studies (long-term or short-term art studies or Chinese language studies)

1. 年龄在55岁以下,持非中国籍的有效护照或身份证件(将与公安局出入境管理局进行核查)。1. Applicants should be under the age of 55 and hold a valid passport or identity document from a foreign country (which will be verified by the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau of the Public Security Bureau).

2. 报名时需交的材料2. Materials to submit

(1)艺术类长短期进修生(1) For applicants for long-term or short-term art studies

相关专业作品一套(如:绘画作品的照片6张;音乐作品的CD或VCD,10-15分钟。);A set of major-related works (e.g. six photos of painting works; a CD or VCD of music works lasting 10–15 mins);

若参加过汉语水平考试(HSK),请提供考试成绩复印件一份;If the applicant has participated in the Chinese Proficiency Test (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì, HSK), please provide a copy of the test score;

学习计划一份;One study plan;

有效护照及有效签证复印件一份;One copy of the valid passport and valid visa;

家庭经济保证证明;Family financial guarantee certificate;

无犯罪记录证明;Certificate of no criminal record;

白底彩色证件照4张。Four color identification photos with white background.

体检合格证明Certificate of medical fitness

(2)汉语类长短期进修(2) For applicants for long-term or short-term Chinese language studies

若参加过汉语水平考试,请提供考试成绩复印件一份;If the applicant has participated in the Chinese Proficiency Test (Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì, HSK), please provide a copy of the test score;

学习计划一份;One study plan;

有效护照及有效签证复印件一份;One copy of the valid passport and valid visa;

家庭经济保证证明;Family financial guarantee certificate;

无犯罪记录证明;Certificate of no criminal record;

白底彩色证件照4张。Four color identification photos with white background.

体检合格证明Certificate of medical fitness

七、申请程式VII. Application Process

申请人到云南艺术学院南亚东南亚艺术交流与研究中心网页自行下载《云南艺术学院外国留学生申请表》,完整填写表格后,回复到邮箱[email protected]。申请人在申请资料中所提供的所有信息,务必真实、准确。收到相关资料后,我中心将尽快处理留学申请。若入学资质获得通过,我中心将为申请人组织与其申请专业相对应的艺术类专业考试。The applicant should visit the website of the Center for Exchange and Research of South and Southeast Asian Art, YNAU to download the Application Form for International Students at Yunnan Arts University. After completing the form in its entirety, please send it to the email address [email protected]. All information provided by the applicant in the application materials must be truthful and accurate. Upon receiving the relevant materials, the Center will handle the application as soon as possible. If the applicant's qualifications for admission are passed, the Center will organize an art examination corresponding to the applied major of the applicant.

被我校录取的外国留学生,我中心将为其寄送签证申请表格(JW 202表)及云南艺术学院外国留学生录取通知书。申请人务必在签证到期前20天,携带有效护照和带有出入境管理局条码的白底彩色证件照4张到我中心申办签证延期或居留许可等相关手续。For international students admitted, the Center will send them the visa application form (Form JW 202) and the admission letter from YNAU. Applicants must pay a visit to the Center with their valid passport and four color identification photos on a white background with the bar code of the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau, within 20 days before their visa expires, to process visa renewal or residence permit applications and related procedures.

八、收费情况(注:以下收费标准有可能会有所调整,恕不另行通知)VIII. Fees (Note: The following fees are subject to adjustments without separate notice)

(一)学费(I) Tuition fees

1. 非学历1. Non-degree studies

(1)艺术类进修(1) Art studies

A. “一对一”学习:100元/节课(注:每学期按15周计算,每周不少于8节课);A. "One-to-one" study: RMB 100 per class (Note: The tuition fees for each semester are calculated based on a whole period of 15 weeks, with a minimum of eight classes per week);

B. 跟班学习:60元/节课(注:每学期按15周计算,每周不少于8节课)。B. Class study: RMB 60 per class (Note: The tuition fees for each semester are calculated based on a whole period of 15 weeks, with a minimum of eight classes per week).

(2)汉语类进修(2) Chinese language studies

A. “一对一”学习:80元/节课(注:每学期按15周计算,每周不少于6节课);A. "One-to-one" study: RMB 80 per class (Note: The tuition fees for each semester are calculated based on a whole period of 15 weeks, with a minimum of six classes per week);

B.跟班学习:50元/节课(注:每学期按15周计算,每周不少于6节课)。B. Class study: RMB 50 per class (Note: The tuition fees for each semester are calculated based on a whole period of 15 weeks, with a minimum of six classes per week).

2. 学历2. Degree studies

(1)艺术类本科生:人民币10000元/年;(1) Art undergraduates: RMB 10,000 / year;

(2)艺术类硕士研究生:人民币15000元/年。(2) Art master candidates: RMB 15,000 / year.

(二)住宿费(II) Accommodation expenses

人民币4800元/年/间,水电费押金500元。RMB 4,800 / year / room, and RMB 500 deposit for water and electricity.

注:每个单间可供两人(相同性别)同时住宿。Note: Each room can accommodate two individuals (of the same gender) at the same time.

九、基础设施IX. Infrastructure

云南艺术学院图书馆创建于1959年,建馆60余年来,为以美术、艺术设计、音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、影视类等图书资料为主,兼及社科类图书资料的专业图书馆,拥有较为丰富的艺术文献资源,为云南省艺术文献收藏中心之—。其中民族民间艺术类图书资料颇丰,在全国各类图书馆中馆藏特色资源较为突出。新馆于2018年8月投入使用,总建筑面积26837.80㎡,图书馆共有5层楼,1楼为雕塑及民族服饰展示区,1~2楼夹层为图书馆总服务台 ,2、3、4楼为开架阅览区(其中中外文期刊阅览区位于3楼), 5楼为临展区。馆藏分布为:艺术理论、绘画、书法、 篆刻、雕塑、摄影及工艺美术等类图书位于2楼。历史、地理、自然科学普及图书及综合性图书;音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、电影、电视艺术类图书位于3楼。哲学、宗教、政治、法律、经济、文化、科学、教育、体育、语言、文字等社会科学类图书及文学类图书位于4楼。 馆内设施完善,功能齐全,创建了VPN系统,实现了图书馆资源的远程访问。图书馆现有《中国知网(CNKI)》数据库、《维普中文期刊服务平台(VIP)》数据库、《万方数据知识服务平台》数据库等中外文数据库10余个,开通了移动图书馆、微信图书馆、博看触摸阅读系统,引进RFID自助借还服务系统,图书借阅均采用现代信息化技术进行管理。云南艺术学院图书馆2023年,新增图书 86494册、新增电子期刊11487册,目前学校藏书总量达121.5万册。The Yunnan Arts University Library was established in 1959. Over the past 60 years, it has served as a specialized library whose collections are dominated by books and materials related to fine arts, art design, music, dances, dramas, films, and television and supplemented by social sciences literature. With abundant artistic literary resources, the library has become one of the collection centers for artistic literature in Yunnan Province. In particular, the library boasts a rich collection of books and materials on ethnic and folk arts, making it stand out as a library with characteristic resources among various libraries nationwide. The new library building was opened in August 2018, covering a total area of 26,837.80 square meters. It is divided into five floors: The first floor is a sculpture and ethnic clothing exhibition area; the mezzanine between the first and second floors houses the library's general service center; the second, third, and fourth floors are open-stack reading areas, with the third floor dedicated for domestic and international journals; the fifth floor is dedicated to hosting temporary exhibitions. The library's collections are distributed as follows: Books on art theories, paintings, calligraphy, seal cutting, sculpture, photography, and industrial arts are located on the second floor. The third floor houses a collection of historical, geographical, and natural science popularization books, and comprehensive books, as well as books on music, dances, dramas, films, television, and other arts. The fourth floor is dedicated to books of social sciences and literature, including philosophy, religions, politics, laws, economics, cultures, sciences, education, PE, languages, and characters. The library is equipped with complete facilities with comprehensive functions. A VPN system has been built, allowing remote access to the library's resources. The library currently provides access to over 10 Chinese and foreign language databases, including the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), the VIP Chinese journals service platform, and the WANFANG DATA platform. Additionally, it has opened a mobile library, a WeChat library, and the Bookan touch screen reading system, and introduced the RFID self-service borrowing and returning service system whereby all book borrowing and management processes can be managed via modern information technology. In 2023, the library has acquired 86,494 new books and 11,487 new electronic journals. The current total number of books in YNAU's collections has reached 1.215 million.

我校体育运动区场地总面积为36025㎡,包含1个400米标准田径场场地看台、篮球场场地及气膜体育馆。标准田径场场地:其中400m跑道为塑胶跑道,标准足球场地面层为人造草。田径场面积15216.32㎡,足球场面积7140㎡。篮球场总面积为6959.36㎡,五人制足球场总面积为3373.55㎡,气膜体育馆建筑面积2000㎡ 。留学生及港澳台侨学生均可使用。YNAU's sports areas occupy 36,025 square meters in total, including a 400-meter standard track and field ground with spectator stands, basketball courts, and an inflatable-membrane gymnasium. A standard track and field ground: The 400-meter track is made of plastic, and the ground layer of the standard football field is paved with artificial grass. The track and field ground covers an area of 15,216.32 square meters, while the football field occupies an area of 7,140 square meters. The combined area of basketball courts is 6,959.36 square meters, while the 5-a-side football pitch spans across 3,373.55 square meters, and the inflatable-membrane gymnasium has a building area of 2,000 square meters. These facilities are available for use by international students as well as students from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan of China.

十、奖学金Ⅹ. Scholarships

(一)云南艺术学院留学生奖学金(免除学费)。(I) YNAU's scholarships for international students (Tuition fees exemption).

(二)云南省政府周边国家留学生奖学金(免除学费,每个月有1000元左右的生活费补助,但名额较少,具体根据当年主管部门通知为准)(II) Scholarships of the People's Government of Yunnan Province for international students from neighboring countries (Tuition fees exemption and a monthly subsidy of around RMB 1,000 for living expenses. However, the number of students that are eligible for this support is limited and should be subject to the annual notification of the competent authority for that year)

十一、联系方式Contact Information

联系人:李老师Contacts:Ms. Li

电话:86-871-65939397Tel.: +86-871-65939397

网址:https://ndy.ynart.edu.cn/index.htmWebsite: https://ndy.ynart.edu.cn/index.htm

邮箱:[email protected]: [email protected]

地址:中华人民共和国云南省昆明市呈贡区雨花路1577号Address: 1577 Yuhua Road, Chenggong District, Kunming, Yunnan, China

云南艺术学院南亚东南亚艺术交流与研究中心Center for Exchange and Research of South and Southeast Asian Art, Yunnan Arts University

邮政编码:650500Postal code: 650500






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