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2024-07-15 23:06:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”节食对健康危害“英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:The harm of dieting to health。以下是关于节食对健康危害专八英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The harm of dieting to health

Diet instruction: you can wte a composition about dieting in a few minutes. You should wte at least a few words based on the Chinese syllabus below. "Dieting" is what we know about moderate diet.

O body is a balanced and needs a reasonable diet. A reasonable or balanced diet can people keep healthy, bee it can not only prnt people fm eating too much fat, which may lead to many diseases, but also AISC pvides them with enough nuttion to ense their normal operation. In addition, dieting can people, especially young women, keep slim, which will certainly betify their life.

Howr, rything has o sides. Dieting is no exception. Dieting can n harm o health.

We know that eating too much will lead to obesity, while eating too little will lead to malnuttion. This is the reason for many diseases. Obviously, dieting does not mean eating too little.

Such misunderstanding must be avoided in my judent. Not ryone needs to be frugal Eating well should be o pmary concern. If yo goal is to have a slim body, then dieting should only be cared out without affecting yo health.





Diet instruction: you can wte a composition about dieting in a few minutes. You should wte at least a few words based on the Chinese syllabus below. "Dieting" is what we know about moderate diet.

O body is a balanced and needs a reasonable diet. A reasonable or balanced diet can people to keep healthy, bee it can not only prnt people fm eating too much fat, which may lead to many diseases, but also AISC pvides them with enough nuttion to ense their normal operation. In addition, dieting can people, especially young women, be slim, which will certainly betify their life, Everything has o sides.

Dieting is no exception. Dieting can n harm o health. We know that eating too much can lead to obesity, while eating too little can lead to malnuttion.

This is also the e of many diseases. Obviously, dieting does not mean eating too little. In my opinion, such misunderstanding must be avoided.

Not ryone needs to diet if you want to The standard is to have a slim fige, health should be o most concern, diet should only be cared out within the scope of yo health is not affected.





Here's the weight of the worst thing I've lost: since you don't care about yo appearance, you'd better not tn it into a little monster. When you walk thugh the shop window, you can't but glance at yoself. You're looking in the r (although in my case, it's mainly to make yoself beli that this is me, yes, I really look like this )It's good that you become a little obsessed with keeping fit and eating healthy, but it can also make you a little bong, especially if you become an evangelist, constantly nagging people about changing their ways, and although I've always been open to saying that I want to others lose weight, I also beli that people need to make their own lifestyle decisions.

My way is to talk In terms of my expeence, share publicly what I'd love to share, my knowledge, and then move on to other topi. I think it's a little bit like taking drugs or oking, and ryone tells you it's not good, you should stop, but nothing will change until you make yo own decision. When you have to replace all yo closets, fm underwear to coats, the cost is bound to increase.

I think you can see that on the one hand, you lose weight and finally buy the incredible clothes you've always wanted to wear On the other hand, it costs a lot of money. I actually see it as an incentive to lose weight. When you spend so much money on weight loss and changing clothes that you absolutely don't want to wear that doesn't fit you, you're not willing to compmise on what you eat.

I eat greasy pies, high carb foods or nuttious sandwiches while I'm running. Instead, I think about what I eat and what I plan (see my previous post here, I tend to plan a lot ahead of time, for example, if I knew I had a lunch time meeting, I would eat aund the plan, so I still eat something healthy and don't be tempted by cookies and snacks. I take my own food to meaningful places, or explore nearby places where I can eat healthy things.

I know I'm going to leave the conference I'm attending and avoid cabery's buffet, bee eating these sounds very noble, and I think to some extent yes, but I think it might be seen as inflexible and difficult for people who don't know you.




标签: 老人 






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