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2024-07-09 02:52:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The word break is fairly commonly used in English, so you have surely seen it in books, heard it in movies, or learned it in school. By itself, it usually means to make a crack in something as is used as a verb.break这个词在英语中相当普遍,所以你肯定在书中见过,在电影中听到过,或者在学校里学过。就其本身而言,它通常意味着在用作动词的某物上做一个破绽。

There are many phrases and sentences where it means just that. However, there are also many phrases in which break means something entirely different or is used as a noun! Here are some of those more common phrases.有很多短语和句子都有这个意思。然而,也有许多短语中,break的意思完全不同,或者用作名词!下面是一些比较常见的短语。

Break synonymsbreak的近义词

Break has many synonyms, and each of its possible meanings has more synonyms. Here is a selection:Break有很多同义词,每个可能的意思都有更多的同义词。这里有一个选择:

shatter, smash, fracture, crack, pierce, divide, unravel, decipher, disturb, interrupt, mitigate, drop, surpass, beat, give way, destroy, crush, falter, erupt, time off, holiday, gap, opening, etc.粉碎、粉碎、破裂、破裂、刺穿、分裂、解开、破译、扰乱、中断、减轻、下降、超越、殴打、让路、摧毁、粉碎、动摇、爆发、休息、假期、间隙、开口等。

Break vs FractureBreak和Fracture的区别

Break can be used to describe any kind of shattering. Anything can break. However, a fracture is something that happens only to bones. Bones do break, but the professional medical term is fracture.Break可以用来形容任何类型的粉碎。任何东西都可能破裂。然而,骨折只发生在骨头上。骨头确实会骨折,但专业医学术语是骨折。

Break Past Tensebreak的过去式

The past tense of break is broke, or broken.break的过去式和过去分词是broke和broken

Break as a Verbbreak作为一个动词

1. Break away逃脱

To break away means to achieve freedom from captivity. It is used to describe liberation, either physical or mental. Break away is associated with escaping someone’s hold, or escape from the control of something or someone else.脱离意味着从囚禁中获得自由。它被用来描述解放,无论是身体上的还是精神上的。脱离是指逃离某人的控制,或逃离某事物或其他人的控制。

2. Break in / into meaning闯入

Break in means to forcefully enter a place. A break in means a robbery. When you’re breaking into a place you are forcing entry. It is most commonly connected to criminal actions.强行闯入意味着强行进入一个地方。闯入意味着抢劫。当你闯入一个地方时,你是在强行进入。它通常与犯罪行为有关。

3. Break Out突破

Break out has many different meanings. In general it means to leave a place forcefully. To break out of prison is a common example. However, to break out on your skin means to have a rash. To break out of your shell can mean to be liberated. Whenever you’re trying to describe forcefully leaving a place a literal or figurative way, you use break out.break out有很多不同的含义。一般来说,它是指强行离开一个地方。越狱是一个常见的例子。然而,在你的皮肤上爆发意味着有皮疹。脱壳就意味着解放。当你试图用文字或比喻的方式来有力地描述离开一个地方的时候,你就用“break out”。

4. Break Wind meaning

To break wind means to release gas. In colloquial speech it means to fart.放风就是释放气体。在口语中,它的意思是放屁。

5. Break a Sweat meaning

When you’re doing physical activities you can start to sweat. When that happens you break a sweat.当你做体力活动时,你会开始出汗。当这种情况发生时,你会大汗淋漓。

6. Break Off meaning

When something breaks off it is divided from a larger whole. To divide means to snap off, come off, or in general to be separated or divided.当某物断裂时,它就从一个更大的整体中分离出来。分开是指折断、脱落,或大体上被分开或分开。

7. Break a habit

To break a habit means to stop doing something that you often do in your routine. For example, if you normally reach for your phone right when you wake up, that is a habit. To break the habit means to stop reaching for your phone right when you wake up, and instead meditating or washing up first.改掉一个习惯意味着停止做一些你在日常生活中经常做的事情。例如,如果你通常在醒来的时候伸手去拿手机,那是一种习惯。打破这个习惯意味着当你醒来的时候不要再伸手去拿你的手机,而是先冥想或洗个澡。


Breaking a habit is really difficult, but my business coach helped me get right into content creating when I wake up instead of answering emails./ To establish a good habit is hard, but to break a bad habit may be even harder./ If you want to break your habit of chewing on your fingernails when you are nervous, try to dip them in lemon juice in the morning or paint them with various colors of nail polish.改掉一个习惯真的很难,但是我的商业教练在我醒来的时候帮助我开始创造内容,而不是回复邮件。/养成一个好习惯很难,但是改掉一个坏习惯可能更难。/如果你想改掉紧张时嚼指甲的习惯,早上试着把它们浸在柠檬汁里,或者涂上各种颜色的指甲油。

8. Break a bone, break your arm

If you accidentally injure yourself by cracking or fracturing a bone, you break your bone. To break your arm, leg, pelvis, wrist, or other body part means to break the bone in that body part. For children, this is a very common thing to have happen. If you have never broken a bone, some people will be very surprised to hear it.如果你不小心弄断了骨头而伤到了自己,那你就是弄断了骨头。折断手臂、腿、骨盆、手腕或其他身体部位意味着折断该身体部位的骨头。对孩子们来说,这是很常见的事情。如果你从来没有断过一根骨头,有些人会很惊讶听到它。


My son fell out of a tree yesterday morning, so we took him to the hospital because we thought he might have broken his wrist. The doctor that you see if you break your bones is an orthopedic surgeon. If you take care of yourself, use a cast, and use your crutches, you can recover quickly even if you break your leg.我儿子昨天早上从树上摔下来,所以我们把他送到医院,因为我们认为他可能摔断了手腕。如果你骨折了,你要去看的医生是个骨科医生。如果你照顾好自己,使用石膏,使用拐杖,即使你摔断了腿,你也能很快康复。

9. Break a leg!

This is an idiom that you say to performers such as actors, dancers, or singers. It means good luck. If you think this idiom sounds weird, it is! It seems like you are wishing that something bad will happen to the actress. However, this idiom comes from the fact that historically, actors are superstitious. They believe that something bad will happen if you tell them good luck directly, but wishing back luck to someone will lead to something good happening.这是你对演员、舞者或歌手等表演者说的成语。这意味着好运。如果你觉得这个成语听起来很奇怪,那就是!你好像希望女演员会出事。然而,这个成语来源于这样一个事实:在历史上,演员是迷信的。他们相信,如果你直接告诉他们好运,就会有不好的事情发生,但是向某人许愿会导致一些好的事情发生。


Break a leg, Arnold! Your performance is going to be great tonight!/I told my wife to break a leg on her first day of teaching her class, but she just rolled her eyes./If you don’t tell your actor friends to break a leg, especially on the night of their first performances, they may not perform well!祝你成功,阿诺德!你今晚的表演会很棒的!/我告诉我妻子在她第一天上课的时候摔表现出色,但她只是转动了眼睛。/如果你不祝福你的朋友在表演中获得成功,尤其是在他们第一次表演的那晚,他们可能表现得不好!

10. Break a promise

Here, the word break is not used in a literal sense. Instead, the phrase means to not follow through on a promise that you have made. If you promise someone that everything will be okay, but it turns out not to be, you have broken your promise.在这里,break这个词不是字面意义上的。相反,这个短语的意思是不遵守你所做的承诺。如果你向某人保证一切都会好起来,但事实证明不是这样,你就违背了你的诺言。


Doctors are told to never say, “Everything will be okay,” to their patients because they cannot ensure that everything is okay, and they don’t want to break their promises./I got so used to my friends breaking their promises to hang out with me that I was surprised when they invited me out to dinner last night./Breaking a promise to a client will probably make them quit doing business with you.医生被告知不要对病人说“一切都会好的”,因为他们不能保证一切都好,而且他们不想违背诺言。/我已经习惯了朋友们违背诺言和我一起出去玩,以至于当他们昨晚邀请我出去吃饭时,我很惊讶。/违背了对客户的诺言可能会让他们放弃和你做生意。

11. Break a record

In this phrase, break is again used in a figurative sense. To break a record means to perform better than the previous record, especially in fields like sports, music, and other things where actions can be measured objectively.在这个短语中,break再次被用在比喻意义上。打破记录意味着比以前的记录表现得更好,特别是在运动、音乐和其他可以客观衡量动作的领域。


I did not try to break the record for the most hiccups in an hour, but it just happened!/She ran so fast that she broke her sister’s record by 30 seconds!/Breaking a world record at the Olympics is something that so many athletes strive to do.我并没有试图打破一小时内打嗝次数最多的记录,但它只是发生了!/她跑得太快了,竟以30秒的速度打破了她姐姐的记录!/在奥运会上打破世界纪录是许多运动员努力要做的事。

12. Break the ice

When people are meeting each other for the first time, someone has to break the ice, or help spark interaction and discussions in a group. Leaders of a group often prepare activities or questions, known as icebreakers, to loosen up any tension and help people get to know each other. Sometimes offices can plan retreats full of icebreakers to create more friendships between workers and improve their comfort with each other.当人们第一次见面时,必须有人打破僵局,或者帮助在一个小组中引发互动和讨论。一个团体的领导者经常准备一些活动或问题,被称为“破冰者”,以缓和紧张气氛,帮助人们相互了解。有时,办公室可以计划充满破冰船的静修,以在员工之间建立更多的友谊,提高彼此之间的舒适度。


I wasn’t sure how the two groups of athletes would work together so I prepared a bunch of silly questions to break the ice, but it turns out everyone started laughing and getting to know each other on their own! /Sometimes it only takes one person to say something funny to break the ice in a tense group. /If it were so easy to break the ice, anyone could do it.我不知道这两组运动员会如何合作,所以我准备了一堆愚蠢的问题来打破僵局,但结果大家都开始大笑,开始互相了解了!/有时一个人说些好笑的话就能在紧张的人群中打破僵局。/如果破冰这么容易,任何人都能做到。

13. Break someone’s heart

While this is usually used in the context of a romantic relationship, you can break anyone’s heart, or cause someone great grief and sadness. If you make someone just a little bit sad, you can use break your heart jokingly. However, if you use the phrase to describe something more serious, it can mean that you will need some time to recover from the broken heart.虽然这通常是在一段浪漫的关系中使用的,但你可以让任何人心碎,或者给某人带来巨大的悲伤和悲伤。如果你让某人有点伤心,你可以开玩笑地用“伤心”这个词。然而,如果你用这个短语来形容更严重的事情,那可能意味着你需要一些时间来从破碎的心中恢复过来。


I told him I loved him, and then he broke my heart by saying that he had actually been trying to break up with me during that conversation. When I chose to become an entrepreneur instead of going to graduate school, my grandma told me that I was breaking her heart. “Do you really like her design more than mine? Gosh, you’re breaking my heart,” Jasmine said jokingly.我告诉他我爱他,然后他说他在那次谈话中真的想和我分手,这让我很伤心。当我选择成为一名企业家而不是读研究生时,我奶奶告诉我,我伤了她的心。“你真的比我更喜欢她的设计吗?“天哪,你伤了我的心,”茉莉开玩笑地说。

14. Break the rules, break the law

If you have a rebellious streak in you and want to be known as a bad boy or bad girl, you can break the rules or break the law. /These mean that you do something that you should not, either because there are rules or a law that prohibits it. You can become a rule breaker or a law breaker.如果你有叛逆的倾向,想成为坏男孩或坏女孩,你可以违反规则或违反法律。/这意味着你做了不该做的事,要么是因为有规则,要么是法律禁止。你可以成为一个违反规则的人,也可以成为一个违反法律的人。


I thought that the rules were ridiculous, so I decided to protest them by breaking the most important rule./If you ever break the law, don’t talk to me again. /Some people can’t help but break the rules; they just have a rebellious streak in them.我认为这些规则很荒谬,所以我决定以违反最重要的规则来抗议它们。/如果你违反了法律,就不要再和我说话。/有些人情不自禁地违反规则,他们只是有一种叛逆的倾向。

15. Break the news to someone

If you know something new and share it with other people, you break the news to them./This phrase is usually used when you have bad news, however, because you will likely break someone’s heart when you tell them. Most people who break the news have to do it reluctantly, if they choose to do it at all.如果你知道一些新的东西并与别人分享,你就把这个消息告诉他们。/然而,这个短语通常在你有坏消息的时候使用,因为当你告诉别人时,你很可能会伤到别人的心。大多数人如果选择做这件事的话,就不得不不情愿地做这件事。


I have so much respect for doctors because they have to break bad news to patients and their family members so often. /Ellen wanted to keep the news quiet for as long as possible, but Tom broke the news of their breakup anyway. /Juan didn’t know how to break the news of the car accident to Jennifer over the phone, so he texted her instead.我非常尊重医生,因为他们必须经常向病人和家人透露坏消息。/埃伦想尽可能长时间地保持沉默,但汤姆还是透露了他们分手的消息。/胡安不知道如何通过电话把车祸的消息告诉詹妮弗,所以他给她发了短信。

16. Break even

If you start a business and invest money in it, you always try to break even as fast as possible, or earn enough so that you can cover the money that you spent. While this phrase is most often used with money, it can also be used when you talk about other things that you can borrow and give to others, such as favors (helping other people).如果你开始创业并在其中投资,你总是尽可能快地收支平衡,或者挣足够的钱来支付你所花的钱。虽然这个短语最常用于钱,但当你谈论其他你可以借钱给别人的事情时,也可以用它,比如帮助别人。


Emily still remembers the day that her business broke even – she talks about what a relief that was any chance that she gets!/Max picked his sister up from the airport, so the two of them have officially broken even on their favors for each other./He tried to play too many pranks on me, so I have a whole list of pranks so we can break even.埃米莉仍然记得她生意收支平衡的那一天——她说她得到的任何机会都是一种解脱!/麦克斯把妹妹从机场接回来,所以他们两个已经正式打破了对彼此的恩惠。/他想对我开太多的玩笑,所以我有一个完整的恶作剧清单,这样我们就可以收支平衡了。

17. Break the silence

You can break the literal silence by speaking or making other noises when there is a period of silence, or break the figurative silence but making a statement about something when you have refused to talk about it before. Both types of silence are broken equally often, but breaking the silence in a metaphorical sense is usually only used for celebrities, politicians, and other famous people.当有一段时间的沉默时,你可以通过说话或发出其他的声音来打破字面上的沉默,或者打破比喻上的沉默,但是当你以前拒绝谈论某件事时,你可以发表一个声明。这两种类型的沉默通常都会被打破,但从隐喻的角度来说,打破沉默通常只适用于名人、政治家和其他名人。

Celebrities can break the silence when they talk about their personal lives and relationships; politicians break the silence when they talk about a scandal that happens.名人在谈论个人生活和人际关系时可以打破沉默;政治家在谈论发生的丑闻时可以打破沉默。


Honestly, I have no idea why he has broken the silence on his relationship. The media has already caught him with his new girlfriend! When there is a new scandal, it is better to break the silence right away and apologize for it than have everyone speculate and guess why it happened. I like to wait until someone else breaks the silence before I start talking so I don’t seem like I’m only interested in attention!老实说,我不知道他为什么打破了对他的关系的沉默。媒体已经抓到他和新女友在一起了!当有新的丑闻发生时,最好马上打破沉默,为之道歉,而不是让大家猜测并猜测为什么会发生这种事。我喜欢等到别人打破沉默,然后我才开始说话,所以我似乎不只是对注意力感兴趣!

18. Break ground

When a company is ready to start preparing land for a new construction project (to build a new house or building), they break ground and sometimes have a small ceremony to celebrate. This phrase is not to be confused with breaking new ground.当一家公司准备开始为一个新的建设项目(建造一座新房子或建筑物)准备土地时,他们会破土动工,有时会举行一个小型的庆祝仪式。这句话不应与开拓新天地混为一谈。


I can’t wait until the contract comes through so we can finally break ground!/ Are you coming to the break ground ceremony tomorrow morning?我迫不及待地要等到合同通过,这样我们才能最终破土动工!/你明天早上要来参加破土动工仪式吗?

19. Break new ground

While this phrase is similar to break ground, the meaning is very different. Breaking new ground is metaphorical, when you make progress in an area that has never been done before. This is often used to describe new scientific discoveries or technological developments. Something that breaks new ground is groundbreaking.虽然这个短语与break ground相似,但意思却大不相同。当你在一个从未有过的领域取得进展时,开拓新天地是一种隐喻。这通常用来描述新的科学发现或技术发展。一些突破性的东西是开创性的。


This new research technique will help scientists in so many fields break new ground!/I think Dr. Matheson thought that his work was breaking new ground, but his findings were published by another professor two years ago.这项新的研究技术将帮助许多领域的科学家开辟新天地!/我认为马西森博士认为他的研究正在开拓新的领域,但他的发现是两年前由另一位教授发表的。

20. Break a code

This phrase can be confusing because the word code has several meanings. You can crack a code (which means to figure out a pattern or a secret message) or break a code – which means to deviate from a set of rules. This kind of code can be official or not, like a code for an organization or a code between friends.这个短语可能会让人混淆,因为“代码”这个词有几个含义。你可以破解一个代码(这意味着找出一个模式或一条秘密消息)或者破解一个代码——这意味着偏离一组规则。这类代码可以是正式的,也可以不是,比如一个组织的代码或者朋友之间的代码。


One of the best jokes in the TV show How I Met Your Mother is about how Ted, the main character, always breaks the Bro Code./We were really excited to have you join the organization, but since you broke our code, we have to ask you to leave./The only rule we have here is that you do not break the code.在电视节目《我是怎么认识你妈妈的》中,最精彩的笑话之一就是主角泰德总是违反兄弟守则。/我们真的很高兴你加入这个组织,但既然你违反我们的准则,我们就不得不请你离开。/我们这里唯一的规则是你不能破坏密码。

21. Break your fall

When you fall, the best thing you can do is break your fall, or prevent yourself from hitting the ground too hard. Breaking your fall is especially important for older people, who are more likely to break their bones from a hard fall.当你摔倒的时候,你能做的最好的事情就是打破你的摔倒,或者防止你自己撞到地上太用力。对于老年人来说,摔断尤其重要,因为他们更容易摔断骨头。


After his accident, my grandpa started using a walker that could break his fall in case something happened when he was walking./ Thank you so much for breaking my fall! I could have really been hurt.出事后,我爷爷开始使用助行器,以防他走路时发生什么事时摔断。/非常感谢你帮我摔了一跤!我可能真的受伤了。

22. Break the mold

A creator breaks the mold when they create something very unique and special, unlike anything that you have ever seen before. Most things are made with molds, or standard shapes that help make plastics and metals and things like that. To break the mold means to go beyond those molds and make something that does not fit those molds.一个创造者打破了模子,当他们创造了一些非常独特和特殊的东西,不像你以前见过的任何东西。大多数东西都是用模具或标准形状制造的,这些形状有助于制造塑料、金属等。打破模具意味着超越那些模具,制造出不适合那些模具的东西。


God broke the mold when he made you because you’re so amazing./I want you to take chances and break the mold when you can because nonconformists are the ones who change history!上帝创造你的时候打破了模式,因为你太神奇了。/我希望你抓住机会,尽可能打破模式,因为改变历史的是不墨守成规的人!

23. Break from tradition

When you take a chance, and do something different from customs and behaviors that most people do, you break from tradition. People who break from tradition often do it because they are unhappy with the ways things have been done in the past or because they want to gain more attention for themselves.当你抓住机会,做一些与大多数人不同的习俗和行为时,你就打破了传统。打破传统的人之所以这样做,往往是因为他们对过去的做法不满意,或者是因为他们想为自己赢得更多的关注。


Roger broke from tradition by choosing to move abroad after college rather than finding a job locally./If you come from a rural community, your parents probably want you to break from tradition and move to the city for more work opportunities.罗杰打破了传统,大学毕业后选择移居国外,而不是在当地找工作。/如果你来自农村社区,你的父母可能希望你打破传统,搬到城市去寻找更多的工作机会。

24. Break free

Similar to times when you break the mold or break from tradition, breaking free means to disregard previous constraints or limits on you, whether they are physical or emotional. When you break free of something, you are usually overcoming obstacles or barriers.类似于你打破模式或打破传统的时候,打破自由意味着无视以前对你的约束或限制,不管它们是身体上的还是情感上的。当你挣脱一些东西时,你通常是在克服障碍或障碍。


Troy was finally able to break free from his money problems after he paid off all his debt./After years of planning, the felon broke free from jail with a little help from his friends./Break free from the mental barriers that are preventing you from achieving your goals!特洛伊在还清了所有债务后终于摆脱了金钱问题。/经过多年的计划,重罪犯在朋友的帮助下从监狱中解脱出来。/摆脱了阻碍你实现目标的心理障碍!

25. Break down

Breaking down means to completely stop working if you refer to a thing, or to lose control of your emotions if you refer to a person. The two meanings have the same idea, as people who break down in tears or under stress often have a hard time concentrating on other tasks.如果你指的是一件事,崩溃意味着完全停止工作;如果你指的是一个人,崩溃意味着失去对情绪的控制。这两个意思的意思是一样的,因为那些在眼泪中或压力下崩溃的人往往很难集中精力做其他的事情。


I had the worst luck yesterday, when my car engine broke down in the middle of the highway and I had to deal with my boss breaking down under stress after the big deal went bad./It’s okay to break down crying every once in a while, because crying can make you release hormones that improve your mood afterwards.我昨天运气最差,因为我的汽车发动机在高速公路中间坏了,我不得不应付老板在大事件发生后压力下崩溃的情况。/偶尔哭一下也没关系,因为哭会让你释放荷尔蒙,从而改善事后的情绪。

Break Down Synonymsbreak down的近义词

stop working, go wrong, seize up, fail, collapse, come to nothing, founder, fall through, burst into tears, etc.停止工作,出错,抓紧,失败,崩溃,一事无成,创始人,跌倒,流泪,等等。

26. Break loose

When you have been confined, either physically or emotionally, it is always a relief to break loose and disregard those restraints. To break loose means to be free.当你被束缚时,无论是身体上还是情感上,放松和无视这些束缚总是一种解脱。挣脱意味着自由。


I have finally broken loose from the responsibilities that I have every day./Tom feels bad for Kathy because she cannot break loose from the pressures of her parents.我终于摆脱了每天的责任。/汤姆为凯西感到难过,因为她无法摆脱父母的压力。

27. Break up

Most of the time, break up refers to the split of a romantically-involved couple. If they decide that they no longer want to be together, they break up. It can also refer to an event, especially a noisy event or a fight, that is split up. Break up can be used as a noun, when a couple breaks up, or as a verb when you break up the fight before it escalates. In all cases, the break ups can be nasty or friendly.大多数时候,分手是指一对恋人分手。如果他们决定不再想在一起,他们就分手了。它也可以指分裂的事件,特别是吵闹的事件或打架。分手可以用作名词,当一对夫妻分手时,也可以用作动词,当你在争吵升级前分手时。在任何情况下,分手都可能是肮脏或友好的。


My ex-boyfriend and I broke up because we were offer jobs in different cities, but we got back together years later when we ended up in the same place again./The principal was called in to break up the fight that was started between the freshmen and the sophomores.我和前男友分手是因为我们在不同的城市找到了工作,但几年后我们又回到了一起,结果我们又回到了同一个地方。/校长接到电话,要解散一年级和二年级之间的争吵。

phrases with break含有break的短语

Break as a NounBreak作为名词

28. Take a break

Taking a break here means to rest from whatever you are doing. When you take a break, you almost always intend to go back and keep doing what you paused. If you decide to stop altogether, that is an unintended consequence of the break.在这里休息意味着从你所做的一切中休息。当你休息时,你几乎总是打算回去继续做你暂停的事情。如果你决定完全停止,那是一个意外的结果。


I was tired from practicing our dance so I sat on the sidelines to take a break./Steven felt unmotivated at college, so he decided to take a break for a semester to work and return to school after that./If you try to work the entire day without taking a break, you will work yourself to death.我练习舞蹈累了,所以我坐在一旁休息。/史蒂文在大学时感到没有动力,所以他决定休息一个学期去工作,然后再回到学校。/如果你试着一整天都不休息,你会把自己累死的。

29. Lucky break, big break

The other way you can use break as a noun is in the phrase lucky break or big break. This phrase is usually used when talking about your career. If the break is lucky or big, it refers to the moment when you made it and went from someone who is trying to make it (often, but not always as an actor or someone else in the entertainment industry) to someone who has made it. Even though it should mark a specific event, it sometimes refers to a period of time in which you are trying many different things and seeing which one “sticks”, or actually produces results for you. Breaks are usually caught.另一种使用break作为名词的方法是在短语lucky break或big break中。这句话通常用于谈论你的职业。如果这个突破是幸运的或是巨大的,它指的是你成功的那一刻,从一个试图成功的人(通常,但并不总是作为演员或娱乐圈的其他人)变成了成功的人。尽管它应该标记一个特定的事件,但有时它指的是一段时间,在这段时间里,你正在尝试许多不同的事情,并看到哪一个“坚持”,或实际为你产生结果。休息通常被抓住。


The extremely famous movie director Steven Spielberg caught a big break when one of his original films that he made in college was seen by a vice president of a movie-making company and offered him a job./Some people say successful people are the ones that got lucky, but most people who catch a lucky break are putting in the hard work needed to succeed already.极为著名的电影导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)在大学时拍摄的一部原创电影被一家电影制作公司的副总裁看中,给了他一份工作,这让他有了一个大突破。/有人说,成功的人才是幸运的人,但是,大多数幸运的人都在为成功而努力工作。

Brake vs Break

Brake and break, while spelled fairly similar, are two very distinct words. Brake is actually very simple, since it’s the noun used to describe the device used to stop a car. To brake is the verb form. Some synonyms for brake are to slow down, stop, reduce speed, decelerate, etc.brake和break,虽然拼写相当相似,是两个非常不同的词。刹车其实很简单,因为它是用来描述停车装置的名词。刹车是动词的形式。刹车的一些同义词是减速、停车、减速、减速等。

Break, on the other hand, is a very versatile word. It means to separate into pieces, shatter, or interrupt. It can be used as both a noun and a verb. It’s very versatile because it can be combined with other words to create new meanings.另一方面,Break是一个非常通用的词。它的意思是分裂、破碎或中断。它既可用作名词又可用作动词。它是非常多功能的,因为它可以与其他单词结合,创造新的含义。


To take a break, to break apart, to break a heart, to take a break, break a bone, break the law, break a storm etc.去休息,去分手,去伤心,去休息,去断骨,去犯法,去暴风雨等等。

To Brake Synonymsbrake的近义词

All synonyms with brake describe slowing down.所有与刹车同义的词都描述减速。

Slow down, slow, go slower, decelerate, reduce speed, put on the brakes, hit the brakes, slam the anchors慢点,慢点,慢点,减速,减速,踩刹车,踩刹车,踩锚

Break Out vs Breakout

Break out is a verb form, whereas breakout is a noun. To break out can mean to escape from captivity, to have a skin condition or rash, to feel liberated, and many other meanings. Breakout means the same thing, the only difference is that the noun needs a verb in order to function. There has been a breakout means that someone escaped prison, or when you have a breakout means you have a rash. In general break out is used in tandem with other nouns, and breakout is used in tandem with various verb forms.Break out是动词形式,而突破是名词。Breakout可能意味着逃离囚禁,有皮肤病或皮疹,感觉解放,以及许多其他含义。突破的意思是一样的,唯一的区别是名词需要动词才能起作用。有越狱意味着有人越狱,或者当你越狱意味着你有皮疹。一般来说,突围与其他名词连用,突围与各种动词形式连用。

Break Metal vs Brake Metal

To break metal means to separate the metal into pieces. When you’re breaking metal you’re shattering it. Break metal is a combination of the verb break and the noun metal. Brake metal is used to describe the type of metal used for making car breaks. Brake metal can be anything from aluminum, steel, or titanium. It is a combination of the adjective brake and the noun metal.把金属打碎就是把金属分成碎片。当你打碎金属的时候,你就是在打碎它。Break metal是动词Break和名词metal的组合。刹车金属是用来描述用来制造汽车刹车的金属类型。刹车金属可以是铝、钢或钛的任何材料。它是形容词brake和名词metal的组合。

Brake or Break Game

The phrase to break a game is correct. Brake game does not mean to stop the game, it is simply grammatically incorrect. You can only break a game.打破游戏的短语是正确的。刹车游戏并不意味着停止游戏,它只是语法错误。你只能打破常规。

Brake or Break Ground

When you’re creating the foundation for a building you break ground. To break ground means to dig into the ground in order to build on top of it. Since brake is only connected to cars it cannot be used as brake ground.当你为建筑物建造地基时,你就要破土动工。破土就是在地上挖土,以便在地上建房。由于制动器只与汽车相连,所以不能用作制动器接地。

Brake or Break Something

You can only brake a car. So, when you destroy something or shatter it, you break something.你只能刹车。所以,当你摧毁或打碎某物时,你就打碎了某物。

Brake or Break a Bone

You can’t brake a bone. However, break a bone is actually a very common saying. It means that you wish someone luck. Whenever you tell a person to break a bone, you want them to be lucky when doing something.你不能刹一个骨头。然而,折断骨头实际上是一个非常普遍的说法。意思是祝某人好运。每当你告诉一个人要折断一根骨头时,你希望他们在做某事时运气好。

Break vs Sprain

When something breaks it completely shatters. When bones break then snap completely. To sprain means to tear out, to damage. However, to sprain does not mean to completely break. Ligaments in the knees, ankles, and elbows are commonly sprained.当某物破碎时,它会完全破碎。当骨头断了,然后完全折断。扭伤意味着撕裂,破坏。然而,扭伤并不意味着完全骨折。膝盖、脚踝和肘部的韧带通常扭伤。

Is Break a verb?Break是一个动词吗?

Break is of itself is only part of the complete phrase. To break is the complete form of the verb.Break本身只是完整短语的一部分。To break是动词的完整形式。






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