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1、2021 年广东省普通高等学校招收中等职业学校毕业生统一考试英 语本试卷共 8 页,71 小题,满分 150 分。考试用时 120 分钟。1.补全对话(5 小题,共 10 分)阅读下列简短对话:从 A、B、C、D 中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。例:M:Hows everything going?W:Fine, thanks. How are you doing?A.Im16答案是 D.1. M:Sorry, Im late, Mrs. Smith.W:_.A. Oh, dearB. You are welcomeC. Oh, come onD. Thats all right.B. Yes, i

2、t is goodC. See you thenD. Oh, not too bad2. W:Hello, may I speak to Bob?M:_.A. Yes,you are rightC. Yes, Im fineB. Yes. Bob speakingD,Yes, he is Bob3. M:Hi,Susan. Can you show me the photos?W:_Here you are.A. SureB. ThanksC. Thats itD. Go ahead4. M:_,Madam?W:Id like to buy a skirt.A. What can I do f

3、or youC. Whats the matterB. How are youD. What happened5. W:Hi, Tom! I called you yesterday morning, but no one answered the phone.M:_.I went to see my grandparents.A. Never mindB. Dont worryC. Im sorryD. Take it easyII.词汇与语法(20 小题,共 40 分)A)从 A、B、C、D 中选出句中画线的单词或词组的意义。例:We had enough time to do the w

4、ork.A.很短的答案是 D。6. They lived in a big crowded city.A.开放的B.现化的C.拥挤的D.脏乱的B.一半的C.很长的D.足够的7. When he was twenty-five, John bought a house and got married.A.结婚B.搬家C.庆祝D.居住8. When Molly was eight years old, Helen came to live in the house opposite to hers.A. 在的前面C. 在的下面B.在的后面D.以的对面9. Mrs. Green traveled a

5、 lot and she wasnt afraid of taking a plane.A.欣赏.B.喜欢C.害怕D.盼望10. It is interesting that a small child can sing a song without understanding itsmeaning fully.A.部分地B.悄悄地C.仓促地D.完全地11. How did it come about that the car fell into the river?A.出来B.发生C.失败D.到达12. Nobody could persuade her to change her mind

6、.A.强迫B.帮助C.说服D.阻止13. A red light is a signal of danger.A.信号B.图案C.景象D.签名14. The First World War broke out in 1914.A.结束B.爆发C.升级D.失败15. There seems to be no solution to the problem.A.解决办法B.最终结论C.不明原因D.发展过程B)从 A、B、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。例:It_ me a long time to finish my homework last night.A. take答案是 B.16.

7、 John is_ holiday in France.B. tookC. has takenD. had takenA. inB. onC. atD. with17. I asked two people the way to the station but _of them knew.A. eitherB. bothC. neitherD. none18. I had a banana and an apple, and I gave, _banana to Mary.A. aB.an.C./D. the19. Lets do it right now, _?A. will youB. s

8、hall weC. dont youD. dont we20. I havent seen her for_.A. such long timeC. such a long time21. This question is_ my ability.A. beyondB. inC. besideD. withB. so long timeD. so a long time22. Its time for him_ home.A. goesB. will goC. goingD. to go23. He_ in London since he was a child.A. livesB. live

9、dC. has livedD. was living24. Peter couldnt come to the party, _ disappointed us.A. thatB. whoC. whatD. which25. The baby_ after his father.A. is namingB. was namedC. was namingD. has named.完形填空(15 小题,共 30 分)阅读下列短文,并掌握其大意。然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。I only knew two words of Chinese (“ hello” and “thank y

10、ou” )when I came toChina in 2009. As you can probably26, my life was difficult for a while after Iarrived. Simple tasks like27food or taking a taxi were quite28.I knew I had to learn more Chinese, so I attended Chinese classes. Although my29was very helpful, I didnt learn enough to have a real conve

11、rsation. Later, Istudied on my own as well, but my progress was still30. I became verydisappointed, but I never gave up.31,I found that the best32of learning Chinese is to make friends withnative speakers and spend time with them. Around this time, I33a Chinesewoman in a music group, who became one

12、of my best friends in Beijing. I learned alot of Chinese from her. For example, she taught me a lot of34about music, like“melody”. She learned a lot of English from me35. So this was a good languageand culture36.Ive learned enough Chinese to37some tasks, such as booking train ticketsand speaking wit

13、h my landlord(房东).38,a few complicated(复杂的)tasks,like visits to the bank and anything else that needs technical terms,are still39forme.These days, there are more foreigners than ever who are studying Chinese. I canunderstand why. Its an interesting language, and there are always new words waitingto

14、be40.26. A. forget27. A. ordering28. A. interesting29. A. boss30. A. slow31. A. Hopefully32. A. part33. A. hurt34. A. words35. A. in order36. A. exchange37. A. know of38. A. Therefore39. A. attractive40. A. chosenB. meetB. cookingB. stressfulB. familyB. certainB. FinallyB. chanceB. introducedB. mann

15、ersB. in publicB. useB. carry outB. BesidesB. funnyB. speltC. guessC. eatingC. importantC. driverC. satisfyingC. UsuallyC. resultC. metC. skillsC. as usualC. formC. give outC. HoweverC. boringC. learnedD. discussD. deliveringD. usefulD. teacherD. endlessD. HelpfullyD. wayD. savedD. storiesD. as well

16、D. materialD. think ofD. ThenD. hardD. writtenIV.阅读理解(15 小题.共 30 分)阅读下列短文,并做短文后的题目。从四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。I have been working at a public high school for over ten years. Though I alwaysteach students of the seventh grade, I never feel tired of that. Over the first few weeksof every school year

17、, my most important job is getting to know well about those littlestrangers in my class-discovering their personal wishes and learning about theirformer study and life experiences. For me this getting -to-know-you process is a veryimportant part of my teaching, and I have developed many ways to “res

18、earch” mystudents,includingparentquestionnaires ( 问 卷 ) andstudentslettersofself-introduction.I like to give out parent questionnaires. These questionnaires are useful for me tolearn about my students lives at home. From these questionnaires, I learn much aboutmy students as well as their parents.An

19、other way to “research” my students is to read their letters of self-introduction.I always ask each student to write me a letter as the first piece of homework. Theyneed to tell me all about themselves. I share with them my letter of self-introductionas an example. And I make sure my students know t

20、hat I really want to learn aboutthem so that I can help them in the best way.These getting-to-know-you activities, which last a whole year, are just thebeginning of a long process for me to know about my students.I never take the firstimpressions as the final ones. Instead, I keep “researching” my s

21、tudents during therest of the year in all possible ways.41. We can learn from Paragraph I that the author_.A. loves to learn about his studentsC. feels tired of teaching studentsB. works at a primary schoolD. chooses to teach seventh-graders42. The author thinks that the parent questionnaire helps t

22、o_.A. get students home addressesC. understand studentslearning stylesB. give students parents a testD. learn about the students family life43. Which of the following is true about the students letter of self-introduction?A. It should be completed in class.B. It tells mainly about the students paren

23、ts.C. Its the students first piece of homework.D. It helps the student learn about the teacher.44. According to the last paragraph, the getting-to-know-you activities_.A. stop after the first few weeksB. last for twelve monthsC. leave students with good impressionsD. help students do research45. Wha

24、t is the best title for the passage?A. Working at a Public SchoolB. Getting to Know My StudentsC. How to Design Parent QuestionnairesD. How to Write a Self-introduction LetterBGalileo Galilei was born in1564. He was born in the town of Pisa, in what isnow Italy. When he was 20 years old, he was stud

25、ying in Pisa. Galileo was bored withschool. The only subject he really liked was math. Because he was doing well in math,the court mathematician(数学家)offered to teach him privately. He said Galileocould become an excellent mathematician. However, Galileos father wanted him tobe a doctor.Because he ne

26、eded to earn money after leaving school, Galileo beganexperimenting with different things. He tried to come up with an invention he couldsell for money. He had some success with one invention. It was a device that could beused to measure land.He learned that a Dutch inventor had invented something c

27、alled spyglass (小望远镜). Galileo decided to work out one of his own. Within 24 hours, he invented atelescope(望远镜). It could make things appear ten times larger. One night, hepointed his telescope toward the sky. He made his first of many space observations.Everyone thought the moon was smooth. Galileo

28、 saw that it wasnt. The moonwascovered in hills and large holes.As technology improved, Galileo and many others made improvements on thetelescope. Today, the telescope is a wonderful device that lets us see objects far, faraway.46. According to Paragraph I, Galileo was_.A. interested in mathC. born

29、in an inventors family47. What did the father expect Galileo to be?A. A doctor.C. An inventor.B. A teacher.D. A mathematician.B. interested in medicineD. born in a mathematicians family48. Galileo invented a device to_.A. test others inventionsC. do experimentsB. make his father happyD. measure land

30、49. What made Galileo want to invent his own telescope?A. His fathers expectation.C. The invention of spyglass.B. His desire to be famous.D. The encouragement from his teacher.50. What can we learn about Galileos telescope according to the passage?A. It helped people to work out many other devices.B

31、. It changed Galileos understanding of the moon.C. It was invented with the help of others.D. It was improved by his math teacher.CGardening is popular in many parts of the world. This outdoor activity gives ussweet flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables. And it also gives us many health benefits.Garde

32、ning helps reduce loneliness. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. Soyou can spend some time with your neighbors. Most people love to talk about theirhobbies, and gardeners are no different. They usually enjoy showing people what theyare growing and sharing stories about their gardens.Gardening

33、 is a healthy activity for children. It gets families outdoors and offcomputers, televisions and other electronics. Children can learn about nature andwildlife. Gardening can teach children how to eat healthily and where food comesfrom. It can also help them understand the limits of natural resource

34、s(资源)and theimportance of using them carefully.Also, when you garden, you must move around. All the different movementsneeded for gardening-bending, stretching(伸展)and lifting-have the effect of doingexercise. So you can easily get a good workout.Studies found that the elderly could benefit most from

35、 gardening because theymay have a much lower chance of getting brain disease. Activities such as gardeninguse many repeated actions. These actions have a calming effect on the brain. Thebrain is still active but not in the same way as when we use computers.In our technology-filled lives, gardening o

36、ffers a chance to relax. Growing flowers,even in a couple of pots at your city home, connects you 10 nature and pleases all ofyour senses.51. When gardening,people can reduce their loneliness by_.A. showing off their skillsC. helping others give up bad hobbiesB. thinking about stories of gardensD. s

37、pending time with their neighbors52. Gardening can help children to_.A. play with wild animalsC. get away from electronic devicesB. live outdoors with their familyD. learn various ways of cooking53.53.What does the underlined word “workout” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Rest.B. Physical exercise.C

38、. Job.D. Gardening skill.54. From Paragraph 5, we know that gardening_.A. helps the brain calm downB. needs few repeated actionsC. connects the elderly with natureD. makes the brain work as computers do55. In which section of a magazine can we probably find this passage?A. Technology.B. Education.C.

39、 Health.D. Economy.V.语法填空(10 小题,共 15 分)阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。All day long, the radio stations played Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s famousspeech. It56 (make) on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial57August 28, 1963.“I have a dream.” was broadcast over and over again. Five

40、 -year-old Daria asked herfather58it meant. Before the father could answer, her elder sister, Janna, jumpedinto the conversation.“We have studied about Dr. King at school. Our teacher says that he helped ourcountry realize that it is wrong59 (treat) people differently because of the color of60(they)

41、skins. Do you remember all your61(dream)about things you wantto come true, Daria? Well, Dr. King had a dream that some day all people would betreated62(equal).”Jannas father took her in his arms. He said, “The world63(be)verydifferent when I grew up. Girls, people like Dr. King have made this countr

42、y64fairer place. I hope it will be even65(good)for you in the future.”VI.完成句子(5 小题,共 15 分)根据所给汉语提示,完成英语句子。66._(沿着这条街走五分钟) ,and you will see the cinema.67. Running is_(我最喜爱的体育运动).68. To our surprise, _(他没有参加本次会议).69. _(我认为有必要)to discuss the matter in class.70. _(天气很冷)in winter here.应用写作(1 小题,共 10 分)7

43、1.【写作内容】你是班长李华。刚接到学校的电话通知,下周一全体学生要去博物馆参观,原定的班会将推迟召开。请用英语给外国交换生(exchange student)Tom写一张留言条告知此事,并请Tom转告其他交换生。【写作要求】正文约 40 个英文单词,文中不可出现你自己的真实姓名、学校等信息。【评分标准】信息完整,语言规范,语篇连贯。2021 年高职高考真题参考答案1-5 DBAAC6-15 CADCD BCABA16-20 BCDBC 21-25 ADCDB26-30 CABDA 31-35 BDCAD 36-40 ABCDC41-45 ADCBB 46-50 AADCB 51-55 DCBAC56. was made57. on58. what59.to treat62. equally63. had been64. a65. better66. Walk along the street for 5 minutes67. my favorite sports68. he didnt attend the meeting69. I think it necessary70. Its cold71.略60. their61. dreams






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