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unit 5

—————Word building 1

1) addicted

2) addictive

3) addiction

—————Word building 2

1) automated

2) automatic

3) automatically

4) automation

—————Word building 3

1) contented

2) contentedly","contently

3) contentment","content

—————Word building 4

1) dutiful

2) undutiful

3) dutifully

—————Word building 5

1) infectious

2) infection

3) infectiously

4) infected

—————Word building 6

1) innovation

2) innovative

3) innovator

—————Word building 7

1) producer

2) productive

3) productivity

4) production

—————Word building 8

1) residents

2) residential

3) residence

—————Word building 9

1) specialty","specialization

2) specialist

3) specially

4) specialize

—————Word building 10

1) voluntarily

2) volunteer

3) involuntary

4) voluntariness

—————Phrasal verbs 1

1) break off

2) break down

3) break into

4) break out

5) break up

6) break out

7) break down

8) break into

9) break off

10) break up

—————Phrasal verbs 2

1) going along

2) go ahead

3) go away

4) go back

5) go about

6) goes along

7) go about

8) go ahead

9) go away

10) go back

—————Collocation 1

1) impression

2) attitude

3) child

4) interests

5) growth

—————Collocation 2

1) law and order

2) contacts

3) car

4) relations

5) prices

6) house

7) rights

—————Collocation 3

1) effects

2) weather condition

3) criticism

4) circumstances

5) reaction

6) publicity

7) winds

—————Commonly confused words 1

1) injured

2) harm

3) harm

4) harm

5) injured

—————Commonly confused words 2

1) instant

2) immediate

3) immediate

4) instant

5) immediate

—————Commonly confused words 3

1) toxic

2) exotic

3) toxic

4) toxic

5) exotic


1) B

2) C

3) C

4) D

5) C

6) D

7) B

8) B

9) C

10) A

11) C

12) D

13) A

14) A

15) B

16) B

17) C

18) A

19) A

20) B

—————Sentence translation

1. 被敌人抓住后,这位将军饱受折磨,近乎沦为奴隶。

2. 尽管他的个人兴趣和目前的工作并不吻合,为了遵从父母的期望,他被迫继续工作。

3. 如今,年轻人更倾向于把大量时间用于工作,拥有很少而非很多的闲暇时光。

4. 不把我们的理解强加给孩子们,而愿意分享孩子们的理解,这是培养孩子创造力的第一步。

5. 一些有太多闲暇时间的大学生会觉得很难克制自己不去玩令人沉迷的电脑游戏。

6. 年轻人不应该仅仅为了一点金钱报酬,就像奴隶一样工作,他们应该学会最大程度地享受手头的工作。

7. 理清主次和责任的顺序对于保持公司内部的和谐至关重要。

8. 如果你觉得想要不辜负别人的期望是一件很有压力的事情,你可以稍作停顿并考虑一下别人的期望和你自己的期望是否一致,如果不一致,那就去做对你最有益的事情。

9. 在解决劳资纠纷时,政府应该努力做到公平,采取恰当有效的措施。

10. 如果学生采取积极的学习态度并改善学习方法,自然而然,学业上会取得成就。

—————Phrase translation

1. People are most likely to feel disappointed

2. feel an overwhelming sense of guilt

3. Whether he will come to work in China depends not on himself

4. be more prone to jumping from animals to humans

5. Some young people just wanted to make money for doing nothing

6. endeavor to simplify it as concisely as possible

7. The more failures, the more chances for success

8. instead of focusing on what we do not

9. whatever the job

10. the topic of the readings exactly coincides with that of the lecture

—————Paragraph translation

1) "The origin of tea is in China. China is the homeland of tea. Long time ago, people found that tea has become an essential part of people's daily drink since drinking tea can make people spirited and think clearly. As one of the seven daily necessities (woods, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea), drinking tea is very popular in ancient China. Chinese tea culture is extensive and profound. Over thousands of years, China has not only accumulated abundant material cultural knowledge of tea plantation and production, but also developed the spiritual culture of tea.

—————Multiple choice Passage 1

1) A

2) D

3) C

4) B

5) A

—————Multiple choice Passage 2

1) D

2) A

3) A

4) C

5) D

—————Sentence blank filling 1

1. ask for the salary he hopes to get

2. if people want what they deserve, they have to ask for it

3. don't give their staff automatic pay raises equal to their merit

4. do something to impress the boss just before the decision about pay raise is made

5. the right communication style

—————Sentence blank filling 2

1. one's occupation affects the way one is treated as a person

2. showed no respect / were impolite to her

3. inferior treatment

4. those working in the service industry shouldn't be treated as servants

5. see how they treat servers

—————Skimming and scanning Passage 1

1) I

2) F

3) B

4) A

5) J

6) E

7) N

8) M

9) K

10) D

—————Skimming and scanning Passage 2

1) D

2) F

3) A

4) H

5) R

6) T

7) E

8) W

9) C

10) Q

—————General writing

1) "When making a career plan, one often hesitates over the choice between a smaller firm and a larger one. It is quite similar to deciding whether to be a small fish in a big pond or the other way round. As for me, I prefer a small company.  Firstly, it is true that large companies with adequate financial resources can provide better job stability, but they could lay off thousands of their employees when facing financial crises. In contrast, a small firm, with more chances provided for employees to interact with their employer, is unlikely to dismiss good employees even when the company is suffering a loss.  Secondly, unlike large companies, where it often takes years for an employee to get promoted, small companies, with their flat organizational structure, may recognize more easily the contributions made by individuals.  Thirdly, in a large company, there may be many workers working in the same office, sitting in their own cubicles and seldom interacting with each other. In contrast, employees working for smaller firms can get to know one another at a much more personal level and enjoy a more friendly, family-like atmosphere.  Admittedly, working for a large company can bring you advantages such as excellent employee benefits and free training courses. However, a smaller firm might be a better choice when taking job stability, advancement opportunities and working environment into consideration.

—————Practical writing

1) "Dear Sir or Madam,  I have seen your advertisement for the post of executive secretary that appeared this morning in Bristol News and would like to apply for it.  I have pleasure in enclosing my resume. As you will be able to see from it, I have been working on a full-time basis for 11 years. For the last six years, I have been personal secretary to the chief accountant of Royal Philips of the Netherlands. I therefore feel that I have the experience to carry out the duties of an executive secretary satisfactorily, and if you decide to appoint me, I will give the company my complete loyalty.  I will be able to attend an interview any time at your convenience, but would be grateful if you could give me one or two days' notice so that I can apply for leave from my present employers.  Yours faithfully, Lydia Johnson






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