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主要翻译英语中文 thought n (idea)SCSimplified Chinese 想法 xiǎng fǎ TCTraditional Chinese 想法   SCSimplified Chinese 念头 xiǎng fǎ,niàn tou TCTraditional Chinese 念頭  I just had a thought: What if we work together?  我刚有了个想法:我们一起合作如何? thought n (result of thinking) (思考后得出的)SCSimplified Chinese 看法,想法,意见,见解 kàn fǎ,xiǎng fǎ,yì jiàn ,jiàn jiě TCTraditional Chinese 看法,想法,意見,見解  Having considered the matter, my thought now is that we should give him the job.  考虑再三,我现在的看法是我们应该给他这份工作。
 thought n (act of thinking)SCSimplified Chinese 思考 sī kǎo TCTraditional Chinese 思考  Even thought seemed to cost Simon an enormous effort.  哪怕是思考,西蒙似乎也要费很大的劲。 thought n (purpose)SCSimplified Chinese 目的 mù dì TCTraditional Chinese 目的   SCSimplified Chinese 意图 mù dì ,yì tú TCTraditional Chinese 意圖   SCSimplified Chinese 打算 mù dì ,dǎ suàn TCTraditional Chinese 打算  His thought was to help.  他的目的是帮忙。
 thought n (consideration)SCSimplified Chinese 考虑 kǎo lǜ TCTraditional Chinese 考慮   SCSimplified Chinese 深思 kǎo lǜ,shēn sī TCTraditional Chinese 深思  She gave a lot of thought to her decision. This matter needs some thought.  她对自己的决定进行过充分考虑。// 这个问题需要经过一番考虑。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 thought n (philosophy)SCSimplified Chinese 思想 sī xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 思想   SCSimplified Chinese 思潮 sī xiǎng,sī cháo TCTraditional Chinese 思潮  Philosophers study a body of thought.  哲学家们研究大量的思想体系。 thought n (reasoning)SCSimplified Chinese 理性思考 lǐ xìng sī kǎo   SCSimplified Chinese 推理 lǐ xìng sī kǎo,tuī lǐ TCTraditional Chinese 推理  You should employ thought, not emotion, to come to a solution.  要找到解决途径,你应该理性思考而不是感情用事。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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主要翻译英语中文 think⇒ vi (reflect, consider)SCSimplified Chinese 思考 sī kǎo TCTraditional Chinese 思考   SCSimplified Chinese 考虑 sī kǎo,kǎo lǜ TCTraditional Chinese 考慮   SCSimplified Chinese 思索 sī kǎo,sī suǒ TCTraditional Chinese 思索  Bert stepped outside to think for a moment.  伯特到外面去,自己思考一会儿。 think [sth]⇒ vtr (hold an opinion)SCSimplified Chinese 以为 yǐ wéi TCTraditional Chinese 以為   SCSimplified Chinese 认为 yǐ wéi ,rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為   SCSimplified Chinese 觉得 yǐ wéi ,jué de TCTraditional Chinese 覺得  Perhaps this painting would look better on that wall; what do you think?  或许那面墙上挂这幅画要更好看点,你觉得呢? think, think that vtr (believe)SCSimplified Chinese 认为 rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為   SCSimplified Chinese 觉得 rèn wéi ,jué de TCTraditional Chinese 覺得   SCSimplified Chinese 想 rèn wéi ,xiǎng TCTraditional Chinese 想  I think Tom's coming with us. I'll just ask him. I think that we should take that road.  我想,汤姆应该会和我们一起来,我去问问他。//我觉得我们该走那条路。 think, think that vtr (intend, determine)SCSimplified Chinese 打算 dǎ suàn TCTraditional Chinese 打算   SCSimplified Chinese 想要 dǎ suàn,xiǎng yào  I think I'll go to the grocer's now.  我打算现在就去杂货店。 think about [sth] vi + prep (consider)SCSimplified Chinese 思考 sī kǎo TCTraditional Chinese 思考   SCSimplified Chinese 思索 sī kǎo,sī suǒ TCTraditional Chinese 思索   SCSimplified Chinese 反省 sī kǎo,fǎn xǐng  I don't know at the moment; I need to think about it again.  现在我还不知道;我需要再想想。 think about [sth/sb], think of [sth/sb] vi + prep (be preoccupied)SCSimplified Chinese 想着 xiǎng zhe  He was saddened, and thought about her situation all the time.  他心绪黯然,一直想着她的处境。 think of doing [sth] v expr (consider: doing [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 考虑做 TCTraditional Chinese 考慮做  We're thinking of going to that new Italian restaurant tonight.  我们正在考虑今晚去吃吃看那家新开的意大利餐厅。 think about doing [sth], think of v expr (consider possibility)SCSimplified Chinese 想着 xiǎng zhe   SCSimplified Chinese 考虑 xiǎng zhe,kǎo lǜ TCTraditional Chinese 考慮   SCSimplified Chinese 打算 xiǎng zhe,dǎ suàn TCTraditional Chinese 打算  Don't even think about asking me to do you any more favours!  想都别想让我再帮你任何忙! think of [sth] vi + prep (devise, invent)SCSimplified Chinese 想出 xiǎng chū   SCSimplified Chinese 发明出 xiǎng chū,fā míng chū  He thought of a new way to manufacture pencils.  他发明出了生产铅笔的新方法。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 think of [sth/sb] as [sth] v expr (consider to be)SCSimplified Chinese 认为 rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為   SCSimplified Chinese 当作 rèn wéi ,dàng zuò   SCSimplified Chinese 判定 rèn wéi ,pàn dìng TCTraditional Chinese 判定  I think of him as my friend.  我把他当作朋友。 think⇒ vi (meditate, daydream)SCSimplified Chinese 思索 sī suǒ TCTraditional Chinese 思索   SCSimplified Chinese 深思,沉思 shēn sī ,chén sī TCTraditional Chinese 深思,沉思   SCSimplified Chinese 冥想 sī suǒ,míng xiǎng  Don't bother him, he's thinking.  别打搅他,他正在沉思。 think of [sth/sb] vi + prep (take into account)SCSimplified Chinese 考虑到 kǎo lǜ dào TCTraditional Chinese 考慮到   SCSimplified Chinese 想到 kǎo lǜ dào,xiǎng dào  You can't leave me! Think of the children!  你不能离开我!想想孩子们! think [sth/sb] ...⇒ vtr literary, formal (consider to be)SCSimplified Chinese 认为 rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為   SCSimplified Chinese 觉得 rèn wéi ,jué de TCTraditional Chinese 覺得  The first time I met Charles, I thought him a vain man. think [sth] + adj⇒ vtr (with adjective: regard, consider)SCSimplified Chinese 认为 rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為   SCSimplified Chinese 以为 rèn wéi ,yǐ wéi TCTraditional Chinese 以為  He thought it right to pay his taxes.  他认为纳税是应该的。 think [sth]⇒ vtr (remember)SCSimplified Chinese 想起 xiǎng qǐ TCTraditional Chinese 想起   SCSimplified Chinese 记得 xiǎng qǐ,jì dé TCTraditional Chinese 記得  Can you think what we did last weekend?  你还记得上周末我们做了什么吗? think [sth] vtr (expect)SCSimplified Chinese 预料 yù liào TCTraditional Chinese 預料   SCSimplified Chinese 期盼 yù liào,qī pàn  What do you think will happen?  你预料会怎么样?   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语think | thought英语中文 think ahead vi phrasal (predict, prepare for future)SCSimplified Chinese 为未来做打算 wèi wèi lái zuò dǎ suàn   SCSimplified Chinese 长远考虑 wèi wèi lái zuò dǎ suàn,cháng yuǎn kǎo lǜ  When I pack for a vacation, I try to think ahead and bring all the items that I might need. think back on [sth] vi phrasal + prep (recall, remember)SCSimplified Chinese 记起,想起,回想起 jì qǐ,xiǎng qǐ,huí xiǎng qǐ TCTraditional Chinese 想起 think [sth] over vtr phrasal sep (consider, deliberate)SCSimplified Chinese 仔细思考某事   SCSimplified Chinese 好好考虑某事  Think over what I said and let me know tomorrow what your decision is.  请仔细考虑我说的话,然后明天再告诉我你的决定。 think [sth] up vtr phrasal sep (invent, devise)SCSimplified Chinese 发明出 fā míng chū   SCSimplified Chinese 想出 fā míng chū,xiǎng chū  Hey Jane, I just thought up a solution to your problem!  嘿,简!我刚想出你那个问题的解决方案了!   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:thought | think英语中文 a sobering thought n (reminder of harsh reality)SCSimplified Chinese 令人警醒的念头  It's a sobering thought that thousands of graduates will never find a job. deep in thought, in deep thought expr (thinking intensely)SCSimplified Chinese 陷入沉思 TCTraditional Chinese 陷入沈思  Deep in thought, she didn't hear him call her name. food for thought n figurative ([sth] worth thinking about) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 发人深省的事,值得人思考的事,耐人寻味的事 fā rén shēn xǐng de shì,zhí dé rén sī kǎo de shì,nài rén xún wèi de shì  Yes, your ideas have certainly given me food for thought!  当然,你的观点很值得我思考! give a second thought to [sth/sb], give [sth/sb] a second thought v expr informal (consideration)SCSimplified Chinese 再次考虑 zài cì kǎo lǜ TCTraditional Chinese 再次考慮   SCSimplified Chinese 再三思量 备注: Often used in the negative. Most people don't give a second thought to the problems of the homeless. give it a second thought v expr informal (rethink)SCSimplified Chinese 三思 sān sī   SCSimplified Chinese 再思 sān sī ,zài sī  He dropped what he was doing and went to her without giving it a second thought. give thought to [sth], give [sth] thought v expr (consider)SCSimplified Chinese 思索 sī suǒ TCTraditional Chinese 思索   SCSimplified Chinese 思考 sī suǒ,sī kǎo TCTraditional Chinese 思考   SCSimplified Chinese 考虑… sī suǒ,kǎo lǜ … TCTraditional Chinese 考慮...  Before planting a tree you need to give thought to what is suitable for your garden. it might be thought (some people may imagine)SCSimplified Chinese 有人可能会认为 yǒu rén kě néng huì rèn wéi  It might be thought that the English are unfriendly, but they are just reserved. line of thought n (train of thinking)SCSimplified Chinese 思路 sī lù logical thought n (rational, coherent thinking)SCSimplified Chinese 有逻辑性的想法 yǒu luó ji xìng de xiǎng fǎ   SCSimplified Chinese 合理的想法 yǒu luó ji xìng de xiǎng fǎ,hé lǐ de xiǎng fǎ  She was distressed after the accident and incapable of logical thought. lost in thought expr (thinking deeply)SCSimplified Chinese 沉思 chén sī TCTraditional Chinese 沉思   SCSimplified Chinese 陷入深思 perish the thought interj (God forbid)SCSimplified Chinese 死心吧 sǐ xīn bɑ   SCSimplified Chinese 别痴心妄想了 sǐ xīn bɑ ,bié chī xīn wàng xiǎng le  Beryl could become my new boss; perish the thought! positive thought n (optimistic or cheerful idea)SCSimplified Chinese 积极想法,正向思维 school of thought n (collective view)SCSimplified Chinese 学派 xué pài TCTraditional Chinese 學派   SCSimplified Chinese 思想流派 xué pài,sī xiǎng liú pài  Markham and Fishburn belong to very different schools of thought. second thought, on second thought (US), second thoughts, on second thoughts (UK) interj informal (change of mind)SCSimplified Chinese 重新考虑 chóng xīn kǎo lǜ TCTraditional Chinese 重新考慮  I need to speak to the kids about this; on second thoughts, perhaps I'll wait until my husband gets home. second thought n (hesitation, consideration)SCSimplified Chinese 思索,考虑 sī suǒ,kǎo lǜ TCTraditional Chinese 思索,考慮   SCSimplified Chinese 犹豫 yóu yù TCTraditional Chinese 猶豫  She accepted the job without a second thought. thought bubble n (comic: balloon showing thoughts) (漫画)SCSimplified Chinese 想法气泡,想法泡泡 thought leader n (influential thinker)SCSimplified Chinese 思想领袖 thought of adj informal (taken into consideration) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 思考过的 sī kǎo guò de TCTraditional Chinese 思考過的 thought out, thought-out adj (planned, considered)SCSimplified Chinese 仔细考虑过的 zǐ xì kǎo lǜ guò de 备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a nounthought pattern n (habitual way of thinking)SCSimplified Chinese 思维模式 sī wéi mó shì thought process n (thinking, train of thought)SCSimplified Chinese 思考过程 sī kǎo guò chéng TCTraditional Chinese 思考過程   SCSimplified Chinese 思路 sī kǎo guò chéng,sī lù thought provoking, thought-provoking adj (that makes you think)SCSimplified Chinese 令人深思的 lìng rén shēn sī de   SCSimplified Chinese 发人深省的 lìng rén shēn sī de,fā rén shēn xǐng de  This book on consumerism is a thought-provoking read. thought to be [sth/sb] expr (believed or considered to be [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 被认为是 bèi rèn wéi shì   SCSimplified Chinese 是大家眼中的  He was thought to be a good student, until he was caught with drugs. thought up adj informal (devised, invented) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 设计出的,发明的 shè jì chū de,fā míng de TCTraditional Chinese 發明的 train of thought n (sequence of ideas)SCSimplified Chinese 思路 sī lù  I got confused when I was explaining it, and lost my train of thought. well thought-of, well-thought-of adj (person: respected)SCSimplified Chinese 令人敬佩的 备注: The first hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounwell-thought-out adj (carefully considered)SCSimplified Chinese 深思熟虑的 shēn sī shú lǜ de who would have thought it?, who would have thought? interj (expressing surprise)SCSimplified Chinese 谁能想得到呢? shuí néng xiǎng dé dào ne ?  Wow, that's really interesting – who would've thought?   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: thought [θɔːt] I pt , pp think II n 1 [c] (=idea) 想法 xiǎngfǎ [个 gè] The thought never crossed my mind.我从(從)来(來)没(沒)有这(這)种(種)想法。 Wǒ cónglái méiyǒu zhè zhǒng xiǎngfǎ. 2 [u] (=reflection) 沉思 chénsī She frowned as though deep in thought.她皱(皺)着(著)眉头(頭)好像陷入沉思。 Tā zhòuzhe méitóu hǎoxiàng xiànrù shēnshēn de chénsī. 3 [u] (=way of thinking) 观(觀)点(點) guāndiǎn This school of thought argues that depression is best treated by drugs.这(這)个(個)学(學)派的观(觀)点(點)认(認)为(為)抑郁(鬱)最好用药(藥)物治疗(療)。 Zhège xuépài de guāndiǎn rènwéi yìyù zuì hǎo yòng yàowù zhìliáo. 4 [c] (=intention) 念头(頭) niàntou [个 gè] Her one thought was to get back to Derek.她唯一的念头(頭)是回到德里克身边(邊)。 Tā wéiyī de niàntou shì huídào Délǐkè shēnbiān. IIIthoughts n pl (=opinions) 看法 kànfǎ Tom disclosed his thoughts on Britain.汤(湯)姆透露了他对(對)英国(國)的看法。 Tāngmǔ tòulòule tā duì Yīngguó de kànfǎ. after much thought 经(經)慎重考虑(慮)后(後) jīng shènzhòng kǎolǜ hòu to give sth some thought 琢磨某事 zuómo mǒushì think [θɪŋk] (pt, pp thought)I vi 1 (=reflect) 思考 sīkǎo He thought for a moment, but said nothing.他思考了一会(會)儿,没(沒)说(說)什么(麼)。 Tā sīkǎole yīhuìr,méi shuō shénme. 2 (=reason) 想 xiǎng People didn't think this way 20 years ago.人们(們)20年前不这(這)么(麼)想。 Rénmen èrshí nián qián bù zhème xiǎng. II vt 1 (=be of the opinion, believe) 认(認)为(為) rènwéi 2 (=believe) 以为(為) yǐwéi How old do you think I am?你以为(為)我多大? Nǐ yǐwéi wǒ duō dà? 3 (=reflect) 想 xiǎng "What are you thinking?""I am thinking how lovely you look.""你在想什么(麼)?""我在想你是多么(麼)好看。" "Nǐ zài xiǎng shénme?""Wǒ zài xiǎng nǐ shì duōme hǎokàn." 4 (=conceive, imagine) 想出 xiǎngchū III n ▶ to have a think about sth 考虑(慮)某事 kǎolǜ mǒushì to think of (=reflect upon) 想着(著) xiǎngzhe (=recall) 记(記)起 jìqǐ (=show consideration for) 考虑(慮) kǎolǜ (=conceive of) 想到 xiǎngdào what do you think of…? 你认(認)为(為)…怎么(麼)样(樣)? nǐ rènwéi…zěnmeyàng? to think about sth/sb想着(著)某事物/某人 xiǎngzhe mǒu shìwù/mǒurén I'll think about it我要考虑(慮)一下 wǒ yào kǎolǜ yīxià to think of doing sth考虑(慮)做某事 kǎolǜ zuò mǒushì to think highly of sb看重某人 kànzhòng mǒurén to think nothing of doing sth认(認)为(為)做某事没(沒)什么(麼)了不起 rènwéi zuò mǒushì méishénme liǎobuqǐ to think aloud自言自语(語) zì yán zì yǔ think again!别(別)想! bié xiǎng! he is thought to have survived人们(們)认(認)为(為)他活了下来(來) rénmen rènwéi tā huóle xiàlái I think so/not我想是/不是的 wǒ xiǎng shì/bùshì dethink back vi ▶ to think back (to sth) 回想起(某事) huíxiǎngqǐ (mǒushì) think over vt [+ offer, suggestion] 仔细(細)考虑(慮) zǐxì kǎolǜ think through vt 全面考虑(慮) quánmiàn kǎolǜ think up vt [+ plan, scheme, excuse] 想出 xiǎngchū 在这些条目还发现'thought': 在英文解释里: abstracted - Arianism - back of your mind - balloon - blue sky thinking - brain fart - brainpower - brainwashing - clear thinking - cloudiness - considerately - considered - creep in - creep into - deadness - dismiss from your mind - do the impossible - elaborate - focus - from the neck up - general idea - half-baked - half-cocked - happy - harebrained - head - idea - ill-considered - in the moment - intellectual - line - lucky number - meditation - mindful - mindless - mindlessly - misbegotten - monounsaturated - niggle - noble - not bear thinking about - not considered - out of hand - popular belief - precipitate - preoccupied - presence of mind - profound - quick-witted - rash 中文: 学派 - 念 - 念头 - 思潮 - 思维 - 思路 - 毛泽东思想 - 法家 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - T, 更多……同义词: reflection, deliberation, meditation, speculation, consideration, 更多……习惯性搭配: a [bad, sad, malicious, scary, kind, negative, sudden] thought, having [impure, dirty, sinful] thoughts, [just, suddenly] had a thought, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'thought' 的论坛讨论:

can't bear the thought Everything that comes to us, many times is born of a thought I thought that's what it was but I just wanted to make sure. It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it Lately, I thought about you Sow a thought and you reap an action (imperative verb + and you verb) This thought is turned to We can use phrases with "I thought we might" or "I thought we could" to make weak suggestions, especially when we don’t want to sound too forceful What was something you thought would be easy ..., she thought Terry Fox was inspiring (inspirational). - English Only forum "...and thought by professional politicians." - English Only forum nice as I thought (it would be) - English Only forum’s been thought a psychiatric disorder... - English Only forum ...that I thought would take them longer. - English Only forum ...thought about the recipients at all - English Only forum ...what are commonly thought mistakes. - English Only forum '...,' Sam thought / '...,' thought Sam - English Only forum 'far it from my thought!' - English Only forum 'I thought you said...' changed to 'I think you said...' - English Only forum 'I thought you were attractive.' vs 'I thought you are attractive.' - English Only forum 'I would have(had) thought ... if the fees [conditional] - English Only forum 'If you're lucky, you get a rumble,' she thought. 'If you're unlucky, you get a slug.' - English Only forum 'My thought' versus ' I think' - English Only forum 'She didn't think / thought John would / wouldn't mind... - English Only forum 'thought / had thought' of that yesterday - English Only forum ‘thought, exchange, and action’ - English Only forum “Hump!” thought Scarlett - English Only forum “I little thought ever to have seen it - English Only forum “Things never thought possible.” - English Only forum (had) thought - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'thought'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "thought" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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