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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 straw n uncountable (animal fodder: dried cereal)SCSimplified Chinese 草料 cǎo liào TCTraditional Chinese 草料  The farmer put straw in the manger for the cows to eat.  那个农夫把草料放进牛槽里喂牛。 straw n (stalk of cereal plant) (谷类作物的)SCSimplified Chinese 禾秆,稻草,麦秆 hé gǎn,dào cǎo,mài gǎn TCTraditional Chinese 稻草  The farmhand had a straw dangling from the corner of his mouth.  那个农场工的嘴角叼着一根麦秆。 straw n (thin tube for drinking)SCSimplified Chinese 吸管 xī guǎn   (马来西亚,新加坡)SCSimplified Chinese 水草 xī guǎn,shuǐ cǎo TCTraditional Chinese 水草  The little girl sucked her fizzy drink through a straw.  那个小女孩用一支吸管来喝汽水。 straw n as adj (made of straw)SCSimplified Chinese 麦秆编的 TCTraditional Chinese 麥稈編的   SCSimplified Chinese 稻草编的  The woman was carrying a straw basket.  那个女人正提着一个稻草编的篮子。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 straw adj (yellow in colour)SCSimplified Chinese 稻草色的 dào cǎo sè de   SCSimplified Chinese 麦秆色的 dào cǎo sè de ,mài gǎn sè de   SCSimplified Chinese 淡黄色的 dào cǎo sè de ,dàn huáng sè de  Tim was wearing a straw jacket.  提姆身着一件稻草色的夹克。 straw n (material for baskets) (编织篮子等用的)SCSimplified Chinese 禾秆,稻草,麦秆 hé gǎn,dào cǎo,mài gǎn TCTraditional Chinese 稻草  Nina wove the straw into a basket.  妮娜用稻草编织成篮子。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 draw the short straw v expr (stuck with an unwanted task, fate)SCSimplified Chinese 不得不做最苦的差事   SCSimplified Chinese 不得不做最困难的事 drinking straw n (for sucking up liquids)SCSimplified Chinese 吸管 xī guǎn  We prefer paper drinking straws because they're environmentally friendly. grasp at straws, clutch at straws, grab at straws, grasp at a straw, clutch at a straw v expr informal, figurative (do [sth] desperate)SCSimplified Chinese 抓救命稻草 备注: Usually used in the continuous. The company tried using a new slogan, but they were clutching at straws; they were doomed to go bankrupt. the last straw n figurative (final source of irritation) (比喻击垮某人的最后一件事)SCSimplified Chinese 最后一根稻草 zuì hòu yì gēn dào cǎo  That was the last straw! I can't take any more of your abuse; I'm leaving you. straw dog n figurative ([sth] created to be destroyed)SCSimplified Chinese 刍狗 straw hat n (hat woven from dried stalks)SCSimplified Chinese 草帽 cǎo mào  She was wearing a straw hat to protect her head from the glare of the sun. straw man n figurative (insubstantial argument) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 容易被驳倒的假想观点 róng yì bèi bó dǎo de jiǎ xiǎng guān diǎn  The argument was a straw man, which the Prime Minister put up to divert attention away from his own weaknesses. straw mattress n (bed padding filled with straw)SCSimplified Chinese 稻草床垫 dào cǎo chuáng diàn TCTraditional Chinese 稻草床墊  People used to use straw mattresses instead of spring mattresses. straw poll, also US: straw vote n (unofficial survey or vote)SCSimplified Chinese 非正式民意调查   SCSimplified Chinese 非正式投票   SCSimplified Chinese 意向性投票 the straw that broke the camel's back n figurative (final bad thing)SCSimplified Chinese 压垮骆驼的最后一根稻草   SCSimplified Chinese 致命一击  Ursula had tolerated her husband's bad temper for years, but when he yelled at her mother, that was the straw that broke the camel's back and she kicked him out. The lawsuit was the straw that broke the camel's back for the struggling business. straw colored, straw-colored (US), straw coloured, straw-coloured (UK) adj (hair: golden yellow)SCSimplified Chinese 稻草色的,麦秆色的 dào cǎo sè de ,mài gǎn sè de 备注: The hyphen may be omitted when the adjective follows the noun.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: straw [strɔː] n 1 [u] 稻草 dàocǎo 2 [c] (=drinking straw) 吸管 xīguǎn [根 gēn] that's the last straw! 那是最后(後)的极(極)限! Nà shì zuìhòu de jíxiàn! 在这些条目还发现'straw': 在英文解释里: bale - boater - hut - matting - pallet - raffia - sipper - skep - skimmer - sombrero - stack - straw mattress - strawboard - tatami - thatch - thatched - thatched hut - thatched roof 中文: 稻草 - 秆 - 秸 - 茅 - 草帽 - 铡 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Things you find in stacks, Things you put in a drink, 更多……同义词: hay, fodder, silage, thatch, cattle fodder, 更多……习惯性搭配: straw [bales, piles, bundles], [wear, buy, put on] a straw hat, a [man, gentleman, tourist] with a straw hat, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'straw' 的论坛讨论:

100% paper straw 'straw' in 'straw poll' - English Only forum [drew the short straw to] vs [drew the short straw and had to] - English Only forum a covered box, bedded with straw - English Only forum a mini bale of straw for stuffing - English Only forum "a straw fire" - English Only forum A straw for your courtesy? - English Only forum a straw that would break the backs of - English Only forum , if I could only have hung it up in my room - English Only forum bedded with straw and with a round doorway cut in the front - English Only forum Clutch straw - English Only forum clutch straws vs "clutch a straw" - English Only forum Clutch the final straw - English Only forum Container (for embryos) that looks like a straw - English Only forum draw the short straw - English Only forum drink from/through/with a straw ? - English Only forum drinking some guy from Vegas out of a straw - English Only forum final straw with her first attorney - English Only forum find quarrel in a straw - English Only forum for a See made of straw, a bishop made of cardboard - English Only forum Get me a straw - English Only forum get the straw through - English Only forum go on spinning straw into footnoted fool’s gold - English Only forum grasp at straws/grasp at any straw - English Only forum had a very small straw - English Only forum Hay vs. straw - English Only forum He (quickly) built a house out of straw (quickly). Word order? - English Only forum He Jakke Straw, and his meynee ne made never shoutes half so shrille whan that they wolden any Flemyng kille - English Only forum He winds the straw - English Only forum hefting my straw chest with his good hand as it rested on his back? - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'straw'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "straw" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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