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1 引 言

沉积岩稀土元素(Rare Earth Element, REE)含量的变化与物源组成及沉积环境密切相联[1,2],其中碳酸盐岩中的自生沉积矿物能保存原始海水REE信息[3]。随着古海洋环境研究的不断发展,很多重建指标逐渐被开发和应用,学者们开始重视海水中REE的地球化学行为及其在古环境中的指示意义[4,5,6,7]。开展海相碳酸盐岩中REE特征的研究工作,可重建古海洋沉积环境,示踪沉积物源,并且对重建古海水氧化还原条件及其他气候条件有重要的意义[8,9]。本文系统总结了REE的地球化学原理、分析测试方法、数据处理方法及评估等相关内容,对当前开展海相碳酸盐岩REE研究中存在的问题及解决方法进行分析,并对REE在古海洋环境变化中的应用前景做了初步展望。

2 REE地球化学性质


2.1 典型REE配分模式及其指示意义

REE对水深、盐度以及氧逸度都非常敏感,不同类型沉积水体的REE特性存在系统偏差,这些差异在其REE配分模式上较易识别[16,17]。因而REE配分模式可以示踪海相碳酸盐岩中REE的不同来源,主要包括海水、河水或风携带的灰尘以及海相热液输入等。几种典型的REE配分模式(澳大利亚后太古宙平均页岩(Post-Archean Australian Shale,PAAS)标准化结果),如图1所示[18],由图1可以看出不同来源的稀土配分模式存在明显差异。

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图1   典型自然环境和矿物中REE的PAAS标准化配分模式

Fig.1   PAAS-normalized REE patterns in typical natural environments and minerals

海相自生碳酸盐岩REE的PAAS标准化配分模式与现代海水类似:①富集重稀土元素(Heavy Rare Earth Element, HREE);②镧(La)正异常;③轻微的钆(Gd)正异常;④高Y/Ho比值(44~74)[19,20]。与海水不同,淡水碳酸盐呈现轻微的轻稀土元素(Light Rare Earth Element, LREE)亏损或富集,也可能存在中稀土元素(Middle Rare Earth Element, MREE)富集,无明显的元素异常,接近球粒陨石的Y/Ho比值(25~28)[21,22]。因此,自生碳酸盐REE配分模式特点可以有效判断其是否沉积于开放海水条件以及该碳酸盐稀土组成是否因后期成岩改造影响而发生改变[17,23]。



2.2 海水REE含量及比值

海水中溶解态REE主要以三价离子形式存在。从LREE到HREE,其4f电子层填充电子数越来越多,使得它们在碳酸盐络合物中的含量逐渐上升[24,34],因而导致海水富集HREE。由于部分REE具有与其他REE不同的地球化学性质,因此当海水环境发生变化时,特定的REE会体现出一定的异常现象。现代海水中常常会呈现Y, La, Eu, Gd, 镥(Lu)的正异常以及铈 (Ce) 的负异常。



3 碳酸盐相态REE分析方法


由于碳酸盐岩中REE含量比碎屑岩含量低很多,小部分碎屑REE成分的混入会极大地影响最终结果。因此,利用碳酸盐岩全岩REE指示海水的组成显然不太合适。为准确获取碳酸盐相态的REE信息,相关学者主要利用不同浓度的酸进行选择性提取[51],即利用不同浓度的硝酸、盐酸或者醋酸对样品进行溶解,然后利用ICP-MS测试其REE含量。Ellingboe等[52]利用不同浓度、不同种类的酸(盐酸、甲酸、乙酸)在不同条件(反应时间、温度)下分别对碳酸盐矿物进行溶解,发现10%的盐酸在室温条件下反应24 h能够有效分离碳酸盐矿物与非碳酸盐矿物。但是后来的研究工作和我们最近的研究表明,该提取方法会造成少量非碳酸盐矿物溶解,可能会影响最终数据结果[53,54]。Chen等[53]采用5%的硝酸对样品溶解2~3 h,然后分别测定其可溶相、残渣以及全岩中的REE含量,发现它们之间REE的PAAS标准化模式各不相同,同样说明非碳酸盐相矿物的混入对数据结果有明显影响。Rongemaille等[54]通过系统研究发现醋酸溶解提取的REE含量明显低于硝酸与盐酸处理的结果,表明硝酸与盐酸处理可能导致非碳酸盐矿物的溶解(图2)。最终结果显示体积百分比为5%的醋酸在室温下溶解24 h效果最好。虽然Rongemaille等[54]采用不同处理方法获取的REE配分模式相似,但是他们的研究对象是纯度较高的冷泉碳酸盐岩,因此相同的配分模式可能不具有代表性,不同种类和浓度酸对REE的PAAS配分模式的影响仍需开展进一步的研究工作。

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图2   不同酸溶解碳酸盐岩碳酸盐矿物提取液REE页岩标准化模式(据参考文献[54]修改)

Fig.2   Shale-normalized REE patterns of leachates from carbonate minerals in carbonate rocks treated by different acids (modified after reference[54])


需特别说明的一点,前处理过程使用的器具本身会对REE数据结果产生影响,但关于此方面的研究较少。Lawrence等[27]处理时分别采用0.22 μm和0.45 μm孔径的滤膜,发现0.22 μm滤膜过滤出来的滤液,相较于0.45 μm滤膜,其REE含量低于5%~15%,并存在轻微的HREE富集现象,预示LREE优先于HREE被胶质物吸附,这与前人结果一致[56]。2种条件下的REE比值模式较为平缓,异常元素(La,Ce,Eu,Gd,Y/Ho,Lu)几乎没有变化,所受影响较小。此外,Lawerence等[27]还对比了溶液放置于离心管中14天的变化,其REE组成并无明显变化。

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图3   0.22/0.45 μm过滤河水样品REE模式[27]0.22/0.45 μm过滤代表过滤后样品相同元素含量之比

Fig.3   REE patterns for 0.22/0.45 μm filtered river samples[27]0.22/0.45 μm filtered represent the ratios of same elements filtered samples



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图4   酸溶法与LA-ICP-MS法测定碳酸盐矿物REE页岩标准化模式(据参考文献[57]修改)

Fig.4   Shale-normalized REE patterns of carbonate minerals analyzed by acid-leaching method and LA-ICP-MS method (modified after reference[57])


4 REE比值及配分模式的计算方法

沉积岩的REE配分模式一般通过PAAS进行标准化,以消除元素奇偶效应引起组成模式图的锯齿状变化,同时也可以展示其相对于标准物质的分异程度。采用其他的标准化方式,如北美页岩(North American Shale Composites, NASC),一般也不会改变整体的趋势以及关键的元素异常[42]。但是,当海水以NASC为标准时会显示Ho的正异常,这与其他的标准参考值不同。通常采用(La/Sm)N,(La/Yb)N和(Sm/Yb)N分别表示轻中稀土之比(LREE/MREE)、轻重稀土之比(LREE/HREE)、中重稀土之比(MREE/HREE),其中N代表PAAS标准化后结果。也有学者采用Er/Nd代表海水的LREE/HREE[58],正常海水中的Er/Nd约为0.27[59]。


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图5   Ce/Ce*与Pr/Pr*相互关系图[58,61] 阴影部分代表现代海水范围

Fig.5   Corrections of Ce/Ce* and Pr/Pr* for marine carbonates[58,61]The shaded area represents the range of modern seawater


Table 1 表1

表1   REE常见参数计算公式

Table 1   Common methods of calculation for REE parameters

参数传统计算方法几何平均算法LREE/MREE(La/Sm)NLREE/HREE(La/Yb)N; (Nd/Yb)N[3]MREE/HREE(Sm/Yb)NLa/La*LaN/(3PrN-2NdN)[16]LaN/[PrN×(PrN/NdN)2][27]Ce/Ce*2CeN/(LaN+PrN) [61];CeN/(2PrN-NdN)[6]; 3CeN/(2LaN+NdN) [45]CeN/(PrN2/NdN) [27]Pr/Pr*2PrN/(CeN+NdN) [31]Eu/Eu*2EuN/(SmN+GdN)[27];EuN/(0.67SmN+0.33TbN)[6];EuN/(1.5SmN-0.5NdN)[27]EuN/(SmN2×TbN)1/3;EuN/[SmN×(SmN/NdN)1/2][27]Gd/Gd*GdN/(2TbN-DyN)[6]GdN/(0.67TbN+0.33SmN) [3]GdN/(TbN2×SmN)1/3;GdN/[TbN×(TbN/DyN)][27]Lu/Lu*LuN/(2YbN-TmN) [27]LuN/(YbN2/TmN)[27]



5 分析结果的可靠性验证


5.1 成岩流体对碳酸盐相态REE的影响




5.2 非碳酸盐相态成分的干扰



除此之外,Zr,Fe和Th等元素在碎屑岩中的丰度也相对较高。例如,PAAS中的Zr元素含量(210×10-6)明显高于碳酸盐岩沉积岩,因此可以作为评估页岩干扰的一个指标。当样品数据受到页岩干扰时,它的Y/Ho与Zr含量呈现出负相关性;与此同时,Zr含量越高,REE总量也将越高,已有学者通过部分相关性指标,如(La/La*) vs. (Y/Ho)PAAS,(La/La*) vs. Zr和Nd/Yb vs. Zr等,指示碳酸盐相态REE是否受到页岩污染[62]。硫化物与氧化物中的REE信号与原始海水信号也存在显著差异,这些因素对碳酸盐样品的污染可以通过组分中相关元素与Y/Ho之间的相关性排除[17],例如,富集于氧化物中的Ni和Cu、富集于硫化物中的Pb和Sc。假若样品的REE信号受到这2个因素的污染,Y/Ho会与Pb以及Cu之间存在明显的相关性。

6 结 语








The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

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采集了渤海湾盆地周缘露头剖面和盆内钻井岩心的泥岩及少量灰岩样品,采用电感耦合等离子质谱技术对样品进行了系统的稀土元素测试分析。测试样品稀土总量平均值为290.39μg/g,明显大于北美页岩组合样。各样品δEu为0.42~0.83,平均0.67,中度Eu负异常;大多样品Ce含量正常,δCe为0.51~1.22,平均0.97。稀土元素配分模式总体为轻稀土富集、重稀土亏损型,轻稀土段曲线明显"右倾",重稀土段则较为"平坦"。灰岩及部分泥岩中Ce的负异常指示了晚石炭世本区陆表海的沉积环境特点,古海水为氧化环境。根据稀土元素的Eu异常及总的元素组合特点,判断渤海湾盆地石炭—二叠系沉积物主要来自盆地北缘的阴山古陆,母岩类型为花岗岩。 [2] Lan Xianhong, Li Rihui, Mi Beibei, et al.

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为了探讨渤海东部和黄海北部稀土元素分布特征及其影响因素,对渤海东部和黄海北部138个表层沉积物样品进行电感耦合等离子体质谱法分析.结果表明:渤海东部和黄海北部沉积物的配分模式与中国黄土的接近,与周边的鸭绿江、黄河等河流输入物质也有相似性,表明研究区沉积物主要来自于周边大陆.沉积物物源判别结果显示:山东半岛近岸及其西南部沉积物主要来源于黄河,该区域沉积物分布受山东半岛沿岸流及近岸潮流影响;研究区东部沉积物稀土元素组成特征与鸭绿江沉积物组成相近,表明研究区东部沉积物可能由鸭绿江供应;研究区西北部沉积物主要来源于黄河及辽宁沿岸物质输入,局部有滦河、六股河物质存在;研究区东南部物质主要来源于黄河.对沉积物稀土元素百分含量及参数特征值进行了Q型聚类分析,将研究海域沉积物划分为4个不同的区域,分别为北黄海东部区域(Ⅰ)、山东半岛近岸周边区域(Ⅱ)、渤海东部中部区域(Ⅲ)及研究区的西北部与东南部分布区(Ⅳ). [3] Nothdurft L D, Webb G E, Kamber B S.

Rare earth element geochemistry of Late Devonian reefal carbonates, Canning Basin, Western Australia: Confirmation of a seawater REE proxy in ancient limestones

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DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

冲绳海槽巨厚的沉积物蕴藏着丰富的、长时间尺度的区域古海洋和古环境演化地质信息。对采自海槽中部的A7孔柱状沉积物进行了高分辨率的稀土元素、碳酸盐、常量元素组成的测试与分析,以深入探讨沉积物稀土元素组成对古环境变化的响应问题。结果表明,A7孔沉积物在球粒陨石标准化的稀土元素配分形式上与典型上陆壳物质非常相似,而与富火山灰层和小型浊流沉积存在明显差异。通过分析,认为冲绳海槽沉积物REEs组成主要是受陆源碎屑组分所控制的,与黏土组分含量相关性较大,但与沉积物的Fe-Mn组分含量关系较弱,同时受到生源组分的"稀释作用",其REEs组成可以用于反映陆源物质来源及其输入过程的研究。排除火山灰和浊流沉积物质的影响,A7孔沉积物的REEs含量(∑REE,LREE,HREE),LREE/HREE,(La/Yb)n,Eu/Eu~*等参数的垂向变化曲线在175 cm层位表现出明显的差异。这一层位的沉积年龄为11.2 cal.ka.BP,正好是冰后期和末次冰消期的转换期(LGIT),表明在LGIT期间海槽内的沉积环境和陆源物质的来源发生了较大改变,而造成这种变化的最可能直接因素是东海海平面的快速上升(WMP-1B事件)造成的沉积格局改变,但与黑潮"摆动"和H1,YD事件等古气候与古海水因素的关系并不显著。研究结果证实,沉积物稀土元素组成及其特征参数的变化可作为研究长时间尺度(冰期—冰间期)冲绳海槽古环境变化的有效指标。 [5] Kakuwa Y, Matsumoto R.

Cerium negative anomaly just before the Permian and Triassic boundary event—The upward expansion of anoxia in the water column

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Trace element distribution in Neoproterozoic carbonates as palaeoenvironmental indicator

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A first study of REE + Y distribution in a variety of Neoproterozoic (Cryogenian and Ediacaran) carbonates from different settings in the Saldania, Gariep, Damara and West Congo Belts in southwestern and central Africa revealed systematic differences that can be explained by varying palaeoenvironmental factors. The majority of samples display relatively unfractionated, flat shale-normalised REE + Y patterns that cannot be ascribed solely to shale contamination but are interpreted as resulting from the incorporation of near-shore colloids, possibly related to Fe-oxihydroxide scavenging. Only few carbonate units yielded trace element distributions that conform to a typical seawater composition. Those carbonates that were affected by stratiform, syn-sedimentary hydrothermal mineralisation are distinguished by Eu anomalies. Considering the similarity in residence time between REE and carbon, the strong influence of river-born particles on the REE + Y distribution in the analysed carbonates casts considerable doubt over the usefulness of these carbonates for stratigraphic correlation of Neoproterozoic sediment successions based on carbon isotopes. [7] Li Y, Zhao L, Chen Z, et al.

Oceanic environmental changes on a shallow carbonate platform (Yangou, Jiangxi Province, South China) during the Permian-Triassic transition: Evidence from rare earth elements in conodont bioapatite

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Cerium anomaly variations in Ediacaran-earliest Cambrian carbonates from the Yangtze Gorges area, South China: Implications for oxygenation of coeval shallow seawater

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Geochemical characteristics of REE in limestone of Jiudingshan Formation,Northern Anhui Province and their constraint on the seawater

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DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

采集皖北新元古代九顶山组灰岩进行了系统的岩石学和稀土地球化学分析,研究了灰岩中稀土元素 的来源,并对海水的稀土配分模式进行反演,结果表明:灰岩中稀土元素主要受控于古海洋,基本不受陆源物质影响;灰岩样品中稀土含量很低,平均为 8.54×10-6,轻重稀土分异明显,为正常浅海沉积;海水稀土配分模式与灰岩相似,为重稀土亏损,灰岩和海水的Y/Ho、Y/Dy值呈正相关;海水具 有较高的Y/Ho比、Ce负异常,且海水的δEuNASC值小于1,表明了新元古代海水与现代海水的稀土元素特征基本相似。 [11] Zhu Lixia, Fu Xiugen, Tan Fuwen, et al.

REE geochemistry of the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous carbonate rocks and palaeoclimates in the Nadigangri region,Qiangtang Basin

[J]. Sedimentary Geology & Tethyan Geology, 2010, 30(4): 92-96.

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Rare earth element complexation by carbonate and oxalate ions

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1987, 51(3): 597-605.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Rare earth carbonate and oxalate complexation constants have been determined through ex-amination of distribution equilibria between tributyl phosphate and an aqueous perchlorate phase. Carbonate complexation constants appropriate to the REE in seawater (25°C, 35%., 1 atm) can be described in terms of atomic number, Z. nlog sw β 1 = 4.853 + 0.1135( Z 61 57) 61 0.003643( Z 61 57) 2log sw β 2 = 80.197 + 0.1730( Z 61 57) 61 0.002714( Z 6157) 2 where swβ 1 = [MCO + 3] [M 3+][CO 261 3] T, swβ 2 = [M(CO 3) 61 3] [M 3+][CO 261 3] 2' T [ M 3+] is an uncomplexed rare earth concentration in seawater, [ MCO + 3] and [ M( CO 61 3) 2] are carbonate complex concentrations, and [CO 261 3] T is the total (free plus ion paired) carbonate ion concentration in seawater (molal scale). Our analyses indicate that in seawater with a total carbonate ion concentration of 1.39 × 10 614 moles/Kg H 2O, carbonate complexes for the lightest rare earth, La, constitute 86% of the total metal, 7% is free La 3+ and the remaining 7% exists as hydroxide, sulfate, chloride and fluoride complexes. For Lu, the heaviest rare earth, carbonate complexes are 98% of the total metal, 0.3% is uncomplexed and 1.5% is complexed with hydroxide, sulfate, chloride and fluoride. Oxalate and carbonate constants are linearly correlated. This correlation appears to be quite useful for estimating trivalent metal-arbonate stability constants from their respective oxalate stability constants. [13] Lee J H, Byrne R H.

Complexation of trivalent rare earth elements (Ce, Eu, Gd, Tb, Yb) by carbonate ions

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1993, 57(2): 295-302.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Carbonate stability constants for five rare earth elements (Ce , Eu , Gd , Tb , and Yb ) have been determined at t = 25° C and 0.70 ± 0.02 M ionic strength through solvent exchange techniques. Estimated stability constants for Ce, Eu, and Yb are in close agreement with previous work. Analyses using Gd and Tb provide the first carbonate stability constants for these elements based on direct measurements. Our measured stability constants were used to estimate carbonate stability constants for the entire suite of REEs. Our Eu, Gd, and Tb carbonate stability constants demonstrate the existence of a "Gd-break": Carbonate stability constants for Gd are smaller than those for Eu and Tb. In analogy to Gd concentration anomalies reported in field observations, Gd stability constant anomalies have been defined in terms of the difference log β (Gd) - log { ( β (Eu) + β (Tb)) /2} , where β( M) = [ ML][ M] [ L] . Examinations of REE-organic stability constants demonstrate that 106 out of 125 organic ligands have negative Gd anomalies in their first stability constants. The magnitudes of negative Gd anomalies generally become greater with increasing magnitude in Gd-ligand stability constants. Field observations of positive anomalies in shale-normalized Gd concentrations can be explained in terms of REE scavenging by organic surface ligands, such as polyaminocarboxylic acids, which possess a more negative Gd anomaly than carbonate ligands. Our modeling efforts indicate that a mixture of strongly complexing organics such as polyaminocarboxylic acids, and weakly complexing organics such as mono- and dicarboxylic acids is consistent with the pattern of REE scavenging by marine particulate matter. [14] Pourret O, Davranche M, Gruau G, et al.

Competition between humic acid and carbonates for rare earth elements complexation

[J]. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2007, 305(1): 25-31.

DOI      URL      PMID      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Competition between humic acid (HA) and carbonates (Carb) for rare earth elements (REE) complexation. [15] Ge L, Jiang S Y, Swennen R, et al.

Chemical environment of cold seep carbonate formation on the northern continental slope of South China Sea: Evidence from trace and rare earth element geochemistry

[J]. Marine Geology, 2010, 277(1): 21-30.

[本文引用: 1]     

[16] Bolhar R, Kamber B S, Moorbath S, et al.

Characterisation of early Archaean chemical sediments by trace element signatures

[J]. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 2004, 222(1): 43-60.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Rare earth element (REE) plus yttrium (Y) patterns of modern seawater have characteristic features that can be used as chemical fingerprints. Reliable proxies for marine REE+Y chemistry have been demonstrated from a large geological time span, including Archaean banded iron formation (BIF), stromatolitic limestone, Phanerozoic reef carbonate and Holocene microbialite. Here we present new REE+Y data for two distinct suites of early Archaean (ca. 3.7鈥3.8 Ga) metamorphosed rocks from southern West Greenland, whose interrelationships, if any, have been much debated in recent literature. The first suite comprises magnetite-quartz BIF, magnetite-carbonate BIF and banded magnetite-rich quartz rock, mostly from the Isua Greenstone Belt (IGB). The REE+Y patterns, particularly diagnostic anomalies (Ce/Ce*, Pr/Pr*), are closely related to those of published seawater proxies. The second suite includes banded quartz-pyroxene-amphibole卤garnet rocks with minor magnetite from the so-called Akilia Association enclaves (in early Archaean granitoid gneisses) of the coastal region, some 150 km southwest of the IGB. Rocks of this type from one much publicised and highly debated locality (the island of Akilia) have been identified by some workers [Nature 384 (1996) 55; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 61 (1997) 2475] as BIF-facies, and their 13C-depleted signature in trace graphite interpreted as a proxy for earliest life on Earth. However, REE+Y patterns of the Akilia Association suite (except for one probably genuine magnetite-rich BIF from Ugpik) are inconsistent with a seawater origin. We agree with published geological and geochemical (including REE) work [Science 296 (2002) 1448] that most of the analysed Akilia rocks are not chemical sediments, and that C-isotopes in such rocks therefore cannot be used as biological proxies. Application of the REE+Y discriminant for the above two rock suites has been facilitated in this study by the use of MC-ICP technique which yields a more complete and precise REE+Y spectrum than was available in many previous studies. [17] Bolhar R,

Van Kranendonk M J. A non-marine depositional setting for the northern Fortescue Group, Pilbara Craton, inferred from trace element geochemistry of stromatolitic carbonates

[J]. Precambrian Research, 2007, 155(3): 229-250.

[本文引用: 5]     

[18] Tostevin R, Shields G A, Tarbuck G M, et al.

Effective use of cerium anomalies as a redox proxy in carbonate-dominated marine settings

[J]. Chemical Geology, 2016, 438: 146-162.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) have a distinct distribution pattern in seawater, and this pattern may be faithfully preserved in carbonate sediments and rocks. Anomalous concentrations of redox-sensitive cerium (Ce) compared with neighbouring REY originate in oxic water column conditions, and as such, Ce anomalies can provide a potentially useful redox proxy in carbonate-dominated marine settings. The methods used to extract REY from carbonates vary widely, and may suffer from widespread leaching of REY from accessory non-carbonate minerals and organic matter, limiting the application of Ce anomalies for palaeo-redox reconstruction. We have systematically compared different methods on 195 carbonate samples with varying purity (% carbonate) from both modern and ancient environments. We used sequential leaching experiments in nitric acid to identify the most eawater-like portion of the carbonate sample where contributions from non-carbonate minerals and organic matter are minimised. We also compared the results of sample dissolution in different types and strengths of acid. Our results confirm that REY concentrations can be inadvertently contaminated by partial leaching of clays and Fe (oxyhydr)oxides during a single-step digestion, and we suggest a pre-leach of 20% of the sample, followed by a partial leach of 40% of the sample to selectively dissolve carbonate. We suggest that REY studies are optimised in carbonates with >85% CaCO 3 , and show that dolomites behave differently during the leaching process and must be treated separately. We present REY patterns for modern carbonate-rich sediments from a range of environments, and show that seawater REY are faithfully preserved in some non-skeletal carbonate, but modified leaching procedures are necessary for impure, unlithified or organic rich carbonate sediments. We combine REY with Fe-speciation data to identify how Fe oxides and clays contribute to the REY signal and explore how the two proxies can be used together to provide a complex and high-resolution redox reconstruction in carbonate-dominated marine environments. [19] Bau M, Koschinsky A, Dulski P, et al.

Comparison of the partitioning behaviours of yttrium, rare earth elements, and titanium between hydrogenetic marine ferromanganese crusts and seawater

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1996, 60(10): 1 709-1 725.

[本文引用: 2]     

[20] Shields G A, Webb G E.

Has the REE composition of seawater changed over geological time?

[J]. Chemical Geology, 2004, 204(1/2): 103-107.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Rare earth element (REE) contents of marine biogenic apatites have been shown to record seawater compositions. A data base of available and newly acquired rare earth element (REE) contents of marine biogenic apatites has been created to assess the past seawater REE compositions. To ensure that this data base contains only the pristine REE signals, altered samples, characterized by very low (La/Sm)(N) ratios (where N stands for REE ratios normalized to the NASC composition; Gromet et al., 1984, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 48 (1984) 2469) acquired during apatite recrystallization, are not included in the database. These data reveal a change in the Tethyan seawater composition between 110 and 80 Ma. After the end of the Cretaceous, the REE chemistry of seawater remains constant until present-day. This seawater composition change is likely due to concurrent changes in REE scavenging processes. A strong correlation between decreasing (Sm/Yb)(N), ratios and increasing Cc anomalies for samples deposited during the 80-110 Ma period is observed. As Cc anomalies are attributed to ocean water redox conditions, changes in REE scavenging could reflect an evolution from stratified and poorly oxygenated waters towards well-mixed and oxygenated waters. This could have resulted from changing current patterns stemming from the contemporaneous opening of the Atlantic Ocean. A major change in Middle and Late Cretaceous oceanic circulation linked to plate tectonics would have favored the colonization of pelagic environments. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. [21] Zhang J, Nozaki Y.

Rare earth elements and yttrium in seawater: ICP-MS determinations in the East Caroline, Coral Sea, and South Fiji basins of the western South Pacific Ocean

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1996, 60(23): 4 631-4 644.

[本文引用: 1]     

[22] García M G, Lecomte K L, Pasquini A I, et al.

Sources of dissolved REE in mountainous streams draining granitic rocks, Sierras Pampeanas (Córdoba, Argentina)

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2007, 71(22): 5 355-5 368.

[本文引用: 1]     

[23] Frimmel H E.

On the reliability of stable carbon isotopes for Neoproterozoic chemostratigraphic correlation

[J]. Precambrian Research, 2010, 182(4): 239-253.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The reliability of 13 C trends in Neoproterozoic carbonate-dominated successions for regional and global chemostratigraphic correlation is discussed. In the light of recent findings of a predominantly non-marine rare earth element and yttrium signature in most Neoproterozoic carbonates and a comparatively short oceanic residence time of carbon, trends towards enrichment in 13 C seen in many of these carbonates are considered to reflect facies variations rather than temporal signals of ocean chemistry. Positive 13 C Carb excursions are explained by elevated bioproductivity and/or increased evaporation in shallow marine, near-coastal, temporarily restricted depositional environments. Examples are provided that illustrate that C isotope trends can be highly ambiguous temporal markers and are in the absence of other chemostratigraphic data, such as Sr isotope ratios, and radiometric age control of only limited use for stratigraphic correlation. The overall enrichment in 13 C recorded by most Neoproterozoic carbonates, except for those in close stratigraphic proximity to glacial deposits, is suggested to reflect a dominance of microbially mediated carbonate formation in the Neoproterozoic. This might explain why C isotope chemostratigraphy in Neoproterozoic successions is less reliable than in Phanerozoic successions in which carbonates are, with only few exceptions, biogenic products of shelly fossils. [24] Byrne R H, Kim K H.

Rare earth element scavenging in seawater

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1990, 54(10): 2 645-2 656.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Examinations of rare earth element (REE) adsorption in seawater, using a variety of surface-types, indicated that, for most surfaces, light rare earth elements (LREEs) are preferentially adsorbed compared to the heavy rare earths (HREEs). Exceptions to this behavior were observed only for silica phases (glass surfaces, acid-cleaned diatomaceous earth, and synthetic SiO 2 ). The affinity of the rare earths for surfaces can be strongly affected by thin organic coatings. Glass surfaces which acquired an organic coating through immersion in Tampa Bay exhibited adsorptive behavior typical of organic-rich, rather than glass, surfaces. Models of rare earth distributions between seawater and carboxylate-rich surfaces indicate that scavenging processes which involve such surfaces should exhibit a strong dependence on pH and carbonate complexation. Scavenging models involving carboxylate surfaces produce relative REE abundance patterns in good general agreement with observed shale-normalized REE abundances in seawater. Scavenging by carboxylate-rich surfaces should produce HREE enrichments in seawater relative to the LREEs and may produce enrichments of lanthanum relative to its immediate trivalent neighbors. Due to the origin of distribution coefficients as a difference between REE solution complexation (which increases strongly with atomic number) and surface complexation (which apparently also increases with atomic number) the relative solution abundance patterns of the REEs produced by scavenging reactions can be quite complex. [25] Elderfield H, Upstill-Goddard R, Sholkovitz E R.

The rare earth elements in rivers, estuaries, and coastal seas and their significance to the composition of ocean waters

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1990, 54(4): 971-991.

[本文引用: 3]     

[26] Goldstein S J, Jacobsen S B.

Rare earth elements in river waters

[J]. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 1988, 89(1): 35-47.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

We measured rare earth element (REE) concentrations in river waters to characterize the suspended and dissolved river flux of the REE to the oceans. The REE pattern of river suspended materials is sensitive to drainage basin geology. A positive correlation is observed between La/Yb ratios and Nd model ages for the rivers studied. Major rivers have light REE enriched patterns relative to the North American Shale Composite (NASC), with (La/Yb) N = 1.6612.7. River water dissolved material ( < 0.2 μm) is heavy REE enriched relative to suspended material, and the most pronounced negative Ce anomalies occur in rivers of high pH. Light REE concentrations vary by approximately 3 orders of magnitude and are inversely related to pH and major cation concentrations. From these data, we estimate that typical major river runoff has heavy REE depleted suspended material with (La/Yb) N ≈ 1.9. We conclude that the terrigenous input to the oceans from major rivers is heavy REE depleted relative to shales. From the available data, average river water dissolved material appears to be heavy REE enriched with (La/Yb) N ≈ 0.4. Estuarine removal processes lower the dissolved REE river flux by approximately 60% and result in a flux that is more heavy REE enriched with (La/Yb) N ≈ 0.2. Calculated oceanic residence times with respect to river input range from 2300 to 21,000 years, are shortest for Ce, and greatest for the heavy REE and La. Such long residence times may suggest the presence of additional sources of REE in seawater. [27] Lawrence M G, Greig A, Collerson K D, et al.

Rare earth element and yttrium variability in South East Queensland waterways

[J]. Aquatic Geochemistry, 2006, 12(1): 39-72.

DOI      URL      Magsci      [本文引用: 14]      摘要

We present data for the rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in the National Research Council of Canada natural river water reference material SLRS-4 and 19 natural river waters from small catchments in South-East Queensland, Australia, by a direct ICP-MS method. The 0.2202μm filtered river water samples show a large degree of variability in both the REY concentration, e.g., La varies from 13 to 115702ppt, and shape of the alluvial-sediment-normalised REY patterns with different samples displaying light, middle or heavy rare earth enrichment. In addition, a spatial study was undertaken along the freshwater section of Beerburrum Creek, which demonstrates that ~75% of the total REYs in this waterway are removed prior to estuarine mixing without evidence of fractionation. [28] Bau M, Dulski P.

Comparing yttrium and rare earths in hydrothermal fluids from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Implications for Y and REE behaviour during near-vent mixing and for the Y/Ho ratio of Proterozoic seawater

[J]. Chemical Geology, 1999, 155(1/2): 77-90.

[本文引用: 1]     

[29] Wheat C G, Mottl M J, Rudnicki M.

Trace element and REE composition of a low-temperature ridge-flank hydrothermal spring

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2002, 66(21): 3 693-3 705.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Warm (25°C) hydrothermal springs have been sampled on Baby Bare, a basaltic outcrop on 3.5-Ma-old crust 65100-km east of the Endeavor Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. The source for these springs is a 62 to 64°C formation water that has cooled conductively as it ascends to feed the springs. This water originated as bottom seawater that probably descended into basement 6552 km to the southwest at another, much larger outcrop called Grizzly Bare. As this seawater flows towards Baby Bare, it is heated and altered by reactions within basaltic basement and by diffusive fluxes to and from the overlying sediment. Concentrations of Mn, Co, Ni, Zn, Cd, and Mo in the spring waters are greater than in bottom seawater, indicating that the oceanic crust is a source for these elements to the oceans. At least a portion of this increase probably results from the redox cycling of Mn in sedimentary sources near the basement interface that produces a diffusive flux to basement formation waters. Additional removal of Mo and inputs of the other five elements to two of the three springs are observed locally near sites of venting, where density gradients can form shallow circulation cells within the sediment and diffusive exchange occurs. Concentrations of Cu, U, V, Y, and the rare earth elements (REEs, excluding Ce) in these samples are less than in bottom seawater, indicating that the oceanic crust is a net sink for these elements in this environment. Copper is probably removed into newly formed carbonate and/or sulfide phases. Removal of the oxyanions U and V is consistent with a net removal of phosphate demonstrated previously for ridge-flank hydrothermal systems. Similarly, removal of Y and the REEs is associated with carbonate, phosphate-rich, and oxide phases. Calculated maximum global chemical fluxes from “warm” ridge-flank hydrothermal systems such as Baby Bare are insignificant relative to riverine fluxes for these elements, except possibly for Mn and Mo. The impact on global geochemical budgets for these elements from lower temperature (DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Examines the yttrium immobility-mobility transition during basaltic weathering. Use of yttrium as tectonic and geochemical discrimination diagrams for igneous rocks; Details of the assemblage evolution during lateritization; Comparison between major and individual trace element variation during lateritization. [39] Wu Yijing, Fan Daidu, Yin Ping, et al.

Research advances in sedimentary records of coastal bottom-water Hypoxia

[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2016, 31(6):567-580.

Magsci      [本文引用: 1]     

[吴伊婧, 范代读, 印萍,等.


[J]. 地球科学进展, 2016, 31(6):567-580.]

DOI      Magsci      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

长时间尺度的沉积记录可以提升对近岸低氧形成机制的理解,从而为预报、预测和发展减缓低氧措施等提供必要的依据。综述了近岸低氧发育与演化历史的主要研究进展,尤其侧重于沉积记录的研究。首先按水体受限程度将近岸低氧发育环境划分为半封闭型海盆/海湾和开阔陆架海2类,分别探讨了二者低氧发育的主要特征。其次分析总结了低氧沉积记录的替代性指标,包括对水体氧化还原环境具有较好指示意义的生物学、矿物学和地球化学指标,着重分析了各类替代性指标的适用性。最后对长江口外海域底层水体低氧发生机制与沉积记录的研究现状作了回顾与分析。目前长时间尺度的低氧沉积记录研究仍然较少,鉴于长江口外海域低氧的动态发育特征,提出了多钻孔、多参数结合的研究方案。 [40] Baar H J W D, Schijf J, Byrne R H.

Solution chemistry of the rare earth elements in seawater

[J]. European Journal of Solid State & Inorganic Chemistry, 1991, 28: 357-373.

[本文引用: 1]     

[41] Bodin S, Godet A, Westermann S, et al.

Secular change in northwestern Tethyan water-mass oxygenation during the late Hauterivian-early Aptian

[J]. Earth & Planetary Science Letters, 2013, 374(4): 121-131.

[本文引用: 1]     

[42] Alibo D S, Nozaki Y.

Rare earth elements in seawater: Particle association, shale-normalization, and Ce oxidation

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1999, 63(3/4): 363-372.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

Dissolved ( HREEs. With decreasing pH, REEs are released from surfaces in the same order. Within the dissolved ( MREEs > LREEs, is most pronounced in the solution pool, defined here as MREEs > HREEs. While the large scale removal of dissolved river REEs in estuaries is well established, the release of dissolved REEs off river particles is a less studied process. Laboratory experiments show that there is both release and fractionation of REEs when river particles are leached with seawater. The order of sea water-induced release of dissolved REE(III) (LREEs > MREEs > HREEs) from Connecticut River particles is the same as that associated with lowering the pH and the same as that associated with colloidal particles. River waters, stripped of their colloidal particles by coagulation in estuaries, have highly evolved REE composition. That is, the solution pool of REEs in river waters are strongly HREE-enriched and are fractionated to the same extent as that of Atlantic surface seawater. This strengthens the conclusions of previous studies that the evolved REE composition of sea water is coupled to chemical weathering on the continents and reactions in estuaries. Moreover, the release of dissolved Nd from river particles to sea water may help to reconcile the incompatibility between the long oceanic residence times of Nd (7100 yr) and the inter-ocean variations of the Nd isotopic composition of sea water. Using new data on dissolved and particle phases of the Amazon and Mississippi Rivers, a comparison of field and laboratory experiments highlights key features of REE fractionation in major river systems. The dissolved pool of both rivers is highly fractionated (HREE enriched) with respect to the REE composition of their suspended particles. In addition, the dissolved pool of the Mississippi River has a large negative Ce-anomaly suggesting in-situ oxidation of Ce(III). One intriguing feature is the well developed maximum in the middle REE sector of the shale normalized patterns for the dissolved pool of Amazon River water. This feature might reflect competition between surface adsorption and solution complexation with carbonate and phosphate anions. [57] Chen L, Liu Y, Hu Z, et al.

Accurate determinations of fifty-four major and trace elements in carbonate by LA-ICP-MS using normalization strategy of bulk components as 100%

[J]. Chemical Geology, 2011, 284(3/4): 283-295.

[本文引用: 2]     

[58] Nagarajan R, Madhavaraju J, Armstrong-Altrin J S,et al.

Geochemistry of Neoproterozoic limestones of the Shahabad Formation, Bhima Basin, Karnataka, southern India

[J]. Geosciences Journal, 2011, 15(1): 9-25.

DOI      Magsci      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

Major, trace and rare earth element (REE) geochemistry of carbonate rocks of the Neoproterozoic Shahabad Formation, southern India were studied in order to investigate the depositional environment and source for the REEs. The PAAS (Post Archaean Australian Shale) normalized REE + Y pattern of Shahabad limestones have consistent seawater-like pattern i.e., i) LREE depletion (average (Nd/Yb)(SN) = 0.64 +/- 0.08), ii) negative Ce anomaly, iii) positive Gd anomaly (average Gd-SN/Gd* = 1.05 +/- 0.16), iv) superchondritic Y/Ho ratio (average Y/Ho = 38.13 +/- 21.35). The depletion of LREE and enrichment of HREE are clearly indicated by the (La/Yb)(SN), (Dy/Yb)(SN) and (Nd/Yb)(SN) ratios, which suggest the retention of seawater characteristics in these limestones. The negative Ce anomaly reflects the incorporation of REE directly from seawater or from the pore water under oxic condition, and also reveals the mixing of two-component systems with terrigenous clay (detrital) in the marine sediments. The terrigenous input in these limestones is confirmed by positive correlation of I REE pound with Al2O3, negative correlation of I REE pound with CaO and differences in Y/Ho ratios. V, Cr, and Sc, are positively correlated with Ti, and strong positive correlation of I REE pound with Fe2O3, Ni, Cr, Sc, and Y also indicate the presence of terrigenous materials in the Shahabad limestones. [59] Baar H J W D, German C R, Elderfield H, et al.

Rare earth element distributions in anoxic waters of the Cariaco Trench?

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1988, 52(5): 1 203-1 219.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 2]      摘要

The concentrations of dissolved and suspended particulate rare earth elements in the Cariaco Trench are reported. In solution all REE, notably Ce, show a sharp increase just at or below the oxic anoxic interface at 300 meters depth. Particulate concentrations show a complementary decrease at the same depth. The overlying oxic waters exhibit a negative Ce anomaly; the anoxic waters carry a slightly positive Ce anomaly. The particulate Ce anomaly reaches a maximum just above the interface, coinciding with maxima for particulate Mn and Fe and minima for the dissolved Ce anomaly and dissolved Ce, Mn and Fe. Thermodynamic calculations predict that the solubility of Ce(IV)O 2 is greatly enhanced by the steep p系-drop at the O 2 H 2S interface whereas oxygenated seawater is grossly oversaturated with dissolved Ce(III). However, the dramatic shifts in pe and absolute total Ce concentration do not affect the relative speciation of Ce in solution, which varies only with pH and not with p系 because dissolved Ce(IV)-species are negligible. The cycling of Ce across the oxic anoxic boundary is driven largely by its own redox chemistry as with Fe and Mn. The remaining REE, being strictly trivalent, are recycled in association with the dissolution-precipitation of (ferro)manganese oxyhydroxides. The relative turnover rates at the interface are ranked as Mn > Ce = Ce-anomaly > Nd, Sm, Eu, La, Dy, Er. The observed absence of Eu anomalies would render in situ reduction of Eu(III) to Eu(II) unlikely; thermodynamic considerations also rule out the existence of Eu(II) species in low temperature reducing environments. [60] Zaky A H, Azmy K, Brand U, et al.

Rare earth elements in deep-water articulated brachiopods: An evaluation of seawater mass

[J]. Chemical Geology, 2016, 435: 22-34.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

61REE distribution coefficients of modern Rhynchonellids and Terebratulids shells61Open water brachiopods display vertical Ce/Ce* profiles similar to that of seawater.61HREESNvalues define a seawater–depth relationship trend.61REEs in deep-water brachiopods are a robust paleoceanographic proxy. [61] Bau M, Dulski P.

Distribution of yttrium and rare-earth elements in the Penge and Kuruman iron-formations, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa

[J]. Precambrian Research, 1996, 79(1/2): 37-55.

[本文引用: 5]     

[62] Delpomdor F, Blanpied C, Virgone A, et al.

Paleoenvironments in Meso-Neoproterozoic carbonates of the Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup (Democratic Republic of Congo)-Microfacies analysis combined with C-O-Sr isotopes, major-trace elements and REE+Y distributions

[J]. Journal of African Earth Science—Journal of China University of Geosciencess, 2013, 88: 72-100.

[本文引用: 2]     

[63] Shields G, Stille P.

Diagenetic constraints on the use of cerium anomalies as palaeoseawater redox proxies: An isotopic and REE study of Cambrian phosphorites

[J]. Chemical Geology, 2001, 175(1/2): 29-48.

[本文引用: 2]     

[64] Li R.

Deciphering the diagenetic alteration degree in thrombolites across the Permian-Triassic boundary and the evaluation of REY as a proxy of palaeoseawater

[J]. Journal of Asian Earth Science—Journal of China University of Geosciencess, 2017, 147: 37-49.

[本文引用: 1]     

[65] Eltom H A, Abdullatif O M, Makkawi M H, et al.

Rare earth element geochemistry of shallow carbonate outcropping strata in Saudi Arabia: Application for depositional environments prediction

[J]. Sedimentary Geology, 2017, 348: 51-68.

[本文引用: 1]     

[66] Banner J L, Hanson G N.

Calculation of simultaneous isotopic and trace element variations during water-rock interaction with applications to carbonate diagenesis

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1990, 54(11): 3 123-3 137.

[本文引用: 1]     

[67] Webb G E, Kamber B S.

Rare earth elements in Holocene reefal microbialites: A new shallow seawater proxy

[J]. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2000, 64(9): 1 557-1 565.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 3]      摘要

The concentration of rare earth elements and yttrium (REE + Y) was determined in Holocene Mg-calcite microbialites from shallow reef framework cavities at Heron Reef, Great Barrier Reef. Shale-normalized REE + Y patterns of 52 microbialite samples show: (1) uniform heavy REE enrichment (Nd SN/Yb SN = 0.236, SD = 0.026); (2) consistent negative Ce and positive La anomalies; (3) marine Y/Ho ratios (56.17, SD = 2.66); and (4) slightly positive Gd anomalies. All of these features are consistent with the geochemistry of well-oxygenated, shallow ambient seawater. REE partition coefficients were calculated relative to shallow Coral Sea seawater. They are uniform (relative SD = 10.2%) across the entire mass range and almost two orders of magnitude higher than those between coral and seawater. Hence, terrigenous detritus-free, modern microbialites are a more reliable proxy for seawater REE chemistry than are skeletal carbonates. Ancient limestones have been considered largely problematic as sources for REE proxies owing to perceived problems with diagenesis, partly on the basis of relatively high REE concentrations in some limestones compared to modern skeletal carbonates. However, high REE concentrations in modern microbialites suggest that ancient limestones with relatively high REE concentrations, if not contaminated by terrigenous detritus, may reflect original seawater chemistry. Terrigenous contamination, if present, is readily detectable on the basis of co-occurring trace element concentrations (Sc, Hf, Th) and Y/Ho ratio. Hence, ancient, particularly reefal, limestones may provide reliable seawater REE proxies. The occurrence of microbialites in clean limestones as old as 3.5 Ga suggests the possibility of reconstructing shallow marine REE chemistry over most of Earth history with important implications for paleogeography and paleoredox studies. [68] Bau M, Alexander B.

Preservation of primary REE patterns without Ce anomaly during dolomitization of Mid-Paleoproterozoic limestone and the potential re-establishment of marine anoxia immediately after the "Great Oxidation Event"

[J]. South African Journal of Geology, 2006, 109(1/2): 81-86.

[本文引用: 1]     

[69] Lin Z, Wang Q, Feng D, et al.

Post-depositional origin of highly 13C-depleted carbonate in the Doushantuo cap dolostone in South China: Insights from petrography and stable carbon isotopes

[J]. Sedimentary Geology, 2011, 242(1): 71-79.

[本文引用: 1]     

[70] Wang Rui, Yu Kefu, Wang Yinghui, et al.

The diagenesis of coral Reefs

[J]. Advances in Earth Science, 2017, 32(3):221-233.

[本文引用: 1]     

[王瑞, 余克服, 王英辉,等.


[J]. 地球科学进展, 2017, 32(3):221-233.]

URL      [本文引用: 1]     

[71] Webb G E, Nothdurft L D, Kamber B S, et al.

Rare earth element geochemistry of scleractinian coral skeleton during meteoric diagenesis: A sequence through neomorphism of aragonite to calcite

[J]. Sedimentology, 2009, 56(5): 1 433-1 463.

[本文引用: 1]     

[72] Frimmel H E, Lane K.

Geochemistry of carbonate beds in the Neoproterozoic Rosh Pinah Formation, Namibia: Implications on depositional setting and hydrothermal ore formation

[J]. South African Journal of Geology, 2005, 108(1): 5-18.

[本文引用: 1]     

[73] Chen J, Algeo T J, Zhao L, et al.

Diagenetic uptake of rare earth elements by bioapatite, with an example from Lower Triassic conodonts of South China

[J]. Earth-Science Reviews, 2015, 149: 181-202.

[本文引用: 1]     

[74] Brand U, Veizer J.

Chemical diagenesis of a multicomponent carbonate system-1. Trace elements

[J]. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 1980, 50(4): 1 219-1 236.

[本文引用: 1]     

[75] Bartley J K, Semikhatov M A, Kaufman A J, et al.

Global events across the Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic boundary: C and Sr isotopic evidence from Siberia

[J]. Precambrian Research, 2001, 111(1): 165-202.

[本文引用: 1]     

[76] Tong H, Wang Q, Peckmann J, et al.

Diagenetic alteration affecting δ18O, δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr signatures of carbonates: A case study on Cretaceous seep deposits from Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone, Tibet, China

[J]. Chemical Geology, 2016, 444: 71-82.

[本文引用: 1]     

[77] German C R, Elderfield H.

Application of the Ce anomaly as a paleoredox indicator: The ground rules

[J]. Paleoceanography, 1990, 5(5): 823-833.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

Much attention has been paid, in recent years, to the potential application of the Ce anomaly, measured in various marine phases, as a paleoceanographic indicator of widespread marine anoxia. In this paper we present and discuss results from recent studies of present-day rare earth element (REE) distributions (and hence Ce anomaly distributions) in the marine environment which are particularly pertinent to paleoceanography. Subsequently, we review and discuss the validity of the recent literature in which Ce anomalies have been employed as paleoredox indicators. [78] Tobia F H, Aqrawi A M.

Geochemistry of rare earth elements in carbonate rocks of the Mirga Mir Formation (Lower Triassic), Kurdistan Region, Iraq

[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016, 9(4):259.

[本文引用: 1]     

[79] Zhang Mingzheng, Peng Songbai, Zhang Li, et al.

New recognition of carbonate nodules genesis in Sinian Doushantuo Formation in Zigui Area and its geological implication

[J]. Earth Science—Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2016, 41(12):1 977-1 994.

[本文引用: 1]     

[张明正, 彭松柏, 张利, 等.


[J].地球科学——中国地质大学学报, 2016, 41(12):1 977-1 994.]

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

扬子克拉通秭归地区震旦系陡山沱组第四段黑色泥页岩中广泛发育具明显δ-(13) C负异常的碳酸盐岩结核,其是否与古甲烷天然气水合物渗漏有关值得深入研究.对该碳酸盐岩结核开展的沉积结构构造、岩相学和地球化学研究表明,碳酸盐岩结核具典型韵律环带结构,普遍发育有亮晶球体结构、草莓状黄铁矿,以及与渗漏系统有关的凝块组构,δ-(13) C具明显负异常(-5.65‰--6.76‰),U、Mo元素强烈富集(U(EF)=8-26,Mo(EF)=99-320),Y/Ho比值为31.05-37.31,稀土配分型式为平缓左倾,主微量元素K、Sc、V、Cr、Co、Ni、Rb、Sr、Ba、Th、U和Mo等总体显示为缺氧-硫化环境,与冷泉碳酸盐岩的形成环境和特征一致.碳酸盐岩结核环带SiO2、MgO、CaO、CO2等地球化学元素含量呈阶段性连续增减变化,显示碳酸盐岩结核形成经历了初始形成、成岩-交代、成岩后改造3个连续演化阶段.据此,提出碳酸盐岩结核是新元古代末噶斯奇厄斯冰期(582-551Ma)结束温度回暖,黑色泥页岩中低温封存固态天然气水合物发生分解释放和成岩-交代形成的冷泉碳酸盐岩结核,也是古天然气水合物存在的重要地质记录和标志,这一新认识为华南扬子克拉通在震旦系和下古生界沉积盖层中寻找页岩气(甲烷天然气)储集层位提供了重要地质依据. [80] Zhang P, Hua H, Liu W.

Isotopic and REE evidence for the paleoenvironmental evolution of the late Ediacaran Dengying Section, Ningqiang of Shaanxi Province, China

[J]. Precambrian Research, 2014, 242: 96-111.

[本文引用: 1]     

[81] Rodler A S, Frei R, Gaucher C, et al.

Chromium isotope, REE and redox-sensitive trace element chemostratigraphy across the late Neoproterozoic Ghaub glaciation, Otavi Group, Namibia

[J]. Precambrian Research, 2016, 286: 234-249.

[本文引用: 1]     

[82] Tang D, Shi X, Wang X, et al.

Extremely low oxygen concentration in mid-Proterozoic shallow seawaters

[J]. Precambrian Research, 2016, 276: 145-157.

DOI      URL      [本文引用: 1]      摘要

The mid-Proterozoic (1.8610.8 Ga) witnessed the first appearance but unusually low diversification of eukaryotes. The stagnant biotic evolution during this billion-year-long period (commonly referred to as the “Boring Billion”) was arguably ascribed to low oxygen levels in atmosphere and ocean. However, evidence supporting low oxygen in shallow-marine environments where early eukaryotes first evolved is generally lacking or insufficient. Here we report REE+Y (Rare Earth Element and yttrium) data, particularly cerium (Ce) anomalies, from a suite of mid-Proterozoic sedimentary rocks of the North China platform. The new data from North China, in combination with available Ce anomaly data from other Proterozoic successions, demonstrate that during mid-Proterozoic, negative Ce anomalies did not occur until 651.53 Ga and after 651.5 Ga, only episodic negative Ce anomalies were present in shallow-water carbonates. Trace element enrichments (UEF, VEF, and MoEF) remained at the average continental crust level before 651.53 Ga but showed a sudden increase at 651.53 Ga. The data suggest that oxygen concentration in shallow-marine environments of the mid-Proterozoic ocean was extremely low, probably 1.0的情况下Ce的负异常才被认为是可靠的,其中Pr/Pr*=2PrN/(CeN+NdN)(图5). ... Rare earth elements in deep-water articulated brachiopods: An evaluation of seawater mass 1 2016 ... 海水中存在部分REE的异常,这些元素的异常值一般通过其相邻元素进行计算.由于La的相邻元素仅有Ce,因此计算La异常时一般选取Pr和Nd这2种元素,具体公式为La/La*=LaN/(3PrN-2NdN).传统的Ce异常(Ce/Ce*)计算方法包括3CeN/(2LaN+NdN)[59,60]和2CeN/(LaN+PrN)[61]等.但是海水中存在La异常,采用La计算时可能会对Ce异常结果产生影响.因此Bau等[61]认为只有在Pr/Pr*>1.0的情况下Ce的负异常才被认为是可靠的,其中Pr/Pr*=2PrN/(CeN+NdN)(图5). ... Distribution of yttrium and rare-earth elements in the Penge and Kuruman iron-formations, Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa 5 1996 ... 海水中存在部分REE的异常,这些元素的异常值一般通过其相邻元素进行计算.由于La的相邻元素仅有Ce,因此计算La异常时一般选取Pr和Nd这2种元素,具体公式为La/La*=LaN/(3PrN-2NdN).传统的Ce异常(Ce/Ce*)计算方法包括3CeN/(2LaN+NdN)[59,60]和2CeN/(LaN+PrN)[61]等.但是海水中存在La异常,采用La计算时可能会对Ce异常结果产生影响.因此Bau等[61]认为只有在Pr/Pr*>1.0的情况下Ce的负异常才被认为是可靠的,其中Pr/Pr*=2PrN/(CeN+NdN)(图5). ...

... [61]认为只有在Pr/Pr*>1.0的情况下Ce的负异常才被认为是可靠的,其中Pr/Pr*=2PrN/(CeN+NdN)(图5). ...

... Ce/Ce*与Pr/Pr*相互关系图[58,61] 阴影部分代表现代海水范围 ...

... Corrections of Ce/Ce* and Pr/Pr* for marine carbonates[58,61]The shaded area represents the range of modern seawater ...

... Common methods of calculation for REE parameters 参数 传统计算方法 几何平均算法 LREE/MREE (La/Sm)N LREE/HREE (La/Yb)N; (Nd/Yb)N[3] MREE/HREE (Sm/Yb)N La/La* LaN/(3PrN-2NdN)[16] LaN/[PrN×(PrN/NdN)2][27] Ce/Ce* 2CeN/(LaN+PrN) [61];CeN/(2PrN-NdN)[6]; 3CeN/(2LaN+NdN) [45] CeN/(PrN2/NdN) [27] Pr/Pr* 2PrN/(CeN+NdN) [31] Eu/Eu* 2EuN/(SmN+GdN)[27];EuN/(0.67SmN+0.33TbN)[6];EuN/(1.5SmN-0.5NdN)[27] EuN/(SmN2×TbN)1/3;EuN/[SmN×(SmN/NdN)1/2][27] Gd/Gd* GdN/(2TbN-DyN)[6]GdN/(0.67TbN+0.33SmN) [3] GdN/(TbN2×SmN)1/3;GdN/[TbN×(TbN/DyN)][27] Lu/Lu* LuN/(2YbN-TmN) [27] LuN/(YbN2/TmN)[27]

注:N代表PAAS标准化后结果 ...

Paleoenvironments in Meso-Neoproterozoic carbonates of the Mbuji-Mayi Supergroup (Democratic Republic of Congo)-Microfacies analysis combined with C-O-Sr isotopes, major-trace elements and REE+Y distributions 2 2013 ... 某些异常元素的相邻元素在地质过程中可能出现富集或亏损现象,为避免该情况对元素异常值计算造成的影响,部分学者通过非异常相邻元素的几何平均算法计算REE的异常值,例如,Ce异常的计算公式Ce*=PrN×(PrN/NdN)[27].目前使用普遍的计算方法如表1总结,但总体来说,这2种计算方法获得的结果差异小于5%[62]. ...

... 除此之外,Zr,Fe和Th等元素在碎屑岩中的丰度也相对较高.例如,PAAS中的Zr元素含量(210×10-6)明显高于碳酸盐岩沉积岩,因此可以作为评估页岩干扰的一个指标.当样品数据受到页岩干扰时,它的Y/Ho与Zr含量呈现出负相关性;与此同时,Zr含量越高,REE总量也将越高,已有学者通过部分相关性指标,如(La/La*) vs. (Y/Ho)PAAS,(La/La*) vs. Zr和Nd/Yb vs. Zr等,指示碳酸盐相态REE是否受到页岩污染[62].硫化物与氧化物中的REE信号与原始海水信号也存在显著差异,这些因素对碳酸盐样品的污染可以通过组分中相关元素与Y/Ho之间的相关性排除[17],例如,富集于氧化物中的Ni和Cu、富集于硫化物中的Pb和Sc.假若样品的REE信号受到这2个因素的污染,Y/Ho会与Pb以及Cu之间存在明显的相关性. ... Diagenetic constraints on the use of cerium anomalies as palaeoseawater redox proxies: An isotopic and REE study of Cambrian phosphorites 2 2001 ... 后期成岩作用是造成海相自生沉积碳酸盐的REE发生变化的原因之一[63,64],另外,分析测试过程中非碳酸盐相态成分的混入也会造成最终的分析结果发生变化[65].因此,在利用REE组成和Ce异常开展古海洋环境研究工作时,必须充分探讨分析结果是否能够代表原始海水的信息. ...

... 虽然在成岩过程中,碳酸盐矿物中REE并不会轻易随流体迁移[71],但是对于自生碳酸盐矿物而言,其中包含的原始海水REE信息仍然可能会发生改变.Shields等[63]发现沉积作用之后的成岩交换会慢慢使得自生碳酸盐或磷酸盐的REE组成配分模式发生改变,具体表现为Ce逐渐富集,Eu逐渐亏损和DyN/SmN相应减小.所以,当地质样品中Ce/Ce*与Eu/Eu*及DyN/SmN表现出负相关时,可能反映其REE模式已经受到成岩作用的影响.Bolhar等[17]认为如果碳酸盐中的REE信号未受到明显的成岩改造影响,页岩标准化后的Eu/Eu*与(Pr/Nd)N之间会呈现正相关性.此外,成岩流体改造可能会造成碳酸盐相态的∑REE上升[72].部分学者认为成岩流体作用的影响不可忽视,而这种影响可以通过REE配分模式与主微量元素的对比等对之加以评估和限制[73].例如,成岩流体作用通常导致Sr的亏损,Mn的富集和δ18O的降低等[74,75,76],所以Mn/Sr比和Rb/Sr比常常被用来判断成岩作用的强弱.因此,我们可以利用REE与反映成岩作用强弱的指标之间的相互关系进一步验证其是否受到后期成岩改造作用的影响. ... Deciphering the diagenetic alteration degree in thrombolites across the Permian-Triassic boundary and the evaluation of REY as a proxy of palaeoseawater 1 2017 ... 后期成岩作用是造成海相自生沉积碳酸盐的REE发生变化的原因之一[63,64],另外,分析测试过程中非碳酸盐相态成分的混入也会造成最终的分析结果发生变化[65].因此,在利用REE组成和Ce异常开展古海洋环境研究工作时,必须充分探讨分析结果是否能够代表原始海水的信息. ... Rare earth element geochemistry of shallow carbonate outcropping strata in Saudi Arabia: Application for depositional environments prediction 1 2017 ... 后期成岩作用是造成海相自生沉积碳酸盐的REE发生变化的原因之一[63,64],另外,分析测试过程中非碳酸盐相态成分的混入也会造成最终的分析结果发生变化[65].因此,在利用REE组成和Ce异常开展古海洋环境研究工作时,必须充分探讨分析结果是否能够代表原始海水的信息. ... Calculation of simultaneous isotopic and trace element variations during water-rock interaction with applications to carbonate diagenesis 1 1990 ... REE在碳酸盐晶格中以类质同象的方式替代Ca2+[34],这种赋存状态使得它们在成岩过程相对稳定,并且成岩流体中∑REE非常低(1×10-12~100×10-12)[66].Webb等[67]研究成岩蚀变对碳酸盐岩REE组成的影响时发现,即使成岩蚀变程度相对较强,其对碳酸盐岩中的REE组成和配分模式的影响较小.由此可以初步推断,后期成岩改造对碳酸盐相态REE组成影响很小[68,69,70]. ... Rare earth elements in Holocene reefal microbialites: A new shallow seawater proxy 3 2000 ... REE在碳酸盐晶格中以类质同象的方式替代Ca2+[34],这种赋存状态使得它们在成岩过程相对稳定,并且成岩流体中∑REE非常低(1×10-12~100×10-12)[66].Webb等[67]研究成岩蚀变对碳酸盐岩REE组成的影响时发现,即使成岩蚀变程度相对较强,其对碳酸盐岩中的REE组成和配分模式的影响较小.由此可以初步推断,后期成岩改造对碳酸盐相态REE组成影响很小[68,69,70]. ...

... 一般情况下,改变自生碳酸盐REE分布特征的主要影响因素是来自陆壳碎屑岩的干扰,特别是黏土矿物.因为陆源碎屑岩的REE含量明显高于碳酸盐矿物,并且REE配分模式与海相碳酸盐岩及海水差别显著.Nothdurft等[3]研究显示少量的碎屑岩混入就可以改变海相碳酸盐岩的整个REE配分模式.碎屑岩在沉积过程中会释放出REE,并迁入到次生碳酸盐矿物相中,在化学分析过程中随次生碳酸盐矿物溶解进入提取液中,此外其本身也可能存在部分溶解,从而对最终的分析结果产生影响.研究人员通常根据碳酸盐全岩中Al含量、溶解碳酸盐组分中Th和Sc含量,或这些元素含量与ΣREE之间的相关性来评估陆源碎屑岩的影响[9,67]. ...

... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ... Preservation of primary REE patterns without Ce anomaly during dolomitization of Mid-Paleoproterozoic limestone and the potential re-establishment of marine anoxia immediately after the "Great Oxidation Event" 1 2006 ... REE在碳酸盐晶格中以类质同象的方式替代Ca2+[34],这种赋存状态使得它们在成岩过程相对稳定,并且成岩流体中∑REE非常低(1×10-12~100×10-12)[66].Webb等[67]研究成岩蚀变对碳酸盐岩REE组成的影响时发现,即使成岩蚀变程度相对较强,其对碳酸盐岩中的REE组成和配分模式的影响较小.由此可以初步推断,后期成岩改造对碳酸盐相态REE组成影响很小[68,69,70]. ... Post-depositional origin of highly 13C-depleted carbonate in the Doushantuo cap dolostone in South China: Insights from petrography and stable carbon isotopes 1 2011 ... REE在碳酸盐晶格中以类质同象的方式替代Ca2+[34],这种赋存状态使得它们在成岩过程相对稳定,并且成岩流体中∑REE非常低(1×10-12~100×10-12)[66].Webb等[67]研究成岩蚀变对碳酸盐岩REE组成的影响时发现,即使成岩蚀变程度相对较强,其对碳酸盐岩中的REE组成和配分模式的影响较小.由此可以初步推断,后期成岩改造对碳酸盐相态REE组成影响很小[68,69,70]. ... 珊瑚礁的成岩作用 1 2017 ... REE在碳酸盐晶格中以类质同象的方式替代Ca2+[34],这种赋存状态使得它们在成岩过程相对稳定,并且成岩流体中∑REE非常低(1×10-12~100×10-12)[66].Webb等[67]研究成岩蚀变对碳酸盐岩REE组成的影响时发现,即使成岩蚀变程度相对较强,其对碳酸盐岩中的REE组成和配分模式的影响较小.由此可以初步推断,后期成岩改造对碳酸盐相态REE组成影响很小[68,69,70]. ... 珊瑚礁的成岩作用 1 2017 ... REE在碳酸盐晶格中以类质同象的方式替代Ca2+[34],这种赋存状态使得它们在成岩过程相对稳定,并且成岩流体中∑REE非常低(1×10-12~100×10-12)[66].Webb等[67]研究成岩蚀变对碳酸盐岩REE组成的影响时发现,即使成岩蚀变程度相对较强,其对碳酸盐岩中的REE组成和配分模式的影响较小.由此可以初步推断,后期成岩改造对碳酸盐相态REE组成影响很小[68,69,70]. ... Rare earth element geochemistry of scleractinian coral skeleton during meteoric diagenesis: A sequence through neomorphism of aragonite to calcite 1 2009 ... 虽然在成岩过程中,碳酸盐矿物中REE并不会轻易随流体迁移[71],但是对于自生碳酸盐矿物而言,其中包含的原始海水REE信息仍然可能会发生改变.Shields等[63]发现沉积作用之后的成岩交换会慢慢使得自生碳酸盐或磷酸盐的REE组成配分模式发生改变,具体表现为Ce逐渐富集,Eu逐渐亏损和DyN/SmN相应减小.所以,当地质样品中Ce/Ce*与Eu/Eu*及DyN/SmN表现出负相关时,可能反映其REE模式已经受到成岩作用的影响.Bolhar等[17]认为如果碳酸盐中的REE信号未受到明显的成岩改造影响,页岩标准化后的Eu/Eu*与(Pr/Nd)N之间会呈现正相关性.此外,成岩流体改造可能会造成碳酸盐相态的∑REE上升[72].部分学者认为成岩流体作用的影响不可忽视,而这种影响可以通过REE配分模式与主微量元素的对比等对之加以评估和限制[73].例如,成岩流体作用通常导致Sr的亏损,Mn的富集和δ18O的降低等[74,75,76],所以Mn/Sr比和Rb/Sr比常常被用来判断成岩作用的强弱.因此,我们可以利用REE与反映成岩作用强弱的指标之间的相互关系进一步验证其是否受到后期成岩改造作用的影响. ... Geochemistry of carbonate beds in the Neoproterozoic Rosh Pinah Formation, Namibia: Implications on depositional setting and hydrothermal ore formation 1 2005 ... 虽然在成岩过程中,碳酸盐矿物中REE并不会轻易随流体迁移[71],但是对于自生碳酸盐矿物而言,其中包含的原始海水REE信息仍然可能会发生改变.Shields等[63]发现沉积作用之后的成岩交换会慢慢使得自生碳酸盐或磷酸盐的REE组成配分模式发生改变,具体表现为Ce逐渐富集,Eu逐渐亏损和DyN/SmN相应减小.所以,当地质样品中Ce/Ce*与Eu/Eu*及DyN/SmN表现出负相关时,可能反映其REE模式已经受到成岩作用的影响.Bolhar等[17]认为如果碳酸盐中的REE信号未受到明显的成岩改造影响,页岩标准化后的Eu/Eu*与(Pr/Nd)N之间会呈现正相关性.此外,成岩流体改造可能会造成碳酸盐相态的∑REE上升[72].部分学者认为成岩流体作用的影响不可忽视,而这种影响可以通过REE配分模式与主微量元素的对比等对之加以评估和限制[73].例如,成岩流体作用通常导致Sr的亏损,Mn的富集和δ18O的降低等[74,75,76],所以Mn/Sr比和Rb/Sr比常常被用来判断成岩作用的强弱.因此,我们可以利用REE与反映成岩作用强弱的指标之间的相互关系进一步验证其是否受到后期成岩改造作用的影响. ... Diagenetic uptake of rare earth elements by bioapatite, with an example from Lower Triassic conodonts of South China 1 2015 ... 虽然在成岩过程中,碳酸盐矿物中REE并不会轻易随流体迁移[71],但是对于自生碳酸盐矿物而言,其中包含的原始海水REE信息仍然可能会发生改变.Shields等[63]发现沉积作用之后的成岩交换会慢慢使得自生碳酸盐或磷酸盐的REE组成配分模式发生改变,具体表现为Ce逐渐富集,Eu逐渐亏损和DyN/SmN相应减小.所以,当地质样品中Ce/Ce*与Eu/Eu*及DyN/SmN表现出负相关时,可能反映其REE模式已经受到成岩作用的影响.Bolhar等[17]认为如果碳酸盐中的REE信号未受到明显的成岩改造影响,页岩标准化后的Eu/Eu*与(Pr/Nd)N之间会呈现正相关性.此外,成岩流体改造可能会造成碳酸盐相态的∑REE上升[72].部分学者认为成岩流体作用的影响不可忽视,而这种影响可以通过REE配分模式与主微量元素的对比等对之加以评估和限制[73].例如,成岩流体作用通常导致Sr的亏损,Mn的富集和δ18O的降低等[74,75,76],所以Mn/Sr比和Rb/Sr比常常被用来判断成岩作用的强弱.因此,我们可以利用REE与反映成岩作用强弱的指标之间的相互关系进一步验证其是否受到后期成岩改造作用的影响. ... Chemical diagenesis of a multicomponent carbonate system-1. Trace elements 1 1980 ... 虽然在成岩过程中,碳酸盐矿物中REE并不会轻易随流体迁移[71],但是对于自生碳酸盐矿物而言,其中包含的原始海水REE信息仍然可能会发生改变.Shields等[63]发现沉积作用之后的成岩交换会慢慢使得自生碳酸盐或磷酸盐的REE组成配分模式发生改变,具体表现为Ce逐渐富集,Eu逐渐亏损和DyN/SmN相应减小.所以,当地质样品中Ce/Ce*与Eu/Eu*及DyN/SmN表现出负相关时,可能反映其REE模式已经受到成岩作用的影响.Bolhar等[17]认为如果碳酸盐中的REE信号未受到明显的成岩改造影响,页岩标准化后的Eu/Eu*与(Pr/Nd)N之间会呈现正相关性.此外,成岩流体改造可能会造成碳酸盐相态的∑REE上升[72].部分学者认为成岩流体作用的影响不可忽视,而这种影响可以通过REE配分模式与主微量元素的对比等对之加以评估和限制[73].例如,成岩流体作用通常导致Sr的亏损,Mn的富集和δ18O的降低等[74,75,76],所以Mn/Sr比和Rb/Sr比常常被用来判断成岩作用的强弱.因此,我们可以利用REE与反映成岩作用强弱的指标之间的相互关系进一步验证其是否受到后期成岩改造作用的影响. ... Global events across the Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic boundary: C and Sr isotopic evidence from Siberia 1 2001 ... 虽然在成岩过程中,碳酸盐矿物中REE并不会轻易随流体迁移[71],但是对于自生碳酸盐矿物而言,其中包含的原始海水REE信息仍然可能会发生改变.Shields等[63]发现沉积作用之后的成岩交换会慢慢使得自生碳酸盐或磷酸盐的REE组成配分模式发生改变,具体表现为Ce逐渐富集,Eu逐渐亏损和DyN/SmN相应减小.所以,当地质样品中Ce/Ce*与Eu/Eu*及DyN/SmN表现出负相关时,可能反映其REE模式已经受到成岩作用的影响.Bolhar等[17]认为如果碳酸盐中的REE信号未受到明显的成岩改造影响,页岩标准化后的Eu/Eu*与(Pr/Nd)N之间会呈现正相关性.此外,成岩流体改造可能会造成碳酸盐相态的∑REE上升[72].部分学者认为成岩流体作用的影响不可忽视,而这种影响可以通过REE配分模式与主微量元素的对比等对之加以评估和限制[73].例如,成岩流体作用通常导致Sr的亏损,Mn的富集和δ18O的降低等[74,75,76],所以Mn/Sr比和Rb/Sr比常常被用来判断成岩作用的强弱.因此,我们可以利用REE与反映成岩作用强弱的指标之间的相互关系进一步验证其是否受到后期成岩改造作用的影响. ... Diagenetic alteration affecting δ18O, δ13C and 87Sr/86Sr signatures of carbonates: A case study on Cretaceous seep deposits from Yarlung-Zangbo Suture Zone, Tibet, China 1 2016 ... 虽然在成岩过程中,碳酸盐矿物中REE并不会轻易随流体迁移[71],但是对于自生碳酸盐矿物而言,其中包含的原始海水REE信息仍然可能会发生改变.Shields等[63]发现沉积作用之后的成岩交换会慢慢使得自生碳酸盐或磷酸盐的REE组成配分模式发生改变,具体表现为Ce逐渐富集,Eu逐渐亏损和DyN/SmN相应减小.所以,当地质样品中Ce/Ce*与Eu/Eu*及DyN/SmN表现出负相关时,可能反映其REE模式已经受到成岩作用的影响.Bolhar等[17]认为如果碳酸盐中的REE信号未受到明显的成岩改造影响,页岩标准化后的Eu/Eu*与(Pr/Nd)N之间会呈现正相关性.此外,成岩流体改造可能会造成碳酸盐相态的∑REE上升[72].部分学者认为成岩流体作用的影响不可忽视,而这种影响可以通过REE配分模式与主微量元素的对比等对之加以评估和限制[73].例如,成岩流体作用通常导致Sr的亏损,Mn的富集和δ18O的降低等[74,75,76],所以Mn/Sr比和Rb/Sr比常常被用来判断成岩作用的强弱.因此,我们可以利用REE与反映成岩作用强弱的指标之间的相互关系进一步验证其是否受到后期成岩改造作用的影响. ... Application of the Ce anomaly as a paleoredox indicator: The ground rules 1 1990 ... 非碳酸盐成分的混入是改变最终分析结果的主要因素,该部分物质可以分为3类:①陆源碎屑颗粒,其主要特征为∑REE明显高于碳酸盐相,并且其REE配分模式较为平缓,与碳酸盐相区别明显[25];②Fe,Mn氧化物[19],也具有较高∑REE,同时可能出现Ce的正异常以及Y的负异常;③磷酸盐矿物[77],同样具有高∑REE,通常P浓度与∑REE呈正相关性.这些干扰物质都表现出∑REE明显高于碳酸盐的特征,但是∑REE高并不一定代表非碳酸盐相物质的干扰.除此之外,相比碳酸盐岩,微生物岩的∑REE更高,并且不同类型的微生物岩的REE分配系数也可能不同[3]. ... Geochemistry of rare earth elements in carbonate rocks of the Mirga Mir Formation (Lower Triassic), Kurdistan Region, Iraq 1 2016 ... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ... 秭归地区震旦系陡山沱组碳酸盐岩结核成因新认识及其地质意义 1 2016 ... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ... 秭归地区震旦系陡山沱组碳酸盐岩结核成因新认识及其地质意义 1 2016 ... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ... Isotopic and REE evidence for the paleoenvironmental evolution of the late Ediacaran Dengying Section, Ningqiang of Shaanxi Province, China 1 2014 ... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ... Chromium isotope, REE and redox-sensitive trace element chemostratigraphy across the late Neoproterozoic Ghaub glaciation, Otavi Group, Namibia 1 2016 ... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ... Extremely low oxygen concentration in mid-Proterozoic shallow seawaters 1 2016 ... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ... The Permian-Triassic boundary in Western Slovenia (Idrijca Valley section): Magnetostratigraphy, stable isotopes, and elemental variations 1 2001 ... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ... Stable isotope and trace element stratigraphy across the Permian-Triassic transition: A redefinition of the boundary in the Velebit Mountain, Croatia 1 2010 ... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ... Shallow water redox conditions from the Permian-Triassic boundary microbialite: The rare earth element and iodine geochemistry of carbonates from Turkey and South China 1 2013 ... 大量的研究表明海相碳酸盐相态REE组成及配分模式可以保留原始海水的信息,因此在古氧化还原环境重建中发挥着重要的作用[78,79].目前,该指标已经被应用在前寒武纪[80,81,82],二叠纪—三叠纪之交[83,84,85]和新生代[67]的古海洋环境变化研究中.但是这些研究中所采用的提取方法各不相同,可能引起最终分析结果和结论的差异.并且,一些研究直接利用全岩的REE组成来代表原始海水的信息,这样得到的古环境信息显然存在问题,需进一步研究来校验. ...






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