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2024-07-02 13:48:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1、端午节英文怎么读 篇一:端午节英语怎么说端午节英语怎么说? 端午节 Duanwu Festival/Tuen Ng Festival 是中国传统节日 traditional holiday ,也是法定节日 statutory holiday 。中国大陆在2021年将端午节列为法定节日。现在在大陆、香港、澳门和台湾它全部是公共假日 public holiday 。在英文中,它的常见名称是龙舟节 Dragon Boat Festival ,这是依据 after 节日的一项关键活动来命名的。根据历法准确译法应该是Solar Maximus Festival。指夏至 summer solstice 或

2、北半球 northern hemisphere 一年中最长的一天。端午节在中国农历的五月初五 the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar ,因此也叫重五节 Double Fifth Festival 。关键庆贺活动 celebration 包含吃粽子zongzi/sticky rice wrap/sticky rice dumpling with red bean filling/sticky rice ball 、喝雄黄酒 realgar wine 和赛 racing 龙舟。粽子用苇叶 reed leaf 或竹叶 bamb

3、oo leaf 包裹糯米 sticky rice 制成带棱角 angular 的形状。其它活动还有悬挂 hang 钟馗像 icon of Zhong Kui 神话中的保护神 mythical guardian figure 、佩戴 wear 香囊 perfumed medicine bag 、悬挂艾蒿 mugwort 和菖蒲 calamus 、画符 writing spell 等。关键目标是驱邪 ward off evil 或祛病 ward off disease 。世界上普遍认为端午节起源于 originate 于古代中国。中国有很多民间传统 folk tradition 、信仰 belie

4、f 或解释说法 explanatory myth 和庆祝这个节日 observance 相关。最常见的是把该节日和周朝 Zhou Dynasty 战国时期 Warring States period 楚王 King of Chu 的学者 scholar 兼大臣 minister 屈原 Qu Yuan 之死联络在一起。她也是诗人 poet 和政治家 statesman 。所以在民国时期 Republic of China ,它也叫诗人节 Poets Day 。大陆现在叫她爱国诗人 patriotic poet 。端午节在日本叫Tango no Sekku (端午節句)。在日本改用公历 Georg

5、oriian calendar 后日期改为五月五日 May5 。日本也叫Kodomo no Hi,即儿童节 Childrens Day 。历史上也叫男孩节 Boys Day 或旗节 Feast of Banners 。在朝鲜端午节是法定节日。它也是韩国关键传统节日之一,叫Dano/Surit-nal。联合国教科文组织 UNESCO 确定韩国端午节活动之一的江陵端午祭 Gangneung Dano Festival 为人类口头和非物质文化遗产杰作 Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity 。端午节在越南叫Tet Do

6、an Ngo。篇二:端午节用英语怎么说端午节用英语怎么说?The Dragon Boat Festival.中国传统节日,农历五月初五日。相传古代爱国诗人屈原在这天投江后人为了纪念她,把这天当做节日,有吃粽子、划龙舟等风俗。端午节的由来和历史The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar holiday, occurring on the fifth day of the fifth lunar monthThe Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and

7、the one witlongest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons.Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first. ?具体 我来说说自己怎么过端Spice Bag香包Its believed that if you carry the small spice bag around with you, it not onl

8、y drives away evilbut also brings fortune and happiness to those who wear it. The small bags are hand-made by Zongzi粽子Qu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 BC. Since anc(:.xIAocAofaNwE 小 草范 文 网:)ient times, Chinpeople threw into the water dumpling made of glutinous rice wr

9、apped in bamboo or reed leaves onday.Dragon Boat RaceThe main event of the festivities is the Dragon Boat Race. These boats are long and thin with dheads on the bow of the ships.The boat races are said to represent the search for Qus body,端午节特色英文介绍:The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Fe

10、stival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifthmonth according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinousrice 糯米 wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats.The festival is best known for its drago

11、n-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many riversand lakes. Thisregatta 赛舟会 commemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committedsuicide by drowning himself in a river. Qu was a minister of the State of Chu situated in present-day Hunan and

12、 Hubeiprovinces, during theWarring States Period(475-221BC) 战国时期 . ?。具体午节英语作文The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and won boat races to celebrate it.具体午节英语作文 端午节

13、轶事A Chinese holiday is gaining worldwide popularity 一个逐步受到全球欢迎的中国节日。Some holidays are so much fun that they catch on outside of their culture. 具体 午节英语作文:Duanwu Festival or Dragon Boat FestivalAs we enter the month of June, we find ourselves already in the middle of the year. However, according to th

14、e Chinese lunar calendar, the fifth month just begins and the Chinese ple are preparing to celebrate another traditional festival - the Duanwu Festival.具体午节英语作文 Qu YuanFor thousands of years, the tradition of the Duanwu Festival has been passed down from one generation to the next. But where did it

15、come from and why did people eat Zongzi and on boats? 具体午节英语作文(Dragon Boat Festival)The Dragon Boat Festival occurs on the fifth day of the fifth moon of the lunar calendar(阴历). It is one of the three most important of the annual Chinese festivals.具体 午节英语作文:中国的端午节The Dragon Boat Festival is a lunar

16、(阴历)holiday, occurring (存正)on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (农历史五月第五天) ?具体午节英语作文(Dragon Boat Festival)本文介绍了端午节的来历和伟大的爱国诗人屈原的一生。大家在端午节以包粽子、举行龙舟赛等形式来纪念爱国诗人屈原。 ?具体午节英语作文 高中英语作文Duanwu Festival (端午节, Dunw Ji) is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chine

17、se calendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth.citation(引) needed It has since been celebrated, ?具体去你的外衣,你是那样白嫩,发着淡淡的幽香,舔一舔再咬上一口,我心飞上九霄云外,啊,粽子我的至爱!Taking off your coat, you are so Bainen, in lighng, Tianyi Tian again on a bite, my heart fly Cloud Nine, ah, I love dumplings!妈:以前你会强迫我吃粽子.现在,孩儿不在母亲身

18、边,用短信编织一个虚拟的粽子送给您,祈天下老父老母平安! Mom: I used to force you to eat dumplingsHaier is not the mother who, by weaving a message sent to your virtual dumplings, Mr Laofulaomu world peace! ?2021年端午节英语祝福短信大全 中英文具体 我来说说我端午节吃什么?“粽包分两髻,艾束著危冠。 旧俗方储药,羸躯亦点丹。”端午节不的美味食物就是粽子(tsung-tse)。 eijing in Hebei Province to figh

19、t the Dragon Boat Festival free water, often ine-absorbed, is said to be well in order to avoid toxicity. Street hawkers selling on the粽子tsung-tse:Glutinous rice filled with meat, nuts or bean paste and wrapped in bn Boat Festival Mulberry Cherry, Dragon Boat Festival is said to eat a cherry mulberr

20、y canen throughout the year does not fly. Shop the sale of the oven fresh cake, that is, worm leaves. It is associated with Dragon Boat Festival with historical meaning.The custom of ezongzi is now popular in North and South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asian nations. in five of the cake for decoratio

21、n. Luanxian employed men and women have many 端午节喝什么?“樱桃桑椹和菖蒲,更买雄黄酒一壶。”端午节尝试一下雄黄酒吧。drink Xiong Huang Wine, which ? es端午节英语介绍各地习俗介绍具体吃喝玩戴恶补端午节英语原是楚国的三闾大夫,也是中国最早的诗人之一。面对强秦的巨大压力,她主张富足国家 After the practice, Juliet goes back to Bryans house. 训练后,朱丽叶回到布赖恩的家军事力量御敌。不过她的主张受到以靳尚为首的贵族的反对,以后又被楚怀王免职并放逐。 在端午节这一天,你

22、试过玩“立蛋”(balance an egg on its end at exactly noon)的游放逐的日子里,她仍然心系祖国和人民,写下离骚、天问、九歌等不朽诗篇。依据中国的民间传说,假如能在这天成功地将鸡蛋竖立起来,就表示你在未来一年中有好运(the rest of the year will be lucky )! ? 篇影响深远。公元前278年,当她听到秦国军队已经攻破楚国国全部的消息后,写完最终一怀沙后抱石投汨罗江自杀。 端午情结英文听力具体去口语训练营端午节前话端午 屈原具体午节和春节和中秋节并列为中国三大节日。这三个节日中,它可能是最古老的一个,能够 端午节英语听力:赛龙舟

23、是端午节的一项主要活动,在中国南方十分流行,它最早当是公元前227年的战国时代。这个节日是为了纪念楚国的大夫屈原,她因为对朝廷的贪污腐族人祭水神或龙神的一个祭奠活动,其起源有可能始于原始社会末期。赛龙舟是中国民间传绝望而投河自杀。镇上的人纷纷冲上船去救她,却没有成功。以后大家把米撒到水里,希上体育娱乐项目,已流传两千多年,多是在喜庆节日举行,是多人集体划桨竞赛。史书记载饿的鱼群从她的躯体边引开。 龙舟是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原而兴起的。There was a dragon boat race on Jilong River.Alohe Dragon Boat Festival is one of

24、three major Chinese holidays, along with the Spring and rivers there were lots of people watching the race.The weather was so hot that I got sunsFestivals. Dragon Boat Festival 端午节听力具体去口语训练营模拟 when I got home.I think if I brought a sunshade at that time I would not have had a sunstr端午节英语听力具体去口语训练营Sh

25、ould we protect the traditional holiday- the dragon boat festival?5月6日,有媒体刊发了一则消息:亚洲某国把端午节列入其国家遗产名目,并将向联合国申报“人类口头物质遗产代表作”。一石激起千层浪,舆论哗然。叹息者有之,指责者有之,更有如岳阳市的文化部门,说要捍卫己的传统文化上做得怎样?来说说哦 于我们的端午节”。但更多人则是在激动以后,开始思索:应该以怎样的心态看待此事?并进而反省:我们在保 端午节,一个很有纪念意义的节日,你有过端午节的习惯吗?或在你的故乡有举行对应的活动吗?欢迎大端午节互动话题回帖要求:1、使用中英双语往返答,或单纯用英语回复。 实在想不起来英文怎么词组不会写,到大耳朵在线查词去看看。 同志,能够只写汉字求援高手来帮助。 2、最少写个一个完整的句子,当然多多益善啦。3、假如某个我来说说怎么过端篇三:端午节的英语怎么说端午节的英语怎么说Duanwu Festival 或是 Dragon Boat Festival端午节和春节、中秋等节日同属东亚文化圈的中国大陆、日本、韩国、台湾、越南的主要传统节日。






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