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land 英 [lænd] 美 [lænd] 复数形式:lands 第三人称单数:lands 现在分词:landing 过去式:landed 过去分词:landed land 词典解释 名词土地;陆地;国家;地产 及物/不及物动词(使)登岸;降临;使陷于(困境);使不得不应付 及物动词自船上卸下;获得;捕到;钓到(鱼) 不及物动词跳落,跌落,被抛落(地面) land 词典例句 及物动词 The plane will land in five minutes. 飞机将在五分钟后降落。 Hunting without a license will land you in trouble. 无证狩猎将会使你陷入麻烦。 Richard landed him a blow on the left eye. 理查在他左眼上打了一拳。 名词 He owns 300 acres of land. 他拥有三百英亩土地。 He is tired of his city job and dreams of getting back to the land. 他厌倦城里的工作,渴望回去过田园生活。 land 网络解释 abbr. lan directory; 局域网目录 abbr. logic and; 逻辑和 land 英英释义 noun agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life e.g. farming is a strenuous life e.g. there's no work on the land any more Synonym: farming the people who live in a nation or country e.g. a statement that sums up the nation's mood e.g. the news was announced to the nation e.g. the whole country worshipped him Synonym: nation country a politically organized body of people under a single government e.g. the state has elected a new president e.g. African nations e.g. students who had come to the nation's capitol e.g. the country's largest manufacturer e.g. an industrialized land Synonym: state nation country commonwealth res publica body politic the territory occupied by a nation e.g. he returned to the land of his birth e.g. he visited several European countries Synonym: country state territory over which rule or control is exercised e.g. his domain extended into Europe e.g. he made it the law of the land Synonym: domain demesne the solid part of the earth's surface e.g. the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land e.g. the earth shook for several minutes e.g. he dropped the logs on the ground Synonym: dry land earth ground solid ground terra firma material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use) e.g. the land had never been plowed e.g. good agricultural soil Synonym: ground soil extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use e.g. the family owned a large estate on Long Island Synonym: estate landed estate acres demesne the land on which real estate is located e.g. he built the house on land leased from the city a domain in which something is dominant e.g. the untroubled kingdom of reason e.g. a land of make-believe e.g. the rise of the realm of cotton in the south Synonym: kingdom realm verb bring into a different state e.g. this may land you in jail Synonym: bring reach or come to rest e.g. The bird landed on the highest branch e.g. The plane landed in Istanbul Synonym: set down cause to come to the ground e.g. the pilot managed to land the airplane safely Synonym: put down bring down shoot at and force to come down e.g. the enemy landed several of our aircraft Synonym: down shoot down arrive on shore e.g. The ship landed in Pearl Harbor Synonym: set ashore shore bring ashore e.g. The drug smugglers landed the heroin on the beach of the island deliver (a blow) e.g. He landed several blows on his opponent's head land 词组短语 land on 猛烈抨击 land [lænd] 中考 高考 托福 雅思 中文翻译 1 n. 国土;陆地;地面 2 vt. 使…登陆;使…陷于;将…卸下 3 vi. 登陆;到达 4 n. (Land)人名;(英、德、葡、瑞典)兰德 英语释义 1 n. the land on which real estate is located 2 n. material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use) 3 n. the solid part of the earth's surface 4 n. United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one step photographic process (1909-1991) 相关单词辨析 clay, mud, dust, ground, land, earth, dirt, soil 的区别和用法

这组词都有“土地,土,泥”的意思,其区别是: clay: 特指潮湿时发粘,而火烤后变坚硬的泥土。 mud: 指湿土,尤指雨后稀泥、污泥。 dust: 特指土壤干燥后,飞扬于空中的细微泥土。 ground: 通常指大地的表面,也可指土壤、泥土或场地。 land: 含义笼统。指与河流、海洋相对的陆地,也指可耕种的土地。 earth: 多指地表带有水分的泥土,较具体。 dirt: 指地表的干松泥土。 soil: 特指适宜栽种农作物或生长各种植物的泥土。

land, state, power, nation, country 的区别和用法

这组词都有“国家”的意思,其区别是: land: 常用于文学中,侧重国土,带感情色彩。 state: 正式用词,指政治概念上的国家,即由政府所代表的国家。 power: 特指拥有强大军事力量,在国际事务中有较强权威或影响的国家,即强国、大国。 nation: 普通用词,指在某一国土定居的人民、民族,强调人民。 country: 普通用词,侧重国土与人民。






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