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full [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈfʊl/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/fʊl/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(fŏŏl) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'full' (adj): fulleradj comparative fullestadj superlative

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 full adj (filled)SCSimplified Chinese 满的 mǎn de   SCSimplified Chinese 装满的 mǎn de ,zhuāng mǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 裝滿的   SCSimplified Chinese 充满的 mǎn de ,chōng mǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 充滿的  This box is full. Can you get me another?  这个盒子满了。可以再给我一个吗? full adj (complete)SCSimplified Chinese (本子)写满的 běn zi xiě mǎn de  My notebook is full. I should get another one.  我的笔记本写满了,应该再买一本新的了。 be full of [sth] v expr (be filled with)SCSimplified Chinese 充满…的 chōng mǎn … de TCTraditional Chinese 充滿…的  I can't eat this breakfast cereal: it's full of nuts.  因为这份早餐麦片里充满了坚果,所以我不能吃它。 be full of [sth] v expr (contain many or much)SCSimplified Chinese 充满 chōng mǎn TCTraditional Chinese 充滿   SCSimplified Chinese 装满 chōng mǎn,zhuāng mǎn  I am full of enthusiasm for this project.  我对这个项目充满热情。 full adj (entire)SCSimplified Chinese 完全的 wán quán de   SCSimplified Chinese 全部的 wán quán de ,quán bù de   SCSimplified Chinese 整个的 wán quán de ,zhěng gè de TCTraditional Chinese 整個的  She waited a full week before saying no.  她等了整整一个星期才说不。 full adj (maximum)SCSimplified Chinese 最大的 zuì dà de   SCSimplified Chinese 最盛的 zuì dà de ,zuì shèng de  The cherry trees are in full bloom.  这颗樱桃树,樱花盛开。 full adj (satiated)SCSimplified Chinese 吃饱的 chī bǎo de TCTraditional Chinese 吃飽的   SCSimplified Chinese 吃撑的  I was full and didn't have room for dessert.  我吃饱了,吃不下甜点了。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 full adj (ample)SCSimplified Chinese 丰满的 fēng mǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 豐滿的  She had a very full bosom.  她胸部非常丰满。 full adj (abundant)SCSimplified Chinese 多的 duō de   SCSimplified Chinese 大量的 duō de ,dà liàng de  She had full, thick hair.  她有一头浓密的头发。 full adj (blood lines)SCSimplified Chinese 同父同母的 tóng fù tóng mǔ de  I have two full sisters and two half-brothers.  我有两个同父同母的姐妹和两个同父异母的兄弟。 full adj (music) (声音)SCSimplified Chinese 圆润的 yuán rùn de TCTraditional Chinese 圓潤的  The composer uses lots of violins to achieve a full sound.  作曲家大量采用小提琴来让声音圆润动听。 full adj (wine, food) (食物)SCSimplified Chinese 美味的 měi wèi de   (酒)SCSimplified Chinese 香醇的 měi wèi de ,xiāng chún de  This red has a full flavour and lots of body. full adj (baseball: count) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 满球的,两击三球的 mǎn qiú de,liǎng jī sān qiú de  With a full count, he tripled to left. full adj (baseball: men on base) (棒球)SCSimplified Chinese 三垒都有跑垒员的 sān lěi dōu yǒu pǎo lěi yuán de  Ortiz always seems to go to bat when the bases are full.  三垒人都满了时,似乎往往是由奥提兹负责击球。 full adv (directly)SCSimplified Chinese 直接 zhí jiē TCTraditional Chinese 直接   SCSimplified Chinese 正好 zhí jiē,zhèng hǎo TCTraditional Chinese 正好  The car came at us, full on. full adv (very)SCSimplified Chinese 非常 fēi cháng TCTraditional Chinese 非常   SCSimplified Chinese 很 fēi cháng,hěn TCTraditional Chinese 很  You know full well that he's not coming.  你非常清楚他不会来。 full [sth]⇒ vtr (textiles: clean and thicken) (布料)SCSimplified Chinese 使…更紧实更重 备注: 通过缩水、捶打或熨烫 Fulling the woollen fabric makes it thicker.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 at full blast adv figurative (loudly)SCSimplified Chinese 最大音量地 zuì dà yīn liàng de  If you must play your music at full blast, please use headphones. at full blast adv (forcefully)SCSimplified Chinese 全力地 quán lì de  I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my seedlings. at full gallop adv (horse: at top speed)SCSimplified Chinese 飞快 fēi kuài TCTraditional Chinese 飛快   SCSimplified Chinese 以最快速度 fēi kuài,yǐ zuì kuài sù dù  Even at full gallop, the horse could not outrun the train for long. at full gallop adv figurative (very fast)SCSimplified Chinese 飞快 fēi kuài TCTraditional Chinese 飛快  She was talking at full gallop: I couldn't understand most of what she said. at full speed, at top speed expr (as fast as possible)SCSimplified Chinese 以全速 yǐ quán sù   SCSimplified Chinese 以最高速度 yǐ quán sù,yǐ zuì gāo sù dù  If you run the motor at full speed for more than an hour, there is a danger it will overheat and seize up. at full throttle adv (vehicle: at top speed) (车辆等)SCSimplified Chinese 以全速,加大油门地,以最大速度地 yǐ quán sù,jiā dà yóu mén de,yǐ zuì dà sù dù de at full throttle adv figurative (person: as fast as possible) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 以最快速度地,尽可能快地 yǐ zuì kuài sù dù de,jìn kě néng kuài de at full tilt expr (at top speed or power)SCSimplified Chinese 全速 quán sù   SCSimplified Chinese 全力 TCTraditional Chinese 全力  The train had been travelling at full tilt when the accident happened. at full tilt expr (energetically)SCSimplified Chinese 精力充沛地 jīng lì chōng pèi de   SCSimplified Chinese 起劲地 jīng lì chōng pèi de,qǐ jìn de  My three-year-old runs around full tilt right before bedtime. chock-full adj informal (completely full)SCSimplified Chinese 塞满了的  I can't fit any more clothes in this suitcase; it's already chock-full! chock-full of [sth/sb] adj + prep informal (completely full: of people, things)SCSimplified Chinese 挤满了…的   SCSimplified Chinese 充满了...的  The room was chock-full of celebrities and reporters. come full circle v expr figurative (return to original situation)SCSimplified Chinese 兜了一圈回到原地 dōu le yì quān huí dào yuán dì  Today I'm starting work back at the firm where I had my first job; I feel like my career's come full circle.  今天,我又回自己开始工作时的第一家公司任职了;我感觉自己的职涯兜了一圈,又回到了原地。 complement, full complement n (full amount)SCSimplified Chinese 全额   SCSimplified Chinese 足数  During the strike, the school had to open without its full complement of teachers.  在教师罢工期间,学校不得不在有教师缺席的情况下开学。 cram-full adj (as full as possible)SCSimplified Chinese 充满的 chōng mǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 充滿的 cram-full of [sth/sb], cram-full with [sth/sb] adj + prep (packed with [sth/sb])SCSimplified Chinese 挤满...的, 塞满...的  The 8 a.m. train was cram-full of commuters. crammed full adj informal (full, packed) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 挤满的,塞满的,填满的,装满的 jǐ mǎn de,sāi mǎn de ,tián mǎn de,zhuāng mǎn de TCTraditional Chinese 塞滿的,裝滿的  The suitcase was crammed full of clothes almost to the point of bursting. full age n (majority, legal age of adulthood)SCSimplified Chinese 法定年龄 fǎ dìng nián líng TCTraditional Chinese 法定年齡   SCSimplified Chinese 合法年龄 fǎ dìng nián líng,hé fǎ nián líng   SCSimplified Chinese 成年 fǎ dìng nián líng,chéng nián TCTraditional Chinese 成年 full authority n (complete control)SCSimplified Chinese 全权 quán quán  The judged granted him full authority over his father's estate. full bath n (washroom: has bath, shower) (指既有淋浴也有坐浴的)SCSimplified Chinese 全套卫浴室 full beam n (headlights: brightest setting)SCSimplified Chinese 最强光,最强亮度  The car coming towards us had its headlights on full beam. full beam, full-beam n as adj (headlights: on brightest setting)SCSimplified Chinese 打着强光的  If you use full-beam headlights, you may dazzle other road users. full beard n (hair grown long on chin and cheeks)SCSimplified Chinese 浓密的络腮胡子 nóng mì de luò sāi hú zi   SCSimplified Chinese 大胡子 nóng mì de luò sāi hú zi,dà hú zi  Santa Claus has a full beard and moustache. full blast, at full blast expr (as loud as possible)SCSimplified Chinese 最大音量   SCSimplified Chinese 最高音量  If you must play your music full blast, please use headphones. full blast, at full blast expr (producing as much power as possible)SCSimplified Chinese 全速 quán sù   SCSimplified Chinese 全力 TCTraditional Chinese 全力  I accidentally turned the hose on at full blast and washed away all my seedlings. full board n (accommodation: room and meals)SCSimplified Chinese 全食宿 quán shí sù   SCSimplified Chinese 食宿全包 quán shí sù,shí sù quán bāo   SCSimplified Chinese 全膳 quán shí sù,quán shàn  Full board costs less than 50 euro per day. Her university scholarship includes full board. full body, full-body adj (over all the body)SCSimplified Chinese 全身的 quán shēn de 备注: hyphen used when term is an adjective before a noun I got a full-body tan at the solarium. full circle (to the starting point)SCSimplified Chinese 周而复始 zhōu ér fù shǐ full color (US), full colour (UK) n (printing process)SCSimplified Chinese 全色印刷 quán sè yìn shuā TCTraditional Chinese 全色印刷 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun It's rare to find such an old magazine printed in full colour. full color, full-color (US), full colour, full-colour (UK) adj (printed in color)SCSimplified Chinese 全色印刷的 quán sè yìn shuā de  Almost all magazines these days are full-color. full color, full-color (US), full colour, full-colour (UK) adj (with full range of hues)SCSimplified Chinese 全色的 quán sè de   SCSimplified Chinese 五彩的 quán sè de,wǔ cǎi de full consent n (full permission)SCSimplified Chinese 完全同意 wán quán tóng yì  The marriage has my full consent. full coverage n (thorough news reporting)SCSimplified Chinese 全面覆盖,全面报道 full coverage n US (comprehensive insurance)SCSimplified Chinese 全保,全险  Since my car is brand new, and expensive, I decided to pay for full coverage auto insurance, to protect me no matter what happens. full dress n (formal, ceremonial clothing)SCSimplified Chinese 礼服 lǐ fú full dress, full-dress n as adj (clothing: formal, ceremonial)SCSimplified Chinese 正装的,出席典礼穿的  The police officers attended the parade in full dress uniform. full employment n (all of workforce is employed)SCSimplified Chinese 充分就业 chōng fèn jiù yè TCTraditional Chinese 充分就業   SCSimplified Chinese 全面就业 chōng fèn jiù yè,quán miàn jiù yè  Full employment is a goal of every administration. full English breakfast n (morning meal of eggs, bacon, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 全英式早餐,英式早餐  Not many families eat a full English breakfast any more. full extent n (total reach or degree of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 总范围   SCSimplified Chinese 总程度  The full extent of the disaster is still not clear. full force n (maximum power)SCSimplified Chinese 全力 TCTraditional Chinese 全力 full house, full hand n (poker: 3 of a kind and a pair) (扑克: 三张相同及另两张相同的一手牌)SCSimplified Chinese 满堂红 TCTraditional Chinese 葫蘆 full immersion n (intensive language learning) (强化语言学习)SCSimplified Chinese 全浸,沉浸 chén jìn 备注: A hyphen is used when the term is an adjective that precedes the nounfull immersion n (complete submersion in liquid) (完全浸入液体中)SCSimplified Chinese 完全浸入,全浸 full-immersion n as adj (language learning: intensive) (强化语言学习)SCSimplified Chinese 全浸式,沉浸式  We offer a full-immersion program in Mandarin Chinese. full length n (length when extended)SCSimplified Chinese 全长 quán cháng   SCSimplified Chinese 总长 quán cháng ,zǒng cháng TCTraditional Chinese 總長  The full length of the snake was four feet, six inches. full load n (capacity that is completely filled)SCSimplified Chinese 最大容量   SCSimplified Chinese 最大载量   SCSimplified Chinese 最大负载 full load n (largest current motor can handle)SCSimplified Chinese 最大负荷 full marks npl UK (test: 100%) (考试)SCSimplified Chinese 满分 full marks npl UK, figurative (full credit) (评价)SCSimplified Chinese 满分 full measure n (measured quantity, serving of [sth]) (分量)SCSimplified Chinese 足量  I asked for a gallon, and he gave me full measure. full measure n (total amount, extent)SCSimplified Chinese 全部,全面,最大程度 quán bù,quán miàn,zuì dà chéng dù TCTraditional Chinese 全部,全面 full member n (with all privileges)SCSimplified Chinese 正式成员 zhèng shì chéng yuán   SCSimplified Chinese 正式会员  Only full members of the club may vote at General Meetings. the full monty n UK, slang (everything)SCSimplified Chinese 所有的,一切 suǒ yǒu de ,yí qiè TCTraditional Chinese 一切  I wouldn't be eating again all day so, I went for the full monty: sausage, bacon, fried eggs, mushrooms, and tomatoes. full moon n (moon: fully visible)SCSimplified Chinese 圆月 yuán yuè   SCSimplified Chinese 满月 yuán yuè,mǎn yuè  The light of the full moon made it easier to travel by night. full moon n (phase: moon fully visible) (月相)SCSimplified Chinese 满月 mǎn yuè  Legend states that werewolves only appear during the full moon. full name n (first, middle and last names)SCSimplified Chinese 全名 quán míng  You must always give your full name when filling out government forms. Please state your full name to the judge.  在填写政府表单时,你必须使用全名。请告诉法官你的全名。 full name n (complete given and family names)SCSimplified Chinese 姓名 xìng míng TCTraditional Chinese 姓名  Hispanic cultures use the mother's last name as part of the child's full name.  西班牙的文化会把母亲的姓氏作为孩子姓名的一部分。 full nelson (wrestling) (摔跤运动)SCSimplified Chinese 从后方擒抱 full occupancy n (vehicle: every seat is filled) (车辆)SCSimplified Chinese 满员 full occupancy n (building: completely inhabited) (楼房)SCSimplified Chinese 全数入住 full of beans adj UK, figurative, informal (full of energy)SCSimplified Chinese 精神饱满的,精力充沛的 jīng shén bǎo mǎn de ,jīng lì chōng pèi de full of energy adj (lively, energetic)SCSimplified Chinese 精力充沛的 jīng lì chōng pèi de   SCSimplified Chinese 精力旺盛的 jīng lì chōng pèi de ,jīng lì wàng chéng de  She was so full of energy that I could hardly keep up with her. full of enthusiasm adj (very eager)SCSimplified Chinese 充满热情的 chōng mǎn rè qíng de   SCSimplified Chinese 充满激情的 chōng mǎn rè qíng de ,chōng mǎn jī qíng de   SCSimplified Chinese 热情洋溢的 chōng mǎn rè qíng de ,rè qíng yáng yì de  It's good to see our new recruits so full of enthusiasm. full of hate adj (intensely hostile)SCSimplified Chinese 充满仇恨的 chōng mǎn chóu hèn de   SCSimplified Chinese 充满憎恶的 chōng mǎn chóu hèn de,chōng mǎn zēng wù de  She is so full of hate that it has made her psychotic. full of hatred adj (intensely hostile)SCSimplified Chinese 满腔仇恨的 mǎn qiāng chóu hèn de full of holes adj (perforated)SCSimplified Chinese 布满了孔洞的,全是洞洞的,千疮百孔的 bù mǎn le kǒng dòng de,quán shì dòng dòng de,qiān chuāng bǎi kǒng de  You're not wearing that jumper, it's full of holes. full of holes adj figurative (easily disproved) (证据等)SCSimplified Chinese 全是漏洞的,漏洞百出的 quán shì lòu dòng de,lòu dòng bǎi chū de  Your theory is ridiculous, and it's absolutely full of holes. full of hope adj (very optimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 满怀希望的 mǎn huái xī wàng de   SCSimplified Chinese 充满希望的 mǎn huái xī wàng de,chōng mǎn xī wàng de  She is full of hope that they will discover a cure before it is too late. be full of it v expr slang (talk nonsense, say untrue things)SCSimplified Chinese 扯淡   SCSimplified Chinese 说瞎话 full of life adj (lively, energetic)SCSimplified Chinese 充满活力的 chōng mǎn huó lì de   SCSimplified Chinese 充满生机的 chōng mǎn huó lì de ,chōng mǎn shēng jī de  He's nearly 80 but still full of life and with an eye for the ladies. full of meaning adj (deeply symbolic or significant)SCSimplified Chinese 意味深长的 yì wèi shēn cháng de  That song is full of meaning to me. full of piss and vinegar adj figurative, vulgar, slang (person: energetic, lively) (比喻)SCSimplified Chinese 打了鸡血似的   SCSimplified Chinese 活蹦乱跳的 huó bèng luàn tiào de   SCSimplified Chinese 精力充沛的 jīng lì chōng pèi de  Well, aren't you full of piss and vinegar today! Why so enthusiastic? full of pitfalls adj (hazardous)SCSimplified Chinese 布满陷阱的 bù mǎn xiàn jǐng de   SCSimplified Chinese 危险重重的 bù mǎn xiàn jǐng de,wēi xiǎn chóng chóng de  Your strategy has the potential to return a large profit but threatens to be full of pitfalls. full of promise adj (person: talented, likely to succeed) (指人)SCSimplified Chinese 大有前途的 dà yǒu qián tú de   SCSimplified Chinese 前途无量的 dà yǒu qián tú de,qián tú wú liàng de  As a child, she was full of promise. full of promise adj (enticing) (指事)SCSimplified Chinese 大有希望,前景光明 dà yǒu xī wàng,qián jǐng guāng míng  Life was full of promise for the young man. be full of s*** v expr vulgar, offensive, slang (talk nonsense, say untrue things) (俚语,具有侮辱性)SCSimplified Chinese 满口胡言   SCSimplified Chinese 满嘴跑火车   SCSimplified Chinese 瞎扯淡 full of spirit adj (eager, full of vitality)SCSimplified Chinese 热情的 rè qíng de TCTraditional Chinese 熱情的   SCSimplified Chinese 有活力的 rè qíng de ,yǒu huó lì de  She is a brave little girl, so full of spirit and optimism. full of surprises adj (unpredictable)SCSimplified Chinese 无法预测的   SCSimplified Chinese 充满惊喜的   SCSimplified Chinese 无法预料的 be full of yourself v expr (think too highly of yourself)SCSimplified Chinese 自恋 zì liàn   SCSimplified Chinese 自视甚高 full on, full-on adj (intense or intensive)SCSimplified Chinese 强烈的 qiáng liè de 备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.full on, full-on adj informal (extreme, utter)SCSimplified Chinese 极端的 jí duān de TCTraditional Chinese 極端的   SCSimplified Chinese 彻底的 jí duān de ,chè dǐ de TCTraditional Chinese 徹底的   SCSimplified Chinese 十足的 jí duān de ,shí zú de full on, full-on adv slang (extremely, completely)SCSimplified Chinese 非常,极其 fēi cháng,jí qí TCTraditional Chinese 非常,極其   SCSimplified Chinese 完全地,彻底地 wán quán de ,chè dǐ de TCTraditional Chinese 徹底地 full particulars npl (all the details)SCSimplified Chinese 详情 xiáng qíng   SCSimplified Chinese 详细说明 xiáng qíng,xiáng xì shuō míng TCTraditional Chinese 詳細說明  If you can give me the full particulars, I can help you find what you need. full permission n (complete agreement, total consent)SCSimplified Chinese 完全同意 wán quán tóng yì  You need to obtain full permission from your parents, otherwise you won't be able to go. full potential n (what is possible)SCSimplified Chinese 全部潜力,全部潜能 full power n (heat, etc.: highest setting)SCSimplified Chinese 总功率 zǒng gōng lǜ TCTraditional Chinese 總功率   SCSimplified Chinese 全功率 zǒng gōng lǜ,quán gōng lǜ  Microwave your soup at full power for 1 minute to re-warm it. full power n (complete authority)SCSimplified Chinese 全权 quán quán full price n (cost of [sth] undiscounted)SCSimplified Chinese 全价,足价  At holiday time you will have to pay full price for airline tickets. full professor n (university teacher)SCSimplified Chinese 正教授 full sail adv (ship: with all sails up) (船)SCSimplified Chinese 满帆 mǎn fān  The storm passed and they continued at full sail to make up for lost time. full sail adv figurative (forcefully)SCSimplified Chinese 全力以赴,快速推进 quán lì yǐ fù TCTraditional Chinese 全力以赴  Now that we have the permits we're going ahead full sail with the project. full scope n (extent, reach of [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 全部范围,全方位 quán bù fàn wéi  The full scope of the crimes they committed in office is finally being revealed. full scope n (opportunity for full use of powers) (施展才能)SCSimplified Chinese 充分发挥,广阔空间  Congress used the full scope of its powers to change the law. full screen, full-screen adj (filling entire computer monitor)SCSimplified Chinese 全屏幕的,全屏的 备注: hyphen used when term is an adjective before a nounfull sentence n (duration of a prison term)SCSimplified Chinese 整个刑期 zhěng gè xíng qī TCTraditional Chinese 整個刑期  He won't have to serve the full sentence: he'll get time off for good behavior. full sentence n (complete grammatical structure)SCSimplified Chinese 完整句 wán zhěng jù   SCSimplified Chinese 完全句 wán zhěng jù,wán quán jù  A full sentence always contains (or implies) a subject and a verb. A full sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period, question mark or exclamation mark. full size n (standard size)SCSimplified Chinese 标准尺寸 biāo zhǔn chǐ cùn TCTraditional Chinese 標準尺寸   SCSimplified Chinese 全尺寸 biāo zhǔn chǐ cùn,quán chǐ cùn  In marketing language, the smallest size is called 'full size'. full skirt n (widely flared skirt)SCSimplified Chinese 伞裙,宽摆女裙 full speed n (maximum speed)SCSimplified Chinese 全速 quán sù  This boat's full speed is 30 miles per hour.  这艘船全速可达每小时30英里。 full speed ahead, full steam ahead interj (as fast as possible)SCSimplified Chinese 全速前进,全速行驶 quán sù qián jìn,quán sù xíng shǐ  The enemy's approaching from the south – full speed ahead! full stop n UK (punctuation mark: period) (标点符号)SCSimplified Chinese 句号,句点 jù hào ,jù diǎn  You should always use a capital letter after a full stop.  句号之后,你需要首字母大写。 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: full [ful] I adj 1 [+ container, cup] 满(滿)的 mǎn de The bucket is almost full.桶要满(滿)了。 Tǒng yào mǎn le. [+ cinema, car, restaurant] 满(滿)的 mǎn de All the car parks are full.所有的停车(車)场(場)都满(滿)了。 Suǒyǒu de tíngchēchǎng dōu mǎn le. 2 (=maximum) [+ use, volume, price] 最大限度的 zuì dà xiàndù de The radio was playing at full volume.收音机(機)以最大音量播放着(著)。 Shōuyīnjī yǐ zuìdà yīnliàng bōfàngzhe. 3 (=complete) [+ details] 全部的 quánbù de Full details will be sent to you.全部的具体(體)情况(況)会(會)发(發)给(給)你。 Quánbù de jùtǐ qíngkuàng huì fā gěi nǐ. [+ information, name] 完全的 wánquán de I haven't got his full name.我没(沒)有他的全名。 Wǒ méiyǒu tā de quánmíng. 4 [+ flavour] 醇厚的 chúnhòu de 5 [+ skirt, sleeves] 肥大的 féidà de 6 [+ life] 充实(實)的 chōngshí de a very full and interesting life非常充实(實)而有趣的生活 fēicháng chōngshí ér yǒuqù de shēnghuó 7 [+ impact, implication] 所有的 suǒyǒu de I paused to allow the full impact of this to register.我停下来(來),以便仔细(細)感受这(這)一切带(帶)来(來)的所有影响(響)。 Wǒ tíng xiàlái,yǐbiàn zǐxì gǎnshòu zhè yīqiè dàilái de suǒyǒu yǐngxiǎng. II adv ▶ to know full well that… 完全清楚地了解… wánquán qīngchu de liǎojiě full up [+ hotel etc] 爆满(滿) bàomǎn I'm full (up) 我吃饱(飽)了 wǒ chībǎo le a full week/month整整一个(個)星期/月 zhěngzhěng yī gè xīngqī/yuè For a full week we did not eat.整整一个(個)星期,我们(們)没(沒)吃(喫)东(東)西。 Zhěngzhěng yī gè xīngqī,wǒmen méi chī dōngxi. in full view of sb完全看得见(見)某人 wánquán kàn de jiàn mǒurén full marks (Brit) (Scol) 满(滿)分 mǎnfēn at full speed以全速 yǐ quánsù full of [+ objects, people]充满(滿) chōngmǎn His office was full of policemen.他的办(辦)公室里(裡)满(滿)是警察。 Tā de bàngōngshì li mǎn shì jǐngchá. [+ confidence, hope]充满(滿) chōngmǎn I was full of confidence.我充满(滿)了信心。 Wǒ chōngmǎnle xìnxīn. in full [reproduce, quote, pay] 全部地 quánbù de The bill has been paid in full.账(賬)单(單)已被付清了。 Zhàngdān yǐ bèi fùqīng le. to write one's name in full写(寫)出自己的全名 xiěchū zìjǐ de quánmíng to strike sb full in the face正打在某人的脸(臉)上 zhèng dǎ zài mǒurén de liǎn shang to do sth to the full充分地做某事 chōngfèn de zuò mǒushì 在这些条目还发现'full': 在英文解释里: action-packed - active role - adulthood - air-filled - all the way - all the way to - all-out - all-out war - amain - body - bony - bouffant - briery - brim - brimful - brimming - bristle - bubbling - bubbly - bug-ridden - bulge - bulging with - burst with - bursting at the seams - bursting with - carload - caseload - catsuit - chalky - charged - chock-full - chocka - chockablock - chocker - color photo - color photograph - color print - colorful - complement - complete answer - complete circuit - congested - consciously - cover all bases - cover up - cram-full - crammed full - creamy - crowded - cupful 中文: 满 - 饱 - 饱满 - 胀 - 一五一十 - 专职 - 元宵 - 充 - 充满 - 全文 - 全职 - 勇猛 - 句号 - 各尽所能 - 塞满 - 姓名 - 弥 - 整整 - 酣 - 长篇小说 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Moon terms, Opposite adjectives, 更多……同义词: filled, crammed, packed, jam-packed, stuffed, 更多……习惯性搭配: [write, type, fill out, state] your full [name, address], the full [details, specifications] (for), a full [tank, container, load] (of), 更多……

标题中含有单词 'full' 的论坛讨论:

a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury. Could you reply with a full sentence? How did 弓 (bow) → 彌 (relax a bow) semantically shift to mean 'full, overflowing; broad' & 'to cover, fill'? I am so full of colors that they are all confused. People only see one. I had to work full time for financial reasons. My hovercraft is full of eels Punctuation: full stop/句号 to be talking with your mouth full >> Topic summary: Numbers - reading, speaking, saying, writing in full [number say speak read write] - English Only forum ..., her mind full of...? - English Only forum ...[an] Extended Project titled ‘Is the Internet or the Supermarket affecting the UK High Street the most?’. [full stop/punctuation] - English Only forum "...a lover is apt to be as full of secrets from himself.." - English Only forum ...full of bounce and zip and the gift of gab... - English Only forum ...last his full time... - English Only forum ''Full of yourself'' in American English - English Only forum 'full-function solution' - English Only forum 'Visiting' full-time staff - English Only forum ’packed it full of clothes’ - English Only forum (.) = full stop or dot? - English Only forum (bathroom) half bath / full bath in everyday speech? - English Only forum [enrollment is full] or [intake is full] - English Only forum [From behind one pillar] I could peep round quietly at the full front of the mansion - English Only forum [I am out of it] and disposed for full holiday - English Only forum [repertoire] in "newcomers develop the ability to interpret and use the repertoire which full members command" - English Only forum [there was no power] in that smooth-skinned face of a full oval shape - English Only forum [There'll be, it'll be, we'll have] a full moon tonight. - English Only forum 1/4 of the way full - English Only forum 10 full-time employees aboard and 300 contractors around the world on demand - English Only forum 250 kg short of the full amount - English Only forum 50 full-time staff - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'full'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "full" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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