
您所在的位置:网站首页 abc灭火器可以灭哪类型的火灾多选 巴哈姆特的幻影


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简介 目录 1 简介 1.1 Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Event 1.2 Story 2 奖励兑换 3 战斗资讯 4 Event Tips 5 Boss(觉醒级) 5.1 巴哈姆特的幻影 6 能力 7 Strategy 来自:FFBE 类型:共斗活动 参考:官方公告 活动时间:9/12 - 9/25(ios) 兑换时间:9/12 - 9/25(ios) Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Event

Challenge Shadow Bahamut in a raid event and obtain points to get various individual and ranked rewards. You will also get raid coins by fighting the raid boss, which can be used for limited time raid summons. To fight the raid boss, one raid orb will be used. You will gain one orb per hour, for a maximum of five orbs. Orbs may be refreshed with 100 Lapis or by ranking up. You will obtain event points and coins (10% of points) by fighting the raid boss. The amount of points gained is based on the stage, the raid's global level and the amount of damage dealt to his HP in percentage. Defeating the boss is not required but doing so will net you the maximum amount of points, coins and experience. The raid boss will have a global level and HP displayed within the vortex. This level indicates a bonus point multiplier (+8%/Level) that will be applied to points gained from each boss fights. Anyone on the server can contribute to this by fighting the raid boss. This takes into account damage dealt to his HP, overkilling is not necessary. Once its global HP is depleted, its level will go up and a few hours will be added to the timer. If the entire server is unable to kill it before time runs out, its level will decrease by one and the timer will reset. Keep in mind that the raid's global level has no impact on the raid boss itself, with the fight's difficulty remaining unchanged.


Once locked away in a secret location, the king of espers has awoken. Bahamut... Its massive wings are spoken of as legends, not only because of their ability to roast enemies, but also because of the indomitable power they hold to fly freely between dimensions. Having awakened, this dragon reborn now takes to the skies. If Bahamut is able to fully recover its power, there will be none who can stand against it. Warriors capable of bending time and space are needed to put a stop to this beast of beasts. They must push beyond their own limits, and attack relentlessly, with reckless abandon.


You can check your points and rank by clicking on "Achievement Status" inside the raid vortex. All rewards will be sent to your mailbox. Individual rewards can be collected as soon as you get enough points, but rank rewards will only be distributed once the event is finished.

装备配方 名称 效果 素材 Icon-Drakesclaw Rod.png 龙爪魔棒 (魔棒) 攻击+10、魔力+35 Icon-Shadow Bahamut Gem.png 幻影龙宝石 (1)Icon-Shadow Bahamuts Ore.png 幻影龙辉石 (40)Icon-Shadow Bahamut Fang.png 幻影龙之牙 (40)Icon-Shadow Bahamut Heart.png 幻影龙之心 (50) Icon-Drakesguard Robe.png 龙护法袍 (袍) 防御+35、魔力+20、精神+20效果:自动再生 Icon-Shadow Bahamut Scale.png 幻影龙鳞片 (1)Icon-Shadow Bahamuts Ore.png 幻影龙辉石 (40)Icon-Shadow Bahamut Fang.png 幻影龙之牙 (50)Icon-Shadow Bahamut Heart.png 幻影龙之心 (50) Icon-Bahamut's Fang.png 巴哈姆特之牙 (长枪) 攻击+76效果:屠龙 Icon-Shadow Bahamut Jade.png 幻影龙翡翠 (1)Icon-Shadow Bahamuts Ore.png 幻影龙辉石 (70)Icon-Shadow Bahamut Fang.png 幻影龙之牙 (60)Icon-Shadow Bahamut Heart.png 幻影龙之心 (70) Icon-Dragon's Roar.png 龙啸火枪 (火枪) 攻击+78效果:屠龙、本能觉醒 Icon-Shadow Bahamut Wing.png 幻影龙之翼 (1)Icon-Shadow Bahamuts Ore.png 幻影龙辉石 (80)Icon-Shadow Bahamut Fang.png 幻影龙之牙 (70)Icon-Shadow Bahamut Heart.png 幻影龙之心 (80)

Individual Rewards 点数 奖励 类型 描述 800 pts 斗士 能力 提高攻击(10%)/防御(5%) 3,500 pts 魔术师 能力 提高MAG (10%)/精神 (5%) 10,000 pts Drakesclaw Rod Recipe (魔棒) 攻击+10、魔力+35 20,000 pts Shadow Bahamut Gem Material Unique crafting material for Drakesclaw Rod 42,500 pts 溢满魔力 能力 提高MP/魔力 (10%) 55,000 pts 3 Rarity-3.png Trust Moogle (ALL 1%) Enhancer TMR +1% 65,000 pts 充满力量 能力 提高HP/攻击 (10%) 87,500 pts Rare Summon Ticket Item Can be exchanged for a rare summon 110,000 pts Phoenix Down (1) Item Revive one ally from being KO'd 132,500 pts Drakesguard Robe Recipe (袍) 防御+35、魔力+20、精神+20, 效果:自动再生 155,000 pts Shadow Bahamut Scale Material Unique crafting material for Drakesguard Robe 177,500 pts Fairies' Writ (5) Material 6 Rarity-6.png Awakening materials 200,000 pts Rainbow Bloom (5) Material 6 Rarity-6.png Awakening materials 220,000 pts 3 Rarity-3.png Trust Moogle (ALL 1%) Enhancer TMR +1% 242,000 pts Calamity Writ (5) Material 6 Rarity-6.png Awakening materials 284,000 pts Calamity Gem (5) Material 6 Rarity-6.png Awakening materials 326,000 pts Prismatic Horn (5) Material 6 Rarity-6.png Awakening materials 368,000 pts Divine Crystal (5) Material 6 Rarity-6.png Awakening materials 380,000 pts 3 Rarity-3.png Trust Moogle (ALL 1%) Enhancer TMR +1% 410,000 pts Bahamut's Fang Recipe (长枪) 攻击+76, 效果:屠龙 452,000 pts Shadow Bahamut Jade Material Unique crafting material for Bahamut's Fang 494,000 pts Metal Gigantuar (5) EXP Unit EXP +30000 520,000 pts 3 Rarity-3.png Trust Moogle (ALL 1%) Enhancer TMR +1% 540,000 pts King Gil Snapper (5) Gil Unit Gil +5000 586,000 pts Dragon's Roar Recipe (火枪) 攻击+78, 效果:屠龙、本能觉醒 632,000 pts Shadow Bahamut Wing Material Unique crafting material for Dragon's Roar 678,000 pts Rare Summon Ticket Item Can be exchanged for a rare summon 724,000 pts Gil Snapper Family (5) Gil Unit Gil +30000 777,000 pts Rare Summon Ticket Item Can be exchanged for a rare summon 816,000 pts 3 Rarity-3.png Trust Moogle (ALL 1%) Enhancer TMR +1 862,000 pts King Metal Minituar (5) Gil Unit EXP +100000 908,000 pts Rare Summon Ticket Item Can be exchanged for a rare summon 958,000 pts 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle Enhancer TMR +10% 1,008,000 pts King Tough Pot Enhancer HP +50 1,058,000 pts King Magi Pot Enhancer MP +15 1,108,000 pts King Power Pot Enhancer ATK +10 1,200,000 pts King Shield Pot Enhancer DEF +10 1,250,000 pts King Smart Pot Enhancer MAG +10 1,300,000 pts King Soul Pot Enhancer SPR +10 1,350,000 pts King Burst Pot Enhancer LB +10000 1,400,000 pts Guard Purecryst Material material 1,450,000 pts Healing Purecryst Material material 1,500,000 pts Green Purecryst Material material 1,550,000 pts White Purecryst Material material 1,600,000 pts Black Purecryst Material material 1,650,000 pts Power Purecryst Material material 1,700,000 pts Support Purecryst Material material 1,850,000 pts Tech Purecryst Material material

Ranking Rewards Rank Reward 1 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle (4)Rare Summon Ticket (10) 2 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle (3)Rare Summon Ticket (9) 3 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle (3)Rare Summon Ticket (8) 4 - 00 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle (2)Rare Summon Ticket (8) 11 - 50 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle (2)Rare Summon Ticket (7) 51 - 100 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle (2)Rare Summon Ticket (6) 101 - 500 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle (1)Rare Summon Ticket (6) 501 - 1,000 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle (1)Rare Summon Ticket (5) 1,001 - 5,000 5 Rarity-6.png Trust Moogle (1)Rare Summon Ticket (4) 5,001 - 10,000 4 Rarity-4.png Trust Moogle (1)Rare Summon Ticket (4) 10,001 - 30,000 4 Rarity-4.png Trust Moogle (1)Rare Summon Ticket (3) 30,001 - 50,000 1 Rarity-2.png Trust Moogle (1)Rare Summon Ticket (3) 50,001 - 70,000 1 Rarity-2.png Trust Moogle (1)Rare Summon Ticket (2) 70,001 - 100,000 Rare Summon Ticket (1) 100,001 - 150,000 Lapis200 150,001+ Lapis100


巴哈姆特的幻影 - 中级 体力 战斗数 金币 兵员经验 等级经验 过关报酬 1 1 42 300 105 稀有召唤券Icon-Rare Summon Ticket.png 任务 Complete the quest 20 Lapis No items 10 Lapis Use magic 10 Lapis Clear without an ally being KO'd 10 Lapis Boss 掉落 巴哈姆特的幻影 Up to 800 event points before bonusUp to Icon-Bahamut Raid Coin.png 80 before bonus

巴哈姆特的幻影 - 上级 体力 战斗数 金币 兵员经验 等级经验 过关报酬 1 1 150 1000 155 Icon-Bahamut Raid Coin.png 200 任务 Complete the quest 20 Lapis Deal light damage to an enemy 10 Lapis Use green magic 10 Lapis Clear without an ally being KO'd 10 Lapis Boss 掉落 巴哈姆特的幻影 Up to 1500 event points before bonusUp to Icon-Bahamut Raid Coin.png 150 before bonus

巴哈姆特的幻影 - 超级 体力 战斗数 金币 兵员经验 等级经验 过关报酬 1 1 270 3000 250 Icon-Bahamut Raid Coin.png 300 任务 Complete the quest 20 Lapis No items 10 Lapis Use magic 10 Lapis Clear without an ally being KO'd 10 Lapis Boss 掉落 巴哈姆特的幻影 Up to 2400 event points before bonusUp to Icon-Bahamut Raid Coin.png 240 before bonus

巴哈姆特的幻影 - 觉醒级 体力 战斗数 金币 兵员经验 等级经验 过关报酬 1 1 585 5000 300 Icon-Bahamut Raid Coin.png 500 任务 Complete the quest 20 Lapis Deal light damage to an enemy 10 Lapis Use magic 3 or more times 10 Lapis Clear without an ally being KO'd 10 Lapis Boss 掉落 巴哈姆特的幻影 Up to 7000 event points before bonusUp to Icon-Bahamut Raid Coin.png 700 before bonus

巴哈姆特的幻影 - 试炼 体力 战斗数 金币 兵员经验 等级经验 过关报酬 40 1 1135 10000 420 Lapis 500 任务 完成任务 4 Rarity-4.png信赖度莫古利 不使用绿魔法 Icon-Bahamut Raid Coin.png 10000 使用幻兽终结巴哈姆特的幻影 国王爆破罐 队伍不超过5人 (含同行者) Icon-Rare Summon Ticket.png 稀有召唤卷 (2) Boss 掉落 巴哈姆特的幻影

Event Tips Minfilia's buffs help tremendously If your damage or defense is low. Megaflare's damage will be drastically reduced with Crush Weapon or any mag reducing debuffs (hits for 500 - 1,000 while debuff is active from crush weapon) This can be reduced even further with guard. A 442 SPR Refia has taken 117 dmg while guarding when Bahamut is debuffed. Hide/Jump negates all damage from Megaflare, use immediately after the text warning if you cannot kill him before his cast. Tanks are useless in this fight. Damage is aoe magic. Provoke does nothing. Bring 1 buffer, 1 debuffer, and 4 dps to make fights fast. 2x Orlandeau (750+ atk with Odin for Dragon Killer) perfect chaining Divine Ruination will kill Bahamut before he casts Megaflare on turn 2. Firion can stack Dragon Killer, with his 2 natural Dragon killer abilities, and Odin's Dragon killer for a huge bonus of +225% damage from all 4 sources (50%, 50%, 50%, 75%). Easy Cheese party make up for ELT Raid (Assuming you have Odin with Dragon Killer and an additional Dragon killer passive): Orlandeau 750+ and Firion 650+ using either dragon killer or Odin, Minfilia for buffing atk+mag, Ling for debuffing def+spr. Turn 1 cast: Debuffer SPR, Assault Order, Divine Ruination, Fin Briar. Turn 2 cast: Buff SPR, Daunting Step, Divine Ruination, Fin Briar. Turn 3 cast: Debuffer SPR, Heal, Divine Ruination, Fin Briar. Note: If needed, single buff Orlandeau or Firion with Minfilia's +80% ATK solo buff on turn 2 if you do not have both damage thresholds. Dragon Killer can be farmed through free friend summons from Skaha! (At a low drop rate) Boss(觉醒级) 巴哈姆特的幻影 名称 巴哈姆特的幻影 Monster-Big-341.png 种族 龙系 等级 99 HP 4,000,000 MP 300 攻击 479 防御 25 魔力 413 精神 25 属性耐性 Icon-Fire Resistance.png Icon-Ice Resistance.png Icon-Lightning Resistance.png Icon-Water Resistance.png Icon-Wind Resistance.png Icon-Earth Resistance.png Icon-Light Resistance.png Icon-Dark Resistance.png - - - - - - - +50% 异常状态耐性 Icon-Poison Resistance.png Icon-Blind Resistance.png Icon-Sleep Resistance.png Icon-Silence Resistance.png Icon-Paralysis Resistance.png Icon-Confuse Resistance.png Icon-Disease Resistance.png Icon-Petrification Resistance.png 无效 无效 无效 无效 无效 无效 - 无效 其它耐性 免疫:重力、致死、降低防御 能力 Attack up to 3 times per turn. Megaflare: Magic damage (2.5x) to all enemies Megaflare is used after 1 turn delay, indicated by the text "The light is converging!" Used on the first turn (Megaflare on turn 2). Maelstrom: HP damage (75%) to all enemies Used on 50% HP threshold. Poison Breath: Inflict poison (50%) to all enemies and magic damage (1.1x) to all enemies Chance to be used below 50% HP threshold. Blaze: Fire magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies Earth Shaker: Earth magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies Aqua Breath: Water magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies Thunderbolt: Lightning magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies Icestorm: Ice magic damage (1.8x) to all enemies Frost Blast: Ice magic damage (2x) to one enemy It's flapping its great wings: Instant KO to caster Instantly ends battle. Used on turn 8. Strategy Guard, jump, or hide once Shadow Bahamut is charging its Megaflare. Breaking its MAG will reduce most of its damage by a massive amount. he only physical damage it can do is normal attacks, so DEF and cover is not a priority in this fight. Shadow Bahamut's spammable attacks consist of 5 different elements (fire, earth, water, lightning, ice). Use all elements resistance buff like Marie's Love You All or Cloud of Darkness's Omni-Veil.






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