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2024-07-16 17:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

黑苹果睡眠没问题,出现唤醒之后蓝牙不正常工作现象,比如可以连接蓝牙键盘但是键盘快捷键很多失效,连接无线蓝牙耳机一直转圈,表现为蓝牙睡死症状 临时解决方法:重新打开蓝牙可以暂时解决问题 一劳永逸方法:使用sleepwatcher+blueutil,实现睡眠之前关闭蓝牙,睡醒之后打开蓝牙

准备工作 下载sleepwatcher 推荐官网直接下载,地址: https://www.bernhard-baehr.de/ 安装blueutil blueutil是一个蓝牙工具,可以通过命令打开和关闭蓝牙 推荐使用homebrew安装:brew install blueutil 安装sleepwatcher cd sleepwatcher_2.2.1 sudo cp ./sleepwatcher /usr/local/sbin # 如果/usr/local/share/man下没有man8,手动创建一个man8文件夹 sudo cp ./sleepwatcher.8 /usr/local/share/man/man8 #创建数据文件夹,这个可以自定义,如果选择不同的路径,下面的路径也必须跟着修改 mkdir ~/.sleep 启动蓝牙和关闭蓝牙脚本

关闭蓝牙脚本,用于睡眠时关闭蓝牙:vim ~/.sleep/rc.sleep

#!/bin/bash # rc.sleep # Stop Bluetooth Module on Mac OS X # # Requires Blueutil to be installed: http://brewformulas.org/blueutil BT="/usr/local/bin/blueutil" log() { # logger -p notice -t bt_restarter "$@" echo "$@" >> ~/.sleep/sleepwatcher.log } err() { echo "$@" >&2 echo "$@" >> ~/.sleep/sleepwatcher.log # logger -p error -t bt_restarter "$@" } log "" log "sleep at $(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")" if [ -f "$BT" ]; then if [[ $("$BT" -p) == 0 ]]; then log "Bluetooth is off, nothing to do." else log "Bluetooth on, stopping ..." ($("$BT" -p 0) &> /dev/null && echo "Bluetooth Module stopped") || (err "Couldn't stop Bluetooth Module" && exit 1) log "Successfully stoped Bluetooth" && exit 0 fi else err "Couldn't find blueutil, please install http://brewformulas.org/blueutil" && exit 1 fi

开启蓝牙脚本,用于唤醒时打开蓝牙:vim ~/.sleep/rc.wakeup

#!/bin/bash # rc.wakeup # Restart Bluetooth Module on Mac OS X # # Requires Blueutil to be installed: http://brewformulas.org/blueutil BT="/usr/local/bin/blueutil" log() { # logger -p notice -t bt_restarter "$@" echo "$@" >> ~/.sleep/sleepwatcher.log } err() { echo "$@" >&2 echo "$@" >> ~/.sleep/sleepwatcher.log # logger -p error -t bt_restarter "$@" } log "wakeup at $(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")" if [ -f "$BT" ]; then if [[ $("$BT" -p) == 0 ]]; then log "Bluetooth is off, Starting Bluetooth..." ($("$BT" -p 1) &> /dev/null && echo "Bluetooth Module started") || (err "Couldn't start Bluetooth Module" && exit 1) else log "Bluetooth on, restarting ..." ($("$BT" -p 0) &> /dev/null && echo "Bluetooth Module stopped") || (err "Couldn't stop Bluetooth Module" && exit 1) ($("$BT" -p 1) &> /dev/null && echo "Bluetooth Module started") || (err "Couldn't start Bluetooth Module" && exit 1) log "Successfully restarted Bluetooth" && exit 0 fi else err "Couldn't find blueutil, please install http://brewformulas.org/blueutil" && exit 1 fi


cd ~/.sleep chmod u+x rc.sleep rc.wakeup

创建plist启动文件:vim ~/Library/LaunchAgents/de.bernhard-baehr.sleepwatcher.plist

Label de.bernhard-baehr.sleepwatcher ProgramArguments /usr/local/sbin/sleepwatcher -V -s ~/.sleep/rc.sleep -w ~/.sleep/rc.wakeup RunAtLoad KeepAlive



launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/de.bernhard-baehr.sleepwatcher.plist

可以通过cat ~/.sleep/sleepwatcher.log查看睡眠和唤醒时启动与关闭蓝牙的日志

本文转载至:https://wiyi.org/fixed-sleep.html 特此记录,以作备忘


当我们迷茫,懒惰,退缩的时候 我们会格外的相信命运 相信一切都是命中注定

而当我们努力拼搏,积极向上时 我们会格外的相信自己

所以命运是什么呢? 它是如果你习惯它 那它就会一直左右你

如果你想挣脱它 那它就成为你的阻碍 可如果你打破了它 那它就是你人生的垫脚石!







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