人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking 教学设计 您所在的位置:网站首页 高中英语必修二unit6教案人教版答案 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking 教学设计

人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions Reading and Thinking 教学设计

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B2U4 Reading and Thinking 读思课 教学设计一、教学分析(一)教学内容分析1. What:本课是阅读课,文本选自人教版(2019)高中英语必修二第四单元Reading and Thinking部分——What’s in a name ,属于“人与社会”主题语境中“历史、社会和文化”子主题。文本采用了说明性文体,语篇结构清晰,共五个段落,分三个部分,内容紧紧围绕单元主题“History and Traditions”展开。首先,文本通过简述英国历史,解释英国不同国名的历史由来(第一、二、三段);接着,文本通过介绍英国在历史上所经历的四次外族入侵以及它们对英国社会文化所产生的影响,告诉读者了解英国历史,可以让我们更好地理解这个国家以及它的传统(第四段);最后,文本指出了解英国历史可以让我们在英国的旅行更加愉快有趣,同时也点明了本文的目标阅读群体——游客(第五段)。文本前三段介绍了了解英国历史的第一个好处,即帮助我们理解英国不同名字的由来;第四段介绍了了解英国历史的第二个好处,即帮助我们更好地了解英国和它的传统;第五段介绍了了解英国历史的第三个好处,即可以让我们的英国之行更加愉快有趣。这三大好处也即是文本的主要内容。此外,文本材料还附有一幅插图,即英国的地图,向读者提示了文本的一些相关信息。2. Why:该文本能让学生对英国及其文化有更好的理解,也有利于英语语言的学习。英国历史悠久,文化繁荣,国际影响力重大,了解其历史和文化,是每个英语学习者的必修课;并且,文中许多词汇、短语和语法知识都是高考的核心考点,以英国为背景的阅读和写作题也多次出现在历年考题中,因此需要学生加以重视和掌握。文本前三段从英国名字的由来讲起,介绍相关的历史和地理知识,帮助学生形成对英国常识的基本了解,引导学生探究其名字背后的历史渊源,体会其独特的发展脉络,树立文化意识;第四段讲述英国内部的变迁与发展,帮助学生了解其历史传统,引发学生对自身文化的联想,增强对中国文化的认同和自信;最后一段从旅游者的角度讲述了解一个国家历史的重要性,有利于学生以跨文化的视角去思考学习历史的重要意义,激励学生学习中国历史、传播中国文化。3. How:该文本是一篇讲述英国历史文化的说明文,文中涉及大量有关地理位置和历史变迁的词汇及短语搭配,如nearby, be joined to, break away, belong to, refer to, military, defense, be surrounded by, achievement, location, conquer等;在句型结构上,本文涉及了if省略结构(what is the difference between them, if any )、“have+宾语+宾补(过去分词)”结构(they had castles built all around England)、what引导名词性从句结构(many people are confused by what these different mean)等重要句型;在时态上涉及了一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时。文本以时间顺序展开对英国历史的介绍,脉络清晰,易于学生梳理和掌握;在讲解地理等知识时,又运用丰富的举例帮助学生理解,激发学生学习兴趣。(二)学情分析本堂课的教学对象为普通高中一年级学生,这是他们在高中阶段第一次接触有关地理文化知识的说明文。他们有一定的英语基础,基本具有用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力,部分学生能够用英语表达自己的观点。但多数学生在逻辑推理、分析论证以及批判评价方面上的能力还比较欠缺。课前已要求学生提前预习目标文本,课上主要注重引导学生运用predicting, skimming, scanning等阅读技巧,提取文本信息,建构文本框架,挖掘文本深层意义,即学习历史文化的意义。(三)教学目标1.语言能力:①学生能够掌握围绕英国历史成因和文化特质相关的主题词汇及短语,如:be confused by, solve this puzzle, be joined to, be added to, break away from, result in, belong to, military defence, legal system, be surrounded by, take over, leave behind, date back to等;②学生能够根据时间线索并运用所学词汇和短语的表达介绍英国历史。2.学习能力:①学生能够学习并运用一些阅读技巧来获取文本信息,如predicting, skimming, scanning;②学生能够通过自学和合作探索的方式掌握知识网络构建的的方法。3.思维品质:①学生能够通过思维导图梳理文本的结构脉络;②学生能够以时间顺序阐述文中的并能在最后概括出研究英国历史的好处,提升逻辑思维能力;③学生能够对历史文化的重要性形成批判性的认知。4.文化意识:学生能够在对英国历史文化的学习中拓宽视野,同时加深对中国文化的理解,增强民族自豪感和努力学习的动力。(四)教学重难点1.重点:①学生能够掌握文本中的重要单词、短语及句型结构;②学生能够学会看地图,提取其中的重要信息,并能根据图片和标题推测文本大意;③学生能够梳理英国的发展脉络,并能借助表格、时间轴、思维导图等工具表达文本的主要内容。2.难点:①学生能够从多角度思考了解历史的重大意义,形成一定的跨文化意识;②学生能够用自己的方式复述文本主要内容。二、教学思路教学流程图本节课以英国历史文化为主题,采用的是基于主题意义探究的教学实践方法,课堂以学生为主体,激发学生的学习自主性,独立探究文本呈现的基本细节,遵循从表层信息走向深度学习的认知规律。基于学习英国历史的三大好处,逐一找出表层信息,再总结和探究表层信息下面的深层含义,即了解历史的重要性,在这一过程中帮助学生了解英国历史,提高学生学习和运用英语知识、阅读技巧的能力,培养学生的跨文化意识,增强学生的文化自信。本堂课的教学分两个阶段、六个步骤。第一阶段为“读”的阶段,包括四个个教学步骤:第一步,通过播放视频导入话题,点明本堂课的主题,激发学生的学习和阅读兴趣;第二步,通过课本提供的地图,引导学生获取图中的相关信息,并结合文本标题预测文本内容,带着问题进行下一步的学习;第三步,快速阅读文本,提取段落关键信息,形成对文本的整体了解;第四步,仔细阅读文本,逐段掌握细节内容,梳理文章脉络。第二阶段为“思”的阶段,包括两个教学步骤:第一步,总结文章主要内容和中心思想,形成文章框架结构,并在此基础上引导学生发散思维、批判性思维,联系实际思考了解历史的深层次意义,激发学生的跨文化意识以及对本民族文化的认同和自信;第二步,在考虑学生差异性的基础上分层次布置作业,对于大多数中等学力的学生,让学生运用思维导图、时间轴等形式帮助自己复述课文,巩固文章主要内容和重点词汇短语,对于学有余力的学生,通过创设新语境实现对文本内容、语言和写作方式等的正向迁移,并进一步加深学生对学习历史的重要意义的理解,培养跨文化交际的意识和对中国文化的自信。教学过程Step 1. Lead-inWatch a video and ask some questions to introduce the topic of this class. (4 min)【教学问题】Q1: Which country is referred to in the video clip Q2: What are the differences of these names 【课堂实录】T: Good morning, my dear students! How are you today (Ss: Good.) T: That’s great! I can see your beautiful smiles on your faces. Before our lesson, let’s watch an interesting video first. [Watch a video clip.] T: So could you tell me which country is referred to in the video clip (Ss: England/ Britain/ Great Britain/ The UK...) T: Which name is the meaning of Chinese characters“英国” What are the differences of these names If we want to work out the differences of these names, we have to study British history.【设计说明】通过一个介绍英国伦敦的视频,循序渐进,导入这节课的主题是British history。导入直观生动,让学生明了这节课的主题。通过提问“What are the differences of these names ”激发学生的思考和学习兴趣,鼓励学生积极参与到课程中来。Step 2. Pre-readingMake predictions according to the title and map. (2 min)【教学问题】Q1: What does the map show Q2: What can we know from the title 【课堂实录】T: Let’s look at the map. And there is a tip. When you look at a map, think first about what the map shows and what the symbols mean. So do you know what it shows (S1: It’s a map of the United Kingdom.) T: That’s right! And what do the different symbols, such as the icons, circles, spots and colors stand for (S2: The small circles stand for big cities, the red spot stands for the capital, and different colors stand for different regions of the country.) T: Excellent! We can see that the small map tells us many useful information, right Now, let’s move on to the title. What can we know from the title (S3:The title is a question about “a name”.) T: Yes, it’s a question, a puzzle. Can you predict what will be talked about in the passage (S4: Maybe it is about how the name of the UK came into being.) T: Good guess! Now let’s go through our passage quickly and find the main idea of each paragraph.【设计说明】让学生借助地图和标题预测文本内容,降低阅读难度,形成阅读期待,为下一步学生寻找每段的段落大意做铺垫。同时,也使学生意识到在处理文本时,文本的标题和附加的图片等信息不可忽视,能帮助更好地理解文本。Step 3. Fast-reading: Read for main ideas. (3 min)Task 1: Underline the four countries of the United Kingdom.Task 2: Fill the blanks.【课堂实录】T: Please underline the four countries of the United Kingdom and catch the main idea of each paragraph to fill the blanks. I’ll invite some students to give the answers. (S5: Getting to know British history helps you solve the puzzle of different names of the country.) (S6: How the United Kingdom formed.) (S7: The similarities and differences of the four countries.) (S8: The history of the UK helps us to learn more about the country and traditions.) (S9: Learning the country’s history makes your journey more enjoyable.) T: Good job! Now that we have been clear about the main content of the text as a whole, let’s read for some details.【设计说明】引导学生带着问题开展阅读,有目的地去提取信息。帮助学生了解文章的段落大意,为下一步的深度阅读做准备。同时,验证学生自己之前的预测,激发学生的求知欲。Step 4. Careful-reading: Read for details. (18 min)Para 1:【教学问题】Q1: How does the author introduce the passage?【课堂实录】T: From paragraph 1, could you tell me how does the author introduce the passage? (S10: By raising a question and providing a solution.) T: Good! A question and a solution. What are they (S10: The question is “what is the difference between them, if any ”, and the solution is “getting to know a little bit about British history”.) T: Yes. Getting to know a little bit about British history will help us solve this puzzle. It means it is important to learn history.【设计说明】引导学生通过观察文章的开篇方式,获取重点信息,明确作者的写作意图,为后面进一步的学习做铺垫。Para 2:【教学问题】Q1: In what order does this paragraph be organized Q2: What happened in the timeline 【课堂实录】T: Let’s see paragraph 2. In what order does this paragraph be organized (S11: In time order.) T: Right. And how many times can you find What are they (S11: Four times. They are in the 16th century, in the 18th century, in the 19th century, and in the 20th century.) T: Correct! There are four times. Now let’s find out what happened in the timeline and get how the names change. What about the 16th century (S12: In the 16th century, the nearby country of Wales was joined to the Kingdom of England. ) T: Yes. Wales was joined to England. What about the 18th century (S12: In the 18th century, the country Scotland was joined to create the Kingdom of Great Britain.) T: Good. Scotland was joined to England and the name was changed into the Kingdom of Great Britain. What about the 19th century (S13: In the 19th century, the Kingdom of Ireland was added to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.) T: Great. Ireland was added and the name was changed into the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. What about the last one, the 20th century (S13: In the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK, which resulted in the full name we have today: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.) T: Very good. The southern part of Ireland broke away and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland finally formed. We also use its shortened name, the United Kingdom or the UK. Well, we can see there are four countries which formed the UK. Do the four countries work together in all areas (Ss: No. Not in all areas.)【设计说明】借助时间轴,帮助学生梳理英国演变过程,并由这个问题引出下一段的主要内容,即四个组成国之间的异同比较。另外,也让学生更加熟悉be joined to, be added to, break away from等与文本类型有关的短语表达。Para 3:【教学问题】Q1: What are the similarities and differences of the four countries Q2: How does the writer develop this paragraph 【课堂实录】T: How can you know that (S14: They work together in some areas. However, they have some differences.) T: Good. You find the key word “however”. So what are the similarities and differences of the four countries Can you fill the blanks You can find the information in paragraph 3. (S14: They use the same flag, share the same currency and military defence. They have different education and legal systems. They also have their own traditions and even own football teams for competitions.) T: Correct! So from these details, could you tell me how the writer develops this paragraph (Ss: By giving examples.) T: That’s right. All of these similarities and differences are practical examples, which help readers understand the point more easily and make it more convincing.【设计说明】通过设空的方式引导学生从文中获取四个组成国的共同点和不同点,培养学生提取信息的能力。通过关注for example和like这些语言的功能,让学生能够认识到举例说明的作用,从而将相关方法运用到实际写作当中。Para 4:【教学问题】Q1: Why does the author say “The United Kingdom has a long and interesting history to explore” in the first sentence of this paragraph Q2: Who are the groups of people and what changes did they bring 【课堂实录】T: Let’s move on to paragraph 4. In the first sentence we can see, the author says “The United Kingdom has a long and interesting history to explore”. Why does the author say it (S15: Because four groups of people brought different cultures to the country.) T: Great. This is the topic sentence of this paragraph. Now, please read this paragraph and find out who they are and what changes they brought. The timeline on the screen may help you. What about the 1st and 5th century (S16: In the 1st century, the Romans came and built towns and roads. In the 5th century, the Anglo-Saxons arrived, introduced the English language and changed the way people built houses. ) T: That’s right. Then what about the 8th and 11th century (S17: In the 8th century, the Vikings came, left behind lots of new vocabulary and the names of many locations. In the 11th century, the Normans conquered England, built castles, changed the legal system and make French words slowly enter into the English language.) T: Excellent. By now, we have formed a complete timeline. Please look at the screen and follow me to review the whole development.【设计说明】通过寻找段落主题句,确认段落关键信息,并以此为基础查找细节信息,与前文相结合形成一条完整的时间线,既能巩固学生已学知识,又能加深学生对文本的理解和掌握。Para 5:【教学问题】Q1: What’s the author’s attitude towards studying the history Q2: Why is London said to be a great place to start Q3: Who are the target readers of the passage 【课堂实录】T: In the last paragraph, what do you think is the author’s attitude towards studying the history (Ss: Supportive/ Positive.) T: Yes, supportive. The author tells us an advantage of studying the history of a country in this paragraph. Can you find it (S18: Studying the history of the country will make your visit much more enjoyable.) T: Very good. It helps us visit more enjoyable. Then the author mentions the capital city London. Why is London said to be a great place to start (S19: Because it is an ancient port city that has a history dating all the way back to Roman times. There are countless historic sites to explore, and lots of museums with ancient relics from all over the UK.) T: Great. We can find the reason, or we may say “supporting details” in the middle of this paragraph. Now a more challenging question. Can you guess who are the target readers of the passage (Ss: Visitors/ Travelers.) T: Right. The author tells the visitors that it’s important to study the history of the country before visiting. Here, “make your visit much more enjoyable” is a clue.【设计说明】以问题 链的设计梳理文本第五段的信息。通过提问作者对学习历史的态度,引导学生获取学习历史的一大好处;通过回答伦敦为何是观光的第一站,使学生关注文本中对伦敦的描述,学习作者支撑观点的方法;最后帮助学生从文本中寻找线索,推断文本的目标读者,掌握一定的阅读技巧。Step 5. Post-reading: Thinking & Summarize (12 min)Task 1: Summary【教学问题】Q1: What can studying the history of the UK help us Q2: Are there any other advantages of studying the history of a country 【课堂实录】T: Now let’s make a summary of our text. We see in paragraph 5, there is an advantage of studying the history of the country. It’s not the only advantage. We have learned some mentioned above. So what can studying the history of the UK help us, According to the whole passage (S20: It can help us understand why the UK has many different names.) (S21: It can help us understand more about the country and its traditions, and make your visit more enjoyable.) T: Wonderful. These are also the main ideas of the text. From paragraph 1 to 3, the author shows studying the history of the UK can help us understand why the UK has many different names. From paragraph 4, we know it can help us understand more about the country and its traditions. And from paragraph 5, we get the third advantage that it will make our visit more enjoyable. Therefore, this passage mainly talks about advantages of studying British history. But please think, are there any other advantages of studying the history of a country Do you have your own ideas (S22: It may provide us a richer experience.) (S23: It may help us communicate well with local people.) T: Good thinking. Studying the history of a country is useful, meaningful, and important. It can help us in different aspects.【设计说明】此环节着重培养学生的提炼总结能力,引导学生从不同段落中获取学习历史的好处的相关信息,加强对文本内容和结构的整体理解,同时也深化了学生对单元主题“History and Traditions”的认识。在结合文章内容的基础上,思考学习历史可能带来的其他好处,有利于学生联系现实情况和个人经历,进行发散性思考和批判性思考,培养思维能力。Task 2: Further Thinking【教学问题】Q1: What’s in a name 【课堂实录】T: Let’s come back to the title——What’s in a name We know, the UK has different names in different times. So what’s in a name What’s the meaning of this title Please think and complete the sentence on the screen. (S24: In a name, there is culture.) (S25: In a name, there is a history.) T: Good thinking. We can see the development of its names is also the development of its history, which contains rich cultural connotation. So in a name, there is a history. English language is full of distinctive British cultural characteristics as well. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the British culture while learning English.【设计说明】在总结了文章主要内容和基本结构的基础上,引导学生回归文本标题,探讨其蕴藏的涵义,加深对文本的整体认识。同时,引导学生从文化历史的角度,认识到学习英语与学习英国文化之间的关系,有利于促进学生掌握英语学习的方法,重视语言背后的文化内涵。Task 3: Discussion【教学问题】Q1: Is it important for a people (民族) to know their history and traditions Why 【课堂实录】T: Since every country has its own history and studying the history of a country has many advantages for each person, is it important, at a higher level, for a people to know their history and traditions And why Please discuss with your partner and then I’ll invite some of you to share your ideas. (S26: I think it’s important, because history and traditions are the unique and precious spiritual wealth of a people.) (S27: it’s important, because a people can draw lessons from their history and traditions and gain development.) T: Well done. Learning the history of a country is not only beneficial for a person, but also vital for a people. Many spiritual forces such as national responsibility, national cohesion and national confidence all derive from their history and traditions.【设计说明】通过小组讨论的方式,引发学生结合所学内容和实际,深入思考学习历史和传统的根本意义,即民族层面的深刻意义,这不仅有利于提高学生的批判性思维能力,还有利于培养学生跨文化交际的意识以及对本民族历史文化的重视和认同。Task 4: Appreciation【课堂实录】T: Please turn to page 37, the opening page of this unit. Here is a quote——“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” Who can translate it into Chinese (S28: 一个不了解自己历史、起源和文化的民族,就如同一颗无根之树。) T: Good job. We can learn from this quote that we must never forget our history; only then can we open up a new era. Outstanding traditional culture is the root of the heritage and development of a country and a nation. As students, the future of our nation, we should have a good understanding of our history, traditional culture and learn to better carry forward our fine cultural traditions in English.【设计说明】通过引出本单元opening page的引语,使学生意识到本单元的主题和整体设计,也更加认识到学习并铭记民族历史文化的重要意义,有利于帮助学生培养起民族自豪感、民族认同感、民族责任感,树立文化意识和文化自信,并激励学生学以致用,用英语讲好中国故事、传承中国文化。Step 6: Homework (1 min)1. Compulsory: Read the text again and retell the passage in your own way. You can choose the form of a passage, a picture, a map, a form or a timeline.2. Optional: Assuming that some British students are coming to your school, you are to receive them on behalf of your school. Using what you have learned from the passage, introduce Chinese history, traditions and culture to them and exchange your ideas on the importance of studying history.【设计说明】1.通过复述课文,学生可以再次回顾课文的重点和结构框架,加深对英国历史的理解和掌握,让学生有输出。该项作业难度系数一般,适合大多数学生,因此为必做作业。 2.对于学有余力的同学,提供了第二个选做作业。通过创设新语境,完成文本内容、语言和写作方式的正向迁移。学生可以借鉴课文的写作风格,认真思考介绍中国文化的表达方式。同时,也能帮助学生进一步深化学习历史对于个人和国家的意义。四、板书设计五、教学反思这节读思课紧紧围绕英国历史文化的主题,基于用任务提高学生阅读能力和思维能力的教学理念,给予学生具体的引导,以完成不同的学习任务,帮助学生建立起对英语学习的信心和兴趣。在文本内容的教学上,通过梳理了解英国历史的三大好处的主题任务,学习重点词汇、短语及相关语言表达,引导学生按照时间顺序、借助时间轴来阐述历史事件;通过主题句加支撑性内容的方式展开对文本的教学,训练学生的逻辑思维能力;此外,英国历史的话题为学生提供了丰富的目的语文化知识,有利于学生建立起学习历史与学习语言之间的联系,更好地学习英语。在教学环节的设计上,通过充分挖掘文章的内涵和主题,层层深入地将有用的信息渗透到英语教学中,使学生综合能力的培养和潜能的开发贯穿于整个教学过程。在教师的指导下,学生在学习和掌握阅读技巧、提高阅读能力的同时,还可以通过各项任务学会思考、分析和表达,体现了学生的主体地位和教师的主导作用的统一。另外,在拓宽学生文化视野的同时,能够引导学生对中国文化有更深入的了解和关注,有利于在学生在中英文化的碰撞中培养跨文化意识,激发学生的文化自信和民族责任感,促进中华文化的传承和传播。附录:教学文本








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