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#mistake中文释义| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

But it would be a mistake to back off and censor our kooks. The freedom to be an imbecile is one of our core values. 然而就此退让,对美国的疯子们进行审查也是错误的。当蠢货的自由也是我们的核心价值之一。

Adrian is such a handsome guy that people often mistake him for a movie star. 安卓非常英俊,大家都误以为他是电影明星。

If I maDe a mistake, stuDents woulD yell out the worD that I messeD up and it sounds. D like everyone was yelling at me. 如果我读错了,同学们就会喊叫出我读错的那个词,听起来好像每个人都在冲我嚷嚷。

You must have the courage of your convictions and tell your father that you think he's making a mistake. 你必须敢于直陈己见,去对父亲说,你认为他在犯错误。

On the European side, it would be a mistake to sit back and wait for a sea-change in Tory attitudes once the party is in power. 欧洲这边,袖手旁观并等待英国保守党在上台后态度发生180度大转弯的做法是错误的。

"Never mind what he went under. It was a mistake , that'tall. A big mistake . Poor fellow. " He had cocktail now and shook his head at it. “不要管他怎么上的。那是一个错误,就这样。一个大错误。可怜的家伙…”现在他拿着鸡尾酒并且朝着它摇头。

Make no mistake about it, some women would insist on the right to get a divorce if their husbands did not earn as much as they expected. 确实有些妇女坚持认为,在丈夫挣的钱不如她们期待的那么高的情况下,她们有权要求离婚。

So the Obama team believes that for the next 18 months or so, it would be a mistake to let deficit concerns steer government fiscal policy. 因此,奥巴马团队的人认为,在未来18个月左右时间,如果让对赤字的担忧牵制政府财政政策将是错误的。






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