青春变形记(2022)Turning Red、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载 您所在的位置:网站首页 青春变形记简笔画怎么画 青春变形记(2022)Turning Red、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

青春变形记(2022)Turning Red、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-06-29 17:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

I wanna throw a sick birthday party. An epic one.泰勒生日派对 特邀嘉宾:熊猫!是这周五 如果你来的话 所有人都会来It's this Friday.If you're there, everyone will come.就那么简单Simple as that.派对?A party?听着 我帮了你一个忙保守秘密Look, I've done you a favor keeping my mouth shut.我只想要一个回报而已All I'm asking for is one back.Hmm.我愿意这么做I'll do it.但是你得花一…But it'll cost you one...不 两百块No. Two hundred bucks.好Okay.请等一下Uh, hold, please.你是认真的吗?你不能相信他Are you serious? You can't trust him.那是个陷阱!It's a trap!这听起来像是个有男有女的派对 我们可以参加有男有女的派对吗?This sounds like a boy-girl party.姑娘们!两百块会让我们超越目标!Are we allowed to boy-girl parties?Guys! Two hundred bucks will put us over the top!我们必须这么做We have to do this.我们在泰勒家汇合 我做我的事 然后我们离开 简单容易We'll meet at Tyler's, I'll do my thing,and then we'll bounce. Easy-peasy.你妈怎么办呢?Dude, what about your mom?别管我妈了Forget my mom.在她发现我不在之前我早就回到家了I'll be back before she even knows I'm gone.但是… - 嘿 讨厌鬼But... - Hey, dorkbag.我们同意了 但熊猫只出场一个小时We're in. But you only get the panda for an hour.我们也不会带上礼物的And we are not bringing any presents.一言为定Deal.好吧 我去参加数学竞赛 待会儿见!Okay, I'm heading off to mathletes. See you later!等等 晚餐呢?我煮的全是你爱吃的Wait, what about dinner? I made all your favorites.谢谢了 但米莉娅姆的爸爸…Thanks, but Miriam's dad is, uh,订了披萨 给我留菜好吗?ordering pizza. Save me leftovers?要不然我跟你一起去? - 什…What if I come with you? - Wha...你们在做什么呢?线性方程? 几何学?我有双重肘!What are you doing? Linear equations? Geometry?瞧!我能做出完美的圈圈!I have a double-jointed elbow!Look! I can make a perfect circle!哇!是啊 这会超级无聊的Wow! Yeah, but it'll be super boring.难道你不想和爸爸在一起吗?Wouldn't you rather hang with Dad?Oh.我去拿我的抽认卡Let's get my flashcards.但…But... -Hmm.我在初中二的时候 是数学竞赛冠军呢 知道不?I was mathletes champ他们称我为“不凡的分母”in grade 8, you know? - Uh-huh.They called me the "Uncommon Denominator."很酷 今晚播出《翡翠宫》 不能错过 对吧?Cool. Oh, uh, Jade Palace is on tonight.谁是最弱的呢? 浦丽雅和艾碧看起来很聪明 但…Can't miss that, right? - Now, who's the weak link?路上堵得太厉害了 我可以乘搭电车…Priya and Abby seem bright enough, but...Oh, and traffic's a nightmare.你在家休息吧 - 米莉娅姆…I can just take the streetcar...我是说 她是个好女孩 但也许她在拖你后腿you stay and rest. - Miriam...I mean, she's a nice girl,哦 妈 你真的不用来的but maybe she's slowing you down.Oh, Mom, you really don't have to come.别傻了 我们已经在路上了Don't be silly. We're already on the way.但我不想让你去!But I don't want you to!快去 各位别慢吞吞地Chop-chop, everyone. Don't dawdle.快点Hurry up.什么…Oh! What...嘿 表妹!惊喜吧!Hey, cuz! Surprise!阿姨们?你们来做什么?Aunties? What are you doing here?那个仪式 傻瓜The ritual, silly.她瘦了She's lost weight. - No, no, she gained weight.才不 她胖了She looks like her mother. - She looks like her father.- 她长得像妈妈 - 她长得像爸爸女士们Ladies.母亲Mother.嘿 外婆Hey, Grandma.可怜的小乖乖Poor dear.要控制住那只任性的野兽一定很难It must be so difficultkeeping that unruly beast at bay.你的家人现在在这里了 美美Your family is here now, Mei-Mei.我们会处理一切的And we will take care of everything.Everybody clap your handsClap, clap, clap, clap your handsAll right, now, we gonna do the basic step...她在哪里?Where is she?谁想玩拼字游戏?Who's up for some Boggle?吃吧 你需要力量面对仪式Eat. You need your strength for the ritual.谢谢 阿姨们Thank you, aunties.你的头发好浓密哦 像毛皮一样Your hair is so thick, like a pelt.没想到你们来的这么快What a surprise that you all came so early.你需要一切能得到的帮助 阿茗You need all the help you can get, Ming.那么 美美 你一直都控制住熊猫吗?So, Mei-Mei, you've been managingto keep the panda in?是的 完全控制住了Yep. Totally. - Really?真的吗?What's that, Lily?那是什么态度 莉莉?Well, it's a little hard to believe嗯 有点难相信 美美能够控制住那么一只野兽that Mei-Mei could control such a beast.她只是个孩子而已She's just a child.没错 如果美美的熊猫 像阿茗的那样…It's true. And if Mei-Mei's panda- is anything like Ming's...美美控制那只熊猫 做得比我们任何人都好Mei-Mei's better than any of us她通过了所有能触发的测试 甚至是一盒子的小猫at controlling the panda.She passed every trigger test. Even the kitten box.我的天啊!太不可置信了 - 好厉害Oh! -Oh, my goodness!她只是想着我对她的爱That's unbelievable. - Impressive.She just thinks of my love for her,就会给她力量冷静下来and it gives her the strength to stay calm.正是如此Exactly.好温馨 - 好温馨Aw. - How sweet.不管怎样 谢谢所有的礼物 但我想我要提早上♥床♥睡觉了How sweet.Anyway, thanks for all the gifts,but I think I'll go to bed early.控制住那只动物确实很耗费精力Keeping that animal locked downsure takes a lot of energy.好的 亲爱的 去休息吧Okay, sweetie. Get some rest.大家晚安Night, everyone.晚安 美美 - 做个美梦Good night, Mei-Mei. - Sleep well.补个美容觉 - 去休息吧Get some beauty rest. -Get some rest.Oh!美美 我能和你说说话吗?Mei-Mei, can I have a word with you?当然可以 怎么了?Uh, sure. What's up?我找到了这个I found this.对于一个没让熊猫出来的 女孩来说很奇怪Strange for a girl who hasn't let her panda out.这个…It's, uh...这不是我的It's not mine.美美 我知道你在做些什么Mei-Mei, I know what you're doing.我知道要克制住这野兽很不容易I know how hard it is to keep the beast in.把它放出来感觉真好 好自在It feels so good to let it out. So free.但每次你那样做 它就会变得更强大But each time you do, the stronger it gets.而你就会和它永远的绑在一起 仪式则会失败And then you'll be bound to it forever,and the ritual will fail.以前发生过这种情况吗?Has that ever happened?这不能发生It cannot happen.你妈妈和我曾经很亲密…Your mother and I were close once,但是红熊猫夺走了一切but the red panda took that away.我不忍♥心看着你遭受这些事I couldn't bear to see that happen to you.所以 不能再放纵熊猫了So, no more panda.你是你妈妈的整个世界 美美You are your mother's whole world, Mei-Mei.我知道你会做正确的事情I know you'll do what's right.Uh-uh. Mmm. Mmm!虫 - 章鱼!Uh, worm. - Uh... Octopus!意大利面?Spaghetti? - Killer robot!杀手♥机♥器人!Mortality.死亡Hmm. Nice.很好This sucks.太烂了 - 我们走吧Let's bail. - Just wait. She'll be here.等一会儿 她会来的我就知道她会放我鸽子I knew she'd flake.熊猫女孩!Panda girl!是美美!It's Mei! -Thank Cthulhu.谢谢克苏鲁Ugh. About time.是时候了哟 好吗 大家?






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