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2024-07-05 03:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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  July 25, 2022

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  More and more people move from the countryside to big cities. Does this development bring more advantages or disadvantages to the environment?



  With the increasing population shifting from rural to urban areas, an array ofhazardshave been brought to the natural environment.



  Ø hazard n.[C] 害处

  Body 1

  Of all the detriments to the environment, the most conspicuous one is theurban heat island effect, which means a city ormetropolitanarea that is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas due to human activities. To illustrate, as the population density is getting higher in urban areas, human activitieswreak havoc onthe environment. For example, more vehicles, factories, and domestic heating and cooling units not only release more heat but also discharge morecontaminants amassingabove cities, rendering the airsaturated withharmful chemicals, dust, and other pollutants. // Additionally, with an increasing number of peoplemigratingto cities, public parks and green lands need to beconvertedinto residential areas for the surging demand for housing. The less thegreeneryis in cities, the severer the pollution is.


  (1) 城市化 → 人类活动更多,比如:开车出行、家用电器使用等 → 更多污染物排放,污染聚集在城市上空; (2) 城市化 →城市的住房需求增加 → 城市的公园或绿色区域会被转化为住宅区 → 更严重的污染

  Ø urban heat island effect n. 城市热岛效应

  Ø metropolitan adj. 大都市的

  Ø wreak havoc on v. 对…造成威胁

  Ø contaminant n.[C] 污染物

  Ø amass vi. 聚集

  Ø be saturated with adj. 充斥着

  Ø migrate vi. 迁徙

  Ø covert vt. 使转变

  Ø greenery n. 绿色植物

  Body 2

  Admittedly, it is justifiable for some to argue that the natural environment in remote areas, with the process of urbanisation, will be improved, as fewer human activities there exert a negative impact. However, this is merely an incomplete part of the whole picture. As a matter of fact, the urban areateeming withthe sea of people fails to alleviate, or even worse,fuelsthe urban heat island effect. This is mainly because most of the sun's energy in cities, where there is less vegetation and exposed soil, is absorbed by buildings andasphalt, leading to higher surface temperatures. By stark contrast, if the populationscattersin urban and rural areas, the heat and pollutants brought by human activities in each area are more likely to be consumed by evaporation of water from larger areas of vegetation and soil.


  让步:尽管郊区没了人口后,环境会得到改善// 反驳:城市人口过于密集,带来的热岛效应无法缓解,反而加剧 [对比论证] 如果分散居住,有足够的绿色植被空间,改善热岛效应

  Ø teem with vi. 充满着

  Ø fuel vt. 加剧

  Ø asphalt n. 沥青

  Ø scatter vi. 分散


  In the light of the above, the finalverdictis quite crystal-clear. Though such a trend may moderately better the environment in remote areas, such an advantagepales into insignificancewhen set against the hazards to the environment inmetropolises.



  Ø verdict n. 意见;结论

  Ø pale into insignificance 使显得不那么重要;使相形见绌

  Ø metropolis n.[C] 大都市



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