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#【完整版】雅思口语1| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Part 1 题目朗读版

Part 2&3题目朗读版

Describe a time when you felt bored. 

You should say: 

When it was 

Who you were with 

What you were doing 

And explain why you felt bored 

There are loads of times I can think of when I felt really incredibly bored! However, a time that really springs to mind is when I had to wait in Beijing West Railway Station for about 7 hours. I remember it vividly, it was the depths of winter, and a number of the tracks had been blocked with snow on the same routes that our train had to go on. So, all the trains were delayed because of this extreme weather. I was with one friend and we were heading to Zhengzhou to stay with a friend of his for the weekend to celebrate his birthday and see his family. Anyway, we ended up waiting for 7 hours in the crowded waiting room, and it was awful. It was not only really boring, but fairly uncomfortable. For most of the wait there were no seats to sit on, because there were so many people waiting for several trains in the same waiting area – all delayed. My phone was very low on battery and my battery charger had run out of power, so I couldn’t kill time by playing a phone game or chatting or reading online. Also, my friend was really moody so he was not good company at all, and didn’t really help at all to kill the time. He spent the whole time moaning about how hungry he was and how a pot noodle was just not enough to satisfy him. I paced up and down just feeling depressed and nervous for most of the time, until finally we could go down onto the platform and board the train. 


Part 3 

On what occasions do people usually feel bored?

People commonly feel bored while waiting for things, like trains, buses, doctor’s appointments, hospital consultations and things like this. At least most people I do feel bored in these situations because you end up feeling really fairly trapped – you can’t leave because you’ll lose your place, and you have to just stay and wait it out until it’s your turn, which in crowded places, can take a really long time. It’s an awful feeling, and can be quite stressful if the waiting conditions are not very comfortable.

What can people do when they feel bored?

 People often play with their phones these days when they feel bored. They either chat to friends on messages, play phone games or read stuff online, like news or magazine articles or opinion pieces and these kinds of things. Other people sing to themselves, make random phone calls maybe, or perhaps pace up and down anxiously, depending on the situation that they’re in. 

Is it easier for young people to feel bored than for the old?

I think that it depends. Young people are often less accepting of things, so they can feel bored much easier, because they’ve got a lot of energy and a lot less patience. Older people tend to have become accustomed to boredom at times, and so their levels of endurance are higher. On the other hand, some older people get bored easily because they are inactive and don’t get up and about doing things, or can’t think of what to do, so they sit at home and get really bored. This can happen to older people who are less mobile or able to get around easily. 

Describe a time when your computer broke down.  

You should say: 

When it happened 

What you were doing then 

Why you did about it 

And explain how you felt about this experience

Haha, there are lots of times when my computer had problems. In fact, I’m not totally happy about this because it a late model 2018 Macbook Pro. Well, to be honest, it’s never fully broken down, as such, but let’s say it has encountered a number of technical small issues which has impeded my work and writing from time to time. The worst time was when they had to re-install and replace the operating system and it was in the middle of a national lockdown when no computer service centres were actually open. I found one which would do it by post, though, send a courier, collect the computer, repair it and return it. This was the worst occasion because it took me quite a while to find a service provider who was respectable and trustworthy, that would actually provide this service at that time. The other occasions were minor but very annoying, like the microphone stopping working or the keyboard not working properly, especially one or two keys. In fact there is currently a lawsuit against this computer company for the unreliability of their ‘butterfly keyboard’, so at least it’s not just me, but many people suffered this issue. Anyway, computer problems are always a complete pain and can interfere with work and studies when they do happen. But, today these things are much easier to solve than in the past. Though when they do occur they are massively frustrating – especially if you’re a person like me who gets very very flustered and stressed about technological or practical problems which are not immediately solvable without asking for help. 


Part 3 

What do people use computers for?

Today, people use computers for almost everything. Work, studies, filling in important details, and so forth. In actual fact I’d say that phones are used more for most things, but I suppose phones today are really like mini hand-held computers. Sometimes I wonder whether we now rely on technology way too much, and this can lead to other problems, especially if you’re not very tech savvy or if your phone or computer breaks.

Should students be allowed to use computers at school?

Students should have to use computers for a lot of studies, not just be “allowed to”. However, there are, indeed, times when computers are more of a distraction than a help. For example, during classes and lectures where a computer isn’t essential, I think children should not be allowed phones or computers, because they can end up staring at these devices and not paying attention to the teacher – which is not only disrespectful, but can be detrimental to their learning, because they’re not actually listening to what is being taught or the teacher’s instructions.

Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?

In many ways they make our life more simple – at least on the surface, but in another way they do make our life more complex, and they make us rely on technology to such an extent that if we encounter a problem that we cannot solve, we are really stuck and sometimes simply can’t solve it, because of some technological hurdle beyond our control. In this sense much frustration and stress can come from computers and apps and our reliance on them. So, like a lot of things, it’s a bit of a double-edged sword. 

Describe a time when you first ate a kind of food. 

You should say: 

When it happened 

Where it happened 

What food you ate 

And explain how you felt about this kind of food

The time I’d like to describe to you is the time when I first ate a burger. I don’t mean a Macdonald’s burger or a fast food burger – I mean, a “real” burger in a proper burger and steakhouse. I was invited there by an American friend at university who insisted that I must try a really good quality proper burger. So, I agreed, and we went to this fairly well-known burger and steakhouse not far from campus. This friend of mine was really excited about the experience, and to be honest I was expecting something absolutely fantastic by the way he was talking. At this time in my life I had not yet learned that Americans tend to talk ‘big’ about almost everything and massively exaggerate! So, I really believed that this would be an incredible experience. Well, in actual fact it was a nice meal, and certainly a lot better than any fast food joint I’d ever eaten in. But, to be honest, I didn’t think the burger was that great. I mean, after all, it’s just a piece of meat inside a bread bun… with some friend onions and things on top! It was good, yes, but I was left with the impression that perhaps burgers were a bit over-rated compared to loads of other types of food and way more interesting foods too. What I did enjoy was the fries and the desert! Though I didn’t want to tell this friend that I thought the burger was just so-so but the fries and desert were amazing! So, it was an interesting and fun experience on a few levels really! 


Part 3 

Do you think young people are more open to new food compared with old people?

I think as a general rule this is true, because young people are inherently more curious and interested in exploring new things. A lot of my Chinese friends, though they often prefer to eat Chinese food, they are really open to trying different cuisines, and have quite a varied taste. I think this is perhaps because Chinese food is incredibly varied, anyway, so they are accustomed to a very wide range of tastes, and therefore willing to try new foods from all over the world, just out of interest. Older people are not so interested, but certainly are usually willing to try new foods from time to time, even if they generally prefer to stick to what they know and what is familiar.

Do you think parents and teachers should teach children how to cook?

I think parents should. I am not sure about teachers. Teachers already have to teach children a lot of the important basic studies for academic life, so I don’t think cooking is one of the priorities, or should be, in school education. I think cooking is an enjoyable pursuit that children can learn in the home through watching their parents cook, and helping out from time to time.

What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?

When it comes to foreign food, I think we tend to lean more towards other Asian cuisines, really. Thai food is to some extent popular, Japanese food certainly has its place, especially seafood, and maybe occasionally people might enjoy a Korean barbecue. Western food is popular more as a fast-food snack or a meal if we go out for drinks with friends, but we don’t really go to proper western restaurants as a general rule, as it’s not such a communal dining experience compared to the Asian eating culture.

Why do people like food from their hometown?

People usually always enjoy food from their hometown, especially if they live elsewhere and miss home. It’s because it’s familiar, and it’s what we were brought up eating, so it gives us a degree of comfort too. People always like to turn to familiar things from time to time and food from our hometown or cities, especially food cooked by our parents, is something that almost always makes us feel good, welcomed and satisfied. Humans are essentially quite nostalgic creatures at heart, so home-cooked food always makes us feel good! 

Describe a time when you gave a piece of advice to another person. 

You should say: 

Who you gave it to 

Why this person needed your advice 

What advice you gave 

And explain how you felt about the result

The time I gave a piece of advice to someone that I remember most clearly, was a time only a few weeks ago. It was to a good friend of mine, probably one of my best friends actually. She had fallen out with a friend of hers, and they had not been speaking for some time, and she was very upset about it. Without going into all the personal details of the fall-out, suffice it is to say that it was a pretty big fall-out and the other friend was really upset with her for hurting her feelings and being way too direct about her opinions. My friend talked to me about this and I listened very carefully to the whole story, and had a good think about it before offering any advice. I advised her that she should first make a peace offering – approach the friend, apologize for being a bit insensitive, and offer her a gift, a simple gift of flowers or chocolates, and perhaps an invitation to coffee or a dinner. Then I suggested that she, after apologizing for her part in the disagreement and fall-out, explain her own feelings about the whole thing and try to then establish a mutual understanding. My friend decided to follow my advice. At first, I must admit, she didn’t want to because she’s quite a proud and stubborn person and does not like to apologize for anything. But I convinced her that some degree of apology is usually a good idea to show the other person you respect them and diffuse some of the negative feelings. I also advised her not to talk or gossip about this to other friends, but keep it quite quiet, so that it doesn’t blow more out of proportion. Things often get worse and blow out of proportion if more people talk about it and add their own opinions and feelings and perspectives. So, my friend did follow my advice and the two of them did meet for coffee and the result was very positive. Actually, I think it strengthened their friendship more in the end. I was happy that I had given very considered and sincere advice. 

Part 3 

Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?

It depends what that advice is. There are some kinds of advice which are really good to ask people that you don’t know, on online forums or chat groups and things like this. Like, for example, computer issues, or technical issues, or advice on the quality of certain things you might want to buy online. But when it comes to very personal issues, family issues, and matters of the heart, I would say that it’s almost always best to seek the advice of someone who is close to you, who knows your personality and personal history. 

What are the problems if you ask too many people for advice?

If you ask too many people advice on an issue, especially a complicated emotional one, then you can get too many diverse opinions and get more confused. Sometimes it’s a better idea to ask one or two close friends or family members and not a whole range of different people. It’s a tricky one, in some ways, because it’s also good to get a variety of opinions on things, and not just one or two, because people can sometimes surprise you and offer solutions that you’d never thought of or that your close friends and family hadn’t thought of. But generally it’s best to be a little careful and moderate the amount of people you share your personal problems and dilemmas with. 

What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?

There are quite a few jobs related to giving advice. One that instantly springs to mind is that of a counsellor or therapist – someone whose profession is giving advice and listening to your emotions and feelings. The kind of person who is good at giving advice in this kind of profession is usually someone who has a high degree of empathy with other people, and quite a bit of experience at understanding people from different backgrounds and with different types of problems. As well as possessing empathy, this kind of person usually is also quite pragmatic and practical – which is very important in helping people get over personal issues or solving personal problems. 

Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone. 

You should say: 

When it was 

Who you had it with 

What you talked about

And explain why you think it was interesting 

A conversation I had with someone that I found interesting was one that I had just a week or so ago with a friend. He is a real fan of classical music, and always goes to concerts in the national theatre – local, national and international productions. He was talking over dinner in a restaurant about his love for music and the different musical instruments and how they make him feel, and how they sort of ‘work together’ in an orchestra to create a moving and inspiring sound. I’d never really thought about music in this way, so I found it quite interesting how he talked about how the violin could sound quite sad and romantic, the trumpet could sound quite majestic and confident, and how each instrument could be played in a way that evoked different emotions. And how, if they were all played together, like in many pieces of classical music, the listener could experience a whole range of different emotions. The three of us at the dinner started to discuss our feelings about music – happy-sounding music, romantic-sounding music, and sad-sounding music, and we ended up having a really interesting conversation which made us all want to go listen to more music, live music in particular. I would say that it improved my understanding of music in general, and of human nature. This is the main reason I enjoyed the conversation – good conversations usually result in people involved learning or discovering something new about life, and themselves. 

Part 3 

Do people communicate more when they talk face to face?

I believe people communicate more deeply, yes, but I don’t think they communicate ‘more’ as such. People say a lot more in messages these days, but most of it is light or daily practical types of exchanges. However, when they are face to face, especially at a dinner or an event when they are eating and drinking together and letting their feelings go a bit more, this is when they really start to open up and really communicate more. At least some people. I think it’s not only a good way to get to know people more deeply, but a way of learning about other people’s views and opinions and perspectives on life. This is why I believe face-to-face communication is always an important thing. 

What do young people usually talk about?

Young people talk about all sorts of things. It totally depends on the kind of young people we’re talking about, their social backgrounds, their educational backgrounds, their personalities and their family backgrounds – even the place they come from. If you come from a small town you find people talk more about local gossip and small circles of family friends; if you come from a big city you are perhaps more likely to have been exposed to more international ways of thinking and you might talk about wider issues beyond just very local gossip. So, it really depends. Beyond this, popular topics are things like celebrities, the latest movies, family issues, studies and the pressure of finding a decent career, or love and relationships and the struggles of trying to get along with their romantic partners. Things like this are pretty universal really amongst the youth.

Do you think we need to be good at communication at work?

I think communication in most jobs is pretty essential. A lot of misunderstandings can occur from people not listening properly or not explaining things properly, or simply not even trying to empathize or understand others and their positions. Communication is absolutely key to getting through some of these barriers of potential misunderstanding and promoting a positive working environment where everyone feels they can express how they feel about work-related issues, and solve problems, and get tasks done properly and on-time. 

Describe a short trip you often do but you don’t like. 

You should say: 

Where you travel to How often you do this trip 

Why you need to do this trip 

And explain why you don’t like this trip 

A short trip that I do every single day is my commute to work. I really hate it to be honest. I enjoy my work and the office environment and my co-workers, I must say, but I do not enjoy the trip to work. It takes about one hour and I must change on the subway twice at peak time in thick crowds. I find the crowds overwhelming and the subway ride claustrophobic. It’s really a complete pain! I obviously need to do this trip in order to get to work, and I don’t have any intention of moving closer to the office, because I like the area where I live and I’ve always lived around there. I’m not a person who is patient with crowds. I like peace and quiet. I enjoy calm. I don’t really like busy and bustling environments, and if you’ve ever taken a subway in the capital city to a central business district or technology district at rush hour, you will know just how thick the crowds are and how cramped the conditions are on public transport. Even if I had a private car, it wouldn’t be any better because I’d be stuck in horrendous traffic, and I’d have to sit and drive and then struggle to find a parking space, and probably end up being late for work anyway! So, all in all, commuting to work, for most people, not just for me, is most certainly one’s least favourite short trip! I guess that’s life, we just have to do it and hope that one day there are more subway lines or even teleporting devices which mean we can appear at the office, as if by magic, without having to make such an arduous and annoying journey each day, there and back! 


Part 3 

Who prefer travelling abroad?Youngsters or old people?

Young people usually prefer travelling overseas. They have more energy and more curiosity to see other countries, and perhaps more patience with cultural differences. Young people are more idealistic about other countries and more interested in learning about different ways of doing things. Older people are more set in their ways, less motivated to change and adopt other ways, and usually less flexible about dealing with different ways of doing things – and these are usually things that going overseas involves – adapting to different ways of thinking and doing things. And that can be tiring and challenging – something that young people are more happy to embrace than older people. In general, anyway.

Do you think Chinese people like travelling abroad?

Yes, most Chinese people I know, especially younger people, enjoy travelling overseas on holidays at least. They are interested in seeing new and different things, and going to another country offers a new and exotic experience. Chinese people are quite patient and adaptable to other ways of doing things, I think, and even if they do encounter challenges and cultural differences, they usually deal with these quite well, and keep their judgements and frustrations to themselves. This makes us quite inclined to be fairly good travelers and not get too frustrated about differences we encounter. However, we do miss our own food a lot when we travel, and often complain, amongst ourselves, about how the food in other countries isn’t as varied and tasty as our own food! 

Which one is more helpful to learn about a country, reading literature works about this country or travelling to this country in person?

Well, I’d say a bit of both really. Of course, it depends really who is doing the reading and the travelling. There is nothing that really compares to the direct experience of being overseas oneself. And this cannot be achieved simply by reading a book. However, it’s also a good idea to read about a country a bit before travelling to it, so that you get a bigger picture of the place than just your own experience. So, that’s why I say, a combination of personal travel and reading is usually the best way to approach travelling to a new place. 










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