随机森林特征重要性(Variable importance)评估方法 您所在的位置:网站首页 随机森林样本量要求 随机森林特征重要性(Variable importance)评估方法

随机森林特征重要性(Variable importance)评估方法

2024-06-16 03:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Random Forest Variable importance 算法介绍实现算法流程分类回归 实验实验1:waveform数据集(分类)实验2:superconductivity数据集(回归)实验3:power-consumption数据集(回归)实验4:mnist数据集(可视化实验)实验5:与sklearn的验证 附录

项目主页:randomforest github, gitee C++ implementation of random forests classification, regression, proximity and variable importance. 推荐阅读:Random Forests C++实现:细节,使用与实验


  特征重要性评估(Variable importance measure, or Feature importance evaluation)用来计算样本特征的重要性,定量地描述特征对分类或者回归的贡献程度。随机森林可以用来对特征重要性进行评估,从另一个角度来说,特征重要新评估是随机森林的一种自带工具,主要分为两种方法:(1)Mean Decrease Impurity(MDI),通过统计节点分裂时不纯度的下降数值来衡量某个节点的重要性;(2)Mean Decrease Accuracy(MDA), 方法是随机交换袋外数据集 (permuted oob data) 中某个特征的值,然后重新进行预测,通过衡量分类/回归的准确度下降的程度来计算该特征的重要性。这两种方法的思想都是Leo Breiman提出的。   MDI使用的是训练集数据,在RF训练完成后就能直接获取MDI特征重要性评估值;MDA使用的是oob数据,需要在RF训练完成后独立运行特征重要性评估的程序。由于MDI完全使用训练数据,它可能对评估的准确性造成影响,而且更加倾向于加大high cardinality features的权重。相比之下,MDA的结果更加准确。MDI与MDA的对比可以查看sklearn给出的实验——Permutation Importance vs Random Forest Feature Importance (MDI)。

Mean Decrease Accuracy: The MDA of X(j) is obtained by averaging the difference in out-of-bag error estimation before and after the permutation over all trees. —— Biau, G., Scornet, E. A random forest guided tour. TEST 25, 197–227 (2016).

本文讨论和实现MDA方法,特征 j j j(样本第 j j j维)的重要性计算方法如下: (1)分类: M D A c ( j ) = 1 T ∑ t T [ 1 ∣ D t ∣ ( ∑ X i ∈ D t I ( P ( X i ) = = y i ) − ∑ X i j ∈ D t j I ( P ( X i j ) = = y i ) ) ] MDA_c(j)=\frac {1}{T} \sum_t^T\left [ \frac{1}{|D_t|} \left( \sum_{X_i\in D_t} I(P(X_i)==y_i)- \sum_{X_i^j\in D_t^j} I(P(X_i^j)==y_i) \right) \right] MDAc​(j)=T1​t∑T​ ​∣Dt​∣1​ ​Xi​∈Dt​∑​I(P(Xi​)==yi​)−Xij​∈Dtj​∑​I(P(Xij​)==yi​) ​ ​ (2)回归: M D A r ( j ) = 1 T ∑ t T [ 1 ∣ D t ∣ ( ∑ X i j ∈ D t j ∑ k ( R k ( X i j ) − y i k ) 2 − ∑ X i ∈ D t ∑ k ( R k ( X i ) − y i k ) 2 ) ] MDA_r(j)=\frac {1}{T} \sum_t^T\left [ \frac{1}{|D_t|} \left( \sum_{X_i^j\in D_t^j} \sum _k \left(R_k(X_i^j)-y_i^k\right)^2- \sum_{X_i\in D_t} \sum_k \left(R_k(X_i)-y_i^k\right)^2 \right) \right] MDAr​(j)=T1​t∑T​ ​∣Dt​∣1​ ​Xij​∈Dtj​∑​k∑​(Rk​(Xij​)−yik​)2−Xi​∈Dt​∑​k∑​(Rk​(Xi​)−yik​)2 ​ ​ 以上公式参考自Gérard Biau的经典论文"A Random Forest Guided Tour",解释下公式中的符号:

T T T: RF中随机树的数量 ( X i , y i ) (X_i,y_i) (Xi​,yi​): 样本,对于分类 y y y为类别,对于回归为输出(可以是多维) X i j X_i^j Xij​: X i X_i Xi​的第 j j j维(特征)随机交换后的样本 D t D_t Dt​: 随机树 t t t的袋外(oob)样本集, D t j D_t^j Dtj​: 第 j j j维交换后形成的样本集 P ( X i ) P(X_i) P(Xi​): 样本 X i X_i Xi​的预测结果(类别); R ( X i ) R(X_i) R(Xi​):样本 X i X_i Xi​的预测输出(回归) I ( P X i = = y i ) I(P_{X_i}==y_i) I(PXi​​==yi​): 指示函数,如果预测结果与真实类别相同,则返回1,否则返回0。 y i k y_i^k yik​: 考虑到多目标回归,表示第 k k k维输出

这个公式反映了,对样本第 j j j维(特征)上的数据进行随机交换后,模型预测(分类)准确度或者(回归)精度下降的程度,使用的是每棵树的袋外数据。如果在随机交换后,准确度下降较多,则认为这个特征比较重要。 上面公式中 M D A c ( j ) 、 M D A r ( j ) MDA_c(j)、MDA_r(j) MDAc​(j)、MDAr​(j)被称为raw score。对于 M D A c ( j ) MDA_c(j) MDAc​(j),在数值上它反映的是当特征 j j j 被随机交换后,袋外样本的平均分类正确率的下降值;对于 M D A r ( j ) MDA_r(j) MDAr​(j),在数值上它反映的是当特征 j j j 被随机交换后,袋外样本均方误差(MSE)的上升数值。

In every tree grown in the forest, put down the oob cases and count the number of votes cast for the correct class. Now randomly permute the values of variable m in the oob cases and put these cases down the tree. Subtract the number of votes for the correct class in the variable-m-permuted oob data from the number of votes for the correct class in the untouched oob data. The average of this number over all trees in the forest is the raw importance score for variable m. by Leo Breiman

实现 算法流程

随机森林MDA算法的流程如下(以分类为例): 训练随机森林模型(树数量 T T T),训练过程记录每棵树的袋外数据集 D t D_t Dt​ 对于每棵树 t = 1...... T t=1......T t=1......T |  计算 D t D_t Dt​上的分类正确的样本数 c 0 c_0 c0​: |     ∑ D t I ( P ( X i ) = = y i ) \sum_{D_t} I(P(X_i)==y_i) ∑Dt​​I(P(Xi​)==yi​) |  对于每个特征 j = 1...... M j=1......M j=1......M |  |  对 D t D_t Dt​样本的特征 j j j进行随机交换得到 D t j D_t^j Dtj​ |  |  计算 D t j D_t^j Dtj​上的分类正确的样本数 c 1 c_1 c1​: |  |     ∑ D t j I ( P ( X i j ) = = y i ) \sum_{D_t^j} I(P(X_i^j)==y_i) ∑Dtj​​I(P(Xij​)==yi​) |  |  计算: m d a ( t , j ) = 1 ∣ D t ∣ ( c 0 − c 1 ) mda(t,j)=\frac{1}{|D_t|}(c_0-c_1) mda(t,j)=∣Dt​∣1​(c0​−c1​) |  end of j j j end of t t t 对于每个特征 j = 1...... M j=1......M j=1......M |  计算特征 j j j的重要性raw socre: |     M D A c ( j ) = 1 ∣ T ∣ ∑ t m d a ( t , j ) MDA_c(j)=\frac{1}{|T|}\sum_t mda(t,j) MDAc​(j)=∣T∣1​∑t​mda(t,j) end of j j j

算法的时间复杂度为 O ( M ∗ N ∗ T ) O(M*N*T) O(M∗N∗T), M , N , T M,N,T M,N,T分别是特征数、样本数、随机树数量。运行MDA特征重要性评估的耗时要远远大于随机森林训练的耗时。MDA特征重要性评估的C++实现如下:

分类 int RawVariableImportanceScore(float** data, int* label, LoquatCForest* loquatForest, int nType, float* varImportance, bool bNormalize, char* filename) { int var, tr, i, j, oobnum, index; const int variables_num = loquatForest->RFinfo.datainfo.variables_num; const int Ntrees = loquatForest->RFinfo.ntrees; struct LoquatCTreeStruct* pTree = NULL; int* pIndex = NULL, predicted_class_index; float confidence; int correct_num = 0, correct_num_premute = 0; float* tmp_data = new float[variables_num]; int** DeltMatrix = new int* [Ntrees]; for (i = 0; i pTree = loquatForest->loquatTrees[tr]; pIndex = pTree->outofbag_samples_index; oobnum = pTree->outofbag_samples_num; oobOfTrees[tr] = oobnum; int* permuted_order = new int[oobnum]; for (correct_num = 0, i = 0; i // permuting (var)th variables // permute [0, oobnum-1] permute(oobnum, permuted_order); for (correct_num_premute = 0, i = 0; i for (j = 0; j for (i = 0; i for (i = 0; i vieFile DeltMatrix[i] = new float[variables_num]; memset(DeltMatrix[i], 0, sizeof(float) * variables_num); } float* mean_var = new float[variables_num]; memset(mean_var, 0, sizeof(float) * variables_num); float* std2_var = new float[variables_num]; memset(std2_var, 0, sizeof(float) * variables_num); int *oobOfTrees = new int[Ntrees]; for (tr = 0; tr index = pIndex[i]; target_predicted = GetArrivedLeafNode(loquatForest, tr, data[index])->pLeafNodeInfo->MeanOfArrived; for(int k=0; k // permuting (var)th variables // permute [0, oobnum-1] permute(oobnum, permuted_order); memset(mse_premute, 0, sizeof(float)*target_num); for (i = 0; i predicted = loquatForest->bTargetNormalize == false ? target_predicted[k] : (target_predicted[k] -loquatForest->offset[k])/loquatForest->scale[k]; mse_premute[k] +=(target[pIndex[i]*target_num+k] - predicted)*(target[pIndex[i]*target_num+k] - predicted); } } for (int k=0; k raw_score[i] = mean_var[i]; fsum += raw_score[i]; } // Normalization if (bNormalize) { for (i = 0; i for (i = 0; i vieFile // read training samples if necessary char filename[500] = "/to/direction/dataset/train-data.txt" float** data = NULL; int* label = NULL; Dataset_info_C datainfo; int rv = InitalClassificationDataMatrixFormFile2(filename, data/*OUT*/, label/*OUT*/, datainfo/*OUT*/); // check the return value // ... ... // setting random forests parameters RandomCForests_info rfinfo; rfinfo.datainfo = datainfo; rfinfo.maxdepth = 40; rfinfo.ntrees = 200; rfinfo.mvariables = (int)sqrtf(datainfo.variables_num); rfinfo.minsamplessplit = 5; rfinfo.randomness = 1; // train forest LoquatCForest* loquatCForest = NULL; rv = TrainRandomForestClassifier(data, label, rfinfo, loquatCForest /*OUT*/, 20); // check the return value // ... ... // variable importance measure float *vim = new float [datainfo.variables_num]; RawVariableImportanceScore2(data, label, loquatCForest, 0/*raw score*/, vim, true, "file_to_store.txt"); delete [] vim; // clear the memory allocated for the entire forest ReleaseClassificationForest(&loquatCForest); // release money: data, label for (int i = 0; i






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