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每日新闻播报(March 29)

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每日新闻播报(March 29)

chinadaily.com.cn 2022-03-29 17:27

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>Industrial profits up 5% in first two months前2个月规上企业利润增长5%

A staff member works on an assembly line at a farm machinery manufacturing company in Jining city, East China's Shandong province, Feb 15, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]

Profits at China's major industrial firms rose 5 percent year on year in the first two months of 2022, official data showed on Sunday. The growth rate went up 0.8 percentage points from December last year, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said. Industrial firms, each with annual main business revenue of at least 20 million yuan, saw their combined profits reach 1.16 trillion yuan in the two months. 国家统计局3月27日发布数据显示,1至2月份,全国规模以上工业企业实现利润总额近1.16万亿元,同比增长5.0%,增速较去年12月份回升0.8个百分点。规模以上工业企业,即年主营业务收入为2000万元及以上的工业法人单位。

In the January-February period, revenues at those firms went up 13.9 percent year on year to 19.4 trillion yuan, and 21 out of 41 industries saw growth in profits. 统计数据显示,1至2月份,规模以上工业企业实现营业收入19.4万亿元,同比增长13.9%。在41个工业大类行业中,21个行业利润总额同比增长。


>Employment of people emerging from poverty五部门部署做好脱贫人口稳岗就业工作

Candidates look at employment opportunities at a job fair in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. [Photo by Liu Jianhua/For China Daily]

China will step up efforts this year to stabilize the employment of people who have been lifted out of poverty, as part of the work to consolidate the achievements made in poverty alleviation, according to a circular. 近日,人力资源和社会保障部等五部门联合印发通知,部署做好脱贫人口稳岗就业工作,巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果。

China will ensure that no less than 30 million people who have shaken off poverty are employed this year, preventing a large-scale return to impoverishment, said the circular co-released by five government organs, including the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. 通知提出,今年推动全国脱贫人口务工规模不低于3000万人,牢牢守住不发生规模性失业返贫的底线。

Measures to be unveiled include boosting labor-service cooperation between eastern and western regions and creating job opportunities near people’s homes, according to the circular. 深化东西部劳务协作。促进就地就近就业。

In 2021, some 31.45 million people lifted out of poverty found jobs, according to the National Rural Revitalization Administration. 国家乡村振兴局的数据显示,2021年全国脱贫人口务工规模达3145万人。


>Cargo craft leaves space station core module天舟二号已撤离空间站核心舱组合体

China's cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-2 separates from the core module of the Tiangong space station, March 27, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]

China's cargo spacecraft Tianzhou-2 separated from the core module of the country's space station Sunday afternoon, the China Manned Space Agency announced. At 3:59 pm, Tianzhou-2 left the core module of the Tiangong space station after completing all of its scheduled tasks, said the agency. 来自中国载人航天工程办公室的消息,天舟二号货运飞船完成空间站组合体阶段全部既定任务,已于北京时间3月27日15时59分撤离空间站核心舱组合体。

During its operation in orbit, Tianzhou-2 carried out a series of extended application tests. 天舟二号飞船在轨运行期间,进行了一系列拓展应用试验。

It is now in good condition, and will enter the Earth's atmosphere at an appropriate time under ground control, the agency added. 目前,天舟二号飞船状态良好,后续将在地面控制下择机再入大气层。

Tianzhou-2 is the first cargo ship sent into space in the key-technology verification phase of China's space station. Carrying 6.8 tons of supplies for the space station, it was launched from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of the southern island province of Hainan on May 29, 2021. 天舟二号是中国空间站关键技术验证阶段发射的首艘货运飞船,于2021年5月29日在海南文昌发射场发射入轨,为空间站送去6.8吨物资补给。


>All 132 on board confirmed dead东航事故航班132人全部遇难

Rescuers search the site of a recent plane crash in Tengxian county, South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, March 28, 2022. Search work at the site of the recent plane crash in South China is continuing after the second black box was found on Sunday, an official said at a press briefing on Monday afternoon. [Photo/Xinhua]

All 132 people on board China Eastern Airlines plane that crashed Monday in South China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region are dead. The national emergency response headquarters for China Eastern Airlines Flight MU5735 aircraft accident on March 21 made the announcement late on Saturday after six days of all-out search and rescue efforts. 经过6天全力搜救,“3•21”东航MU5735航空器飞行事故国家应急处置指挥部3月26日晚间确认,东航MU5735航班上123名乘客和9名机组人员已全部遇难。

The second black box-the flight data recorder-was recovered about 9:20 am on Sunday. 3月27日9时20分许,客机的第二部黑匣子即飞行数据记录器已找到。

Its recovery could play a key role in discovering why the tragedy occurred. 黑匣子将成为破解此次航班事故发生原因的关键。

China Eastern Airlines has started the work of settling claims, said Liu Xiaodong, head of the airline's publicity department, at a press conference on Sunday.东航集团宣传部部长刘晓东3月27日在新闻发布会上表示,公司已经正式启动理赔工作。


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