太平洋底现"巨型金字塔" 或为UFO基地 您所在的位置:网站首页 金字塔ufo真相 太平洋底现"巨型金字塔" 或为UFO基地

太平洋底现"巨型金字塔" 或为UFO基地

2023-09-23 08:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Humans have yet to explore the deep wonders of the sea, but a recent find suggests aliens may have already beaten us to it. 海洋深处的奇迹还有待人类去探索,但最新发现表明,在这方面外星人可能已经打败了我们。

Deep below the Pacific Ocean lies what one Martian researcher has deemed 'a perfect pyramid'. 一名火星研究员认为,在太平洋深处有一座“完美的金字塔”。

Using Google Earth, this massive structure appears to be 8.5 miles across and some say it could be a UFO parked underwater or an enormous alien base. 通过谷歌地图发现,这个庞大的建筑看起来边长有8.5英里(约13.7千米),有人说它可能是一个停在水下的不明飞行物或巨大的外星人基地。

Marcelo Igazusta, a researcher in Argentina, was the first to lay eyes on the mysterious underwater structure, which was discovered last month. 马塞洛•伊加祖斯塔是一名来自阿根廷的研究人员,他在上个月首先发现这个神秘的水下建筑。

Using the coordinates 12 ° 8'1.49 'N 119 ° 35'26.39' W, Igazusta claims to have spotted a beam of light shining from the darkness of the Pacific Ocean just west of Mexico - leading him to this 'monumental discovery'. 伊加祖斯塔称,在坐标北纬12 ° 8'1.49 ',西经119 ° 35'26.39'上,他发现了来自墨西哥西部太平洋深处的一束光,这束光将他引向该“重大发现”。

Well-known alien hunter, Scott C Waring, picked up the discovery today and shared it with his followers. 著名的外星人探寻者斯科特•C•韦林,今天偶然看到这一发现并将其分享给自己的追随者。

'It's a perfect pyramid that measures 8.5 miles across one side of its base,' Waring writes in his blog UFO Sightings Daily. 韦林在他的博客“UFO每日见闻”中写道:“它基座的一条边长8.5英里,是一个完美的金字塔。”

'That's a conservative estimate, it could be up to 11 miles across.' “这是一个保守估计,它的边长可能长达11英里。”

The massive structure may be hard to make out, as it looks like a blur on the screen, but if you envision a pyramid and squint while looking at the area it might appear in front of your eyes. 如此庞大的建筑可能很难辨认,因为它在屏幕上看起来像是模糊一片,但如果你想象那是一个金字塔,眯着眼睛看该区域,金字塔可能就会出现在你眼前。

Waring explains that this 'perfect pyramid' is adjacent to the ancient Mayan and Aztec pyramids in Mexico. 韦林解释说,这个“完美的金字塔”毗邻墨西哥的古代玛雅和阿兹特克金字塔。

Although the ancient pyramids were constructed by humans, Waring says 'Only aliens could accomplish makings such a massive structure' --referring to the one underwater. 虽然古代金字塔是人类建造的,但韦林表示“只有外星人能完成这样庞大的建筑”——指的便是海底的这个建筑。

'Even if this is not a UFO that landed in the ocean that was being used as an alien base, it is still a monumental discovery,' he writes. 他写道:“即使这不是着陆在海洋、用作外星人基地的UFO,它仍然是一个重大的发现。”

'An 8.5 mile pyramid… biggest the world has ever known.' “边长8.5英里的金字塔……迄今为止世界上最大的金字塔。”

Google Earth may be the new go-to source to find evidence of alien life here on Earth. 要在地球上寻找外星生命的证据,谷歌地图可能是新的重要来源。

In April, Waring posted another sighting – but this time it was a mythical creature. 四月,韦林又发布了另一发现——但这次是一个神秘的生物。

Plugging the coordinates 63° 2'56.73'S 60°57'32.38'W in Google Earth, he claims to have spotted the mythical Kraken swimming off the coast of Deception Island near Antarctica. 他声称在谷歌地球中输入坐标南纬63°2 '56.73西经 60°57 '32.38'后,发现了在南极洲附近奇幻岛临近海岸游弋的神秘海怪。

'I used Google ruler and it says this is 30 meters (100 feet) from head to end, but the end looks like just the mid area of a giant squid, which means it could be 60+ meters long with tentacles,' Waring wrote in his blog last month. 上个月韦林在他的博客中写道:“我用谷歌尺进行测量,显示其从头到尾共30米(100英尺),但尾部看上去就像一个巨型乌贼的中间部分,这意味着加上触须它可能有60多米长。”

'That sounds like the Kraken to me.' “我觉得这听起来就像挪威海怪。”

Waring also thought of the extinct prehistoric animal Plesiosaur when he spotted the massive beast causing ‘a massive disturbance in the ocean’. 当韦林发现这个庞大的野兽在海洋中“兴风作浪”时,他还想到了已经灭绝的史前动物蛇颈龙。

Another conspiracy theorist has posted about the find, but with a different opinion about the large object. 另一个阴谋论者发布了关于该发现的评论,但对该庞大物体持不同的意见。

‘But if you look more closely it looks like an artificially made object, an underwater UFO coming out of the ocean,’ the unknown author shared on UFO Sightings Hotspot. 一位佚名作者在UFO目击热点上分享道:“但如果你仔细观察,它看起来像一个人工制成的物体,一个浮出海面的水下UFO。”

Kraken, Plesiosaur, underwater UFO or maybe even a massive whale, whatever is lurking in the dark fridge waters near Antarctica is a massive creature creating quite a stir. 海怪,蛇颈龙,水下UFO或者甚至是一个巨大的鲸鱼,无论是潜伏在南极洲附近海域冰冷黑暗的深海中的庞大生物是什么,它都已引起轩然大波。

英文来源:每日邮报 翻译:实习生朱善美 编审:yaning






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