宁静的人生(2010)A quiet life、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载 您所在的位置:网站首页 邀请信中英文对照翻译 宁静的人生(2010)A quiet life、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

宁静的人生(2010)A quiet life、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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保龄球馆那里见at the bowling lanes, see you there.理论上说他应该在月底签合同In theory he should sign the contract at the end of the month,但他想压榨他们所以会有所提前but he wants to screw them so he's signing early.恩西诺,他的作息和以前一样吗?Enzino, are his hours always the same?像闹钟一样,五点下班骑自行车回家Like clockwork: he leaves the office at 5 and rides his bike home.好,我们两天内就完事Okay, we'll wrap it up in 2 days.带来了吗?Did you bring it?给Here.如果需要什么,明天找我If you need anything, call me by tomorrow,事成之后我就放假,不想惹麻烦then I'm on vacation and want no trouble.说一下你兄弟怎么死的? - 又来了!Tell us how your brother died? - That again!比赛吐口水 - 你兄弟死你笑了吗?A spittin' game. - My brother is dead and you laugh?迭戈不相信Diego didn't believe it.你不知道吗? 你和你老爸一起参加的葬礼Didn't you know? You came to the funeral with your father.我父亲已经死了My father was already dead.我兄弟九二年死的,你老爸九五年被枪杀My brother died in '92, your father was shot in '95.九四年十二月十号♥ - 那还是在那之后In '94, December 10th. - Okay, but that's still after.关于你父亲的故事总是很神秘That story about your father has always been strange.闭嘴Shut up.他罪有应得It's paid for.多丽丝,你要买♥♥什么?Hi Doris, what'll you have?两包万宝路Two packs of Marlboros.波里斯!Boris!要搭车吗?Need a lift?不用,谢谢No, thank you.今晚可以见面吗?We can't meet this evening?我正准备去克拉包特曼那里I'm going to Klaubauterman's,那是个酒吧it's a pub.你知道酒吧吗? 喝喝酒抽抽烟…You know "pub"? Drinking, smoking...酒吧!A pub!懂的,我也去I understand, I'll come too.有人没吃完野猪吗? - 你还在这里?Did anyone survive the boar? - You're still here?很抱歉雷娜特今晚独自在家啊I was sorry to leave Renate alone with you.你今晚可以接一下班Then you can take the shift this evening.跟雷娜特说,我晚上休息Talk to Renate, I'm taking the evening off.就像你工作很辛苦似的!Like you work too hard!鲍尔女士 - 神父的太太吗?Mrs. Bauer. - The priest's wife?牧师!神父是不能结婚的Pastor! Priests can't marry.晚上好,鲍尔女士Good evening, Mrs. Bauer.晚上好Good evening.您丈夫怎么样了?How's your husband?今天我们做了祈祷Today we prayed,命运在主的的手里we're in the Lord's hands.我们都是As we all are.请进Please.谢谢Thank you.我们能再来一杯吗?Can we have another?你好!Hello there!单身汉之夜吗?Bachelor night?我和意大利朋友在一起I'm with Italian friends.你儿子多大了?How old's your son?九岁还差一个月Nine, in a month.你们两个似乎合得来You two seem to get along.我不得不说他把我看成老男人I'd say he sees me as an old man.比如说吧,他从我钱包里偷钱For example, he steals money from my wallet以为我不知道and thinks I don't realize.我更喜欢他们长大的样子I like it better when they're grown.你♥他♥妈♥怎么知道他们什么时候长大?What the fuck do you know about when they're grown?当你那么大的时候,我住在地窖里When you were his age, I was living in a cellar, like a dog,猪狗不如living a life of shit.有人Occupied.稍等Just a moment.糟糕!Shit!你母亲结婚了吗?Did your mother marry?三年前Three years ago.你和她老公合得来吗? - 我一个人住Do you get along with her husband? - Who sees them? I live alone.我留了钱给你I'm putting money aside for you.我不要 - 为什么? 你不是我儿子吗?I don't need anything. - Why not, aren't you my son?拉索先生!Mr. Russo!你好,弗洛里安!Hi, Florian!你见到多丽丝了吗?Have you seen Doris?抱歉,没有No, I'm sorry.谢谢Thank you.你在德国做什么?What's your business in Germany?爱德华多的父亲有个做橄榄油的庄园Eduardo's father has a farm, he produces olive oil.你为他工作吗?And you work for him?我们卖♥♥油给超♥市♥和百货公♥司♥We're trying to sell it here to supermarkets, department stores.别担心Doris, don't worry.我很好,去外面等着I'm fine, but go outside and wait.她有感到恐慌吗?Does she get panic attacks?没有,但是快点No, but hurry.一切正常吗?Everything alright?你在里面做什么?What were you doing?我还用解释吗?Do I have to explain?他妈的,我要给你放点血!Shit Italian, I'll beat you bloody!听见了吗?Did you hear me?快走!Get moving!说声对不起 - 向谁说?Say you're sorry. - To who?说声对不起!Say you're sorry!对不起,罗萨里奥,我有点失控了Rosario, sorry for before, I lost control a little.我们相处并不愉快Guys, we're not getting along.这里人都认识我,我不想看起来很猥琐Everyone here knows me, I don't want to look like shit.对不起You're right, I'm sorry.如果你们想玩我,我的饭店任你们处置If you want to screw, you have my hotel at your disposal.朋友,我已经说过抱歉了My friend, I already said I'm sorry.我们不是朋友,我的朋友们都很得体We're not friends, my friends know how to behave,不然我会踢他们的屁♥股♥or I kick their asses.你太过分了! - 清楚了吗?You're going too far! - Am I clear?是的,清楚了Yes, you're clear.我们要睡觉了 - 那他妈太好了We're going to bed. - Damn good thing.这他妈是谁?Who the fuck's this guy?一位朋友想给我儿子送一只拳师犬A friend wanted to give my son a boxer puppy,我太太说服他杂种狗更聪明but my wife brainwashed him that bastards are smarter.然后就想找杂种狗!Then go for the bastard!你会选哪一种?Which one would you choose?我有一只杜高犬,但是它跑了I had a Dogo, but it ran off.什么品种?What race is that?一种阿根廷狗It's an Argentine dog.很抱歉我冲你朋友发火I'm sorry I raised my voice with your friend.我希望你能把这里当做家 - 没事儿I want you to feel at home. - It's all okay.如果你一会儿没事做If you have nothing to do later,我带你去个地方,那里的啤酒很棒I'll take you to a place where the beer's really good.去干什么?What for?那里有个湖,可以钓鳗鱼There's a lake, we can fish for eels.马赛厄斯很喜欢Mathias would like it.我们一起去We'd all be together.好,一起去!Sure, all together!看好了吗,马赛厄斯?All set, Mathias?你着急吗?Are you in a rush?你在这待多久? - 四天,我们有打扰吗?Know how long you'll stay? - Four days, are we a bother?你不知道你在这我有多开心You don't know how happy I feel to have you here.我花了十五年开始新生活,但我忘不了你It's taken 15 years to get a new life, but I never forgot you.快点,就买♥♥那条破狗Hurry and get this fucking dog.你知道我为你做的这一切You know I did what I did for you,如果我留下来,我们都会死if I'd stayed they'd have killed us all.你明白吗?Understand?你们得提前行动了 - 为什么?You gotta anticipate everything. - Why?他今天四点下班He's signing today at 4.四点? - 他现在在办公室At 4? - He's in his office now.然后他会离开Then he'll leave and go sign.






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