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和老外交流时,经常被老外问: How are you? 或者How are you feeling now?   听到这,脑子就卡机了,机械地冒出一句:I'm fine,或者 I am good.     这种时候还真是尴尬,好像脑子里关于心情的词汇只剩下 good, happy, sad…再高档的词,怎么也蹦不出来,气氛秒结冰。   那么,小编今天就教大家一些表达心情的高档表达方式,每个都肯定比上面的词地道100倍。赶快拿你的小本本记下吧。 1 心情靓,别只会说happy啊,下面这些高招表达也很炫酷!     Pumped Up   very excited about something. 对……非常兴奋   这个词很容易理解,pump是泵,打气筒,气打得很足,那一定情绪很高,所以引申过来,就是很兴奋、跃跃欲试的意思。   Eg: He’s pumped up for his first half-marathon race this weekend.对于周末的半程马拉松比赛,他特别兴奋 Fool's Paradise   a situation when someone is happy because they’re ignoring a problem or fail to realize its existence. 黄粱美梦   这个短语的意思有点像中文里的“无知者无畏”,或者“傻乐”的感觉。没有看到问题,所以不害怕。   Eg: He’s been living in fool’s paradise since he started trading stocks, expecting to make millions even though he doesn’t have investing experience.虽然他一点投资经验也没有,但他开始炒股后,总是摆出一副做黄粱美梦的感觉,期待着赚上几百万。   On Cloud Nine   When someone is on cloud nine, it means that he or she is feeling extremely happy. 高兴得好像在九霄云上   这里就体验了中英的互通性。中文里有高兴到九霄云外,相对应的,英文里也有类似的表达,就是 on cloud nine,不得不服两种语言太有默契了。   Eg: When he finally proposed to her, she was on cloud nine.当他最终向她求婚时,她真是高兴到九霄云外了。 2 心情低落,当然不止sad一种说法,下面这些你肯定没听过!     Be down in the dumps   to feel unhappy or without hope. 感到沮丧、绝望   in the dumps 直译是“在垃圾堆” 的意思。   由此引申为心情乱糟糟的,绝望、低落。   Eg: I always feel down in the dumps when I go back to work after a long weekend.每次周末过后去上班的时候,我的心情都很低落。   At the end of your rope/ tether   to feel very upset because you’re no longer able to deal with a difficult situation. 因为处理不了困境,而内心沮丧。   这个说法有英美两种区分。   美国人说的是 at the end of your rope;而英国人说 at the end of your tether。这里的rope,tether都是绳子的意思。   这个说法呢,有点像咱们中文里的“江郎才尽”,意思是想不到招儿,或无计可施,什么也做不了。   Eg: Helen is at the end of her rope after looking for a job for months without any luck.海伦连续找了几个月工作,但还是没有收获,她有点绝望了。   Grief-stricken   extremely sad 极其伤心   Grief-stricken这种构词法是高档英语的一种标志。   与之相近的词还有: earth-stricken 遭受地震重创的 poor-stricken 贫穷的   stricken 是 strike 的过去分词,意思是“打击”,grief-stricken 就是被 悲伤击中的 那种状态。经历过的人都知道,那种无力感、脆弱感。   Eg: After his partner died in a car accident, he was left grief-stricken.自从他的同伴在车祸中丧生后,他就一直处于悲痛中。 3 愤怒,生气   Bend out of shape   When you are bent out of shape over something, you feel very annoyed or angry. 特别生气   对于这个短语,小编就不文字解释了,直接上表情包,见上图。   不得不感叹,表情包大咖们的文字配图并不是瞎扯的,原来英语中真的有“气到变形”的表达,哈哈哈   Eg: Mother is really bent out of shape because we came home so late last night.因为我们昨天回去那么晚,所以母亲大发雷霆。   Bite someone's head off   to respond with anger to someone 冲着某人发火,大发雷霆   这个短语乍看有点吓人,难道是“要把人头咬下来?其实没有这么严重啦。 指的是对别人大声叱喝,非常生气地斥责   Eg: I just asked one question to confirm his request, and my boss bit my head off. 我只是提了个问题,跟老板确认他的需求,结果老板对我大发雷霆。   Drive up the wall   to annoy or irritate someone. 把人逼疯   让人抓狂得想上墙,这种人的确很可怕。     Eg: His constant whining drove me up the wall, so I left.他不断向我抱怨,简直要把握逼疯,所以我离开了。 4 害怕的表达方式     Have butterflies in your stomach   to feel very nervous or excited about something that you have to do, especially something important. 紧张,忐忑不安   胃里有蝴蝶飞,这的确让人心烦意乱,紧张不安。   Eg: I’m going to have the first meeting with a big client tomorrow, and I’m feeling butterflies in my stomach.明天我就要和大客户第一次见面了,现在我真是忐忑不安。   Afraid of your own shadow   very easily frightened 特别害怕,紧张   中国有成语叫“杯弓蛇影”,那个主人公把墙壁上弓箭上蛇的图画倒影,认为是真的蛇,所以喝下了那酒后生病了。   这个成语用来形容一个人极度的害怕,紧张。   而在英文中,也有同样的表达就是:Afraid of your own shadow,一个人连自己影子都害怕显然要比害怕杯弓蛇影,显然是更极端的害怕了。   Eg: After reading “Dracula,” she became afraid of her own shadow.读完《德古拉》之后,她心里就特别害怕。 On pins and needles   When people say they’re on pins and needles, they aren’t talking about sewing or injections. It really means that they are feeling anxious or nervous. 特别害怕   这个短语和中文中的“如坐针毡”的神韵也是一样的,表达一种坐立不安的感觉。   Eg: The movie was so suspenseful, I was on pins and needlesthe whole time!这部电影太令人紧张了,我一直处于一种坐立不安的状态。 5 茫然/丧也是现代人的一种心情,来看看怎么说?     Spaced out   When you are not concentrating on what is going on around you, you can say you are spaced out or daydreaming. 梦游,放空   这就是我们常说的:人在,心不在了。我们都有这种时候,虽然看起来在做事情,但脑子里一片空白,像梦游一般。   Eg: Dave, are you listening? You look totally spaced out!戴维,你在听吗?你看上去像在做白日梦。   Feel out of it   to not feel in a state of one’s normal mind. 不在正常状态   这和上面那个短语有点像,就是脑袋空白的状态,感觉魂儿不是自己的。   Eg:He just woke up from a night of heavy drinking and felt so out of it.他终于从一夜宿醉中醒来了,感觉很不自在。 6 现代都市人经常感到累,但是说到你,你只会tired? 或者再进化下,只能到exhausted的程度?那么有点弱了,今天教你一个新词。 Beat/Bushed   The next time someone asks you how you’re feeling after a long and tiring day, you can tell them that you’re beat or bushed. 下次很累的时候,用beat 或 bushed吧,比tired地道100倍     Eg: Sorry, I can’t do the chores today, I’m beat/bushed!抱歉,今天我不想做家务了,我太累了。   学了这么多,给我们点个赞吧!   (本文首发于沪江商务英语公众号,扫码关注,即可获取更多商务英语资讯。转载请“沪江商务英语”后台联系!)






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