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2023-07-04 05:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.毁坏;摧毁;严重损害Toruin something means to severely harm, damage, or spoil it.

e.g. My wife was ruining her health through worry...忧虑严重损害了我妻子的健康。e.g. Entire villages have been washed away. Roads and bridges have been destroyed and crops ruined.这些村庄全部都被冲走了。道路和桥梁都被破坏了,农作物也全毁了。

2.使破产Toruin someone means to cause them to no longer have any money.


e.g. She accused him of ruining her financially with his taste for the high life.她指责他为了追求奢华的生活致使她倾家荡产。

3.破产Ruin is the state of no longer having any money.

e.g. The farmers say recent inflation has driven them to the brink ofruin.农民们说最近的通货膨胀使他们濒临破产。

4.毁灭;崩溃;瓦解;没落Ruin is the state of being severely damaged or spoiled, or the process of reaching this state.


e.g. The vineyards were falling intoruin...这些葡萄园日渐没落。e.g. She wasn't going to let her plans go toruin.她不会让她的计划破产的。

5.残余部分;残存部分The ruins of something are the parts of it that remain after it has been severely damaged or weakened.

e.g. The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire...他帮助建立起的新土耳其共和国是从一个伟大帝国的废墟上发展起来的。e.g. He stood very still, staring in at the ruins of his work.他站在那里一动也不动,呆呆地看着他残余的作品。

6.废墟;遗迹;断壁残垣The ruins of a building are the parts of it that remain after the rest has fallen down or been destroyed.

e.g. One dead child was found in the ruins almost two hours after the explosion...爆炸发生将近两个小时以后,在废墟中发现了一个已经死亡的小孩。e.g. There's only the mountain in this direction, and higher up an oldruin, an abandoned castle.从这个方向望去只看得到这座山,以及更高处的一处废墟,一座废弃的城堡。

7. see also: ruined

8.完全崩溃;垮掉;破败不堪If something isin ruins, it is completely spoiled.


e.g. Its heavily-subsidized economy is in ruins...其靠资助维持的经济已经完全崩溃了。e.g. This country was once proud of its education system. Now it seems to be in ruins.这个国家曾一度为其教育体系感到自豪。但现在它似乎已经千疮百孔了。

9.一片废墟;满目疮痍If a building or place isin ruins, most of it has been destroyed and only parts of it remain.


e.g. The abbey was in ruins...这个修道院已经成了一片废墟。e.g. Within Germany, the city of Berlin lay in ruins.在德国,柏林市已经满目疮痍。






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