英语翻译西游记读后感,《西游记》读后感(英文版) 您所在的位置:网站首页 评价西游记英语作文 英语翻译西游记读后感,《西游记》读后感(英文版)


2023-12-13 11:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,《西游记》读后感(英文版) 2,西游记读后感和简介英文 3,西游记读书心得50字左右急急急!!! 4,关于用英语介绍四大名著中的西游记的80词英语作文 5,一篇西游记评论用英语60至80词 6,《西游记》读后感(英文版) 7,英语作文西游记 8,英语作文西游记读后感80词 9,英语作文关于西游记简介150词左右 10,介绍西游记的英语作文 1,《西游记》读后感(英文版)

"Monkey" the most enchanting character is Sun Wukong, this all-resourceful monkey ascends the sky into, comes and goes freely, unrestrained, has become the children ideal symbol and reposing. West travels 81 with difficulty and a group mysterious strange, the moving heart and soul god evil spirit conflict, reflects learns from experienced people the tribulation which in the process suffers and difficult. “the Daoist scripture” has become “the success” and “the goal” symbol. When often I bump into the difficulty, I would to remember Sun Wukong to help skilled worker the Tang Xuanzang to take the Daoist scripture, did not fear that difficult, indomitable spirit, I will be brave, will overcome another difficulty.



读了《西游记》我深有感触,文中曲折的情节和唐僧师徒的离奇经历给我留下了深刻的印象。 本书作者罗贯中为读者讲述了唐僧以及其他的三个徒弟一路上历尽艰险、降妖伏魔经历了九九八十一难取得了真经的故事。正是这离奇的故事情节赢得了广大读者的心,致使此书成为了我国古代的四大名著之一。 《西游记》塑造了四个鲜明的人物形象:唐僧-诚心向佛、顽固执着,孙悟空-正义大胆、本领高超是妖怪们的克星,猪八戒-贪财好色,但又不缺乏善心,沙僧-心地善良、安于天命。这四个人物形象各有特点,性格各不相同,恰好形成了鲜明的对比,这使我不得不佩服作者写作技艺的高超,也许作者善于刻画人物形象便是他的精妙之处。其中我最喜欢的便是孙悟空,因为他神通广大、技艺高超,一路保护唐僧成功地取得了真经,他就成了我心目中的英雄。而且在他身上还有一种叛逆心理,以及他敢于和强大势力做斗争的勇敢的精神令我十分欣赏。 书中写唐僧师徒经理了八十一个磨难有让我联想到了他们的执着、不畏艰险、锲而不舍的精神。这着实是一种值得我们学习的精神。再想想自己的半途而废、虎头蛇尾,我不禁惭愧自己当初为何不能像他们一样坚持到底呢?也许这就是我所缺少的,只要我能把一件事情从头做到尾,不管我是成功了还是失败了,只要我尽力去做了,这对我来说也是一种成功啊!因为我去做了,而且坚持到了最后。 那四本厚厚的名著,是每个自诩热爱中国古代文化的人必须修读的。我自然不能免俗,刀光剑影,勾心斗角,爱恨缠绵,都不适合此时阅读,于是再次翻开了《西游记》,进入了光怪陆离色彩斑斓的神话世界。 这是一部所有人都爱读的经典大作,每个人都能在解读它时获取不同的感受和启示。有人喜欢它鲜明的人物个性;有人喜欢它瑰丽的整体形象;有人喜欢它活泼诙谐的语言;有人干脆把它当作道德修养小说或政治寓言。但在我看来,它什么都不是,它只是“游戏之作”,是一个单纯的神话世界。我在读这本小说时常常有一种共鸣感,想必这是我内心深处对于自由的欲望在呼喊吧! 一、自由 在经历了又一个个性受制约的学期后,孙悟空这个形象完全激发了我内心潜在的,但根深蒂固的向往——对彻底的自由的向往。孙悟空破土而出,“不优麒麟辖,不优凤凰管,又不优人间王位所拘束”,闯龙宫,闹冥司,在花果山自在称王,可以说已经达到人性摆脱一切束缚,彻底自由的状态。孙悟空其实就是自由的化身,他的品质中最突出的特点就是向往自由,他始终在追求自由,他的一切斗争也都是为了自由。这样一个鲜活的形象给予了我一种寻找自由、追逐自由的力量和勇气。总之,我觉得现代人对于自己的生存状态,尤其是精神方面较为安于现状,缺乏一种开拓进取,寻找更大自由的精神。 二、神话 如今也是一个远离神话的时代。日常生活过于现实,使充满幻想的事物遭到排斥。神话绝非幼稚的产物,它有深邃的哲学意义和丰富的文化内涵。谢林在他的名著《艺术哲学》中说:“神话乃是各种艺术的必要条件的原始质料。《西游记》是中国神话小说的颠峰,也是神话文化的至高境界,然后中国的神话文化渐渐没落了,神话不被人重视,连《西游记》也少有人问津,只有孩子们会被孙悟空征服,于是也只有孩子们抱有对未来浪漫的、梦幻般的希望。” 三、英雄 “英雄”有许多不同解释。《辞海》中说英雄是杰出的人物,曹操说英雄要有包容宇宙之机,吞吐天地之胸。我认为,英雄是那些顽强地掌握自己命运,并为崇高理想而奋斗的人。孙悟空无疑是英雄的典型,他为了自由,为了自己的尊严,不怕与一切进行斗争。正因为这种对抗的差距悬殊,发自内心而拼尽全力的抗争才显得悲壮。明知不可为而为的勇士才能凸现出其英雄本色。 复读《西游记》,让我觉得其不属于一般名著的特点。我相信,也希望它永 远向大家展示着“自由、神话、英雄”三个主题,给大家带来激励和源自内心的力量。

Journey to the West is a mythologi- cal novel based on many centuries of popular tradition. It was probably put into its present form in the 15708 by Wu Cheng’en (1500-82). This lively fantasy relates the amazing adventures of the priest San- zang as he travels west in search of Buddhist sutras with his three disci- ples, the irreverent and capable Mon- key, greedy Pig, and Friar Sand. The opening chapters recount the earlier exploits of Monkey, culminating in his rebellion against Heaven. We then learn how Sanzang became a monk and was sent on his pilgrimage by the Tang emperor who had escaped death with the help of an Underworld official. The main story, the journey, takes the priest through all kinds of entertaining trials and tribulations, mainly at the hands of monsters and spirits who want to eat him. Only the courage and powers of his disciples, especially Monkey, save him from death. Monkey is the hero of the fantasy, and the read- er will soon learn why he has long been so loved in China. Will the pilgrims reach the Vulture Peak and obtain the Scriptures? The answer will only be found at the end of the lOO-chapter novel. The story is as full of imagination as Monkey is of magic, and packed with incident and down-to-earth hu- mour. The illustrations are from 19th- century Chinese edition. This is the first of the three volumes of the novel. Jacket drawing by: Wei Wei




Journey to the West is a Chinese classic fantastic novel. It mainly describes a long journey to the Western Heaven to fetch the Buddhist sutras. The main characters of this novel are a monk, named Xuanzang, and his four disciples, named Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Yulong Santaizi. Throughout the journey, the four brave disciples have to protect their master from various monsters and calamities. After encountering eighty-one disasters, they finally reaches their destination. The most definitive version of this novel was written by Wu Chengen in his old age and published in 1592.



Journey to the West is a story about a Buddhist and his four apprentices experienced eighty-one difficulties, and eventually reached the destination and got Buddhist scriptures.

Monkey Hit Lady White Bone Thrice is one of its most brilliant plots. One day Tang Priest’ and his disciples were traveling a mountain. And there was a fiend called White Bone Thrice. It had heard that anyone who had eaten a piece of the Tang Priest’s flesh will live forever, so it tried three times to capture him. But no matter what it changed itself into, Wukong could quickly recognized it, and then raised his cudgel and hit it.

Journey to the West is really an interesting book, telling many adventurous stories. I had watched the TV series before, but I found that the book is much interesting. Except for the adventurous experiences, we still can learn something from this book. We should be brave and confident to ourselves, no matter how many difficulties we meet. Our fellows and teamwork is important to us. When we are in trouble, they are the person we can rely on. And the trust between people is of great importance. It can combine people to a group and work together.


During the summer holiday, I spent much time in reading. I finished one of the four masterpieces of China,Journey to the West. It’s really an interesting book, telling many adventurous stories.I had watched the TV series before, but I found that the book is much interesting. Except for the adventurous experiences, we still can learn something from this book. We should be brave and confident to ourselves, no matter how many difficulties we meet. Our fellows and team work is important tous. When we are in trouble, they are the person we can rely on. And the trust between people is of great importance. It can combine people to a group and work together. 翻译: 暑假期间,我花了很多时间在阅读上。我读完了中国四大名著之一—《西游记》。这是一本有意思的书,讲述了很多的冒险故事。在这之前我已经看过电视剧,但是我发现书本更有意思。除了历险之外,我们还可以从中学到一些东西。不管遇到多少困难,我们都应该勇敢自信。我们的同伴和团队对我们很重要。当我们身陷困境的时候,他们是我们可以依靠的人。人与人之间的信任也很重要,它可以讲人们组成一个团队一起努力。


Monkey, Monkey King is one of the roles that Chinese Ming Dynasty novelist Wu Cheng's book "Journey to the West" in. Monkey Qunhou lead into the shuiliandong become the king of Zhonghou, since then, the high throne, the "stone" hidden word child, and then called the Monkey King. When I visited the Monkey King huaguoshan hero, the acquaintance of other six cattle devil devil, seven sworn brothers, therefore becoming one of the seven holy Monkey, ranked seventh position. After Monkey Monkey King, claiming "Monkey."

Monkey naturally smart, lively, brave, loyal, vengeful, in Chinese culture has become a resourceful and brave incarnation, so it's easy to become Monkey boy idolized.

美猴王,即孙悟空是中国明代小说家吴承恩的著作《西游记》中的角色之一。孙悟空带领群猴进入水帘洞后成为众猴之王,自此,高登王位,将"石"字 儿隐了,遂称美猴王。孙悟空在花果山遍访英豪之时,结识了牛魔王等六大魔王,七人结拜为兄弟,因此孙悟空成为七大圣之一,位排第七。之后孙悟空大闹天宫,自称"齐天大圣"。



《西游记》中最迷人的人物当属孙悟空,这个神通广大的猴子上天入地,独来独往,是那么的率性而为,至情至性和无拘无束,代表了人类精神中最自由和顽皮的部分,也成为了无数人理想的象征和寄托。西行路上的九九八十一难以及一路上的神奇怪异,动人心魄的神魔冲突,以反映取经过程中遭受的磨难和极致的艰辛。“真经”已成了“成功”和“目标”的象征。人们关注着“八十一难”的过程,是因为这一系列的磨折与“历经磨难,终成正果”的中国式心灵开始了共同的脉动。 西游记读后感80字(2): 放假时我向姐姐借了一本书,名为《西游记》,在寒假期间,我用了半个多月的时间读完了这本书。 《西游记》主要讲的是孙悟空、猪八戒、沙僧三人保护师傅唐僧西天取经,经过九九八十一难,最终取得真经,一路上的艰难险阻,都没有使他们退缩。 通过读这本书,我懂得了在我们的人生路上会遇到许多的困难,但是不管遇到怎样的困难,我们都要迎难而上,永不退缩,努力战胜困难,解决困难!   


Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literatures. It is written in 16th century Ming dynasty. It tells a story about a Buddhist monk and his three students who are animals but with human characteristic. They travel west to India to find Buddhist scriptures. The monk, called XuanZang or Tangsheng, is an idealist, who is as weak as a kitten and just sets there helplessly for rescue when he gets into trouble. But he is really kind and great, trying to dispel the darkness and ignorance in people’s heart. The monkey named Wukong is born from a stone and he owns extraordinary powers and amazing intelligence that he uses to overcome demons and monsters. The pig is Bajie. He loves beauty and delicacy and he always makes a mess and generates a lot of humor in the process. The loach is called ShaSeng and he is very modest and diligent; he takes care of the monk and colleagues.


Journey to the West, commonly known to the western readers as Monkey, is a supernatural novel about a world of of fantastic invention, in which gods and demons loom large and vie for supremacy. The novel began with a series of oral and written versions, and eventually attained its most definitive version written by Wu Ch'eng-en (1500?-1582), a scholar-official in the Yantze region, and published in 1592.

The story of Journey to the West is divided into three parts: (1) an early history of the Monkey spirit; (2) pseudo-historical account of Tripitaka's family and life before his trip to to fetch the sutras in the Western Heaven; (3)the main story, consisting of 81 dangers and calamities encountered by Tripitaka and his three animal spirit disciples - Monkey, Pigsy, and Sandy (a fish spirit).






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