美国案例名称前的“in re”、“ex parte”、“ex rel.”是什么意思啊? 您所在的位置:网站首页 设备ex是什么意思啊 美国案例名称前的“in re”、“ex parte”、“ex rel.”是什么意思啊?

美国案例名称前的“in re”、“ex parte”、“ex rel.”是什么意思啊?

2024-06-28 22:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

案例的名称或标题(name or title)通常由诉讼双方当事人的名称构成,但也有一些例外情况,题主提及的几个词均属于特殊情况。


In re是拉丁语,表示“关于”,等于普通英语的“in the matter of”。在以in re开头的案件中,审判过程中是没有诉讼另一方(adversary parties)的。在案例的名称前加上in re通常意味着只涉及一方当事人的案件,如破产案件、监护人案件、藐视法庭案件、吊销律师资格或移民申请等案件。如In Re Bilski比尔斯基案(an appellate court case dealing with the patentability of business method patents.)


以下为关于in re的英文解释,供参考:

In jurisprudence, in re is used to indicate that a judicial proceeding may not have formally designated adverse parties or is otherwise uncontested. The term is commonly used in case citations of probate and bankruptcy proceedings, such as the General Motors Chapter 11 reorganization. It is sometimes used for consolidated cases, as with In re Marriage Cases. It was adopted by certain U.S. states like California when they adopted no-fault divorce to reflect the fact that the modern proceeding for dissolution of marriage was being taken out of the adversarial system. It is also used in juvenile courts, as, for instance, In re Gault. The Bluebook describes In re as a "procedural phrase", and requires using it to abbreviate "in the matter of", "petition of", "application of", and similar expressions.


案件名称有时也会使用Ex parte,此类案件涉及为单方当事人利益而设置的特殊法律程序(a special proceeding for the benefit of one party only)。在审前程序或庭审过程中,如果某诉讼文件(pleading)或动议(motion)名称冠有ex parte,则表示涉及可单方面进行的法庭程序;在此类程序中,当事人事先无需通知诉讼的另一方或无须让对方出庭答辩,如有关紧急诉讼保全的动议。如:



冠以ex rel.的案件是经和该案件有私人利益关系的公民之要求并根据其所提供的信息资料,由检方以政府的名义提起的,此时ex rel. 是拉丁文Ex relatione的简写形式,意思为“upon relation or information of”(根据某某的陈述或提供的信息)。对于涉及非正常司法救济的特殊案件,如案件涉及mandamus(申请上级法院向下级法院发出约束力)、certiorari(申请上级法院向下级法院发出调卷令)或habeas corpus (申请用于解除不当拘押的人身缉拿令)等,案件名称有时会使用State ex rel., 如State ex rel. Berry v. Green。






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