认识你真正的敌人(12)Know Your Real Enemy (12) 您所在的位置:网站首页 认识你的敌人 认识你真正的敌人(12)Know Your Real Enemy (12)

认识你真正的敌人(12)Know Your Real Enemy (12)

2024-02-02 13:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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1. Hello listening friends, we are glad you joined us again tonight.亲爱的朋友,你好,今天很高兴你再次收听我们的节目。

2. And I’m glad you are listening to this very special and important series of messages.很高兴你收听这个非常特别,又很重要的系列信息。

3. We want you to know everything about the real enemy,我们希望你认识有关那真正敌人的一切,

4. Even Satan himself.就是撒但自己。

5. And tonight I want to talk to you about what makes him thrive.今天我要讲,撒但的势力得以扩充的原因。

6. There are so many Christians around the world today who are living a defeated life,今天世界上有许多的基督徒过着失败的生活,

7. So many Christians around the world who are saved but unproductive.世界上有许多基督徒,虽然是得救了,却没有果效。

8. They are perpetually spinning their wheels.他们的齿轮不断地转动,却徒劳无功。

9. They know the Lord,他们认识主,

10. But they are not going anywhere with Him.但他们并没有与主同行。

11. And I am convinced in my own heart,我心里很肯定,

12. That if we are ever able to peek into Satan’s goal-setting program,假如我们能看看撒但所定的计划目标,

13. We are going to discover that his number one goal is to make Christians ineffective.我们会发现,撒但的首要目标,就是要令基督徒失去功能。

14. To keep them from comprehending and understanding and applying the Word of God in their lives.撒但要阻止他们了解明白神的话语,并实践在生活中。

15. Today we continue exposing the enemy and his method of operation.今天我们要继续揭穿敌人的真面目和它的阴谋。

16. And I want to focus on what really makes Satan thrive among believers.我想集中讲撒但如何在信徒中扩张它的势力。

17. My text is familiar to some of you.我所要读的经文,可能你也熟悉。

18. It is found in Matthew 13,就是马太福音13章,

19. In that parable Jesus tells us what makes Satan thrive.主耶稣用比喻告诉我们,撒但何以会成功。

20. It is simply this,道理很简单,

21. He wants to succeed in blunting the effect of the power of the Word of God in your life.它要使神的话语在你的生命中失去作用。

22. Hebrews 4:12 tells us,希伯来书4章12节说:

23. That the Word of God is living.神的道是活泼的。

24. It is alive,神的话是活的,

25. And it is active,是动态的,

26. The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword,神的话比一切两刃的剑更锋利,

27. Piercing the division of soul and spirit,能刺入剖开魂与灵,

28. Of the joints and the marrow,骨节与骨髓,

29. And discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.能辨明心中的思念和主意。

30. The Word of God is a powerful thing and Satan knows that.撒但知道,神的道大有能力。

31. I meet lots of people in my travels,我在各地旅行时,遇到过许多人,

32. And they get surprised when I tell them Satan is a believer.当我告诉他们撒但也是相信者,他们都感到很奇怪。

33. They say, what do you mean by a believer?他们说,你说撒但也是相信者,这是什么意思?

34. The Bible says that Satan believes and trembles.圣经说,魔鬼也信神,却是信得战兢。

35. He is a believer because he knows how powerful the Word of God is,它信神,因为它知道神的道有多利害;

36. He knows that it is powerful to changed lives,它知道神的道能够改变生命;

37. He knows that it is powerful to convict of sin,它知道神的道能够叫罪人悔改;

38. He knows that it is powerful to condemn and judge,它知道神的道能够定人的罪并且审判人;

39. He knows that it is powerful to encourage and uplift,它知道神的道能够使人得到激励和鼓舞;

40. He knows it is powerful to forgive and restore,它知道神的道能够使人得到宽恕和复原;

41. He knows it is powerful to produce fruit.它知道神的道能够结出果实。

42. It is powerful to accomplish God’s purpose in your life tonight.今天神的道就能帮助你,完成神在你生命中的计划。

43. And that’s what Jesus wants us to know from this parable of the soil.因此主耶稣要我们明白这土壤的比喻。

44. Some people call it the parable of the sower.有些人称它为撒种的比喻。

45. But it’s really the parable of the soil.其实它是土壤的比喻。

46. The focus is the soil.重点在于土壤。

47. We have established in the past several weeks that Satan is not stupid.过去几星期,我们认识到撒但并不愚蠢。

48. Lucifer was one of the brightest and the shiniest of all the created angelic beings,路西弗在所有受造的天使里,是最光明最灿烂的其中之一,

49. And he knows how powerful the Word of God is,它知道神的道有多利害,

50. And that he cannot do anything about it.它没有办法对付神的道。

51. He knows that he cannot change it,它知道它不能改变神的道,

52. He knows that he cannot water it down,它知道它不能冲淡神的道,

53. He knows that he cannot modify it,它知道它不能修改神的道,

54. He knows that it is the power of dynamite,它知道神的道具有爆炸力,

55. So he does the next best thing,充其量它能做的,

56. He works on the soil on which the seed of God will go.就是向神的道种所落下的那些土壤来动手脚。

57. He focuses all his attention toward stopping the seed from being planted,它处心积虑地拦阻种子栽种在土壤里,

58. He concentrates his energy on the condition of the soil.它集中力量来影响土壤的质量。

59. And that is you the recipient and your heart and your mind.你就是接受道种的人,你的心思意念就是土壤。

60. He does all of his work toward keeping the Word of God from doing its job in your life.魔鬼千方百计地阻止神的道在你生命中动工。

61. And when it gets planted, he does everything in his power to prevent it from growing and germinating.但当神道的种子在你心中栽种了,魔鬼就要全力阻止它萌芽生长。

62. Finally if it does grow,一旦种子终究成长起来,

63. He works hard to prevent it from producing fruit.它就努力阻止它结出果实。

64. I want you to think about this for a moment,请你想一想,

65. Think of what the devil is doing all over the world,想想魔鬼在这世上所做的一切,

66. Trying to stop the Word of God from being effective.它就是要阻挠神的道发生功效。

67. All he has to do is to assign one or two of his demons to destroy some of the leaders,它只要派一两个恶魔邪灵去打击教会的领袖,

68. And it will effect many others.就能够影响许多人了。

69. In Matthew 13 Jesus tells us that the sower went forth to sow.在马太福音13章那里,耶稣说有一个人出去撒种。

70. Look at verse 37,请看37节,

71. He said that the sower is the Son of God.祂说那撒种的人就是神的儿子。

72. And as soon as the sower gets out and starts sowing the seed,当撒种的人出去,开始撒种的时候,

73. Satan goes out and works too.撒但也同时出去作工。

74. He said that the first type of soil is the soil that goes on the edge of the fields,祂说,第一种土地就是田间的路旁,

75. And that is the border between two farms.也就是两块田之间的边界。

76. It is the place where the earth is compacted and packed up,那里的泥土比较结实坚硬,

77. It is the place where the foot and the hoof have walked many times and have made the soil to be hard and compacted.那里经常被人和牲畜践踏,以致泥土变得坚硬而结实。

78. It is the strip in the field where the soil is not prepared to receive the seed.那是田地的通道,不预备撒种的。

79. This is the first type of soil.这是第一种土壤。

80. And when the seed falls on this hard land,当种子掉在这硬土上,

81. What happens?有什么事情发生?

82. It’s stays there until the birds come and snatch it and run away with it.这里说,有飞鸟来吃尽了。

83. In Matthew 13:19,在马太福音13章19节那里,

84. In Matthew 13:19 Jesus explained this part of the parable this way,马太福音13章19节,耶稣解释这段比喻,

85. The hardened soil he said is the person who does not understand or comprehend the Scripture.硬的泥土就是那些听见天国道理而不明白的人。

86. It is the person who does not understand the power of the Word of God.是那些不明白神的道是大有能力的人。

87. Some of you who are listening to me right now don’t understand the power of the Word of God,你们中间可能也有人不明白神的道是大有能力的,

88. And God wants you to comprehend that tonight.神希望今天你能够明白。

89. So what is Satan strategy for that one?撒但对不明白神的道的人有何策略呢?

90. He gives us three strategies here.它有三个策略。

91. The first strategy is this,第一个策略是:

92. Those who have hardened hearts,对那些心硬的人,

93. He goes immediately and picks the seed up off the ground.魔鬼会立刻来到,拾起地上的种子。

94. Those who are the type of people who get some emotional feelings when they hear the Word of God,这是指有些人听见神的道,当时会有些激动,

95. They will get teary eyed,可能还会流泪,

96. But otherwise their hearts are hardened as a rock,但心里却硬得像石头一样,

97. Nothing penetrates them.什么都不能穿透。

98. They may go to church on occasions,他们偶尔到教会去,

99. But nothing gets through to their heart.但他们的心不被感动。


1. They may read the Bible on occasions,他们有时会读读圣经,

2. But nothing gets through to them.但他们什么也看不进去。

3. Here is Satan’s strategy.这就是撒但的策略。

4. First he blinds their mind,首先它蒙蔽人的思想,

5. So they don’t understand the Word of God.以致他们不明白神的道。

6. Secondly,第二,

7. He tries to make them forget what they have heard as soon as they hear it.撒但要使人忘掉刚听过的道。

8. Why?为什么?

9. Because if the seed is allowed to germinate, it will produce fruit.因为一旦种子萌芽生长,就会结出果实来。

10. And Satan does not like that,撒但当然不喜欢啦,

11. He works hard at that.它会尽量在这方面下工夫。

12. So I want to tell you tonight,所以我今天要告诉你,

13. That if one of his demons succeeds in removing the Word of God from your mind,如果魔鬼能从你心里拿走神的道,

14. If the Word of God is going in one ear and coming out the other,如果神的道从你左耳入右耳出,

15. If you are not able to apply the Word of God into your business and into your home,如果你不能将神的道实践在工作场所和你的家中,

16. Then you have allowed Satan to succeed.那你就容许撒但成功了。

17. If he can succeed in getting you to substitute human wisdom for God’s wisdom,如果它能够令你用人的智慧代替神的智慧,

18. Then he has succeeded.那它就成功了。

19. If he can succeed in getting you to substitute counseling for the power of God,如果它能够令你依赖人的辅导,而不再倚靠神的大能,

20. Then he has succeeded.那它就成功了。

21. If he succeeds in satisfying your thirst for the Word of God by some other fountain,如果它能令你渴望别的东西,代替神的道,

22. Then he has succeeded.那它已经成功了。

23. Succeeded in what you might ask,你会问,撒但在那方面成功呢?

24. Satan has succeeded in snatching away the good seed of the Gospel like a vulture.撒但就好像秃鹰一样,从你心中夺了福音的种子。

25. The raven is a very common bird,乌鸦是一种很普通的鸟,

26. You see it all the time.你常常都见得到。

27. And as soon as they see their prey, they quickly go in the twinkle of an eye and snatch it away.当他们一看见猎物,在眨眼之间就会迅速捕获它。

28. Well that’s how Satan works.撒但就是这么做的。

29. First of all, he fills your mind and he clutters your mind with all kinds of things so you cannot think of anything else,首先它会充满你的思想,搅乱你的思维,使你无法再想其他东西,

30. So that the seed of the Word of God cannot penetrate in your mind,使得神的道不能透进你的思想里去。

31. I have known people who go from church to church,我认识一些人,去了一间又一间的教会,

32. From teacher to teacher,跟了一个又一个的老师,

33. From seminar to seminar,参加一次又一次的研讨会,

34. And they go from one place to another, but nothing is happening inside them.他们去这里去那里,他们的内心却毫无变化。

35. Why?为什么?

36. Because Satan has convinced them that all they need is more seed, more seed, more seed.因为撒但使他们以为自己需要更多,更多,更多的种子。

37. When in reality that is not true,然而事实并非如此,

38. What they need is the plowing of the Holy Spirit to plow the soil of their hearts in order that the Word of God can be planted.他们需要让圣灵将心里的土壤翻起来耕耘,适合栽植神的道种。

39. Is the soil of your heart compacted tonight?今天你心里的泥土是不是刚硬的?

40. Do you want to know how it became that way?你知道怎么会变成这样的吗?

41. Here’s what the Bible said,圣经在这里说:

42. Psalm 66:18,诗篇66篇18节,

43. “If I regard a sin in my heart, my prayers will not be answered.”我若心里注重罪孽,主必不听。

44. So if there is a sin in your life and you’ve got that sin rationalized,所以,如果你犯了罪,又找借口解释,

45. Then you know that your heart is compacted.你就知道,你的心田是刚硬的。

46. And in this case all the preaching and all the teaching in the world is not going to penetrate.这样,世上所有讲的道和教导都不能进入你的心。

47. What you need to do is repent,你需要悔改,

48. Confess your sin,承认你的罪,

49. Because confession is that plowing of the soil that compacted soil.因为认罪就是将结实的泥土犁松。

50. If your heart is hardened tonight,如果你的心今天仍然刚硬,

51. Confession can begin to break down and shape up these hard soil,只要认罪,就可以把结实的泥土翻松,耕耘好,

52. And allows the Word of God to begin to penetrate,让神的道进入你心里,

53. And then the Word of God will go on and bear fruit.这样,神的道就会继续生长结出果实。

54. And then there is a second type of soil,第二种泥土,

55. The second of many ways in which your heart can become compacted is what the Bible calls the root of bitterness.使你心里刚硬的第二种原因,就是圣经所说苦毒的根。

56. You say, what is that?你问,那是什么?

57. Some people have that root of bitterness so deep in their heart that they’re not even able to comprehend it.有些人心中的苦涩埋藏在深处,连他们自己也不懂为什么会这样。

58. They try to deal with the symptoms,他们尝试处理外表的症状,

59. But the problem is a disease.但问题是里面的病。

60. They try to deal with the fruit but the problem is with the root.他们尝试处理所结的果子,但问题却在根部。

61. And when the root of bitterness takes hold in your heart, there is hardness in your heart.当苦涩在你心里生了根,你的心就会变得刚硬。

62. Bitterness will so compact your heart that your heart cannot receive the Word of God.苦涩充满你的心使它刚硬,不能接受神的道。

63. Even if you read the Scriptures 24 hours a day it does not help you.就算你一天廾四小时都在读圣经也无济于事。

64. Let me give you an illustration.让我举个例子说明。

65. They’ve discovered in one of the pyramids in Egypt a grain of wheat,人们在埃及的金字塔里找到一粒麦子,

66. Scientists who found it ran a test on it.科学家拿去化验。

67. And they said that that seed must have been there at least 3,000 years.他们说那粒麦子在那里,至少有三千年的历史了。

68. It was sitting on a hard rock,麦子是留在一块坚固的石头上的,

69. And it just stayed there.它一直在那里。

70. One person calculated that if that seed was being planted and harvested,有人计算过,如果把那粒麦子栽种收成,

71. For all these 3,000 years,经过三千年之后,

72. It would have created enough food to feed the whole world for 2 days.这些麦子所制造的食物,足足供应全球两天的需用。

73. But it sat there on that hard rock,但那麦子放在石头上,

74. Producing no fruit.没有结出任何果实。

75. And I pray tonight that you would be a productive believer,今天,我希望你能成为一个有果效的信徒,

76. That your heart is not hardened.你的心不再刚硬。

77. And if your heart is hardened you will confess tonight,如果你的心是刚硬的,今天就向神认罪,

78. Ask the Lord to forgive you for your sin,求主赦免你的罪,

79. Remove the root of bitterness,除去苦涩的毒根,

80. In order that your heart be plowed again.好让你的心能够被耕耘。

81. Next time when we meet again I am going to tell you about 2 other types of soils,下次我会讲关于其他两种的土壤,

82. Until next time I wish you God’s richest blessings.愿神大大地赐福给你,下次再会!






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