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2024-07-12 21:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

实用计算几何学 前言GeometryPointLineSegmentPolyline Algorithms基本运算Projection-投影Distance-求距离Side-求相对位置关系Intersection-相交Curvature-曲率Find closest segment-求polyline上距离给定点最近的线段



注: 本篇博客不再具体讲解理论内容,而是实现相关算法。想要进一步深入了解理论内容的小伙伴可以去回顾之前的视频讲解:bilibili。


Geometry Point


// Define point struct. struct Point { Point()=default; Point(double x_in, double y_in) : x(x_in), y(y_in) {} Point(const Point& p) : x(p.x), y(p.y) {} Point& operator=(const Point& p) { x = p.x; y = p.y; return *this; } Point operator+(const Point& p) const{ return {x + p.x, y + p.y}; } Point operator-(const Point& p) const{ return {x - p.x, y - p.y}; } double operator*(const Point& p) const{ return x * p.x+ y * p.y; } Point operator*(double k)const { return {x *k, y * k}; } friend Point operator*(double k, const Point& p) { return {p.x * k, p.y * k}; } bool operator==(const Point& p)const{ return p.x==x&&p.y==y; } bool operator!=(const Point& p)const{ return !(p.x==x&&p.y==y); } double modulus()const { return sqrt(x * x + y * y); } double DistanceTo(const Point& other)const { double dx = x - other.x; double dy = y - other.y; return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } friend std::ostream& operator Line()=default; Line(Point p1_in, Point p2_in) : p1(p1_in), p2(p2_in),direction(p2_in-p1_in) { } friend std::ostream& operator " } Segment(const Segment& s) : start(s.start), end(s.end),direction(end-start) {} Segment& operator=(const Segment& s) { start = s.start; end = s.end; return *this; } Segment operator+(const Segment& rhs)const { return {start + rhs.start, end + rhs.end}; } Segment operator-(const Segment& rhs)const { return {start - rhs.start, end - rhs.end}; } double length() const{ return direction.modulus(); } Point unit_direction() const{ double len = length(); if (len != 0) { return {direction.x / len, direction.y / len}; } else { // Handle the case where the length is zero (avoid division by zero). throw std::runtime_error("Cannot calculate unit direction for a segment with zero length."); } } friend std::ostream& operator " for(int i = 1;i for(int i = 0;i if(!segs.empty() && segs.back().end != seg.start) { throw std::invalid_argument("Disconnected Segment"); } segs.push_back(seg); points.push_back(seg.end); } void append(const Point& p) { const auto seg = Segment(points.back(),p); points.push_back(p); segs.push_back(seg); } Polyline operator+(const Polyline& other) const { Polyline result; result.segs = this->segs; result.points = this->points; for(auto& seg : other.segs) { result.append(seg); } return result; } Segment GetSegmentByIndex(int index) { if(index = segs.size()) { throw std::out_of_range("Index out of range"); } return segs[index]; } std::vector Points() const{ return points; } std::vector Segments()const{ return segs; } private: std::vector segs; std::vector points; }; Algorithms 基本运算


// Calculates dot product. double DotProduct(const Vec& v1,const Vec& v2){ return v1.x*v2.x+v1.y*v2.y; }


// Calculates cross product. double CrossProduct(const Vec& v1,const Vec& v2) { return v1.x*v2.y-v2.x*v1.y; } Projection-投影



// Compute projection length of point p. double ComputeProjectionLength(const Point& p,const Segment& segment){ const auto& p1p = p-segment.start; return DotProduct(p1p,segment.unit_direction()); }


// Compute projection point of point p. Point ComputeProjection(const Point& p,const Segment& segment){ double projection_length = ComputeProjectionLength(p,segment); return segment.start + segment.unit_direction()*projection_length; } Distance-求距离


point to point

// Get distance between point p1 and point p2. double GetDistance(const Point& p1, const Point& p2){ return p1.DistanceTo(p2); }

point to line

// Get distance between point p and a straight line. double GetDistance(const Point& p, const Line& line){ Segment p1p2(line.p1,line.p2); Segment p1p(line.p1,p); return std::abs(CrossProduct(p1p2.direction,p1p.direction))/p1p2.length(); }

point to segment

// Get distance between point p and segment(p1,p2). double GetDistance(const Point& p, const Segment& segment){ Segment p1p(segment.start,p); Segment p2p(segment.end,p); const auto c1 = DotProduct(p1p.direction,segment.direction); const auto c2 = DotProduct(p2p.direction,segment.direction); if(c1 //distance(p,segment)=distacne(p2,p). return GetDistance(segment.end,p); } return std::abs(CrossProduct(segment.direction,p1p.direction))/segment.length(); }

segment to segment

// Get distance between segment and segment (method 1), method 2 is to be determined. double GetDistance(const Segment& s1,const Segment& s2){ const double d1 = GetDistance(s1.start, s2); const double d2 = GetDistance(s1.end, s2); const double d3 = GetDistance(s2.start, s1); const double d4 = GetDistance(s2.end, s1); return std::min(std::min(d1, d2), std::min(d3, d4)); }




enum class Side{ // When the segment's length is zero, it's useless to determine the side, so we use DEFAULT_NO_SIDE to show. DEFAULT_NO_SIDE=0, LEFT, RIGHT, // The three below states mean that the point is in line. ON_AFTER, ON_BEFORE, WITHIN };


点在线段的左边点在线段的右边点在线段所在的直线上 点在线段前面点在线段后面点在线段内部


// Determine which side of the segment the point is. Side GetSide(const Point& p,const Segment& s){ const auto& p0 = s.start; const auto& p2 = s.end; const auto& a = p-p0; const auto& b = p2-p0; const auto cross_product = CrossProduct(a,b); if(cross_product!=0){ // Returns LEFT if p0,p,p2 are clockwise position, returns RIGHT means p0,p,p2 are counter-clockwise position. return cross_product if(b.modulus() return Side::WITHIN; } }else{ if(a.modulus()==0){ return Side::WITHIN; } return Side::DEFAULT_NO_SIDE; } }


// Determine which side of two segments the point is. //Method 1: directly use cross product to determine and only have left/right options. Side GetSide(const Point& p, const Segment& s1,const Segment& s2) { //DCHECK(s1.end==s2.start) return Side::LEFT; } if(c1 //DCHECK(s1.end==s2.start) return side_1; } if(side_1==Side::WITHIN||side_2==Side::WITHIN){ return Side::WITHIN; } const auto& p0p = p-s1.start; const auto& p1p = p-s2.start; const auto c1 = CrossProduct(s1.direction,p0p); const auto c2 = CrossProduct(s2.direction,p1p); return std::abs(c2) > std::abs(c1) ? side_2 : side_1; } Intersection-相交



// Determine whether segment 1 intersects segment 2. bool IsIntersection(const Segment& s1, const Segment& s2){ const double o1 = CrossProduct(s2.start - s1.start, s1.direction); const double o2 = CrossProduct(s2.end - s1.start, s1.direction); const double o3 = CrossProduct(s1.start - s2.start, s2.direction); const double o4 = CrossProduct(s1.end - s2.start, s2.direction); // Segments are considered intersecting if they have different orientations. if(o1 * o2 return (q.x = std::min(p.x, r.x) && q.y = std::min(p.y, r.y)); }; // Additional checks for collinear points. if(o1 == 0 && on_segment(s1.start, s2.start, s1.end)){ return true; } if(o2 == 0 && on_segment(s1.start, s2.end, s1.end)){ return true; } if(o3 == 0 && on_segment(s2.start, s1.start, s2.end)){ return true; } if(o4 == 0 && on_segment(s2.start, s1.end, s2.end)){ return true; } return false; }


//Calculate the intersection between segment 𝑝0𝑝1 and segment 𝑝2𝑝3. Point GetIntersectionPoint(const Segment& s1, const Segment& s2){ if(!IsIntersection(s1, s2)){ std::cout return s1.start; } if(side_2 == Side::WITHIN){ return s1.end; } if(side_3 == Side::WITHIN){ return s2.start; } if(side_4 == Side::WITHIN){ return s2.end; } throw std::runtime_error("Something is wrong, please check."); } Curvature-曲率


// Obtain curvature according to p1,p2,p3. // NOTE : curvature has a sign, not just an unsigned value. double GetCurvature(const Point& p1, const Point& p2, const Point& p3){ const auto& p1p2 = p2 - p1; const auto& p2p3 = p3 - p2; const auto& p1p3 = p3 - p1; const auto& a = p1p2.modulus(); const auto& b = p2p3.modulus(); const auto& c = p1p3.modulus(); const auto cross_product = CrossProduct(p1p2, p2p3); return 2 * cross_product / (a * b * c); } Find closest segment-求polyline上距离给定点最近的线段



// Find the given point's closest segment in polyline using linear search. // Option 1. Segment FindClosestSegmentByLinearSearch(const Point& point, const Polyline& polyline){ const auto points = polyline.Points(); const auto segments = polyline.Segments(); //Compute the square distance between given point and first point in polyline. double min_dist_sq = GetDistance(point,points[0]); int closest_segment_index = 0; for(int i=1;i continue; } double dist_sq= 0.0; const double c2 = seg.length(); if(c2 dist_sq = GetDistance(point,seg); } if(dist_sq break; } } } return segments[closest_segment_index]; }


// Find the given point's closest segment in polyline using linear search. // Option 2: since we have implemented distance function, we can directly use it. Segment FindClosestSegmentByLinearSearch(const Point& point, const Polyline& polyline){ const auto& points = polyline.Points(); const auto& segments = polyline.Segments(); //Compute the square distance between given point and first point in polyline. double min_dist_sq = GetDistance(point,points[0]); int closest_segment_index = 0; for(int i=0;i min_dist_sq = dist_sq; closest_segment_index=i; if(min_dist_sq






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