【CCPR专栏】Glossary 您所在的位置:网站首页 规划英文短语 【CCPR专栏】Glossary


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由中国城市规划学会主办的《China City Planning Review》(CCPR),中文刊名《城市规划(英文版)》,是EBSCO 收录期刊、CSCD 核心库收录期刊、CNKI 全文收录期刊、ProQuest 收录期刊。“中国城市规划”联手“ CCPR”为读者打造双语专栏,拓宽内容广度。




Today we will introduce certain terms on the themes of "Place-Making of Street Design in China" and "Community Governance and Regeneration", which are also the themes of our published issues. And if you are interested in the papers on these two themes, please leave your message.


Chengdu-Chongqing Urban Agglomeration (成渝城市群)

Chengdu-Chongqing Urban Agglomeration is one of the ten national-level urban agglomerations nominated by China’s Central Government by February 2019, for purpose of promoting the integrated regional development in the western region of China. It is composed of Chongqing Municipality, one of the four municipalities under the direct jurisdiction of the Central Government, Chengdu Municipality, the capital city of Sichuan Province, as well as other 14 municipalities and 13 county-level cities of Sichuan Province. Centered on Chongqing and Chengdu, it covers an area of 185,000 km2, hosting a population of 90.94 billion and a GDP of 3.76 trillion yuan in 2014. As a strategic node on the Yangtze River Economic Belt, it is hoped to become a demonstration area of New Urbanization while taking a leading role in the integrated development of the western region of China.


Holdout (钉子户)

Also called as “nail household,” it refers to the household included in a land redevelopment plan which refuses to move during the process of land dispossession or expropriation. The phenomenon of “nail household” results from the interest game between residents, developers, and the government and often leads to the obstruction of the land redevelopment projects.


Decrease in Quantity and Improvement of Quality (减量提质)

In line with the new requirements of Ecological Civilization and New Urbanization, some Chinese cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, started to shift the quantitative increase-based urban growth to quality improvement-oriented urban development through city master planning. The resource and environment carrying capability is taken as a rigid constraint to determine the upper limit of the population, and strategies are put forward for reducing the amount of urban-rural construction land and improving the efficiency of land use and the quality of the built environment. A comprehensive control framework, as well as related restrictive indicators, are also established for the long-term urban development.


421 Family Structure (421家庭结构)

It refers to a typical Chinese family structure consisting of three generations that is caused by the one-child policy. This family structure is characterized by the composition of two elder couples, one young couple, and one child. This unique family structure appearing under a special policy circumstance is resulting in the difficulty of aging-care while the country is entering an aging society.


Lao-Piao-Zu (老漂族)

Lao-Piao-Zu refers to a special group of migrants in Chinese cities. They are elderly people migrating from their hometown to big cities for the purpose of helping their children there with the care of the third generation. Being dedicated to child-rearing for years in an unfamiliar environment without relatives, they often have to face the stress of isolation.


In Situ Resettlement (就地安置)

In Situ Resettlement is a phenomenon in the urban renovation or redevelopment in Chinese cities. It refers to the whole process of temporarily replacing the local residents out of the site of renovation or redevelopment during a certain period and resettling them on the site, either partly or completely, after the new housing is built on the site, so as to avoid the negative consequence of replacement.


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Tel:010-82819550, Email:[email protected].


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China City Planning Review (《城市规划(英文版)》)创刊于1985年,为中国城市规划学会会刊。国内城市规划领域唯一全英文期刊,致力于向国外读者介绍国内本领域最新学术研究成果。




【CCPR专栏】Glossary | 常用英文规划术语②


【CCPR专栏】Glossary | 常用英文规划术语


【CCPR专栏】Open Access | 向神而居——曼荼罗对西巴寺周边地区藏族聚落景观空间格局的影响研究



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