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#蛛缘蝽科| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

蛛缘蝽科 Alydus calcaratus 科学分类 界: 动物界 Animalia 门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda 纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta 目: 半翅目 Hemiptera 亚目: 异翅亚目 Heteroptera 下目: 椿象下目 Pentatomomorpha 总科: 缘蝽总科 Coreoidea 科: 蛛缘蝽科 AlydidaeAmyot & Serville, 1843 亚科


异名 Coriscidae Stichel, 1925

蛛缘蝽科(学名:Alydidae),又名蛛缘椿象科,是半翅目缘蝽总科下的一个科。本科物种与缘蝽科物种有着密切关系。现时本科包括有至少50个属、 290个物种。


目次 1 型态描述 2 栖息地与生态 3 分类 3.1 属 4 参考文献 型态描述 已隐藏部分未翻译内容,欢迎参与翻译。 一只见于喀拉拉邦的Riptortus属物种。 Dulichius inflatus

Broad-headed bugs[1] are up to 10-12公厘(0.4-0.5英寸) long, and have slender bodies. Some have long and very thin legs. The most notable characteristics of the family are that the head is broad, often similar in length and width to the 前胸 (昆虫) and the scutellum (entomology), and that the last 触角 segments are elongated and curved. The 复眼s are globular and protruding, and they also have ocelli. The 腿 (节肢动物) of the hindlegs bear several strong spines; the tarsus has three segments. Most species have well-developed 翅鞘 (forewings), allowing them to fly well, but in some the hemelytra are vestigial. The membranous part of the hemelytra have several closely spaced long veins.

Alydidae are generally of dusky or blackish coloration. The upperside of the 腹 is usually bright orange-red. this color patch is normally not visible as it is covered by the wings; it can be exposed, perhaps to warn would-be 捕食s of these animals' noxiousness: They frequently have scent glands that produce a stink considered to be worse than that of true stink bugs (蝽科). The stink is said to smell similar to a bad case of 口臭.

Sometimes the adults have reduced wings. Both, nymphs and adults of some species, such as Dulichius inflatus and Hyalymenus spp. are 拟蚁现象s and live in ant nests.[2]


这些昆虫主要栖息于相当干旱的沙质栖息地,见于海滨、石楠荒原、干草原和疏林草原。牠们的主要以植物的种子为食:牠们会用其长鼻刺穿种子,以饮用其中所含的营养液。部分物种在经济上是重要的害虫,例如水稻上的Leptocorisa oratoria。



蛛缘蝽族(Alydini)、 稻缘蝽族(Leptocorisini)和 微翅缘蝽族(Micrelytrini)。


Ahmad (1965) [4]将三个族都提升至亚科级,分别为[3][4][5]: 蛛缘蝽亚科 Alydinae 稻缘蝽亚科 Leptocorinae 微缘蝽亚科 Microelytrinae 而Schaefer (1965)的提议将本科物种只分为两个亚科[6]: 蛛缘蝽亚科不变; 稻缘蝽族(Leptocorisini)与微翅缘蝽族(Micrelytrini)合组成为微缘蝽亚科。

中国昆虫学家李新正和郑乐怡于1993年发表研究,对蛛缘蝽科各个亚群合共16个代表属作比较形态学研究,结论认同Schaefer (1965)的分类建议才符合研究结果[3]。其后,Schaefer (1999)[7]再完善整个分类。不过,Ahmad (1965)的分类仍然有文献在使用。


Camptopus lateralis Neomegalotomus parvus Riptortus linearis Dulichius inflatus Micrelytra fossularum 蛛缘蝽亚科 Alydinae Amyot & Serville, 1843 蛛缘蝽属 Alydus Fabricius, 1803 i c g b Apidaurus Stål, 1870 Burtinus Stål, 1860 Camptopus Amyot & Serville, 1843 蛛蝽属 Daclera Signoret, 1863 c g t Euthetus Dallas, 1852 Hamedius Stål, 1860 Heegeria Reuter, 1881 Hyalymenus Amyot & Serville, 1843 Hypselopus Burmeister, 1835 Megalotomus Fieber, 1860 Melanacanthus Stål, 1873 Mirperus Stål, 1860 Nariscus Stål, 1866 Nemausus Stål, 1866 Neomegalotomus Schaffner & Schaefer, 1998 Oxycranum Bergroth, 1910 蜂缘蝽属 Riptortus Stål, 1860 c g t Robustocephalus Ahmad, Abbas, Shadab & Khan, 1979 Stachyocnemus Stål, 1870 Tenosius Stål, 1860 Tollius Stål, 1870 Tupalus Stål, 1860 Zulubius Bergroth, 1894 微缘蝽亚科 Micrelytrinae 稻缘蝽族(Leptocorisini) Bloeteocoris Ahmad, 1965 Grypocephalus Hsiao, 1963 稻缘蝽属 Leptocorisa Latreille, 1829 Mutusca Stål, 1866 Stenocoris Burmeister, 1839 微翅缘蝽族(Micrelytrini) Acestra Dallas, 1852 c g Anacestra Hsiao, 1964 Bactrocoris Kormilev, 1953 Bactrodosoma Stål, 1860 Bactrophya Breddin, 1901 Bactrophyamixia Brailovsky, 1991 Calamocoris Breddin, 1901 Cydamus Stål, 1860[5] Darmistus Stål, 1860[5] Dulichius Stål, 1866 Esperanza Barber, 1906[5] Eudarmistus Breddin, 1903 Longicoris Ahmad, 1968 Marcius Stål, 1865 微翅缘蝽属 Micrelytra Laporte, 1833 c g Paramarcius Hsiao, 1964 Paraplesius Scott, 1874 Protenor Stål, 1868[5] Rimadarmistus Bliven, 1956[5]:只见于ITIS,其物种在其他资料库被认为是Darmistus subvittatus Stål, 1860的异名。 Slateria Ahmad, 1965 c g Stachyolobus Stål, 1871 Trachelium Herrich-Schäffer, 1850 Tuberculiformia Ahmad, 1967 Noliphini族 Ahmad, 1965 Cosmoleptus Stål, 1873 Lyrnessus Stål, 1862 Noliphus Stål, 1859 Orthriocorisa Scudder, 1890 †


i = ITIS[5] c = Catalogue of Life[9] g = GBIF[10] b = Bugguide.net[11] t = TaiBIF[12] 参考文献 ^ 饶戈; 叶朝霞. 香港蝽类昆虫图鉴 第一版. 香港昆虫学会. 2012: 166. ISBN 978-988-17797-7-9 (中文(繁体)).  ^ Oliveira PO. On the mimetic association between nymphs of Hyalymenus spp. (Hemiptera: Alydidae) and ants. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 1985, 83 (4): 371–384. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1985.tb01182.x.  ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 李新正; 郑乐怡. 蛛缘蝽科系统发育初探(半翅目:缘蝽总科). 《动物分类学报》. 1993-01-01, 18 (3): 330–343 [2018-10-12]. ISSN 1000-0739. (原始内容存档于2018-10-12) (中文(简体)).  引文格式1维护:日期与年 (link) ^ 4.0 4.1 Ahmad, I. The Leptocorisinae (Heteroptera: Alydidae) of the world. Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History. 1965, 5 (Supplement): 1–156 (英语).  ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Alydidae. ITIS. [2018-04-23].  ^ Schaefer, C.W. The morphology and higher classification of the Coreoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Parts III. The families Rhopalidae, Alydidae, and Coreidae. Publications of the Entomological Society of America. 1965, 5: 1–76 (英语).  ^ Schaefer, Carl W. The higher classification of the Alydidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 1999, 101 (1): 94–98 (英语).  ^ Australian Faunal Directory ^ Browse Alydidae. Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2020 Annual Checklist.. Reading, UK: Species 2000. 2020 [2018-04-23] (英语).  ^ Alydidae. GBIF. [2018-04-23].  ^ Alydidae Family Information. BugGuide.net. [2018-04-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-05-05).  ^ Alydidae 蛛缘蝽科. TaiBIF. [2018-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-12) (中文(繁体)). 






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