「Succulent=咬下去爆汁」:學會這些「風味」單字,聊美食也能聊到肚子餓 您所在的位置:网站首页 薯条很脆的英文 「Succulent=咬下去爆汁」:學會這些「風味」單字,聊美食也能聊到肚子餓


2024-07-09 19:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





食物擁有千變萬化的滋味,光是用 “Yummy”、"Delicious” 這些字來形容根本不夠!想要準確形容口中曼妙的滋味,把以下細膩形容味道的形容詞學起來吧:


Acidic 尖銳的酸味

Some fruit juice are very acidic. 有些果汁味道很酸。


Bitter 苦澀的味道

I like the coffee to taste a little bitter. 我喜歡喝起來有點苦的咖啡。


Bittersweet 又苦又甜的,沒有 “bitter” 的味道那麼強烈,而是苦中帶著甜味的。

The liqueur has a delicate and pleasant bittersweet taste. 利口酒(烈甜酒)有種細緻而怡人的苦甜味。


Briny “Brine” 名詞有「鹽水」、「滷水」的意思, “Briny” 則用來指「鹹」的味道

A good gulp of flavorful dry stout can clean the palate while accentuating the briny tang of raw shellfish. 一口飲下風味十足的烈啤酒,在清理味蕾的同時,還能突出生貝類強烈而特殊的鹹味。


Citrusy 明亮輕盈的酸味、柑橘類水果的風味

This cake has a pleasant citrusy taste. 這個蛋糕有個怡人的柑橘風味。


Cooling 涼爽的口味,常用來形容薄荷

The mint adds a cooling taste to this dish. 薄荷替這道菜帶來涼爽的味道。



Earthy 一種樸實的土味,常用來形容紅酒、根莖類蔬菜和菇類。

The earthy scent of this bowl of mushroom soup reminds me of forest and bonfire. 這碗蘑菇湯的樸實土味讓我聯想到森林和營火。


Fiery 火辣炙熱的味道,用來形容「辣」味

Fiery foods can cause a release of endorphins, the brain's natural pain-killers. 熱辣的食物能釋放腦內啡,腦袋的天然止痛劑。


Fresh 新鮮而清新的味道,常用來形容草本植物

I use the zest in the icing, so each bite releases its fresh flavour. 我在糖衣內加了柑橘風味,這樣咬下的每一口都會釋放出它清新的味道。


Fruity 果香味,帶著水果甜味

Grab yourself a glass of something festive and fruity, and sit back and relax. 替你自己拿一杯歡騰並帶著水果風味的飲料,然後寬舒地坐下休息。


Herbal 草本味、香草味,明亮清爽的質樸味道,通常是多種香草混合出來的風味

This is a very savory wine, with herbal notes along with dark, ripe berry fruit. 這紅酒風味極佳,在深沉成熟的莓果間帶著草本風味。


Honeyed 真摯的甜味,嘗起來有蜂蜜的味道

Its honeyed sweetness is concentrated. 它的蜂蜜甜味很濃密。


Nutty 堅果風味,常用來形容起司的味道

The pecans in the cookies are toasted, giving them an extra rich and nutty flavor. 餅乾裡的核桃有烘烤過,帶給它們非常豐富且帶著堅果味的味道。



Rich 飽滿而濃鬱的味道,常用來描述加了奶油的食物

The rich flavor of the base is not due just to the stock, but to the caramelized onions. 基底的豐富味道並非來自高湯,而是焦糖化的洋蔥。


Smoky 煙燻味

This piece of smoky tandoori chicken is succulent and tender. 這塊帶有煙燻味的坦都里烤雞吃起來多汁軟嫩。


Tangy 味道刺激的食物,會在嘴中留下刺刺的味道

The tangy taste of this chicken dish comes from the fresh lime juice and the fresh ginger and garlic. 這道雞肉料理的刺激味道來自新鮮萊姆汁、薑與大蒜。


Yeasty 質樸的酵母味,常用來形容啤酒或麵包

I love the smell of yeasty bread in a bakery. 我很愛麵包店裡的麵包酵母味。


Woody 質樸且帶點堅果味的木本味,常用來形容咖啡或起司

A too-fine grind can create burnt coffee and extract unpleasantly bitter and woody flavors. 精細太研磨會製造出燒焦咖啡,提取出令人不悅的苦味和木質味。


Zesty 鮮明、新鮮,帶來活力感的味道

Squeeze a fresh lemon, lime or orange for zesty flavor. 擠入新鮮檸檬、萊姆或橘子,帶來新鮮柑橘味。








I like the airy texture in a cupcake. 我喜歡杯子蛋糕裡的輕盈質地


Buttery 絲滑如奶油的口感

These potatoes have a natural buttery taste. 這些馬鈴薯有一種自然的絲滑口感。


Creamy 柔軟濃郁的味道,常形容混合了奶製品的食物

Its soft, creamy texture made it perfect comfort food. 它柔軟、如奶油般濃郁的質地讓它成為完美的療癒食物。


Crispy 脆的

The best part of this pie is its crispy crust. 這塊派最棒的部分,就是它的脆皮。


Crumbly 易碎的質地,結構鬆散的食物,在吃的時候容易碎成小塊

It is a light and crumbly cake. 這是一塊口感輕盈、質地易碎的蛋糕。


Crunchy 吃的時候會發出響亮咬碎聲的脆感

Some people like these cookies very crunchy, and others want them a bit softer. 有些人喜歡這種餅乾很脆的質地,其他人則喜歡軟一點的。



Fizzy 絲絲起泡的口感,常用來形容碳酸飲料

This drink tastes light, sweet, fizzy and thirst-quenching. 這杯飲料嘗起來很輕盈、甜美、翻騰起泡且止渴。


Flaky 成層剝落的質地

The tart shells should be flaky and taste fresh. 塔的外皮應該要有片片剝落的質地,而且嘗起來要新鮮。


Fluffy 蓬鬆輕盈的口感

I liked the taste and texture of the fluffy omelet we made. 我很喜歡我們做的煎蛋的蓬鬆口感。


Gooey 濃稠黏滑的口感

Satay often comes draped in gooey peanut sauce.



Silky 細緻絲滑的口感

The silky custard was topped with a crunchy, teeth-sticking caramel that was a taste of heaven.



Succulent 多汁的口感

Who doesn’t like succulent meat? 誰不愛多汁的肉?





The meat comes out tender and flavourful enough that it needs no sauce or spice. 肉最後變得足夠柔軟且滋味豐富,完全不需要醬汁或香料。


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