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2024-07-17 10:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




CRAAP Test: Authority










在评估网络源的权限时,请记住查看URL。 .com网站更有可能只是想向您出售某些东西,比如emwchinese.com。 .gov或.edu网站可能会提供更深入,更平衡的信息。 .org网站可能包含详细信息,但可能具有议程,并且可能带有偏见,比如。



CRAAP Test: Accuracy



如果一个资料来源指出75%的大学生没有为课程购买必要的教科书,而另一个资料来源指出大约10%的学生没有为课程购买教科书,请查看统计信息的收集方式并尝试验证哪个资料来源是正确的。 (请记住,您可能会找到提供另一种统计数据的第三个来源,因此您可能需要继续进行研究以验证准确性。)





CRAAP Test: Purpose

不,现在不要花时间问写研究论文的目的是什么。 (这是另一次对话。)


它是为通知读者而写的吗? 它使用公正,公正的语言吗? 还是说服目的? 作者使用说服性或操纵性语言来说服读者吗?

同样,这在评估网站时尤其重要。 该网站是否仅是为了向您出售商品? 它是在试图促进政治或宗教议程吗?


A Sample CRAAP Test



让我们对PETA进行测试。 (请放心,在此实验中不会对动物造成伤害。)返回搜狐,查看更多

Currency When you check the bottom of the homepage, you’ll notice that the page lists the current year as a copyright date. Feature stories as well as news stories are current, with publication times as recent as 23 hours ago. Clearly, PETA keeps its site up to date and provides current information. Relevance PETA’s entire focus is animal welfare, as pointed out by the following mission statement: “Animals are not ours to experiment on, eat, wear, or abuse in any other way.” If you’re arguing that animal abuse and testing needs to stop, PETA provides plenty of information to review. It’s safe to say that PETA is a relevant source. Authority PETA includes a “PETA People” section that lists various staff members and executive board members. Listing employees’ credentials helps to increase the credibility of the site as this illustrates that writers are capable and qualified to write about the topic of animal welfare. Accuracy Though PETA contains a number of news articles, most of these articles are written only in support of PETA’s activities, making much of the information biased. While the articles may appear to contain credible information about world events (like the UK banning wild animals in circuses), there are few (if any) links to additional outside sources to help verify information. Because PETA rarely links to outside sources, the information is presented only from PETA’s point of view. This makes it difficult for the average reader to know how much of the information is accurate. If you’re not sure that a source is presenting accurate information, your next step in evaluating the source is to see if the information is published elsewhere. In the case of the UK banning wild animals in circuses, you can easily find a government website to verify that such legislation has been introduced. But what about the accuracy of the other information presented on PETA’s website? A quick online search about PETA uncovers a slew of negative articles and websites that attempt to highlight the supposed inaccuracies and lies promoted by PETA. Search results contain a number of opinion pieces (like this one from Vassar College) and websites (like this one) that are in favor of abolishing PETA and attempt to expose “the truth.” (Remember, not all sources are credible, and some of these sources will likely fail the CRAAP Test.) Within the search results, however, you’ll also find credible blogs, op-eds, and articles from respected sources, such as HuffPost and The Atlantic. And it’s those credible sources that will make almost any reader question the authority of PETA and its usefulness as a research source. Purpose The purpose of PETA is abundantly clear: to persuade. PETA’s goal is to convince readers to support its cause and get every reader to contribute to the organization. For instance, PETA heavily promotes its agenda through continued pop-ups asking readers to donate. PETA also favors emotional appeals as it attempts to persuade readers through graphic pictures of testing, sad animals in cages, and happy, adopted animals. PETA also uses persuasive and manipulative language in an effort to convince readers. The final evaluation of PETA While PETA is a widely known organization whose website contains a great deal of information against animal testing and abuse, the site fails the CRAAP Test and is not a strong source for a research source. Due to its biased content, questionable reputation, emotional appeals, and overall purpose (to persuade, rather than to inform), skip PETA as a source. Instead, look to more scholarly sources to support your arguments. If your research consists of only online sources, here are a few resource ideas to get you started on your research about animal testing.






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