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#americana造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Phytolacca americana L.:A New Manganese Accumulator Plant美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana L.)——一种新的Mn积累植物

2、If you like Americana living and a slow pace, then Central Oregon is for you.如果你喜欢生活和美洲缓慢,那么你是俄勒冈中部。

3、Americana reflects the influence of many immigrations.美国文化反映出了许多移民的影响

4、Study on Antibacterial Peptide of Periplaneta Americana L.美洲大蠊(Periplaneta americana L.)抗菌肽的研究

5、Tell me that our yearly Americana road trip isn't fun.我们一年一次的美国文物旅行没意思吗。

6、A Study on the Content of Histamine in Processed Phytolacca americana L.比色法测定商陆饮片中组织胺的含量

7、A Study on the Content of Histamine in Processed Phytolacca americana L比色法测定商陆饮片中组织胺的含量

8、In North America a closely related species, A. Americana is often mistaken for the Fly Agaric.在北美的一个近缘种,甲,美洲是被误为飞金顶。

9、In addition to this, 60s music changed the direction of popular music and Americana as a whole.此外,60年代的音乐改变了方向,流行音乐和美国作为一个整体。

10、The fair is timed to coincide with Americana sales at Christie's, Sotheby's and Bonhams.本届展会正好与克里斯蒂、索斯比与宝龙拍卖行(Christies, So thebysand Bonhams)的美国文物销售时间一致。

11、Study on the Main Contained Substances of Phytolacca americana Seed商陆种子主要内含物的研究

12、Phytolacca americana L:A New Manganese Accumulator Plant美洲商陆(Phytolacca americana L)——一种新的Mn积累植物






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