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#做菜的英文作文怎么写| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


关于”做菜“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:cook a dish。以下是关于做菜的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:cook a dish

Pork and vegetable dumplings mix some pork, leafy vegetables and salt. Then make a small circle of dough. Put the meat, leafy vegetables and salt on the dough.

Put the dough around the meat into the pot and boil it in hot water. It's time to eat dumplings. Fruit salad is a kind of delicious and healthy food.

People like to eat it. How to make it easy after dinner or between meals is only three steps: first, you go to chicken, wash and cut all kinds of fruits you like to eat, such as Kiwi fruit, pear, peach, tomato, strawberry, watermelon, apple; second, put all the cut fruits on a large plate, Third, cover the salad dressing over the fruit and stir well. Now you can eat with a fork.





Speaking of cooking, I have had some experience since I was a child. I have an idea of learning cooking since I was a child. My parents hope that I can be as good at cooking as before.

Every time I eat, I can only sit at the table because I can't cook. I can wait for my parents to take the dishes and help them bring them to the table. Since I had the idea of going to cooking school, every time my parents cook, I will Standing by and watching, the steps and methods of learning to make different dishes are different.

I haven't learned it for half a year, and I don't do anything. I'm not discouraged at all. I insist on learning kung fu well.

Last national day, I finally learned a dish and succeeded in it. On the evening of national day, my parents and I said, "today I'm going to make a dish called" scrambled eggs with Scallion ". Please try it, I really have a good look.

"So, as long as I have done, I will start cooking immediately. First of all, I need the following materials: onion, egg, salt, chicken essence, etc. to make proper preparation, chop the onion, mix the eggs, put the leek into the egg, mix well, add salt, chicken essence and other ingredients.

The third step is to put the oil into the pot, heat it into the egg paste pot, and use high fire After a quarter of an hour, I finally finished, thinking: ha ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, I couldn't help but go back to eat, tasted again and again praise, said that I grew up, I learned to cook, so elated.




How to cook beef stewed with potatoes? According to the following steps, prepare two catties of fresh beef and one kilogram of potatoes, wash the beef, peel the potatoes, cut the beef and potatoes into walnut sized cubes, boil them with water and put them in boiling water for a few minutes. Then take the beef out of the water, so as to get rid of the bad smell of beef, put a pan on the gas stove and put two in the pot Heat the peanut oil over a low heat. When there are bubbles in the oil, put two spoons of sugar in the oil.

Put two bowls of hot water in the hot pot. Heat the oil over a higher heat until the water begins to boil. Put the beef pieces together with star anise, garlic, ginger, green onion and other spices into boiling water.

After the beef is cooked, heat the pot with medium heat for about minutes. Put the potatoes together, put some salt in the pot, and continue to cook for a few minutes. The beef stewed with potatoes is ready to serve.



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