新探索研究生英语提高级读写教程Unit 2 Expanse答案(U校园) 您所在的位置:网站首页 英语读写基础 新探索研究生英语提高级读写教程Unit 2 Expanse答案(U校园)

新探索研究生英语提高级读写教程Unit 2 Expanse答案(U校园)

2023-10-26 15:58| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Academic exploration 1

Reading & understanding

二、Understanding the text

1、Comprehension 1


2)economies of scale

3)carbon footprint

4)energy / resources


6)standard of living

2、Comprehension 2


2)C.Not given



5)C.Not given

6)C.Not given



四、Language focus

2、Words in use(注意变形)


2)regeneration (去e,加ion)

3)emissions (加s)




7)  electrical






Thinking & exploring

一、Interpreting the text

1、Interpreting the text

1)There are four main text types: narrative, descriptive, expository, and argumentative. What type does this text belong to?

答案:This text is a typical argumentative essay in which the author shares his / her attitude about the issue of urbanization.

2)What is the author's attitude toward urbanization according to Para. 1?

答案:The author takes a positive attitude toward urbanization. He / she believes that urbanization contributes to notable developments in a country, and proposes that urbanization in developing countries should be actively encouraged.

3)What reasons does the author give to support the idea that urbanization leads to a growth in productivity in Para. 2?

答案:The author argues that urbanization leads to a growth in productivity by means of economies of scale and agglomeration economies which are considered to be catalysts of economic growth.

4)Why does the author use "perhaps surprisingly" when mentioning the benefits of urbanization in Para. 3?

答案:The author uses the expression "perhaps surprisingly" to make his / her claim better developed and more convincing. It is echoed by the word "counterintuitive" in the following sentence. His / her claim that urban life reduces our impact on the environment sounds in conflict with what is normally believed, that is, urban life contributes to increasing environmental pressures. By saying so, the author makes readers know that he / she is aware of opposing views.

5)What method does the author use in Para. 4 to argue for the benefit of increasing innovation?

答案:The author argues for the benefits of increasing innovation by giving examples. He / she provides examples to show how residents, entrepreneurs, and businesses in areas of high density innovate to enhance urban life. For example, local residents often regenerate neglected areas; entrepreneurs develop more advanced, eco-friendly transportation systems; businesses innovate to improve systems or create new products.

6)How does the author support the idea that urbanization results in progress and a decrease in poverty levels in Para. 5?

答案:The author supports the notion through a quick list of the benefits of urbanization such as "higher productivity," "higher wages," "more affordable housing," "more taxation for the governments," "better education and healthcare" and "an increase of social mobility."

7)How is the text structured? What signposting words or expressions are used to guide the reader through the content?

答案:The text is organized following a typical five-paragraph structure, with Para. 1 serving as the introduction, Paras. 2–4 as the body and Para. 5 as the conclusion. The author uses a few signposting expressions in the text, for example, "This essay will therefore argue that" in Para. 1, "Perhaps the biggest benefit of" in Para. 2, "Another benefit of" in Para. 3, "The final key advantage of" in Para. 4, and "To conclude" in Para. 5. All these expressions work as signposts to show the text structure and guide the reader through the content.

三、Getting the skill

1、Understanding emotive language

视频中选择题的答案是:A C

2、Practicing the skill 1

1)Read Para. 3 of the text and find the emotive words. Write them down and think about how they are used to influence the readers.

答案:Emotive words: surprisingly, counterintuitive, environmentally friendly, notably, typically

These words are used by the author to influence the reader in many ways. For example, the adverb "surprisingly" and the adjective "counterintuitive" are used to engage the reader or to draw the reader's attention to what the writer wants to say next. The expression "environmentally friendly" is used to describe how urbanization relates to the environment, evoking positive emotions inside the reader's mind. The adverbs "notably" and "typically" are used to stress the benefits of urban living and perhaps lead the reader away from an accurate appraisal of the evidence presented.

3、Practicing the skill 2

1)Read the following excerpt and find the adjectives used to create an emotional response. Write them down and think about how effective these emotive words are in the excerpt.

答案:Emotive adjectives: immense, unjust, unfortunate, unfeasible, monumental, radical, disastrous

These adjectives are used to evoke emotional responses within the reader. For example, the use of "immense" to describe "quantities" helps call the reader's attention to the scale of urban migration and evoke their worry about this. Similarly, the use of "monumental" to describe "harm" also helps alarm the reader. The words  "unjust," "unfortunate," "unfeasible," "radical" and "disastrous" are used to evoke the reader's emotions and thus persuade the reader to accept the idea that urbanization may bring problems and actions must be taken to prevent these problems.

Academic exploration 2

Reading & understanding

二、Understanding the text

1、Comprehension 1


2)scarcity / insecurity / shortage / shortages

3)food insecurity




7)sufficient food



2、Comprehension 2


1)infectious disease

2)poor infrastructure

3)healthcare systems




1)C.the outcomes...

2)B....are determined...


三、Language focus

2、Words in use(可以拖动选项到横线上,非原型的要注意改一下)


2)Biodiversity (首字母大写)





7)  dire

8)  lessen


1)  国际货币基金组织认为,收入再分配不仅可能实现更大程度的平等,还可能实现更快的增长,对发展中经济体来说,还可能更快地消除贫困。


3)  人口密度的增加造成了空气和水质变差、水资源短缺、垃圾处理问题、高耗能等一系列问题的恶化。

4)  在个体数量少而资源丰富的情况下可能出现人口数量的指数级增长,但当个体数量规模足够大时,资源就会枯竭,从而延缓人口的增长速度。

Thinking & exploring

一、Interpreting the text

1、Interpreting the text

1)What is the author's opinion on population growth in Argument A?

答案:Overpopulation has placed undue pressure on the Earth, and if increased, it could have a profound and irreparable effect on our planet.

2)Why does the author cite the WWF's estimate that we may be losing 10,000 species a year in Para. 4, Argument A?

答案:The author cites the WWF's estimate to show the impact of deforestation and mining on biodiversity.

3)In Argument A, what is the author's suggestion for dealing with overpopulation according to Para. 6?

答案:Argument A suggests that the world must make a sustained effort to reduce population growth through increasing access to education for all.

4)What is the thesis statement of Argument B? How is it connected with that of Argument A?

答案:The thesis statement of Argument B goes like this: It is not the growing population but an increase in consumption that is the cause of our current and future global problems. Argument B first refutes the thesis statement in Argument A and then states clearly the factor that is responsible for our problems.

5)In Argument B, the author claims that "Believing this will give rise to ignorance of the real problem …" What does "this" refer to?

答案:Here, "this" refers back to the idea that the growing population is the cause of our current and future global problems, which is the thesis statement of Argument A.

6)Why does the author cite the World Food Programme in Para. 3, Argument B?

答案:The author cites the World Food Programme to support her argument that there is enough food and fresh water available, so the number of people is not impacting on our planet.

7)Education is mentioned at the end of both Argument A and Argument B. How does education relate to overpopulation and overconsumption respectively?

答案:Education facilitates a reduction in population growth. It also helps people learn about the consequences of their materialism, thereby changing their consumption habits.

三、Getting the skill

1、Identifying commentary


2、Practicing the skill 1

1)Read the text again and find at least one example for each of the persuasion techniques in the mini-lecture.

答案:Repeating or paraphrasing arguments to emphasize them:

The UN Population Division (2015) predicts the number could be as high as 9.7 billion by 2050; that is an extra two billion people—the same number of people who currently reside in the African and American continents combined—living on the Earth using its resources to survive. (Para. 1, Argument A)

Giving future insights to highlight the consequences of an action:

It is therefore likely that there will be an unprecedented demand for oil over the next 50 years, pushing prices to exorbitant levels. This will make it more difficult for people to afford food, heating, and other manufactured goods, placing more people into poverty. (Para. 5, Argument A)

In most cases, it is the low variant that has come true in the past, suggesting the same will be true of their future population predictions. (Para. 2, Argument B)

If we focus on the wrong issue and do not work towards this, we may find ourselves living on a planet that can no longer provide for all of us, or worse, can no longer sustain human life at all. (Para. 5, Argument B)

Dismissing alternative arguments by providing different evidence:

For the Earth to be overpopulated, there needs to be insufficient food, water, and space for humans to live. Indian economist Raj Krishna estimates that India alone is capable of increasing crop yields to the point of providing the entire world's food supply. The World Food Programme (n.d.) confirms that there is sufficient food grown to feed the world and there is the same amount of fresh water on the planet now as there was 10,000 years ago; it has simply been redistributed. (Para. 3, Argument B)

Using questions to involve readers:

Who can argue with free and equal education for all? (Para. 6, Argument A)

So how is it possible that the number of people in the world is impacting on our planet? (Para. 3, Argument B)

Designing language to engage readers emotionally:

dire; sad truth (Para. 4, Argument B)

abhorrent (Para. 5, Argument B)

3、Practicing the skill 2

1)Read the following paragraphs and identify the persuasion techniques used in them.

答案:Repeating or paraphrasing arguments to emphasize them:

Indeed our very success going forth and multiplying, paired with our ability to extend our life expectancy, has meant that we are perpetually pushing the limits of the resource base that supports us. (Para. 2)

Giving future insights to highlight the consequences of an action:

… some so-called Neo-Malthusians believe we may still be heading for some kind of population crash … (Para. 3)

Poverty and health problems due to poor sanitation, lack of access to food and water, the low social status of women and other ills continue to cripple these regions. Overpopulation could plague us indefinitely if fertility rates don't drop in these areas, especially as they ramp up their Western-style development. (Para. 5)

Dismissing alternative arguments by providing different evidence:

But others are less concerned given projections that world population will likely start to decline once the world's less developed nations urbanize and start lowering their birth rates, as has already happened in Europe, the US, Australia and parts of Asia … Indeed, population numbers are still growing in many of the world's developing countries, such as India. Also fertility rates in Africa continue to be among the highest in the world, as many countries there are growing fast, too. (Paras. 4-5)

Using questions to involve readers:

Is it true that human overpopulation isn't such a big issue anymore, as numbers are expected to start declining in a few decades? (Para. 1)

Designing language to engage readers emotionally:

cripple; plague … indefinitely (Para. 5)

dominant ill; kinder; gentler (Para. 7)

Critical thinking

一、Getting the skill

1、Evaluating an appeal to authority


2、Practicing the skill 1

1)A problem:

1.Water is already a scarce resource today.

2.Deforestation and mining have had a devastating impact on our ecosystem and the biodiversity on which it thrives.

3.Education facilitates a reduction in population growth.

答案:A problem

1.Yes (Statistics from the WHO are used as supporting evidence in Para. 3.)

2.Yes (Statistics from the WWF support this in Para. 4.)

3.No (The argument is not fully supported in Para. 6. Although the shrinking of family sizes is associated with education, the ways in which education can reduce population growth are not provided.)

2)A myth:4.The lowest population variant predicted by the UN usually comes true. 5.The amount of fresh water has not changed in 10,000 years. 6.Waste is a common occurrence.

答案:A myth:4.No (This is a generalization which is unlikely. That in the most cases the low variant has come true in the past doesn't necessarily mean it is usually true for now or for the future. Relevant evidence is lacking.) 5.No (The logic is not sound. If there is a finite amount of water, then logically a larger population will put more strain on this amount.) 6.Yes (We can see plenty of evidence, and there are statistics available.)

3、Practicing the skill 2

1)Which of the two authors presents the better and more logical arguments? Why?

答案:The author of Argument A presents the better and more logical arguments. In Argument A, the author presents sufficient and reliable evidence to show that overpopulation has negative impacts on land, water, energy, etc. By contrast, in Argument B, not all the evidence presented is reasonable. For example, in Para. 4, the author claims that "Materialism and overconsumption are facts of life for everybody in the Western world, as possessions reflect a person's status in society and people strive to obtain happiness through owning the latest fashionable goods." One problem with this claim is that it is too absolute and may be questioned by people. Another problem is that even if overconsumption is a fact of life in the Western world, it is not universal. Thus, the argument that an increase in consumption leads to global problems is not logically supported.

Academic writing

Writing model

一、Essay prompt

1、Essay prompt

1)Read the essay prompt. Write down the key words.

答案:Some people argue that education in schools is a fundamental tool in the battle against overconsumption. What do you consider to be the major reasons for this?

二、Model analysis

1、Task 1


答案:Education is needed for the battle against overconsumption.


答案:Education about sustainable living at an early age can make children more aware of the impact of their decisions on the environment.

Education can provide children with concrete solutions for addressing issues of materialism.

Education on sustainable living can have a profound impact on purchasing habits as children become teenagers.


答案:Schools need to systematically integrate sustainable living education into their whole curriculum. This will need proper funding.

2、Task 2

1)What evidence does the writer use in the main body of the essay to persuade readers to believe in his / her stance? How persuasive is this type of evidence?

答案:Research evidence. This type of evidence can be persuasive if the research is relevant, valid, etc.

2)Which of the following do you think feature(s) in a persuasive essay? Why?

balanced viewpoint

discussion of opposing argument


persuasive language

strongest argument first

thesis statement

答案:All except "balanced viewpoint" and "discussion of opposing argument". In a persuasive essay, the writer should state his or her viewpoint clearly instead of striking a balance. Besides, the opposing argument should be refuted instead of being discussed.

Language for writing

一、Vocabulary development

1、Adjective and noun collocations


正确答案:A B C E F G












1、Appositive clauses


1)There was little hope that the boy would survive the accident.

答案:that the boy would survive the accident

2)We have some doubt whether they can complete the task on time.

答案:whether they can complete the task on time

3)That question whether we should seek help has not been discussed.

答案:whether we should seek help

4)People may not be conscious of the fact that polyester is made from petroleum.

答案:that polyester is made from petroleum

5)In his speech, the boy referred to Copernicus’ statement that the Earth moves around the Sun.

答案:that the Earth moves around the Sun







Writing skill

一、Getting the skill

2、Practicing the skill 1

1)When education is not made available to all children, there is a greater risk of overpopulation.

答案:Overpopulation is less likely to occur when every child is given the opportunity to receive an education. / Overpopulation is more likely to occur if education is not made accessible to every child.

2)People without qualifications who work in low-paid jobs sometimes choose to have larger families, especially in rural areas, in order to have more hands to help earn an income.

答案:Workers who lack an education and therefore earn a low income may have more children so the children can contribute to family earnings by working themselves. This is particularly true in rural areas.

3)These parents, and often the government, then struggle to provide education for these children so they grow up without an education.

答案:Often, schooling for children cannot be provided by these parents or the government, which means that those children are raised without an education.

3、Practicing the skill 2

1)Look at the information in the source text and the two versions of paraphrasing. Decide which one (A or B) has paraphrased the information more effectively.

答案:Version A has paraphrased the information more effectively, because the content is the same as that of the original source but the wording is very different. Version A employs different paraphrasing techniques. For example, using the synonym "contribute to" to replace "result in," changing the sentence structure "when education is not made available to all children, there is a greater risk of overpopulation" into "a lack of education contributes to overpopulation." Version A also extracts the most important ideas instead of "parroting" what is said in the original source. In contrast, Version B hasn't paraphrased enough and followed the original source too closely, just replacing some of the expressions with synonyms, for example, "greater chance" for "greater risk," "the country" for "rural areas," "bigger families" for "larger families," "resume" for "continue," etc.






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